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Daily Day Diary For Issan


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My Thai wife has had her driver's license for about six months. She learned to drive with a manual transmission Toyota 4X4 so I figured if she learned to drive with that beast, a car with an automatic transmission would be very easy for her. Yesterday we went and took delivery of our new Ford Focus Ghia. Of course I drove it home. We had no sooner than pulled out of the dealership when she told me I was driving wrong. I use my right foot for the accelerator and my left for the brake. I asked her where she got that information and she told me the salesman told her the proper way. I told her I have been driving longer than that salesman has been alive and that I wasn't about to change my driving habits. On a long leisurely drive I sometimes use just my right foot for the accelerator and the brake but in traffic I normally use both feet.

I told her about the guy who had just gotten married and had his set of encyclopedias for sale. She wanted to know why he wanted to sell them and I told her that his wife is the same as my wife. He no longer needs them because his wife knows EVERYTHING! :D

Before she even had her driver's license she developed a bad habit of telling me how to drive. After a trip to Jomtien, I was so pissed off at her that I took her to the bus station and made her take the bus back to Loei. I drove back home alone. It is beginning to look like she is in need of another lesson. :o

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Today TBWG is coming over I am going over to Huairat Rail Station on my bike to meet him as he is not sure where we are in the Jungle. Again we have been conversing on here but not met yet so looking forward to that.

I am sure when he leaves he will agree with Martin that I am such a wonderful kindhearted guy, with a level of intelligence beyond comprehension. hahaha

Now I know that will command some supportive comments

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your wife was correct (of course) ; right foot for accelorator and for brake... left foot left over for stick shift driving people even if u are driving an automatic. btw learned on auto in america learned stick shift here in israel and if u do different, u fail test, as daughter points out daily.

Edited by bina
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Well this morning kept the Farang timekeeping and met TBWG at the Rail station on time in Huairat.

We eventually got to my house in the Jungle, gave TBWG a guided tour of the house after coffee, bless him he bought a gift for the wife and the baby which is near entering this world.

We had a good old chit-chat then had a look on the computer, then some food.

THen it was time for his journey to Buriram.

Great to meet after so long.

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Well this morning kept the Farang timekeeping and met TBWG at the Rail station on time in Huairat.

We eventually got to my house in the Jungle, gave TBWG a guided tour of the house after coffee, bless him he bought a gift for the wife and the baby which is near entering this world.

We had a good old chit-chat then had a look on the computer, then some food.

THen it was time for his journey to Buriram.

Great to meet after so long.

Hi Macb

Great hospitality and you will be pleased to know i got to Buriram without getting into any mischief :o

Look forward to seeing you and Bee in our neck of the woods shortly.


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Well every year about this time from the 13th December to 25th there is a big Mkt I would call it Xmas mkt but not the same theme as UK, any way took a few pics for you all. The have all the usual from furniture to m/c and plenty of Khnom of course


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See what Issan is really like. Seeing is believing!

I just spent 2 weeks travelling Issan on a little Honda 100 (Korat to near

Cambodian boarder).

I met many fantastic people who welcomed me into their lives.

This little video clip shows what it is really like travelling on the road,

the Wats that you pass, a monk initiation ceremony, a primary school sports

day, somtum making, rice farming, fishing in a dam and village kids playing.

As I say, this is just a small clip and I'm new to all this. I just used a

small cannon digital camera on video clip mode.

I'm new to videos, new to web video, and new to this part of Thailand on a

motorcycle. (Taking videos whilst ridding a motorcycle one handed is also

new to me!)

Maybe the important thing for those of this NG who haven't had the chance to

travel Issan that can see what it's is really like.

Sorry if this is boring for you who actually live there.

Thanks to all the Thai people who welcomed me into theirs lives.

I hope you like my contribution.


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Well at last the builder arrived yesterday we did some measuring up and set off into Burriram to order supplies, work will commence on Friday 29th.

Work to be completed is creating a create patio area with placements for sun shade brollies, and to raise the intregal carport area level with the single front which will be tiled and become a seating area as well with a wall fan, also for wife and new baby due around 14th January 2007. Also Timber purchased to have a bed made for the arrival of my daughter, the idea being it will see her into her 3rd 4th year.

Well pics of supplies attached and the areas to be worked on. in all so far I spent 16000 bht on materials,cement, iron, tiles, timber, grout, concrete floor slabs.

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WEll the builders are here work is under way pics to follow, having had a 4hr power cut ran out of time to spend on here believe it or not.

So far this morning conduit in for water feature electrics, carport being raised and guy atarted making my daughters bed.

More as we go along

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My wife is due any day so I am under the gun to finish with the furniture as well. We purchased a crib that converts to a nice toddler bed, but it was not finished to my liking so I have spent several hours sanding it down and varnishing it with clearcoat. I need to do a few more sandings and varnishing in the next day so it is 100%. I kind of got carried away and decided to sand down the dressers that we purchased and varnish them as well. I am not sure why I create more projects for myself when there is no real need, but we always want the best for our children. I will post some pics of her room when it is all finished. :o

Take care of your wife and keep us informed of the little one's progress.

Mike in Seattle

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I've spent so much time in here I thought I'd add my day (hope you guys dont mind)

Phone call at 3am woke me up, noi from Buriram bless her still cant work out I'm asleep while she's up and about at 10am

15 minutes of sleepy broken thai and 5 mins chatting to her little girl who speaks better english than her mummy

alarm clock on phone wakes me at 6 am, too cold to get out of bed

snooze button x 2

finally jump up in a rare burst of energy, stub toe in pitch black and off to work

Scrape windscreen with credit card (all i have to hand) and drive to work in freezing cold

arrive at work, take headache tablet for headache caused by shivvering so violently in car

6 hours of dullness (half day today)

home to help the builder finish plastering half the house, getting 2 rooms ready to let in Jan (first step closer to LOS, 2 peeps paying my mortgage for me)

7.30pm finally sit down to a couple of well deserved and very looked forward to hours on Thaivisa annoying others with my questions and fiercely fighting the Isaan look corner for the girls (not that they need it)

12 hour shift tomorrow to look forward to, and same same for new years eve then another 4 next week just for good measures

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See what Issan is really like. Seeing is believing!

I just spent 2 weeks travelling Issan on a little Honda 100 (Korat to near

Cambodian boarder).

I met many fantastic people who welcomed me into their lives.

This little video clip shows what it is really like travelling on the road,

the Wats that you pass, a monk initiation ceremony, a primary school sports

day, somtum making, rice farming, fishing in a dam and village kids playing.

As I say, this is just a small clip and I'm new to all this. I just used a

small cannon digital camera on video clip mode.

I'm new to videos, new to web video, and new to this part of Thailand on a

motorcycle. (Taking videos whilst ridding a motorcycle one handed is also

new to me!)

Maybe the important thing for those of this NG who haven't had the chance to

travel Issan that can see what it's is really like.

Sorry if this is boring for you who actually live there.

Thanks to all the Thai people who welcomed me into theirs lives.

I hope you like my contribution.


Some charming scenes which helped to warm up a cold and windy day in Scotland.


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Well the building work is well under way heres an up-date of pics so far including the new hand made bed for my soon to arrive daughter. Today its complete concreting and start tiling

This evening I have decided throw party for family

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My wife is due any day so I am under the gun to finish with the furniture as well. We purchased a crib that converts to a nice toddler bed, but it was not finished to my liking so I have spent several hours sanding it down and varnishing it with clearcoat. I need to do a few more sandings and varnishing in the next day so it is 100%. I kind of got carried away and decided to sand down the dressers that we purchased and varnish them as well. I am not sure why I create more projects for myself when there is no real need, but we always want the best for our children. I will post some pics of her room when it is all finished. :o

Take care of your wife and keep us informed of the little one's progress.

Mike in Seattle

You take care to and lok after your wife too: will keep you up-dated and vis-versa

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WEll work complete yesterday, guy coming back in a week to put colour: But dont laugh done a great job making the daughter's bed but its to big to fit through bedroom door hahahahaha. So have to get him here sooner to fix the problem.

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good luck! no expansion joints in the concrete???

Expansion strips: Well the same guys laid my drive I was going to use CPAC but the guys said they can do that was 2 yers ago, at the time I tried to explain expansion strips and even set one myself but I gave cos 1. they pulled it out and 2 communication problem and wife did not know what I was on about bless her.

But the drive is okay so let them get on with it, but there is re-enforcing iron network laid on the ground before they concrete so may thats why cos it ties it all in

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to let you know Wife is doing okay due date ?? 14th this month, she is back at docs on Saturday so waiting game now, but cant stop her doinds things she has been working in the garden with her sister, but keeps her excercised and busy ,so I let her do what she wants.

But everything is ready the daughters bed is up in the bedroom now the builders have finsihed there work .

The case is reasdy for the Hospital, so waiting game now

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Hi! What a great forum this is, especially this Isaan diary!!

I live in Sweden, but have a wife from Ban Muang Pai, near Krasang. Nice to know that there are farangs living in that area!

Maybe you can give me some advice:Me and my wife are planning to buy an apartment or house in Krasang. Do you know if there is any place on the internet to look for this, or is this something her parents has to check out by asking around?

What prices can we expect to pay? Thanks for all your advices! :o

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Hi! What a great forum this is, especially this Isaan diary!!

I live in Sweden, but have a wife from Ban Muang Pai, near Krasang. Nice to know that there are farangs living in that area!

Maybe you can give me some advice:Me and my wife are planning to buy an apartment or house in Krasang. Do you know if there is any place on the internet to look for this, or is this something her parents has to check out by asking around?

What prices can we expect to pay? Thanks for all your advices! :o

Tongue in cheek I think you will have to get the parents to make some enquiries my friend or put you enquiry in the property section on here

Edited by macb
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Hi! What a great forum this is, especially this Isaan diary!!

I live in Sweden, but have a wife from Ban Muang Pai, near Krasang. Nice to know that there are farangs living in that area!

Maybe you can give me some advice:Me and my wife are planning to buy an apartment or house in Krasang. Do you know if there is any place on the internet to look for this, or is this something her parents has to check out by asking around?

What prices can we expect to pay? Thanks for all your advices! :o

My best mate, lives in Krasang, i will ask him, now is the time to buy, i have a place in Buriram, every other day we have people coming to the house with land or property for sale, owe the Thai/Chinese money, i have just aquired another 6 rai for a mate of mine.

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Hi MacB and other regulars on this string. Good luck to you n Bee and your baby daughter to be.....glad you managed to get the baby's bed in the house, should make night feeds alot easier for Bee....lol...some really nice peeps on this string, I think theres is a big difference between the urban dwellers and us Jungle men (and women). Gonna have to check back with you when I'm back in LoS on 18/1 as my 2 8 month old german shepherds play "kill the chickens" every time they are off the leash. Neighbours gettin a bit peed off with them now!.....great fishing park in BKK for those wanting a workout!....pics to follow. Back in the hammock Thursday afternoon for 2 weeks with a visit to Ubon planned next weekend.

Best wishes to Lourens too.



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Hi MacB and other regulars on this string. Good luck to you n Bee and your baby daughter to be.....glad you managed to get the baby's bed in the house, should make night feeds alot easier for Bee....lol...some really nice peeps on this string, I think theres is a big difference between the urban dwellers and us Jungle men (and women). Gonna have to check back with you when I'm back in LoS on 18/1 as my 2 8 month old german shepherds play "kill the chickens" every time they are off the leash. Neighbours gettin a bit peed off with them now!.....great fishing park in BKK for those wanting a workout!....pics to follow. Back in the hammock Thursday afternoon for 2 weeks with a visit to Ubon planned next weekend.

Best wishes to Lourens too.




Thanks for the as an up-date went to doc's yesterday another scan all okay etc given wife till next SAturday, the due date is actually today!!! BUt waiting game now

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