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Romney, McCain: Trump a danger for America's future


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Rubio loses Florida where he is a necessarily exiting US senator and The Rube is toast. He'll have to bail.

Heard today Marco is lining up $25 million to try to get out of the Florida hole of being something like 15 points behind Trump. He'd better hope the 7% margin of error of the poll is even greater than the possibility as it's currently measured.

Rubio is anyway still too childish to know money can't buy you love. He's been trying to outcrass Trump but that's getting him nowhere too.

Worst part of all this is that Republicans and the right dash to the gutter immediately even against themselves. It's not only Obama they slash and burn. It's everyone and everything and they really spew it out.

The mainstreamer Romney rising from the political undead at midnight in Cleveland might be a welcome development. Not much chance of it though. No matter.

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Romney............After getting squeezed out by Bush and the GOP establishment for the

2016 race is madly trying to worm his way back into the mix as a GOP saviour. If he

had endorsed anyone he would have some credibility, but this is totally self serving.

Slow Trump down, ride in on the saviours white horse during a contested GOP convention.

Romney, Perry, Bloomberg, everyone has an agenda. Disrupt Trump, without handing the

nomination to Cruz, (or Rubio) become the white knight saviour reluctantly pressed into

service. whistling.gif

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Romney and McCain are two of the biggest losers ever to attempt to run for POTUS. The people already rejected them soundly one at a time. I wonder why they think people really care what they think?

This blatant attempt by the moneyed power brokers in the corrupt halls of DC to derail a candidacy is probably the first in the history of the US. It's supposed to be an election where the people choose their government, not one where the government and Wall Street do the choosing.

This is so corrupt it's unreal.

Romney and McCain are two of the biggest losers ever to attempt to run for POTUS.

Untrue in terms of ever.

Lyndon Johnson vs Barry Goldwater, 1964 - Barry carried just six states for only 38% of the popular vote.

Franklin Roosevelt vs Alf Landon (1936). Franklin won 46 of the 49 states.

In more recent history Romney actually did quite well and McCain wasn't the worst:

Popular Vote1 Margin

Obama vs Romney 51%-48% 3%

Obama vs McCain 53%-46% 7%

Clinton vs Dole 49%-41% 8%

Clinton vs G.W.Bush 43%-37% 6%

1rounded to neartest whole percent

Romney is a tool of the greatest proportion and he looked like one when saying what he did about trump.

Romney could never have risen to trumps level in life.....talk about sour grapes.

Just knowing Romney is flustered makes me want to vote for Trump. 5555

What a tosser.

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Ordinarily I would say something like,, "you are over reacting", but in this case I don't think you are. i think he is a serious threat to the USA and potentially World peace. The guy is a loudmouth and a bully and there is a strong possibility that he will become the most powerful man on earth,, what are the American people doing?

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NeverSure wrote,,,

It's supposed to be an election where the people choose their government, not one where the government and Wall Street do the choosing.

This is so corrupt it's unreal.


Why do i have to gogle everything ?

why not write so i can understand

you are writing to an audiance not to yourself,,,

GOP = The Republican Party, commonly referred to as the GOP (abbreviation for Grand Old Party), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being its historic rival, the Democratic Party.


And the winner is .............

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God forbid if the USA elects a man who made billions and has a habit of surrounding himself with capable people. The USA is riding on its laurels and needs ahuge shake up. ........

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Ordinarily I would say something like,, "you are over reacting", but in this case I don't think you are. i think he is a serious threat to the USA and potentially World peace. The guy is a loudmouth and a bully and there is a strong possibility that he will become the most powerful man on earth,, what are the American people doing?

what are the American people doing?

The American people aren't doing anything. The general election in which the American people will express themselves is November 8th.

Until then Trump and the three amigos still there are a Republican party only affair. Republicans are doing this. Democrats and Independent voters are bystanders to a train jumping off the political tracks.

R's will chose a nominee in July. The rest of us who are the vast majority of the American people have no say in any of it. Not till Tuesday November 8th and we're gonna blow away Trump if he's the nominee. None of the other amigos would fare well either.

So try to be more measured and discerning about the insanity occurring in the Republican party only. HR Clinton and Bernie Sanders are running a mainstream campaign over there on the center left. Just a bit more left than ever.

President Hillary Clinton.

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God forbid if the USA elects a man who made billions and has a habit of surrounding himself with capable people. The USA is riding on its laurels and needs ahuge shake up. ........

Obama shook youse guyz silly. Sure you want more of it?

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

I use to think like that too, but the more Trump speaks, the more I get to like him. He is basically funding his own campaign and this is infuriating all the special interest groups to no end. Also, I think you are being way over dramatic about ethnic cleansing. He has people from all cultures working for him and he is very proud of that. What he does want to do is stop having most of the world take advantage of the US and try and balance the books again. Time will tell what he is really about and of course I may be wrong, but I honestly think he is wanting to do his best for his country and if that is really the case, then I sure hope he wins.

Think about it for a minute.......he is basically funding his own campaign, he does not appear to be bought and paid for by any special interest group and he talks about unfair trade advantages with China and Mexico. He may just surprise us all with some common sense decisions that will bring the US back to some sort of greatness again. I wish he would talk about the unprecedented corruptness of wall street and the banks so that he could give the middle class some solid grounding to vote for him.

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

Its like a horse race where Hillary slips up through the middle of the pack.

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I've never really liked Trump. That he has done so well thus far earns him a certain degree of respect, and earns for the people of the US who support him more than a certain level of concern.

The interesting thing at the moment is how the GOP Establishment is reacting. Their tactics have thus far failed to stall Trump's rise, and they are now clearly getting desperate. The language we are seeing from his opponents is getting dirty, like spoilt school children who are worried they will lose their toys. Their desperation is bringing out their true colours and to be honest, they're making themselves look just as bad as Trump, if not worse. Meanwhile, Trump is just laughing it off and edging ever nearer to the nomination.

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(With credit to JakeSully post #7:)

Trump / Hitler comparisons:

1. Eminent domain to take lands = Lebensraum

2. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims are the enemy = Jews are the enemy

3. Waterboarding = Gestapo torture tactics, SS, Wasanee conference

4. Walls = Atlantic wall, air defense over Germany

5. Deportation squads = deportation of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps

6. Anchor babies not being citizens = focus on birthright, blood purity

7. Take take take for america = annexation of Austria, Sudetenland, Checlosvokia, invasion of Poland, USSR, Western Europe

8. Denying people entry into country based on religion = Nuremberg laws denying civil liberties to groups based on religion

9. Killing families of enemies of America = genocide, war crimes by Wehrmacht, SS

10. Orwellian claims that he "loves" people at same time proposing policies very hostile to these groups. Manipulation of media = Goebels propaganda machine

Why do people always go back to Hitler when they have nothing else in their verbal armory?

Trump is and has a lot of strange ideas, but I thought the USA was structured in such a way that a crazy POTUS would still be unable to start WWIII. If the president was free to do whatever he wanted, Obama should have had an easy time and reformed the USA much more than he did, Obama couldn't do a single thing about gun control, yet you think Trump will start ethnic cleansing.

Sorry matey that just does not add up.

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I am in favour of mavericks and I think that is what the republicans need if they have any chance of being in the White House. But a Maverick has to offer something revolutionary and have the ability to deliver it. Trump doesn't have the ability to do this. I know it is too late this time but the republicans really need to re-invent themselves and try again in four years. They have blown it this time by putting up a complete moron as their candidate so they may as well go back to the drawing board now.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

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I think at this point we all expected Trump to be laughed out of the race. I suspect now some of the more conservative republicans have to come to terms that Trump is the only possible chance of a candidate and therefore they have to soften their stance against him. Certainly all the republicans I know have their heads in their hands sobbing .

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There is a chance to stop a Trump nomination.

Kasich wins Ohio. Rubio wins Florida. Trump arrives at the convention without the delegates he needs to win.

Then it can be brokered and the smart compromise SANE pick then would be KASICH. With Rubio as VP. Cruz is too creepy and would never beat Hillary so I doubt even the republicans would be that stupid.

If Kasich and Rubio can't do it, then Trump will definitely be nominated.

This scenario not likely but certainly not impossible either.

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There is a chance to stop a Trump nomination.

Kasich wins Ohio. Rubio wins Florida. Trump arrives at the convention without the delegates he needs to win.

Then it can be brokered and the smart compromise SANE pick then would be KASICH. With Rubio as VP. Cruz is too creepy and would never beat Hillary so I doubt even the republicans would be that stupid.

If Kasich and Rubio can't do it, then Trump will definitely be nominated.

This scenario not likely but certainly not impossible either.

It is the only path and it would be the best Republican ticket, Kasich-Rubio. (John would do a lot to stablise Marco.)

If Trump does not win on the first ballot of the national convention, he's gonna fail to get it. R party would not succeed however in trying to present Trump supporters with the line that it's the candidates carrying the campaign in to the convention rather than backroom deals screwing Trump.

Trouble presently with the scenario is that Rubio is 15 points behind Trump in Marco's home state of Florida that elected him to the senate in 2010; he's wisely not running for reelection. Rubio wants very much to run for governor in 2018 but losing the state to Trump now would knock The Rube down considerably in his own party.

Kasich will win Republicans in his own state of Ohio hands down. Florida and Ohio are winner take all, so K is sort of the firewall to hold off Trump getting the 1237 delegates to win it going in to the convention. Still there's no assurance Trump can be held below the magic number going in.

Long odds on this one for the institutional Republican party. Trump doesn't have a lock on it either but, yeah, at this point it's still his to lose.

Barry Goldwater 2.0

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(With credit to JakeSully post #7:)

Trump / Hitler comparisons:

1. Eminent domain to take lands = Lebensraum

2. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims are the enemy = Jews are the enemy

3. Waterboarding = Gestapo torture tactics, SS, Wasanee conference

4. Walls = Atlantic wall, air defense over Germany

5. Deportation squads = deportation of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps

6. Anchor babies not being citizens = focus on birthright, blood purity

7. Take take take for america = annexation of Austria, Sudetenland, Checlosvokia, invasion of Poland, USSR, Western Europe

8. Denying people entry into country based on religion = Nuremberg laws denying civil liberties to groups based on religion

9. Killing families of enemies of America = genocide, war crimes by Wehrmacht, SS

10. Orwellian claims that he "loves" people at same time proposing policies very hostile to these groups. Manipulation of media = Goebels propaganda machine

What really is scary is that this man has large following, so had Hitler.

(gestapo torture technics - Wannensee conference - Birth of the final solution presided by Heidrich). To be seen on U-tube.

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"We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community,

represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous."

"We have disagreed with one another on many issues,... But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency."

Number of Signatories: 95

"His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.

He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

"His advocacy for aggressively waging trade wars is a recipe for economic disaster in a globally connected world."

"His embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable."

Just the first three reasons. Read more here:


"Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States."

"Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head."

"We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office."

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