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Khmer Times / May Titthara

Sao Sokha, the commander-in-chief of the military police, has ordered his units to crack down on illegal gun ownership, pledging to resign his post if he is unable to reduce the prevalence of arms. Speaking at the Royal Gendarmerie’s annual meeting on Monday, he ordered his units to void illegitimate paperwork as soon as possible, and to arrest those who had signed off on illegal purchases.

“Illegal gun owners are a problem, but another problem is the people who signed the license to give the guns to the owners. If the law allows putting those people in jail, we have to arrest them and put them in jail. If not, they will sign papers for anything,” said Gen. Sokha.

He added that military and police forces, as well as civil servants, had been authorizing the use of guns in their departments. He said that from now on, institutions not authorized by law to use weapons would not be able to do so.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22082/war-declared-on-illegal-weapons/

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