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Why do some farang lie so much?


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What I really do not like about liars is they can destroy a real good conversation about real life experiences among men. I myself have had many experiences I love to share with people. I amnot afraid of letting people know I made some crazy choices and lived near the edge many times. I actually enjoy relating the bizarre things that have happened to me.So to sit with guys who have done interesting things and exchange stories is fun for me.But when a guy has to have input by bullshitting he destroys the whole reason for men to share life's experiences.I want to relate to guys who have been there and done it. Not guys with a vivid imagination.

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It got me wondering why some people need to fabricate such often easily disproved untruths

That's the improvised lie. It's ad hoc, no research and relies on body language and expression for success. It's purpose is to earn a free beer.

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I stopped lying after I won the lottery and was made redundant from the SAS.

As a hedge Fund manager I had to tell a few porkies, but now I am retired I just stick to the truth, so much easier to keep track of stuff.

I hope that win was sufficient for a very early retirement! biggrin.png

Can I assume you therefore joined the SAS as a volunteer, not needing the money. You're so good hearted. :)

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I work with a gent who has climbed Mt Everest twice, was a test pilot, represented Australia at the Olympic games, did 15 years in jail, catches crocodiles with his bare hands, skydived when he was 11, was drag racing at 7, did astronaut training...

Not bad for someone who has trouble spelling his own name.

..and he was only 35

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I find it curious that some farangs are so obsessed with 'outing' those they believe to be liars or fantasists. Some people seem to struggle with the idea that the world doesn't move to the beat of just one drum.

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I met an American guy here back around the end of '14 who professed that he was an "international lobbyist" who has close ties with some "Royal Family" in the middle east... Kept going on and on about it, even calling himself a "ghost" and pointing out the odd CIA guys here and there and over there. I gave him the benefit of the doubt initially, but eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and had to just distance myself from him despite his attempts to contact me.

He came here initially as a BD Manager for a high end boutique alcohol brand, although I believe his personal life, alcohol, lies, delusions, and wanting to be some kind of wheeler-dealer type got in the way of his job and he was let go for lack of productivity.

He was often trying to recruit strangers (in bars) to perform tasks for him, such as finding 5 star hotels that are for sale that his 'clients' with billions and billions of dollar budgets were looking to purchase. He often tried to initiate some business deals at bars and other public establishments right out of the blue, these sometimes ended up in verbal and even sometimes physical altercations.

He was often seen performing the odd jiu-jitsu trick to impress impressionable bar girls. This guy was often involved in some physical altercations and ending up in the hospital; internationally even, while he was on business trips.

I could never understand this guy's motives, or sickness, or whatever it was.. but it was kind of interesting in a twisted way to watch this character assassinate himself so many times in so many different ways.

Last I'd seen of him, he was trying to connect to me on Linkedin several times (with different profiles)... Had some photos of him and some middle eastern shiek looking oil types and others with Chinese businessmen, with some fake job descriptions and even a reference letter from some high-up government official.

Not sure why he did what he did, as he was quite intelligent. He was one of the worst cases I'd ever seen; but there have been many others I've seen here over the years, but not at this level.

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I met an American guy here back around the end of '14 who professed that he was an "international lobbyist" who has close ties with some "Royal Family" in the middle east... Kept going on and on about it, even calling himself a "ghost" and pointing out the odd CIA guys here and there and over there. I gave him the benefit of the doubt initially, but eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and had to just distance myself from him despite his attempts to contact me.

He came here initially as a BD Manager for a high end boutique alcohol brand, although I believe his personal life, alcohol, lies, delusions, and wanting to be some kind of wheeler-dealer type got in the way of his job and he was let go for lack of productivity.

He was often trying to recruit strangers (in bars) to perform tasks for him, such as finding 5 star hotels that are for sale that his 'clients' with billions and billions of dollar budgets were looking to purchase. He often tried to initiate some business deals at bars and other public establishments right out of the blue, these sometimes ended up in verbal and even sometimes physical altercations.

He was often seen performing the odd jiu-jitsu trick to impress impressionable bar girls. This guy was often involved in some physical altercations and ending up in the hospital; internationally even, while he was on business trips.

I could never understand this guy's motives, or sickness, or whatever it was.. but it was kind of interesting in a twisted way to watch this character assassinate himself so many times in so many different ways.

Last I'd seen of him, he was trying to connect to me on Linkedin several times (with different profiles)... Had some photos of him and some middle eastern shiek looking oil types and others with Chinese businessmen, with some fake job descriptions and even a reference letter from some high-up government official.

Not sure why he did what he did, as he was quite intelligent. He was one of the worst cases I'd ever seen; but there have been many others I've seen here over the years, but not at this level.

Guys like him are interesting from a distance. They live quite a colorful life. Over the edge but colorful. Would actually be interesting if he ever took a break from scamming and lieing to open up on some of his experiences> I am sure some of his stories could be quite laughable.

One of the most interesting guys I met in SEA was a guy who has a questhouse in Koh Kong. Cambodia. this guy had lived and survived for years in SEA on his wits. I believe he did embellish his stories,but i got the feeling from him most were based on the truth,but through his eyes and interpretations.He was able to not only survive but end up with a quest house with swimming pool restaurant the whole thing. He had stories about situations he got himself into that were hilarious.He too was a wannabe big shot. How he went about trying to be a big shot was just amusing as hell.

I would not have called this guy a liar. More of an embellisher. But very interesting survivor. I felt he was worth my time.

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It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

He He.

Your post says much about you don't you think?

I mean, how do you know that they "....whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work"?

Unless you frequent such places LOL

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One of the aspects that moving to a different continent can provide is reinventing yourself to be who and whatever you want or choose, as there is no one (probably) that knows your actual story/past. Therefore certain individuals capitalise on it, thrive on it, sad really, that they feel they have to deny who and what they really are and replace it with a "story" to appear to be more interesting, or pehaps hide a shameful past.

There is of course also those that may have been through some kind of life changing event or trauma, where the reality is just too painful or even dangerous for them.

Who knows ? We all have different stories, different reasons, thats what makes many of us interesting too, be pretty boring really if we were all the same and just clones of one particular "type".

Do we ever really "know" someone ?

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I have met so many Walter Mitty's in my time in Thailand. All seem to have a Phd in ''Bullshit'' Now my house is a ''bullshit'' free zone.......Farangs are not welcome. My wife doesn't really understand ''bullshit'', she just asks me.......Why does ********** tell so many lies? I think she is a good judge of character.

The name Walter Mitty and the derivative word "Mittyesque"[6] have entered the English language, denoting an ineffectual person who spends more time in heroic daydreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who intentionally attempts to mislead or convince others that he is something that he is not.

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Best way to impress people here is to tell them you are just a simple man of simple means. They will never believe you.

Of course, that is what people that really served in the SAS, CIA, Special Forces, etc....are supposed to say.

Better to keep silent and thought to be a fool...then to prove it. (I stole that)

Edited by slipperylobster
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I am posting this on my way back from a reunion of Nobel Peace Prize winners. I chose to attend that rather than attending the Academy Awards ceremony and receiving my Oscar in person. In spite of all the honors I've received I still consider myself a nobody. I like many others tell lies so that somebody will think that I am also a somebody. Humility is also one of my strengths in spite of my fabulous wealth.

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That's like asking "Why do all Thai's lie??" I have always been told they lie so you won't be upset or feel bad if they tell you the truth, so in effect, they are not lying. I don't know that Fahlung's always lie, maybe they need to feel important??

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As someone who's led a fairly eventful life, and had an interesting career, I often find that people are sceptical about my past. It's usually those who haven't done much with their own lives who find it hard to believe others have made something of theirs.

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As someone who's led a fairly eventful life, and had an interesting career, I often find that people are sceptical about my past. It's usually those who haven't done much with their own lives who find it hard to believe others have made something of theirs.


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