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How many Muslims do you know in Thailand?


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One of the big problems associated with Islam is that follower are not allowed to criticize anything to do with the religion. Also once you are a Muslim you can not leave. If you renounce the faith then you can be legally killed by any other Muslim.

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The Muslim family that lives across the street from us. They bought a house that was financed by the Bank of Islam. Six months later they never made any payments and were going to lose their home. My Thai wife and I loaned them 27K and they did not want to pay us back. Finally after about three months we did get paid. Other than that I do not know any. Interest free loans under Sharia Law is bs anyway. The bank buys the house adds on an amount equal to what interest would have been and sells it at that price to the customer. That amount divided by the number of months determines the monthly payment. Who is kidding who?

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I have many Muslim friends, not only back home (USA) but also here in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. I have lesbian friends in Indonesia, and none of them have a fear of tall buildings. I do have a straight Indonesian friend who said lesbian relationships are against the Quran but she had no strong perspective against it and her favorite TV celebrity was Dorce, a MTF transsexual, whom she described as the Indonesian Oprah. She's lived in Europe now for many years,... Not every Muslim, not nearly a majority, embrace Wahabism, and not all schools of Islam embrace the hadith and sharia... It's very unfair to assess all Muslims by a small minority.

I suggest these "gay" Muslims practice their faith in a Muslim country which has tall buildings which other Muslims will ensure they fall from.

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Is not the OP written & posted by a member of staff of the company which owns TV? I've long held the view the extraordinary large volume of Muslim / Islam related topics on TV as unusual, even click bait.

However, to answer the headline question raised in the OP I personally know approx 20 Thai Sunni Muslims residing in East Pattaya plus many more casually via my wife's family functions. My takeaway from living for four years among Thai Muslims in Pattaya is they are hard working, honest, enjoy a laugh, not sympathetic to the killings and horror of terrorism in places such as the M.E., nor the deep South & live in peace & friendship with their local Thai Buddhist neighbours.

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

People have their views and are entitled to them, but I would be very surprised if any poster did not agree with your last paragraph.

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The OP indulges in a distortion.

It is very true that only a tiny minority of global Muslims are active terrorists.

But a shockingly high percentage of global Muslims support outrageous barbaric practices, such as:

Death penalty for apostasy (leaving Islam)

Honor killings for adultery

Murdering people for being gay

The levels vary nation by nation.

Thailand's Muslims do have relatively moderate views and that's great. North American Muslims are unusually moderate. On the other hand, many majority Muslim nations have populations that favor death for apostasy overwhelmingly. So -- it's not productive to pretend there isn't a problem with this on a global level.

The OP tries to just brush it under the rug. Thus, a fail.

It's not Islamophobic to show support for the minority of global Muslims who are active now to REFORM their fellow religionists, globally. They're almost always in the west because if they were living in Islamic dominated states, their lives would be in danger.

As far as interacting with Thai Muslims as people, I'd say approach them as individual human beings and don't make assumptions about them, either way. But that's not the same thing as not being aware of this GLOBAL issue.

None and I want to keep it that way. Why? well the above reasons tell some of the story. Their treatment of women is terrible. They so seldom come forward and condemn the radical Muslims. They seem to be biding their time while producing large numbers of children. They will control many countries via this method in the next 50 to 100 years.

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The OP indulges in a distortion.

It is very true that only a tiny minority of global Muslims are active terrorists.

But a shockingly high percentage of global Muslims support outrageous barbaric practices, such as:

Death penalty for apostasy (leaving Islam)

Honor killings for adultery

Murdering people for being gay

The levels vary nation by nation.

Thailand's Muslims do have relatively moderate views and that's great. North American Muslims are unusually moderate. On the other hand, many majority Muslim nations have populations that favor death for apostasy overwhelmingly. So -- it's not productive to pretend there isn't a problem with this on a global level.

The OP tries to just brush it under the rug. Thus, a fail.

It's not Islamophobic to show support for the minority of global Muslims who are active now to REFORM their fellow religionists, globally. They're almost always in the west because if they were living in Islamic dominated states, their lives would be in danger.

As far as interacting with Thai Muslims as people, I'd say approach them as individual human beings and don't make assumptions about them, either way. But that's not the same thing as not being aware of this GLOBAL issue.

None and I want to keep it that way. Why? well the above reasons tell some of the story. Their treatment of women is terrible. They so seldom come forward and condemn the radical Muslims. They seem to be biding their time while producing large numbers of children. They will control many countries via this method in the next 50 to 100 years.

"NONE"-All above and more. They practice a very "Unforgiving Religion!"

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The Muslim family that lives across the street from us. They bought a house that was financed by the Bank of Islam. Six months later they never made any payments and were going to lose their home. My Thai wife and I loaned them 27K and they did not want to pay us back. Finally after about three months we did get paid. Other than that I do not know any. Interest free loans under Sharia Law is bs anyway. The bank buys the house adds on an amount equal to what interest would have been and sells it at that price to the customer. That amount divided by the number of months determines the monthly payment. Who is kidding who?

Agreed. Very hypocritical.

Conveniently amending the situation to by-pass their religious laws. wink.png

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This thread has veered far off topic and will shortly be closed unless posters can confine themselves to the topic which is not the pros and cons of Islam as a religion nor what Muslims are like/do worldwide. it is about Muslims in Thailand and specifically, what first hand interactions you have had with them.

In my experience Muslims in Thailand are an extremely diverse group if one includes those who are foreign, and bring with them their own foreign culture. Limiting it to indigenous Thai muslims, I find them extremely different from Arab or South Asian Muslims (not surprising given how different the cultures are). I have had only a few interactions with Thai Muslims from the South, most of the Thai Muslims I encounter are ethnic Chams (same as in Cambodia) living around the Nong Chok area and I find them very pleasant, friendly and approachable - which is also what I find among most Cham in Cambodia.

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In fact Halal = Kosher is the same...

Nope. Vaguely similar, maybe, but not the same at all.


"According to halal law, all intoxicating alcohols, wines, liquors and drugs are prohibited.

Where as kosher law allows all wines.

While in kosher foods, dairy and meat cannot be mixed and it is entirely prohibited, Halal permits the mixing of the two."

Read more: Difference Between Kosher and Halal | Difference Between | Kosher vs Halal http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-kosher-and-halal/#ixzz426DUD8Hk

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A high number of OFF TOPIC posts removed.

see post #56 by Sheryl.

"This thread has veered far off topic and will shortly be closed unless posters can confine themselves to the topic which is not the pros and cons of Islam as a religion nor what Muslims are like/do worldwide. it is aboutMuslims in Thailand and specifically, what first hand interactions you have had with them."

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A high number of OFF TOPIC posts removed.

see post #56 by Sheryl.

"This thread has veered far off topic and will shortly be closed unless posters can confine themselves to the topic which is not the pros and cons of Islam as a religion nor what Muslims are like/do worldwide. it is aboutMuslims in Thailand and specifically, what first hand interactions you have had with them."

I only met three that I know of in Thailand, taxi or minibus drivers. One started frothing at the mouth when I said some parts of Bangkok reminded me of New York 40 years ago, another one tried to kill himself and the other passengers getting us to Bangkok. He was also a control freak and a thief (tried to add ฿200.- to the agreed fee), the other one was Ok.

I want to keep it that way.

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In fact Halal = Kosher is the same...

Nope. Vaguely similar, maybe, but not the same at all.


"According to halal law, all intoxicating alcohols, wines, liquors and drugs are prohibited.

Where as kosher law allows all wines.

While in kosher foods, dairy and meat cannot be mixed and it is entirely prohibited, Halal permits the mixing of the two."

Read more: Difference Between Kosher and Halal | Difference Between | Kosher vs Halal http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-kosher-and-halal/#ixzz426DUD8Hk

Today in most of the middle eastern countries, dozens of food products are stuffed with food additives and carcinogens, those countries has the highest level of diabetes and cancers, if the prophet were alive he would have prohibited those products as priority, in fact in the Jews are not allowed to get intoxicated but rather drink in moderation, the following verse in the Quran clearly states that all food from Jews are lawful.

“The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them.” Sura 5 - Al-Maeda (MADINA) : Verse 5

regarding alcohol it was not restricted right-away, but those Arabs were drinking large volume of low quality dates liquor, fine wines were not available,for example last year there were an incident where dozens of people died trying to drink a home brew version of this date liquor hence understand its Islamic prohibitions, today with the advances of distillation techniques, things would have been totally different and many Islamic scholars in medieval Spain allowed the use of Nabeedh (equivalent to modern day Beer) or any alcohol with very low degree,

that is what mentioned in the Quran as for the hadiths I said that many Islamic sects believes that it was corrupted since some of it comes 300 years after the death of the prophet.

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Only one over here, and a very nice personable chap he is too.

If you want to use the word terrorist, I think the word 'government' is the word you should be looking for. ("Have a competent enemy, and if you don't have one then create one" - Sun Tzu in The Art of War).

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None & will actively keep it that way ......The Thai's I have had discussions with about the subject feel that (1) they are not treated well by Muslims - almost as outsiders in their own country (2) Muslim's are not honest in business dealings almost on the verge of entitlement - due to their sense of self imposed regal like superiority.....

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truth is this, consider this for 1 moment .......why would i have any muslim friends when they read and follow the koran ?

- http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx

so, i dont trust them , i never will trust them and i,ll never ever get to close to one.

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The OP indulges in a distortion.

It is very true that only a tiny minority of global Muslims are active terrorists.

But a shockingly high percentage of global Muslims support outrageous barbaric practices, such as:

Death penalty for apostasy (leaving Islam)

Honor killings for adultery

Murdering people for being gay

The levels vary nation by nation.

Thailand's Muslims do have relatively moderate views and that's great. North American Muslims are unusually moderate. On the other hand, many majority Muslim nations have populations that favor death for apostasy overwhelmingly. So -- it's not productive to pretend there isn't a problem with this on a global level.

The OP tries to just brush it under the rug. Thus, a fail.

It's not Islamophobic to show support for the minority of global Muslims who are active now to REFORM their fellow religionists, globally. They're almost always in the west because if they were living in Islamic dominated states, their lives would be in danger.

As far as interacting with Thai Muslims as people, I'd say approach them as individual human beings and don't make assumptions about them, either way. But that's not the same thing as not being aware of this GLOBAL issue.

None and I want to keep it that way. Why? well the above reasons tell some of the story. Their treatment of women is terrible. They so seldom come forward and condemn the radical Muslims. They seem to be biding their time while producing large numbers of children. They will control many countries via this method in the next 50 to 100 years.

Just how many Muslims in Thailand do you know know whose treatment of women is terrible? As I posted above I have lived in a Thai Muslim community, all the families insisted putting the female children through school, took good care of their wives and so on. in fact a female was the first member of the community to obtain a Uni degree. There will always be exceptions to the norm & if a female was abused they could go to the Imam and get a divorce.

So far as Muslim population growth is concerned, generally this is a myth in today's world. A link below, but likely you're familiar with Pew Research who also debunk the claims.


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Isn't it peculiar how we refer to Islam and Christianity as "religions" but the beliefs of the Greeks, Romans and Norsemen as "mythology".

Islam is a cult and the more of this depressing stuff I read and hear, the more I come to believe that adherence to Islam more than any other religion - cult is a form of mental illness.

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"It’s not an argument I want to engage in."

If that is the case - why start the argument in the first place. The OP is basically stating his opinion and then trying to direct the outcoming debate.

So - how many Mulsims do I know here - plenty actually. How many Sunni Muslims do I know here - zero. How many Muslims do I chat to at the local market, on my runs around the Muslim area I live in - plenty. How many Sunni Muslims ignore me and stare me out as I'm going past - most of them.

There is a Sunni school we go past on our walks out and if school is out and the Sunni parents are waiting, we walk another way home. They are quite hostile.

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I bash Muslim religion same as I do all abrahamic religions, or religions based on blind obedience to supposed God given commands.

That said, I have Muslim friends here in Thailand, tourists from Iran, Saudi, Kuwait, Pakistan etc. I also had Muslim friends in USA and Indonesia when I lived there. Generally speaking they are usually kinder, more welcoming and intelligent than random assortment of general population.

When posters say "eliminate them" why don't they say "murder them"? Because how else could they be eliminated?

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And before she could come back to her parents house for a visit they had to purchase separate cooking utensils for her so that she didn't have to eat with the same utensils as her family.

And eat in a separate room or face away from the table.

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truth is this, consider this for 1 moment .......why would i have any muslim friends when they read and follow the koran ?

- http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx

so, i dont trust them , i never will trust them and i,ll never ever get to close to one.

All ancient religious books (Bible, Talmud, book of Mormons and you name it) has dozens of disgusting passages encouraging violence as I mentioned earlier

I could come up with dozens of violent passages in the bible in fact some modern atheist historians strongly believes that the Koran was simply copied from the Torah (old testament), prophet Mohamed lived 1 part in Mecca and second part in Medina all Islamic religious laws started to appear during his life in medina when he started to interact with the Jewish tribes.

Note that 200 years someone could be burned alive on the stake just for being non-Catholic read about the Spanish Inquisition trials

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Inquisition ,

The main question is could we rely on all these ancient books in our modern society the answer is probably no, those books were written for a different era.

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I like Muslims....i like them to stay in the

middle east where they come from.

And not force Halal foods and their sharia law down our throats....oh, and stop raping and molesting western women, and kiddy-fiddling young children, or marrying them if it comes to that...apart from that, they seem ok...555

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With regard to Muslim friends in the OP, doesn't the Koran say not to take kafir as your friends?

Perhaps so, I don't know, but be clear not all Muslims are fundamentalists. The Thai Muslims I have known have been gay. Also not fundamentalist. I guess you could be a gay Muslim fundamentalist but that wouldn't be easy to pull off.

I think there is a dynamic as there are so many Islamic majority nations (over 50 I think) of different social ways of being when you're a minority vs. when you're the majority. In Thailand, Muslims are a significant population but still clearly a minority.

Also, some of the stuff often associated with Islamic groups such as the Saudi female extreme covering custom isn't really from Islam, but more about their specific CULTURE there.

I'm not pretending to be an expert on Islam but I know enough to feel supportive of the Muslim activists in the world working towards reform within Islam ... such as more equal treatment for women, not murdering gays, etc. Things like dietary rules should be respected ... doesn't hurt anyone, but it would be nice for Muslims if they had the FREEDOM to leave the faith.

I also know for a fact, that as Jew, credible surveys show that the vast majority of Muslims in the Middle East hate Jews just for being Jews. Even in nearby Malaysia. That makes me sad, but I refuse to hate people back just for their ethnicity or religion. Because it's not everyone so it's not fair to assume it's everyone, when it isn't. Of course running around Isis land with a rainbow flag and yarmulke wouldn't be too bright, now would it?

Identifying yourself as gay muslim is like identifying yourself as jewish nazi.

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This should not even be discussed in my opinion. Why bring it up? No doubt most comments will be polorizing and could create hate. Leave it alone. Let America and Europe focus on it and see how they will be affected. Better to ignore it, go with the flow and make everyone your friend!

Yeah, lets gather around the camp fire, hold our hands and sing kumbayah.

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And before she could come back to her parents house for a visit they had to purchase separate cooking utensils for her so that she didn't have to eat with the same utensils as her family.

And eat in a separate room or face away from the table.

Examples of some Islamic rules which were copied from Judaism and the Kashrut laws

Jews don't eat pork - copied.

Cattle slaughtered with sharp object and blood drained with a prayer mentioned (Kosher slaughter) - copied.

the Fasting of yum kippur and other days- the prophet copied the concept after his companions were envious when they saw the Jews fasting that day.

Prayer direction to (Jerusalem (Mizrah) / Mecca (Qibbla)) - the prophet Mohamed prayed in the direction of Jerusalem for years before changing his mind to mecca.

Utensils with unkosher meat can not be unused - copied.

Jews prays 3 times a day - Muslims prays 5 times a day.

Ablution and ritual washing - copied with some modifications.

Monotheism concept one God - copied.

Alms and charity - copied.

Don't mix diary products with meat - was hard to be copied by the Muslims since diary food was their daily staple food.

Weak alcohol content beverages - was legalized at the beginning of Islam then it became tough as the comparison of the prophet were notably heavy drinkers.

Promised land - the Muslims created the conquest and jihad concept to claim all lands.

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