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Working without work permit previously

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I am in Australia now, I had a work permit last year but I worked for a year before that without a work permit because my employer was always saying they would get me one.

After a year I got a work permit, but when it expired in October I was leaving the company as I got a job in Australia.

I was in Thailand until December 2015 and I was just enjoying the break before coming back to Australia as my new job contract started in January, so I did some odd jobs with the company when I was on this break on a tourist visa in November and December.

This company (just one man) decided he doesn't want to pay so I suspended his services which is a pissed about.

Now he said he will get a lawyer to send all my documents that I worked etc and said he will get me blacklisted.

I am due to come back in this December for a 1 month holiday, but can I get black listed like that

Thanks and yes I know I shouldn't have done any work when I didn't have the work permit.

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Yeah, I have asked a few friends, but thought I would ask in here as people are quite knowledgeable here when it comes to this stuff.

I have also put in a complaint to the BOI as he registered it as a software company which he isn't a software company. That should fix him, also told him every Thai staff member he has had has taken him to the labor court and won because he didnt want to pay them. He would hire them and sack them before pay day and try and weasel his way out of paying there salary.

Anyways karma will catch up with people like that, especially in Thailand

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He would be in more trouble than you....

I had a friend ​who lived here for about 6 months. She worked for a decorating company without a work permit for several of those months. Then he stopped paying her. She filed a police report and the police told the company that if they don't pay her what they owe, then they would arrest the owner. They never did anything to her.

You should be safe. But then again, TiT

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He won't and can't do anything. He is just as guilty and perhaps even more so then you.

But my advice is this, just walk away, don't try to "fix him" or anything. You are both in the wrong so walk away and take it as experience. The reason i say this is because even if you are right being a foreigner is not a strong place to be should anything occur in Thailand.

Also, please remember there are many Thai people who never forget and look to get revenge on people who do something to them, even if they are wrong.

So, drop it, move on and don't worry.

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I've informed the BOI and they are investigation and have contacted my former boss to have a audit done.

He also made a huge mistake saying I have a small brain like a Thai person which it looks like he accidently pressed "reply to all" which included 5 staff which one is the director at the BOI lol

The director responded by email saying that an audit will be done on the company as he registered it as a software company which it isn't.

So looks like he just brought karma upon himself.

Edited by bkkheat
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