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Mysterious Fire Destroys ELC Timber Admidst Investigation

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Khmer Times / May Titthara

Hundreds of cubic meters of timber on a Mondulkiri economic land concession leased to the Uni-Green Company burned to the ground yesterday after an alleged fire from a nearby forest jumped to the property, according to provincial governor Svay Sam Eng, who added that despite efforts to extinguish the blaze by officials who were at the plantation inspecting the legality of the timber – and even with the assistance of firefighters – it has yet to be contained.

“According to the first report, the fire was caused by a big burning forest nearby. As for officials who were inspecting the timber, they could not stop the fire, because it was huge,” Mr. Sam Eng said.

There are reports that 70 percent of Uni-Green’s timber has been destroyed so far, according to the provincial governor. He plans on traveling to the ELC this morning in order to determine the cause of the fire.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22280/mysterious-fire-destroys-elc-timber-admidst-investigation/


“It was reported under the pretext that the company’s timber was burned by a fire from the forest nearby, but I think it was set in order to destroy evidence that the committee could have used to find out who the real owner of the timber was and whether it was legal or not,” Mr. Leng said.

'Nuff said.

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