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Does low globulin blood test result warrant further investigation?


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A year ago (in feb) I had blood tests done and Globulin was flagged 'L' at 2.2

I just had them done again this week and the same result is flagged as above. Also, this time Total bilirubin is H at 1.46

What sort of dr should I see to investigate? Its been 12 months with the same result. If I do nothing maybe there are implications for my liver?


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To make sense of that globulin value it is necessary to know the total protein and the serum albumin values.

Also need to know what the reference value was, as this varies by lab. Normally a level of 2.3 - 5 is the normal range in which case 2.2 is just a fraction below the normal range which is usually not anything to be concerned about.

Same issue with the bilirubin - need to know not only the total but the direct bilirubin, reference range, and also the ASST and ALT values (presumably normal since you don't mention them). Total bilirubin normal range in most labs runs about .3 - 1.9 so 1.46 would usually be within normal range; you must have used a lab with a different reference range.

And lastly, what if any symptoms are present?

The "L" and "H" you see are machine generated and the machine does not distinguish between a fraction of a percentage outside the usual range and many points outside it. in other words, an "L" or "H" is not necessarily an indication of a problem.Especially when the value is just a fraction above or below the reference range.

If as I suspect these 2 things were the only abnormal results in the whole panel, and if that panel also included liver enzymes which were normal, and if you are aymptomatic then I think this is nothing at all to be concerned about,

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