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Rainmaking Operation Units open in north Thailand


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As I understand you still need potentially rainy clouds for this to work.

So for example when they see rainy clouds, this unit will fly planes into the clouds and release sea salt and dry ice in order to enhance water condensation. As a result more amount of rainfall is expected to fall over the area.

Again, I reiterate that you need rainy clouds in the sky for this to work.

Erm, never heard of this before today and forgive me if i am missing something but why would you need to encourage rain clouds to release rain? They are already rain clouds aren't they?

Is it in case they don't release the water in the right place or something? Frankly I don't really understand this.

I will explain why. For example a cloud without seeding brings about 10 mm of rain, but if successfully seeded it would bring more rain. Let's say 20 mm. Do you see the difference?

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In a land where the the minister of science in the last PTP 'government', a Mr Plodprasop, confronted to (largely self-inflicted?) flooding problems, came up with was then believed(!!!) to be 'the solution': first chaining rows of towing boats on the Chao Praya to 'push the water to the sea', and having a fleet of barges equipped with powerfull engines built at high cost by the Royal arsenal to ...'push the water to the sea' too, in klongs, the hidden powers of magic and superstition must be overwhelming, as any, mildly, educated 16year old should have known about the total material impossibilty of this...!

Now, indeed when you have rainclouds passing by (conditio si nequa non, no rainclouds, no rain, Thai friends), the 'seeding' of the clouds, may, could, possibly result, in making, some, rain (or more rain when it gets to fall naturally) fall in an area not very distant of the place where the clouds were treated, depending on the size and 'saturation' of the clouds, the temperature difference on their top, the direction and speed of the wind at altitude, etc. etc...

There is no clear rule though, statistically, when done appropriately (being here since long, I'm not sure about it), the probability(!) and volume of rainfall would increase. One of the perturbations for mathematical models models being it is about impossible to tell for sure how much rainwater would have fallen WITHOUT the whole expensive show.

This brings me to my questions. How much does this whole rain-making-circus cost? Would that money (even with 30-40% deducted for the local chiefs, officials and others, as if there were no losses on this program)) not be more productively invested in, local(!), scientifically, technically and environmentally viable(!), projects to capture excessesrainwater and keep these volumes in adequate storage areas...?

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Well,i remember a film years ago,called the "Rain Maker",with the now deceased Burt Lancaster.he played the part the part of a wondering con man called Johnny Starbuck he promised a rancher/farmer that he could make it rain for 100 dollars.And,in the end,he did it.It worked n the movie.Where is Burt when you need him? Dead Obviously!

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Well,i remember a film years ago,called the "Rain Maker",with the now deceased Burt Lancaster.he played the part the part of a wondering con man called Johnny Starbuck he promised a rancher/farmer that he could make it rain for 100 dollars.And,in the end,he did it.It worked n the movie.Where is Burt when you need him? Dead Obviously!

Good call.

Dustin Hoffman could step in.

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Or do they just have 30 Burmese people in each plane pouring bottled in the sky?

Honestly I think it's a load of garbage, but his highest did receive world wide recognition in the 70s right?

I think, "world wide" is only correct, if you apply Thailand's very special view of the world and it's center!coffee1.gif

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