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Thailand is the land of smiles? With growing list of violent attacks you have to be having a laugh

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And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

Simon Calder is a highly respected travel writer. You may not like what he writes, but he is a true professional.

He may be but nobody would know it from that article. And it's not so much as about what he says as it is the way it's written and what it doesn't say, it's third rate journalism at best.

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When you live in cloud cuckoo land you could believe the rest of the world is your neighbour. One day, probably when it is too late, Thailand will wake up to the reality and when they do they will not be happy


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

Simon Calder is a highly respected travel writer. You may not like what he writes, but he is a true professional.

Probably had a boat payment due...

Crap article.


Lots of stuff wrong, lots of stuff great with this country. If the negatives outweigh the positives you can always opt out. You could also consider moving, within the country, it is rather large to generalize.


I think it's simple statistics. When you consider over 25 million people come here on holiday there are bound to be some issues. I'm not condoning any violence but the shear weight of numbers means they'll be some conflict.


A couple of people have said this isn't newsworthy. Well, it's not on the news pages. It's a travel article. There's nothing untrue in the article but it is pretty obviously very one-sided and isn't backed up with statistics.

Don't like it? Don't agree with it? That's what the comments section is for.


Overall Thailand is very safe. There are some bad apples. This country would be far safer if those apples were dealt with by a real police force and justice system.


Sure, it's the "Land Of Over 40 Different Types Of Thai Smiles" - one for every emotion known to mankindclap2.gif..

From benign to lethal..sad.png

it's not just the Thai/ foreigner crime rate, it is the Thai on Thai crime rate as well. this is a violent country and all you have to do is watch the Thai morning news, you will see thai's shooting Thai's, killing thai's while drunk, fighting with guns and knives, there is nothing more stupid than a drunk thai male! they just can't handle their booze! and ALWAYS gang up on each other! never see a thai fight one on one!always four or five on one! Thailand is supposed to have gun control but the only people I see that they have gun control on is the foreigners! it seems that every thai has a gun either in his waist band or under his car seat, but woe to the falang who has a gun! he gets thrown in the slammer and fines! the thai male is basically a coward who cannot fight it out man to man. has to use a knife or gun!


Nothing to read here folks...Farang Logic at work here....One step ahead of Thai Logic :)

Everyone should measure to the western way of life and freedom. NO THANKS. We don't want illegals to roam around and rape our women, rob the bank and milk the system.

Thailand is much safer than many European countries for women now a days.

Russians are less whiner than western Europeans. Chinese are irritating but they spend more.


Just tell me...ohh high and mighty...How do you propose we improve Thailand...?

If one applies western laws in Thailand...4 years for rape and 10 years for murder, Thailand would be finished in a decade...

Thailand DOES NOT HAVE THE BEST NOR PERFECT SYSTEM but its way better than West.


Personally I see Thais smile to me all the time. It happens whenever they try to sell something to me or when I am paying for something. Other than that, if you watch them walking by or driving past or standing somewhere, they never smile.

This is an absolute fact. The term land of smiles would be more accurately stated as the land of returned smiles. Yes it is the Thai Way to return a smile. But look at the face immediately BEFORE you smile. Sour and sculking expressions abound. And the reasons are exactly as you stated.

Surfing grossly on the fear, generalize from news story to make audience that exists everywhere and has a well-known name:

The gutter press.


"Get on any train or bus here and smile at 99.99 of locals you will get one back , jump on a tube in England all eyes are in books or magazines or the dying newspapers, Sydney is the same, New York gez don't look at anyone let alone smile , (stalker or crazy mother ucker) , "

Leeneeds it is so obvious you have never used public transport in Bangkok.


All these negative comments about crime in Thailand are uncalled for and hurtful in my opinion. I'm not just referring to this post, but I'm seeing more and more similar headlines with posters piling on. It really disgusts me. There is crime and domestic events everywhere, but one has to put it all in perspective. Thailand is a relatively small country with highly populated cities tourists flock to. Millions of tourists come year round and many of them abuse alcohol and drugs. Most of the tourists that are victims lack common sense by not asking questions and walking around alone late at night. For all the negative posters, go home! Go back to your home country where many countries now have open borders, starvation, rapes, home invasions, extreme violence with riots, Police slamming women to the ground, fatal Taser events and shooting citizens in the back, (all confirmed by main stream news and videos). Not to mention more and more banking problems. I've never seen it in Thailand for many decades. Thai citizens are strong and prevented most wars entering this country in the 40's, 50’s and 60’s while neighboring countries were affected and many millions of their citizens, visitors and expats killed. These negative comments seen by Thai Police, Thai Immigration, and Thai Citizens create a polarization and accelerates hate. Those of us who are well traveled and have lived here for many decades love Thailand. Wake up and think before you post; please! If you find you are posting more and more negative comments, it's probably time to make a change in your life.


Thailand is still a safer place to walk around than in the UK where mindless random acts of violence have become so frequent they are hardly reported.

I felt very nervous on my last visit back to England.

Usual scaremongering from the British press who have nothing better to print.


Are there indeed more cases of violence against foreigners, or are there more reports being published?

Does anyone actually have reliable statistics? Probably not.


The article predicated another pissing contest; "I have lived here longer, in rougher/safer places, mixed with hi-so Thais, never had a problem cos I respect them and speak Thai . . . . . !

We all have differing experiences.

In every country there are people who are involved in crime and/or are opportunist thieves and swindlers who may or may not turn violent.

In every country that is a semi-dictatorship with millions of oppressed people the violence against each other and crucially people who are different increases.

In Thailand it is no coincidence that crime and violence has increased post military coup. Why?

The military used violence to depose an elected government. That teaches and begets violence as a method to get what you want.

It also teaches people that their opinion and by association, life, means nothing.

It matters not, red or yellow, just the methods used to get power.

In every area of Thailand the potential for violence against foreigners does exist.

Thai culture means that people are poorly equipped for negotiation or managing their emotions when they face anger or even minor confrontation.

Foreigners are fair game as even the meanest individual has been conditioned to believe via nationalism that they are special as they are Thai.

Their notions of Greng Jai and Sam Ruam normally used to control the populace can also easily be a source for violence when foreigners (not even Thai) are used as scapegoats.

Disagree all you like, violent crime both Thai on Thai and Thai on Farang are commonplace but crucially, what is shocking is that this violence can begin as a fairly minor incident in which a perpetually adolescent Thai 'loses face'. Deaths on the road are also a major form of institutional violence.

Disagree all you like but most people feel safe walking around in Thailand 99% of the time and once one learns to manage and account for the behavior of some Thais, Thailand can be very safe.

Most people are friendly especially the very poorest who are also the most violent and ruthless.

It's a beautiful place and what the 'more thai than thai' posters forget is that the people who complain about Thailand actually love the country but are disappointed when it seems to let itself down so badly and so often.

Thailand is like our favourite child. We love it and want it to do well. We want it to get A* in human rights, freedom, safety, tourism, governance and religious freedom.

A report may say, " Thailand is a charming student who fails to percieve the importance of it's actions at times. Thailand should channel it's negative energy into positive activities and find pursuits that allow it to 'let off steam' safely. We really hope Thailand fulfills it's enormous potential in the coming year, we are rooting for it as 2017 will be a big one" .

Not saying Britain's report would be better!

Just a note to Kabula, A respectable source in Thailand stated recently that 30 rapes were reported to the police every day in Thailand. I doubt that you will believe that but ask yourself the question, "if I doubt the veracity of those figures why should I take for granted the statistics used to suggest the UK is a "hotbed for rape and violence?"


Samui is safer and the Burmese were guilty

As in England most crime is committed by foreigners from low life back grounds same as Thailand


It makes me smile how people deliberately seek out the areas where prostitutes, hustlers, pimps and scammers ply their trade, and then tell us that Thailand is a dangerous place.


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

Cmon man. it's not articles like this that do it.....That makes the west look at Thailand with a big questionmark. They are just matches trying to light the fuse of a barrel full, created by the Thais themselves

The current political situation and lack of future sollutions in this,( i might very likely, have a very nasty social outcome this situation) together with the state of the economy and future prospects. The neverending rise of prices, while the quality virtually stays the same, Rising nationalism..........pressfreedom?.......19 constitutions in 80years...........etc.....If the storms hits now. Thailand is not ready by far.......And they are to blame for it themselves.....but hope they can find someone else to blame.........oh boy

You can love Thailand all you want , That's a different matter. but don't tell me this is not troublesome at all , and the press is just overreacting, that's false


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

Unless/until Thailand has a semblance of a democracy, they will have problems dealing with the West.

However China and Russia have no such compunction.

Haver you not noticed how other similar governments seem inextricably drawn to either Russia or China?


Nothing to read here folks...Farang Logic at work here....One step ahead of Thai Logic :)

Everyone should measure to the western way of life and freedom. NO THANKS. We don't want illegals to roam around and rape our women, rob the bank and milk the system.

Thailand is much safer than many European countries for women now a days.

Russians are less whiner than western Europeans. Chinese are irritating but they spend more.


Just tell me...ohh high and mighty...How do you propose we improve Thailand...?

If one applies western laws in Thailand...4 years for rape and 10 years for murder, Thailand would be finished in a decade...

Thailand DOES NOT HAVE THE BEST NOR PERFECT SYSTEM but its way better than West.

Well, in the case of the British couple murder, the corruption of this country, Thailand, is blatantly obvious. Those two Burmese workers were innocent victims of wealthy Thai corruption. The spoiled brat wealthy and prominent Thai punk who perpetrated this crime got off scott free in a bought and paid for system. Blind justice has a completely different meaning here in Thailand. It means that they close their eyes when the money hits their palms. At least we have checks and balances in the west to help limit this type of corruption.

Another facet to consider is liability. In the West you are liable for everything. A crack in the sidewalk that makes someone trip and fall can cost you thousands of dollars. Here in the land of smiles however, there is no liability under the law. Token payments made so it looks better on paper. And in the instance of say a traffic accident, you're better off to back up and finish the job making sure the poor victim is dead as it cost you far less money than if the victim lives. A living victim may cost 500000 or maybe even 1 million baht. But a dead victim is only worth about 50,000 baht. Yes, much better than in the West. Lol.


You can be the victim of random violence anywhere in the world. Thailand is more safe than most popular tourist destinations.


Simon Calder who has written this piece must be one of those lazy supposedly freelance story tellers that peddle in sensationalism the world over where english speaking tourists travel for a cheaper , warmer holidays and excursions, filling in spaces in newspapers and more over getting them to sell is a disapearing fact of life,

Get on any train or bus here and smile at 99.99 of locals you will get one back , jump on a tube in England all eyes are in books or magazines or the dying newspapers, Sydney is the same, New York gez don't look at anyone let alone smile , (stalker or crazy mother ucker) ,

If a smile is given it is returned how ever bashful , has been my experience and will continue to be until i am smoke in the WAT.

If writing garbage gets you paid ,well i am sure most of all T, V, F readers would be able to pen the same deliquent soap opera crap,

"Get on any train or bus here and smile at 99.99 of locals you will get one back ...." cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

try the bts / sky train .... they smile at their mobiles and tablets and they even don't notice you re in front of them cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Indeed, an example of mindless apology. Supporters of whitewashing the reality are lining up to complain the article is biased then they post utter tripe like that. 99.99% of locals would smile back whereas people in the UK are buried in their phones? That's the most ridiculous thing I've seen so far today (but only 9.45am and counting!)

Truth is, it does human beings a moral disservice not to negate the Thai tourism industry's claims and cover ups. If Thailand behaved decently towards its guests there would be no need and their mythical quality tourist might actually begin to exist.

Meanwhile, the Thai smile is also a myth: most Thais on the street don't look particularly happy at all. The second anything isn't going their way they have a face like thunder. In my experience it's the foreigners who make up a large part of the apparent relaxed and smiling faces, largely out of fear (expats) or ignorance (tourists).

In a country where people think it's sound advice to smile politely at the criminal in womens' clothes that just tried to grab for his wallet with the pretense of groping them an awful lot of work needs to be done before we can openly take the balanced view we wish we could.


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

It's called 'Click Bait'.

really ? is it click baiting ? by the way , does this vid remind you something ? whistling.gif it is called "murder in paradize" ! enjoy !





The article predicated another pissing contest; "I have lived here longer, in rougher/safer places, mixed with hi-so Thais, never had a problem cos I respect them and speak Thai . . . . . !

We all have differing experiences.

In every country there are people who are involved in crime and/or are opportunist thieves and swindlers who may or may not turn violent.

In every country that is a semi-dictatorship with millions of oppressed people the violence against each other and crucially people who are different increases.

In Thailand it is no coincidence that crime and violence has increased post military coup. Why?

The military used violence to depose an elected government. That teaches and begets violence as a method to get what you want.

It also teaches people that their opinion and by association, life, means nothing.

It matters not, red or yellow, just the methods used to get power.

In every area of Thailand the potential for violence against foreigners does exist.

Thai culture means that people are poorly equipped for negotiation or managing their emotions when they face anger or even minor confrontation.

Foreigners are fair game as even the meanest individual has been conditioned to believe via nationalism that they are special as they are Thai.

Their notions of Greng Jai and Sam Ruam normally used to control the populace can also easily be a source for violence when foreigners (not even Thai) are used as scapegoats.

Disagree all you like, violent crime both Thai on Thai and Thai on Farang are commonplace but crucially, what is shocking is that this violence can begin as a fairly minor incident in which a perpetually adolescent Thai 'loses face'. Deaths on the road are also a major form of institutional violence.

Disagree all you like but most people feel safe walking around in Thailand 99% of the time and once one learns to manage and account for the behavior of some Thais, Thailand can be very safe.

Most people are friendly especially the very poorest who are also the most violent and ruthless.

It's a beautiful place and what the 'more thai than thai' posters forget is that the people who complain about Thailand actually love the country but are disappointed when it seems to let itself down so badly and so often.

Thailand is like our favourite child. We love it and want it to do well. We want it to get A* in human rights, freedom, safety, tourism, governance and religious freedom.

A report may say, " Thailand is a charming student who fails to percieve the importance of it's actions at times. Thailand should channel it's negative energy into positive activities and find pursuits that allow it to 'let off steam' safely. We really hope Thailand fulfills it's enormous potential in the coming year, we are rooting for it as 2017 will be a big one" .

Not saying Britain's report would be better!

Just a note to Kabula, A respectable source in Thailand stated recently that 30 rapes were reported to the police every day in Thailand. I doubt that you will believe that but ask yourself the question, "if I doubt the veracity of those figures why should I take for granted the statistics used to suggest the UK is a "hotbed for rape and violence?"

You sure are misguided to lay blame to the violence on the military teaching it. This is a deeply rooted problem that has been surfacing for many years. It is developed because no parental guidance and because Thais are taught to hide their emotions or just say mai pan rai. It builds up inside with nowhere to let those feelings out. Add to that the mai pan rai on the receiving end. You can do anything and Thais will say mai pan rai. And you have a recipe for an explosion. It is still being taught even in the schools with a lack of parental guidance to teach right and wrong as well as allowing kids to do what they want with little to no consequences. The future is bleak for Thailand to associate with the rest of the civilised world unless they do something about it now.

I am married to a Thai woman, and when I am in Thailand I see smiles everywhere.

I have felt very included in the family and have been treated with respect in all

of my visits to Thailand since I have been married. I have also seen how hard the people of Thailand work. They work 6 or7 days a week trying to make a living. Sure some of them will take days off

during the Songkrans, New Years Day and other festival events, however 6 or 7 days a week of work is still pretty normal for all but the rich. When you are visiting their country, get your eyes open and see what their lives are really like. Their wages are pretty small compared to everyone who

visits the country. The police do not make a great wage compared to a lot of countries, the bus

drivers have to drive long hours to get enough wages to survive. I always feel fortunate to

live and have worked in Canada, and now enjoy being on a pension from my company and

the Government of Canada.

Thailand is still an interesting country, and is still much more than just a land of smiles.

If you want to go to a gloomier country, try visiting South, or better yet North Korea.

When you get back to Thailand you will see a bit if a difference. Even try China, and see

how most of the people live there, and work a lot of hours per day for 6 or 7 days

a week, just to survive. There are still Asian countries that are more dangerous to visit, and

live at than Thailand.

My opinion anyway. Geezer


You can be the victim of random violence anywhere in the world. Thailand is more safe than most popular tourist destinations.

What you say about random violence anywhere in the world is factual. But to say Thailand is more safe than other popular tourist destinations is rather naive. I've been in the north of Thailand for 6 years and have never once felt threatened or in danger. Those who choose to frequent or dwell in the truly tourist areas like Pattaya or Phuket or Samui or Koh Whatever, are indeed asking for trouble as organized crime is there in force as well. People are much different in those areas than in non tourist places. But they are still generally haughty and racist. And they like farang money everywhere in Thailand.

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