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UNHCR warns Europe is on the cusp of a largely self-induced humanitarian crisis


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UNHCR warns Europe is on the cusp of a largely self-induced humanitarian crisis


GENEVA: -- The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has warned Europe is on the cusp of a largely self-induced humanitarian crisis.

Much of the evidence it says is in what is happening in refugee camps near the village of Eidomeni which lies on the Greek border with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Around 8,500 of the 24,000 migrants needing accommodation in Greece are here.

Crowded conditions had forced 1500 to spend the night in the open at the start of this week and have led to shortages of food, shelter, water and sanitation. It means a long wait for the basics.

“We have to stay for the water in line for maybe for four hours, five hours, you don’t know there is 7,000 people and there is just one place giving water and food,” explained one migrant,Ibrahim from Syria

Data from the UN agency predicts that by the end of March between 50,000 and 70,000 migrants will be in Greece. On the border Greek authorities have responded with the military setting up two camps while a third is under construction.

Macedonia is the first country on what is known as the Balkan route used by migrants arriving in Greece on a journey they hope will take them to central and northern Europe.

On Sunday Macedonia let few cross the border, until at midnight 300 Iraqis and Syrians were allowed through. As others were denied the chance to cross, at midday tension sparked into violence as hundreds, including women and children attempted to break through before being pushed back in the face of guards firing tear gas.

The UNHCR claims governments are failing to work together despite having already reached agreements in several areas. Inconsistent practices, it says, are causing unnecessary suffering and risk being at variance with EU and international law standards.

The border post which separates Macedonia and Greece will open once or twice a day or perhaps not at all. Between 50 to 300 are allowed to cross at any one time, rarely more than that.

This has led the UNHCR to voice concerns that the situation could escalate into a humanitarian crisis similar to that on the Greek islands last autumn.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-03

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The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has warned Europe is on the cusp of a largely self-induced humanitarian crisis.

I beg to differ. It is a Merkel-induced humanitarian crises.

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How dare the EU countries fail to provide all comforts and luxuries these migrants demand as a right?

Don't they know Supreme EU Leader Merkel personally invited them and told every country they must take their share?

Terrible foot dragging by these other countries. They should follow Germany's glowing lead - shut your own borders and tell everyone else what to do.

UN - buffoons who wallow in their own egos and inflated salaries and expenses.

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How dare the EU countries fail to provide all comforts and luxuries these migrants demand as a right?

Don't they know Supreme EU Leader Merkel personally invited them and told every country they must take their share?

Terrible foot dragging by these other countries. They should follow Germany's glowing lead - shut your own borders and tell everyone else what to do.

UN - buffoons who wallow in their own egos and inflated salaries and expenses.

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We don't need the UNHCR to inform us about the present situation. We have known and waited for quite some time for our politicians to get their act together and come with a solution.

Since they can't a referendum in all EU countries should make it easy on them.

Time to weed out the cowards.

In an off-topic note: No wonder that Trump leads in the rep. US, although I am disgusted by his ways.

Edited by wabothai
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Why is it Europes fault or their obligation to accept these people ? ask yourself what the muslim countries would do for europeans in a reversal of the situation ? they can't live with each other or help each other , the truth is the so called religion of peace is a falacy , where are the rich oil producing arab nations now ? no kuwait,quatar,UAE,saudi,etc. I do pity them, but security to our fellow Europeans MUST come first , we don't know who we are letting in to practice their religion of peace .

In my opinion they should all be kept in Turkey and subsidised by the EU, USA, japan,korea,china,canada,australia and any other country that can afford to contribute like the arab countries who do nothing that i have already mentioned ,....they are not Europeans and with them comes the hate they all feel towards the west and each other ,......or does'nt that matter ?,there will be sunny v sheite on the streets of europe before we know whats hit us at this rate, they were throwing stones at the border guards last week , reminded me of the English riots a few years back , and where are those culprits now ? ............PRISON !

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The headline is incorrect. The crisis is ENTIRELY self induced, but not for the reasons the buffoons of the UN think. The crisis was caused by the first Euro ship that rescued illegal migrants from the sea and took them to Italy or Greece, instead of returning them to the shores they left. While that would have been hard on those few, it would have prevented the following hordes attempting to repeat their journey.

As for now, there are no good answers, and it surely can't be long till it really turns to poo. Just imagine living in a village near to that crowd of desperate immigrants in the cold and wet with no hope........................

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What is the role of the UNHCR in this crisis - are they merely observes or do they bear some responsibility for coordinating the handling of the refugee situation?

Under the impression that the UNHCR switches between the two modes as the wind blows.

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What is the role of the UNHCR in this crisis - are they merely observes or do they bear some responsibility for coordinating the handling of the refugee situation?

Under the impression that the UNHCR switches between the two modes as the wind blows.

Think the content at the URL below will answer your question. UNHCR is reliant on UN member countries for funding, resourcing, local country asylum legislation and so on.


IMO to date the nationalistic self serving lack of co-ordination between EU countries has added to the nightmare.

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In general, the UNHCR is mandated with protecting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. It is dependent upon the cooperation of countries of asylum in doing so. Once people are determined not to be refugees, the UN will start to take a less pro-active approach to dealing with them. At that point, they become illegal migrants and are subject to the laws of the country. The UN tries to make sure the screening process is fair. It also tries to make sure that repatriation is in accordance with accepted legal and humanitarian rules.

The UNHCR will assist any country in setting up camps, putting in place procedures for screening, but it has no authority to work within a country without the permission of the collective governments.

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"One does not ask of one who suffers: What is your country and what is your religion? One merely says: You suffer, that is enough for me.”

–Louis Pasteur

Erm, I doubt even Pasteur would have been happy to accept 7 million and counting refugees in his back yard.

Also, many were not really "suffering", but are hoping for a better life because they have stuffed up their own country by overbreeding.

Funny ( not ) how the Muslim refugees expect to be looked after by the Christian "Crusaders", when their fellow Muslim countries won't.

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PS, why is it that the UN refuses to criticise Muslim countries like Saudi that take no refugees at all, but continually lambasts Europe for not taking all that turn up?

Your point has been raised across numerous topics concerning the refugee crisis. Though not a defender of KSA, the response has been provided on a number of occasions which can be summarised below.

look at Saudi Arabia’s UNHCR page has a few curious footnotes that Western publications are conveniently omitting. The UNHCR counts refugees by noting only those “persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection.” Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE are not parties to any of the UN protocols on refugees, and so through this technicality, they, along with most of their refugees, are excluded from many refugee counting mechanisms.

It is estimated that, as an example, KSA has provided visas for hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have access to work, education healthcare etc.

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PS, why is it that the UN refuses to criticise Muslim countries like Saudi that take no refugees at all, but continually lambasts Europe for not taking all that turn up?

Your point has been raised across numerous topics concerning the refugee crisis. Though not a defender of KSA, the response has been provided on a number of occasions which can be summarised below.

look at Saudi Arabia’s UNHCR page has a few curious footnotes that Western publications are conveniently omitting. The UNHCR counts refugees by noting only those “persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection.” Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE are not parties to any of the UN protocols on refugees, and so through this technicality, they, along with most of their refugees, are excluded from many refugee counting mechanisms.

It is estimated that, as an example, KSA has provided visas for hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have access to work, education healthcare etc.

If that were true, KSA would have no need to recruit workers from across the globe as the Syrians could do it all, but I haven't heard that KSA is no longer recruiting from non refugees. By all means correct me, but with 7 million looking for a better life there is no need for any of them to be going to Germany if KSA is taking them. Of course, KSA is probably as bad as the country they are leaving ( I worked there for some years and it isn't much fun at all ).

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"One does not ask of one who suffers: What is your country and what is your religion? One merely says: You suffer, that is enough for me.”

–Louis Pasteur

So, how many have you taken in?

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"One does not ask of one who suffers: What is your country and what is your religion? One merely says: You suffer, that is enough for me.”

–Louis Pasteur

So, how many have you taken in?

GREAT response clap2.gif

Probably as many as Merkel or any of those Euro/ UN bureaucrats telling everyone else to take them.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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