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Scottish warning for David Cameron over referendum on EU membership


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Scottish warning for David Cameron over referendum on EU membership
By Seamus Kearney


"Let me absolutely clear, I want the vote on the 23rd of June to result in an overwhelming victory across all parts of the UK for remaining in the EU"

LONDON: -- Scotland’s nationalist leader is warning that David Cameron’s renegotiation of Britain’s EU membership may not be enough to sway undecided voters on whether to stay in the bloc.

The Scottish first minister has also repeated her claim that a so-called Brexit could trigger calls for a second referendum on Scottish independence.

Nicola Sturgeon told a London audience: “Let me absolutely clear, I want the vote on the 23rd of June to result in an overwhelming victory across all parts of the UK for remaining in the EU.

She also said: “If less than two years later (after the independence referendum) Scotland was to find itself taken out of the European Union against our will, because we had chosen to stay in the United Kingdom, it’s not hard to see why that might lead to a growing clamour for a further referendum.”

The British Prime Minister is attempting to convince people to vote to stay in the EU in a referendum he has called, maintaining that key concerns in the UK have been addressed in his deal with other EU leaders.

Sturgeon, however, says renegotiation is “too grand a word” to describe it.

Scotland, which rejected independence in a vote in 2014, is the place in the UK where EU membership is most popular.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-01

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them

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The SNP want to leave the UK either way, so their hollow threats are meaningless. I for one really hope we leave the EU, but my fear is if we weren't asked if we wanted to join, then we won't be askedl if we want to leave. It makes me laugh to hear the scaremongering by politicians when the EU is in complete chaos.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.

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Cameron offered Scotland a bag of additional benefits if it stayed in the UK. At that time UK was in the EU and Scotlan declared it favors EU membership.

Scots now have a real concern that if the UK leaves the EU, the UK will be unable to deliver on its promises of special benefits to Scotland. Cameron remains silent on that aspect. Essentially, UK will doublecross Scotland from refraining from independence if the UK leaves the EU. A Brexit will drive Scotland to independence. And that threat may cause Brits to vote to stay in the EU.

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Good, get out, that's what we all want, the English especially. Nothing but a whining drain on the coffers even taking the oil into consideration... there's vastly more tucked away in the English countryside in any case. Feel sorry for the jocks that do not follow this awful, viperous anti-English, cristina kirchner-esque female because she'll end up dragging you out with the proviso that the EU would take you under their wing. Why would they for a start and would you really want to be in the club other than to be a nett receiver again! Independence for all I say: England, NI, Scotland, Wales, no EU. Everyone happy with their own borders, military and anthem. Now that's got to be worth fighting for!

Please, I beg you in all seriousness, show me any evidence at all that any of the mainstream supporters of independence are anti-English.

I am fully confident that, barring a handful of fringe nutters who have been rightly criticised and sidelined by the majority of Scots, you will come up empty handed.

I know that the Telegraph and the Mail like to complain that we are a nation of anti-English people (reading the hateful anti-Scottish rhetoric in their comments section is a lesson in irony) but it is wholly false.

Anyway, I await your response with bated breath.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them

The SNP don't mind being dictated to by Brussels, which is managed by Germany. They would still claim to be "independent" and think they can get more out of the EU than they have to put in.

They suffer tunnel vision and are only interested in securing their personal place in history and future career.

Sadly, the state of mainstream political parties means people turn to nutters like these, UKIP and other fringe parties in the hope of change. But you should always be careful what you vote for - cos that's what you get.

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Cameron offered Scotland a bag of additional benefits if it stayed in the UK. At that time UK was in the EU and Scotlan declared it favors EU membership.

Scots now have a real concern that if the UK leaves the EU, the UK will be unable to deliver on its promises of special benefits to Scotland. Cameron remains silent on that aspect. Essentially, UK will doublecross Scotland from refraining from independence if the UK leaves the EU. A Brexit will drive Scotland to independence. And that threat may cause Brits to vote to stay in the EU.

Scotland are only one country in the UK, and make up a fraction of the population.

In a democracy the majority decide. Now those Scots who don't like that are really wanting to take their bat and go home. Not very democratic. And they're dumb enough to believe the EU will listen more to them! How many MEP's would an insignificant little independent Scotland have? Be about as influential as Malta and Cypress.

The danger is the next Scottish Independence referendum will as it should poll all the UK's citizens? And then Scotland might not like the answer.

Sturgeon is like one of those incessantly barking little terriers that rub up against your leg - someone needs to shut her up and put her in her place. Strangely enough Corbyn would probably do that better than Cameron.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

You need to consider the psyche of the average Scot to understand why. Scottish football or rugby fans have precious little hope of their team doing anything, a fact they have digested. Hence they get more satisfaction from seeing England lose than Scotland win. The U.K. being devoured by the EU at least gives the Scots parity in being equally powerless to change EU policy as the English. Should the UK exit Scotland would again be the minor partner, which would never do if the English and not the EU were their masters.
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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.


I know the point your trying to make.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.

The little Englanders are always out in force on these kind of threads.Any opportunity for a bit of Scots bashing.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.

The little Englanders are always out in force on these kind of threads.Any opportunity for a bit of Scots bashing.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

You need to consider the psyche of the average Scot to understand why. Scottish football or rugby fans have precious little hope of their team doing anything, a fact they have digested. Hence they get more satisfaction from seeing England lose than Scotland win. The U.K. being devoured by the EU at least gives the Scots parity in being equally powerless to change EU policy as the English. Should the UK exit Scotland would again be the minor partner, which would never do if the English and not the EU were their masters.

Can I enquire upon what evidence you base your psychological evaluation of me and my countrymen?

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What I find amusing is her point of reference. If England votes out and Scotland is dragged

out of the UK there will be hell to pay. But if the Scottish vote is what keeps the UK in the

EU, all is good, and by the way, we still want independence and have kept you in the EU. whistling.gif

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What I find amusing is her point of reference. If England votes out and Scotland is dragged

out of the UK there will be hell to pay. But if the Scottish vote is what keeps the UK in the

EU, all is good, and by the way, we still want independence and have kept you in the EU. whistling.gif

And theirin lies the problem. I don't think for one minute that anyone in Scotland would want to force the English to remain in the EU against their will, however we as a nation are much more in favour of remaining in the EU. Why should we be dragged out because the English want out?

Self interest is at the heart of this debate, and Scots see their self interest better served by remaining part of the EU.

Edited by RuamRudy
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The Scottish population voted against independence 2 years ago. Basically meaning that they wanted to stay part of the UK. If their is a 'brexit' (by the way I despise joining 2 halves of words to make 1 word, it's just lazy!) what makes Sturgeon think that Scottish people will then decide they want independence this time around?

She reminds me of Clinton in many ways, typical woman not knowing what she wants when push comes to shove!!

Anyway, you would think Scotland would be used to being out of Europe hahaha

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The Scottish population voted against independence 2 years ago. Basically meaning that they wanted to stay part of the UK. If their is a 'brexit' (by the way I despise joining 2 halves of words to make 1 word, it's just lazy!) what makes Sturgeon think that Scottish people will then decide they want independence this time around?

She reminds me of Clinton in many ways, typical woman not knowing what she wants when push comes to shove!!

Anyway, you would think Scotland would be used to being out of Europe hahaha

It was hardly a definitive rejection of the status quo, and polls since that time have shown a slender majority now in favour of independence.

One of the many lies repeatedly spread by the UK government was that we would be kicked out of the EU if we chose independence so it seems ironic that our poor choice at the referendum would see us taken out against our will.

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The Scottish population voted against independence 2 years ago. Basically meaning that they wanted to stay part of the UK. If their is a 'brexit' (by the way I despise joining 2 halves of words to make 1 word, it's just lazy!) what makes Sturgeon think that Scottish people will then decide they want independence this time around?

She reminds me of Clinton in many ways, typical woman not knowing what she wants when push comes to shove!!

Anyway, you would think Scotland would be used to being out of Europe hahaha

It was hardly a definitive rejection of the status quo, and polls since that time have shown a slender majority now in favour of independence.

One of the many lies repeatedly spread by the UK government was that we would be kicked out of the EU if we chose independence so it seems ironic that our poor choice at the referendum would see us taken out against our will.

Ironic indeed.

I must point out though that polls don't really give a true reading of how a vote will go. A poll may only consist of 50% of the total amount that do eventually participate. So a slender lead could easily turn into a landslide defeat.

I prefer nations to look after their own agendas and their own people so I would be in favour of independence for all nations. GB or UK are unions not countries, contrary to what many around the world believe!

I mean, where does it end?? Britain becomes a union of 4 countries, then said 4 countries become part of another group of countries called the EU!!!

It's quite laughable really. After all, none of us need to live in each other's pockets yet we can remain friendly to one another and continue to do business.

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What I find amusing is her point of reference. If England votes out and Scotland is dragged

out of the UK there will be hell to pay. But if the Scottish vote is what keeps the UK in the

EU, all is good, and by the way, we still want independence and have kept you in the EU. whistling.gif

And theirin lies the problem. I don't think for one minute that anyone in Scotland would want to force the English to remain in the EU against their will, however we as a nation are much more in favour of remaining in the EU. Why should we be dragged out because the English want out?

Self interest is at the heart of this debate, and Scots see their self interest better served by remaining part of the EU.

You are simple spouting the SNP line, however I have seen quite a few articles recently, in which many Scots criticize people like Sturgeon for implying that all the Scots will vote to remain in. One such Scot is Jim Sellers, ex leader of the SNP. What is now happening is that, as more and more Scots take their blinkers off they are coming to realise that the EU is not a democratic organisation that will pander to A very small country, especially one that has diminishing revenue.

If the UK( the 2nd to largest donor) does vote out, that will leave the Germans to cover more of the EU budget. As we are seeing now, many Germans are turning away from the EU, add to that another failing economy, and I would expect those numbers to increase.

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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.

The little Englanders are always out in force on these kind of threads.Any opportunity for a bit of Scots bashing.
I feel your post is used to bash English? Never really seen much English bashing the Scots on TVF ever? Maybe you have been waiting hands at the ready for a topic like this to appear? I think they call it an inferiority complex. Or chip on the shoulder
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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them
Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.
The little Englanders are always out in force on these kind of threads.Any opportunity for a bit of Scots bashing.
I feel your post is used to bash English? Never really seen much English bashing the Scots on TVF ever? Maybe you have been waiting hands at the ready for a topic like this to appear? I think they call it an inferiority complex. Or chip on the shoulder

This is the tragedy of the SNP. What have they archeived. Before the rise of the SNP ( which coincided with the exploitation of North Sea oil ) Very rarely would I hear any English person bad mouthing the Scots ( football banter excepted ) Now as you can read on this thread and comments elsewhere it's become the norm. Add to this the divisions that it has caused in many Scottish communities and even in families, I just wonder how it will end.
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Scotland wants its cake and to eat it too. Make up your mind, SNP! A brexit guarantees your independence. Arai wa? blink.png

The funny thing is if they had got the vote to leave they'd be in big trouble now after the price of oil went through the floor (which is what they were relying on for income) and now expecting everyone including the rest of the UK to bail them out......Screekland

If the Scots would rather be run by Germany then up to them


Yes, that is right. We have oil rigs and hills; nothing else of commercial value.

Nothing like a bit of smug ignorance to back up your point.

The little Englanders are always out in force on these kind of threads.Any opportunity for a bit of Scots bashing.
I feel your post is used to bash English? Never really seen much English bashing the Scots on TVF ever? Maybe you have been waiting hands at the ready for a topic like this to appear? I think they call it an inferiority complex. Or chip on the shoulder

This is the tragedy of the SNP. What have they archeived. Before the rise of the SNP ( which coincided with the exploitation of North Sea oil ) Very rarely would I hear any English person bad mouthing the Scots ( football banter excepted ) Now as you can read on this thread and comments elsewhere it's become the norm. Add to this the divisions that it has caused in many Scottish communities and even in families, I just wonder how it will end.

Divisions in families? I am wholly unaware of any such instances. I am not saying that they don't necessarily exist, but we haven't become factional. I have friends on both sides of the argument and nothing changed over the period of the referendum or since.

Maybe the bad mouthing of the Scots is simply a sort of incredulous outrage that we should have the temerity to suggest that the arrangements we find oursevelves in within UK is not as we would like? But if that is the price we have to pay for the chance to determine our own future, so be it. Hopefully your children, when they come to run England, will be a bit more mature about the circumstances.

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Perhaps she's better off shutting her fat mouth until she sees if the Scottish people vote to stay in or leave. It's about what they want, not what she wants.

A survation poll last weekend showed only 17% of Scots support leaving the EU. I guess she feels the mood of the country is behind her.

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RuamRudy, on 01 Mar 2016 - 19:30, said:
Chicog, on 01 Mar 2016 - 17:18, said:

Perhaps she's better off shutting her fat mouth until she sees if the Scottish people vote to stay in or leave. It's about what they want, not what she wants.

A survation poll last weekend showed only 17% of Scots support leaving the EU. I guess she feels the mood of the country is behind her.

I await with anticipation on a link to this Survation poll.

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