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Tricky grey area involving overstay and police

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Wow...perhaps the only advice I can give is to try and live a bit more responsibly. good luck.

Exactly, you reap what you sow. I doubt trying to get out of the country without sorting the problem is the smartest move.

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Wow...perhaps the only advice I can give is to try and live a bit more responsibly. good luck.

Exactly, you reap what you sow. I doubt trying to get out of the country without sorting the problem is the smartest move.

No options are without risk but going to court with no visa will certainly end up with me being deported. Trying to go out and back before i turn up gives me a chance. Only way it can go wrong is if there is a stop notice against my name. Cant be a warrant for my arrest because they have happily said to us come back Saturday. In principle I agree with you but with the options I have flying out is the best of a bad bunch.

Edited by kohbar
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Interesting mess, I think you will have awkward negotiations on Saturday as sounds like they after an off record fine, if they friendly it will be reasonable & negotiable .

Problem here is going by legal procedure rulebook & fine charges is almost useless as they all do there own thing plus they can be quite creative in charges if want give you headache & screw you over .

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Interesting mess, I think you will have awkward negotiations on Saturday as sounds like they after an off record fine, if they friendly it will be reasonable & negotiable .

Problem here is going by legal procedure rulebook & fine charges is almost useless as they all do there own thing plus they can be quite creative in charges if want give you headache & screw you over .

Fine, then they are welcome to keep the passport until i finish paying it then. At that point i am legal. This is more about the next 2 days than what happens on Saturday. Not trying to be cocky but logically cant see how i get 5 days extra now but all of a sudden banged up and fined 50k on Saturday. Wouldnt be consistant, i cant see how this is really just one big plot to bang a farang up and make me think ive got time. doesnt make sense, unless they are after a big payout....but if they were they could of just done that now anyway.

Edited by kohbar
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Interesting mess, I think you will have awkward negotiations on Saturday as sounds like they after an off record fine, if they friendly it will be reasonable & negotiable .

Problem here is going by legal procedure rulebook & fine charges is almost useless as they all do there own thing plus they can be quite creative in charges if want give you headache & screw you over .

Fine, then they are welcome to keep the passport until i finish paying it then. At that point i am legal. This is more about the next 2 days than what happens on Saturday. Not trying to be cocky but logically cant see how i get 5 days extra now but all of a sudden banged up and fined 50k on Saturday. Wouldnt be consistant, i cant see how this is really just one big plot to bang a farang up and make me think ive got time. doesnt make sense, unless they are after a big payout....but if they were they could of just done that now anyway.

Not that logical.... if they wanted to "bang you up" they would have made sure you brought in the passport almost immediately IMHO (especially if they suspected an overstay).

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So does this from the OP ...negate everything we have been told about carrying your passport with you ....OR...........being able to produce it within a very short time.

I have difficulty understanding that the police were so kind as to wait ( indefinitely) for you to produce your passport !!!!

To me the fact that you cannot produce the passport immediately would raise red flags also that their check could NOT LOCATE info on you.

Things are a bit more relaxed out way.Not as mercenary as their tourist city brothers.

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Interesting mess, I think you will have awkward negotiations on Saturday as sounds like they after an off record fine, if they friendly it will be reasonable & negotiable .

Problem here is going by legal procedure rulebook & fine charges is almost useless as they all do there own thing plus they can be quite creative in charges if want give you headache & screw you over .

Fine, then they are welcome to keep the passport until i finish paying it then. At that point i am legal. This is more about the next 2 days than what happens on Saturday. Not trying to be cocky but logically cant see how i get 5 days extra now but all of a sudden banged up and fined 50k on Saturday. Wouldnt be consistant, i cant see how this is really just one big plot to bang a farang up and make me think ive got time. doesnt make sense, unless they are after a big payout....but if they were they could of just done that now anyway.

Not that logical.... if they wanted to "bang you up" they would have made sure you brought in the passport almost immediately IMHO (especially if they suspected an overstay).

Exactly, thats what i mean. If their intention was to go full on with me then i wouldnt of got the 5 days to start. Actually wouldnt of even got the 1 day bail i dont think. Anyway this is all guess work, for all i know i could get there Saturdday and the full force of the law thrown at me. If so then my own fault.

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My other option is i do have a contact who can sort my overstay out inland and I wont have to leave but he will take 5 days to do that which means holding the police off until my passport is back.

Is this legal? If not, do you really think it is wise to break yet another law at this point?

Sounds like it might be a more serious law too. Right now the OP has committed an overstay and what sounds like a fairly minor DUI (you're still a bloody idiot for it - but that's not the point). "Fixing" the overstay (corrupt civil servant? forged Government documents?) might count as pretty serious fraud in the eyes of a court though.

Trying to clear the overstay at the airport sounds like the best way to go. Perhaps the OP could use his connections, or some legitimate service if they exist, to figure out if he's going to get stopped at the airport or not.

If I were the OP I wouldn't worry too much about the local cops seeing the stamps after I returned. If they do notice, come clean at that point and acknowledge you firetrucked up. From what he says, they sound like reasonable enough guys.

Edited by cocopops
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Ok weird update :

Gf just got back and said the police called her in and asked if she was with me that night when i was on the bike !! Thats seems weird to me. Anyone know why they might ask that ? Thats all they asked and then let her go with no more questions.

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Interesting mess, I think you will have awkward negotiations on Saturday as sounds like they after an off record fine, if they friendly it will be reasonable & negotiable .

Problem here is going by legal procedure rulebook & fine charges is almost useless as they all do there own thing plus they can be quite creative in charges if want give you headache & screw you over .

Fine, then they are welcome to keep the passport until i finish paying it then. At that point i am legal. This is more about the next 2 days than what happens on Saturday. Not trying to be cocky but logically cant see how i get 5 days extra now but all of a sudden banged up and fined 50k on Saturday. Wouldnt be consistant, i cant see how this is really just one big plot to bang a farang up and make me think ive got time. doesnt make sense, unless they are after a big payout....but if they were they could of just done that now anyway.

it's so hard to predict here as nothing really by the book & they all different, seem relaxed so far so if that theme carries on & no others get involved you maybe okay but always best be prepared for hassle, even big fines here can be negotiated cheap, they not keen on hassle or paperwork so if keep it friendly all can work out normally .

I've seen thais with some nasty fines for gambling & driving offences but most police know we don't pay so easily & we don't loose face in saying can not pay it as not part of our culture.

You'll go out thailand from airport no worries, I've travelled with 2 thais who on bail & had pending court hearings & even they not flagged on the system. A single entry type O from Penang would be nice start too or setv like others suggest legalise child to help future visas & easy the families problems .

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You should have no problem leaving the country to take care of the overstay.

After the overstay is cleared their is nothing that can be done about it.

Thanks for the advice.

Ok well i think you are probably one of the most knowledgeable people on here so im going to go with that. Its still a risk i suppose but worst case Cambodia will be my new home right.

Only other thing that could happen is the local police here might get angry that i lied or wasnt truthful about my status at that point. Then they might try and do me for the max penalties on the drink driving. But thats totally out of my control so have to see about that.

Let me tell you ... go no further. UbonJoe is the last word.

If I was sideways like you ,,, I would follow his advice ... to the letter.

Good luck.

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You should have no problem leaving the country to take care of the overstay.

After the overstay is cleared their is nothing that can be done about it.

Thanks for the advice.

Ok well i think you are probably one of the most knowledgeable people on here so im going to go with that. Its still a risk i suppose but worst case Cambodia will be my new home right.

Only other thing that could happen is the local police here might get angry that i lied or wasnt truthful about my status at that point. Then they might try and do me for the max penalties on the drink driving. But thats totally out of my control so have to see about that.

Let me tell you ... go no further. UbonJoe is the last word.

If I was sideways like you ,,, I would follow his advice ... to the letter.

Good luck.

Thank you and yes I will be.

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Ok weird update :

Gf just got back and said the police called her in and asked if she was with me that night when i was on the bike !! Thats seems weird to me. Anyone know why they might ask that ? Thats all they asked and then let her go with no more questions.

Probably just working through his police report and realized he had some pretty shoddy notes.... When you were arrested he should have written up who was with you at the time (i.e. all the witnesses). As far as I know, it is not illegal to be stupid and get on a bike with a drunk driver :o

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Ok weird update :

Gf just got back and said the police called her in and asked if she was with me that night when i was on the bike !! Thats seems weird to me. Anyone know why they might ask that ? Thats all they asked and then let her go with no more questions.

Probably just working through his police report and realized he had some pretty shoddy notes.... When you were arrested he should have written up who was with you at the time (i.e. all the witnesses). As far as I know, it is not illegal to be stupid and get on a bike with a drunk driver ohmy.png

If they were both on the bike at the time, the final paperwork might have her as the one in control of the bike. Poof ... no more DUI. That would cover them nicely when they fail to file charges. Whatever, I see nothing sinister in the question.

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Ok weird update :

Gf just got back and said the police called her in and asked if she was with me that night when i was on the bike !! Thats seems weird to me. Anyone know why they might ask that ? Thats all they asked and then let her go with no more questions.

Do not know if I have to spell it out for you as you not getting the hints.

They want to settle the matter out of court , ie your GF to go in and " settle " it.

This is best option for you , once they get a hold of your passport , even if Visa is in order you are at risk of being deported because of DUI.

There was a thread about a guy on business visa who went to court paid the fine and then was about to be deported and had to make a few donations to avoid that. And size of donations was not small.

If you unsure how to " settle" it, ask your gf to have a meeting with a cop who is calling her.

At the meeting she has to say that both of you would like to finish the matter now , what are the options to end it.

Have donation envelope with about 20 000 . Might be less out your way, get your gf to ask around for going rate to end matters in your area.

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You should have no problem leaving the country to take care of the overstay.

After the overstay is cleared their is nothing that can be done about it.

Thanks for the advice.

Ok well i think you are probably one of the most knowledgeable people on here so im going to go with that. Its still a risk i suppose but worst case Cambodia will be my new home right.

Only other thing that could happen is the local police here might get angry that i lied or wasnt truthful about my status at that point. Then they might try and do me for the max penalties on the drink driving. But thats totally out of my control so have to see about that.

Because of you being drunk and riding your motorbike. and putting innocent peoples lifes in danger, I hope you

get the book thrown at you. You are just a drunken nogood, and I wish you all the worst.

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You should have no problem leaving the country to take care of the overstay.

After the overstay is cleared their is nothing that can be done about it.

Thanks for the advice.

Ok well i think you are probably one of the most knowledgeable people on here so im going to go with that. Its still a risk i suppose but worst case Cambodia will be my new home right.

Only other thing that could happen is the local police here might get angry that i lied or wasnt truthful about my status at that point. Then they might try and do me for the max penalties on the drink driving. But thats totally out of my control so have to see about that.

Why on earth should you be allowed back in after flaunting Immigration Law for 15 months !! No chance

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Wow...perhaps the only advice I can give is to try and live a bit more responsibly. good luck.

agree, i mean it's not hard to make sure you are in a country legally.

as for drink drivers/riders i have no sympathy, the authorities should throw the book at them. their actions cause too much death and heartache.

don't drink and drive.

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