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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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It appals me that we allow ritual (read cruel) slaughter of animals in the west

It would be a great way to discourage all muslims (politically correct spell checker tried to capitalise the word) except real refugees to keep out or indeed keep out.

I don't want to share the country with these misogynistic, cruel barbarians

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Goodness. When I lived in Turkey, pork wasn't usually available at cafes, but there were butcher shops that sold pork.

I work with a Muslim guy -- well he is nominally Muslim -- and about his only attention to religion is that he doesn't eat pork, but then again, he doesn't eat any meat that isn't halal.

This is a little like removing meat from the menu because it might offend vegetarians.

yep, there are no ban for pork products in Turkey and you can go buy any kind pork meat from some supermarkets freely.

this is a stupid move from Germany!

such actions bring more opposition and hatred for those refugees, nothing else. and if such stupid kindness from german authorities, why they did not do it before? there are millions of muslim living there for decades.

plus you cannot change the traditions, food and life style of your own citizens just bc of some muslim migrants or any migrants from any religion or area!

what next? a ban on beer/alcohol in Germany due to muslim migrants?!

if they are offended, just say bye and let them leave Germany.

Edited by Galactus
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Never say never my friend. I said the same about the US but that was my mistake. Dearborn Michigan has officially implemented all aspects of Sharia law. Currently Dearborn is 30% Muslim.


You're talking about the article in 2013, originating from the National Report, that has since be made clear to be satirical? There is no shariah law in the US.

"National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. "

Thank you, I stand corrected. I'm not one to post incorrect information intentionally. There was an article in the Washington Post on November 21, 2015 reporting the city of Hamtramck, Michigan elected a Muslim majority council. I am neither a bigot or a racist but I see this as the first foot in the door.

Love it, just love it. Bet you wrapped your kids in confederate flags while they slept, and let them fondle your platinum NRA membership card ( endorsed by Charlton heston ).

'A good ol boy drinking whiskey and rye'

First post removed due to too many posts. Unlike you AJ I am above personal insults.

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<<<< German language removed, this is an English language forum >>>>


As a German i have to say, that we have to many stupid pigs. This ones we should eat first.

Oh yeah, we are all Nazis and racists.

If our sensible refugees don't like our food, then show them where the carpenter left the hole !!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is good news for the pigs. Did any Muslims actually demand this? Or are the Germans just being accommodating?

Really, it should be up to the German people, if the new arrivals don't like it they can leave, either back to where they came from or to another country with similar standards. Simple.

This wouldn't happen in Thailand, that's for sure.

Practical people these Thais.

Well, there are some issues with bread. Remember?

No I don't know about that. What happened?

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="NeverSure" data-cid="10501668" data-time="1457327371">NeverSure, on 07 Mar 2016 - 12:09, said:NeverSure, on 07 Mar 2016 - 12:09, said:NeverSure, on 07 Mar 2016 - 12:09, said:<p><p>

OP originates from the Express, a well known Islamophobic online media outlet from the UK.Owner Richard Desmond who also owns the Daily Express, and its role in whipping up anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK served to remind me that some biased lobbies are trying in vain to influence the media in Europe.Nice try...

Well, Mr. Apologist, why don't you just google the headline and count the number of news sources that are reporting this as true? Here. I'll do it for you. ------------------Ok, rest assured everyone, I just emailed my friend in Stuttgart, and he confirmed that 100% , that you can sftill buy sausages in Germany. And a large variety of delicious pork ones. All over the country. April fools day? Not yet. The headline is rediculous.Somebody is telling porkies.

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So basically if you actually read the story it says that somewhere they talked about not having pork on the menu - pork has not been actually banned and it won't be. Just like the idiots who say Sharia law will happen - it can't because it would have to go through parliament, democratic process and would never be allowed

Hate to say it to you frothing at the mouth brigade, Muslims do not get offended to see sausages being sold.

But hey, why let facts get in the way of paranoia, xenophobia and scare mongering. And don't worry about your country being screwed over by corporations or the rich - look over there some Muslims don't like pork!

Never say never my friend. I said the same about the US but that was my mistake. Dearborn Michigan has officially implemented all aspects of Sharia law. Currently Dearborn is 30% Muslim.


You're talking about the article in 2013, originating from the National Report, that has since be made clear to be satirical? There is no shariah law in the US.

"National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. "

Thank you, I stand corrected. I'm not one to post incorrect information intentionally. There was an article in the Washington Post on November 21, 2015 reporting the city of Hamtramck, Michigan elected a Muslim majority council. I am neither a bigot or a racist but I see this as the first foot in the door.

I am always sceptic all of people who say " I am not a racist BUT.........."

The story is not true, it is a beat up, click bait, whatever.

Pork is still available in Germany, FACT.

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Pork products are not and will not be banned in Germany.

However, economics will give any sufficiently large minority a disproportionate effect on society. Look at it this way: Non-muslims can eat halal food. Muslims (generally speaking) will not eat non-halal food. So, anyplace that is feeding large numbers of people in Germany can simplify their lives and reduce their costs by just feeding everyone halal food.

So, where will we see halal food being served? Schools, hospitals, prisons, military bases & ships... everywhere where large numbers of people are fed from a limited menu.

What effect will this have on the general availability of pork products? Well, whatever percentage of pork products that are sold to institutional customers will mostly just disappear from the market. If food producers see 20% of their pork sales vanish over the course of the next 3 or 4 years, they will stop buying/producing as much pork and switch to chicken/beef/mutton/whatever. This will probably not have a big effect on the availability of pork for the average consumer. At least, not for now. dry.png

Of course, this 'economics for the minority' effect may very well spread beyond port in canteens. It may change the way German women have to dress at public swimming pools or beaches. It may lead to un-mixing sports that are currently co-ed. It may lead to womens-only sections at sporting or other public events. We cannot accurately predict what the future will bring, but we can predict that Germany and the rest of Europe is changing.

Edited by otherstuff1957
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The good old UK Express. Paragon of truth etc etc.

In a few days the truth of what is really going on will come out but the harm is already done.

Stories like these however warm the hearts of fat little expats sunning their pasty bodies in foreign climes while bemoaning the influx of immigrants to countries they no longer live in.

You wouldn't read about it unless you were an express or mail aficionado.

No we would read about it in that bastian of truth 'the guardian" along with its 5 other readers .

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OP originates from the Express, a well known Islamophobic online media outlet from the UK.

Owner Richard Desmond who also owns the Daily Express, and its role in whipping up anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK served to remind me that some biased lobbies are trying in vain to influence the media in Europe.

Nice try...

The local schools in my old home town , now have only Halal meat and do not serve pork in the UK , so nice try . and that is not a hoax .

No laws have been voted in Germany and UK to ban any pork consumption.

Even so both democracies are not segregating their citizens in separate communities through their constitution.

Fallacy of false analogy is not part of both constitutions...

Don't like pork anyway, but l do like bacon!

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Why on earth are the Germans allowing their government to get away with this nonsense? I thought it was only us Brits who were daft enough.

Get ready for an avalanche of right-on virtue signallers who fully support this and all other appeasement to the Muslims.

Now whether this report is right or wrong at least the Brits got a couple of parties

to vote for in Germany you have only one, since the CDU/CSU formed a coalition with

the SPD you got no choice now unless you vote for a splinter party wich has no

chance of winning anything

Germany has what is called a "große Koalition" (great coalition). This means that the two major parties (The Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party) share the power. The Kanzler (prime minister) being Angela Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union.

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Why on earth are the Germans allowing their government to get away with this nonsense? I thought it was only us Brits who were daft enough.

Get ready for an avalanche of right-on virtue signallers who fully support this and all other appeasement to the Muslims.

Now whether this report is right or wrong at least the Brits got a couple of parties

to vote for in Germany you have only one, since the CDU/CSU formed a coalition with

the SPD you got no choice now unless you vote for a splinter party wich has no

chance of winning anything

Germany has what is called a "große Koalition" (great coalition). This means that the two major parties (The Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party) share the power. The Kanzler (prime minister) being Angela Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union.

and in the main they do a good job and have competent people unlike call me Dave's party

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Why on earth are the Germans allowing their government to get away with this nonsense? I thought it was only us Brits who were daft enough.

Get ready for an avalanche of right-on virtue signallers who fully support this and all other appeasement to the Muslims.

Now whether this report is right or wrong at least the Brits got a couple of parties

to vote for in Germany you have only one, since the CDU/CSU formed a coalition with

the SPD you got no choice now unless you vote for a splinter party wich has no

chance of winning anything

Germany has what is called a "große Koalition" (great coalition). This means that the two major parties (The Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party) share the power. The Kanzler (prime minister) being Angela Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union.

and in the main they do a good job and have competent people unlike call me Dave's party

And if they do such a great job why is every body complaining ?

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Why on earth are the Germans allowing their government to get away with this nonsense? I thought it was only us Brits who were daft enough.

Get ready for an avalanche of right-on virtue signallers who fully support this and all other appeasement to the Muslims.

Now whether this report is right or wrong at least the Brits got a couple of parties

to vote for in Germany you have only one, since the CDU/CSU formed a coalition with

the SPD you got no choice now unless you vote for a splinter party wich has no

chance of winning anything

Germany has what is called a "große Koalition" (great coalition). This means that the two major parties (The Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party) share the power. The Kanzler (prime minister) being Angela Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union.

and in the main they do a good job and have competent people unlike call me Dave's party

And if they do such a great job why is every body complaining ?

i have lived there for 40 years or more, Germans love to complain, they will complain that their mas krug isn't full enough but don't you dare take a Germans beer away

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Councils in the UK and Germany can get of this problem by simply closing school canteens and make parents responsible for the kids lunch. The tofu brigade will embrace it,the local shops will make money selling ingredients such as bread, The Muslims can please themselves and the other kids can snack on bratwursts, and the UK CHAV kidswill simply bring a bacon sarnie from home and nick some pork scratchings from

tescos. Maggie can snatch milk. The precedents has been set.

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If this stuff keeps up, a lot of normally reasonable people are going to start supporting very unreasonable reactions. It isn't going to end well.

I'm afraid the unreasonable actions have become the reasonable ones now

- because it all started with a very unreasonable action ANGELA !!!

Edited by sweatalot
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OP originates from the Express, a well known Islamophobic online media outlet from the UK.

Owner Richard Desmond who also owns the Daily Express, and its role in whipping up anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK served to remind me that some biased lobbies are trying in vain to influence the media in Europe.

Nice try...

Well, Mr. Apologist, why don't you just google the headline and count the number of news sources that are reporting this as true? Here. I'll do it for you.

If it's on internet, then it must be true...

I didn't found your links, but I came across this one which I hope comes close to what you were pointing in your previous post :

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If this stuff keeps up, a lot of normally reasonable people are going to start supporting very unreasonable reactions. It isn't going to end well.

It was bad enough not being able to buy bacon in most parts of Java. Had to travel by bus 2 hours to China Town every few weeks.

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And the changes have begun, Angela! gigglem.gif

"...changes have begun..." My first thought exactly. However, when I read the very first post that points this out (above) I realized something else "this is not the beginning of this, is it? Its the beginning of the changes directly related to to the invasion, but hardly the beginning. Germany and the EU have been rolling on to their backs and exposing their underbelly for some time now."

Self Dhimmitue, - dhimmi- the assignment of a subordinate role in executing the tenets and expectations of the religion of islam has actually been taking place in EU for some time. This is, after all, why the floodgates opened in the first place- dhimmis inside the gates were turning the gatehouse wheel.

"Dhimmi," the subordinate status that all non muslims occupy as per sharia, as per divine revelation (it must be so, it cannot be otherwise in sharia). Dhimmi, by virtue of declared sharia or sharia in practice, requires non muslims to make accommodations, bend over, give up a seat, suspend prayer, pay the "tax" and be made to feel humiliated when doing so.This is the actual cornerstone of all sharia civil law. Sharia cannot exist without dhimmis, without genuflecting to islam, without subordination to the caste system of sharia. It makes do difference whether banning pork was from an imam or a leftist apparatchik- the result is the same, genuflection to islam. Consider this simply and slowly- the modern secular state of Germany has strongarmed their population into subordinating to a religion- not just any religion, but the admired religion of their last fuehrer. Stunning!

After all, pork banishing is religious, not cultural, not gender, not moral related- religious. This is self loathing on display once more for the world to witness. Not only does one have to subordinate their own culture, and perhaps kinder, gentler means and methods of animal slaughter, but they must embrace another, inferior culture, one that actually blesses the food that is harvested with cruelty and brutal slaughter, bloodletting, ritual, on behalf of a desert god. These are not just replacing culture practices, steps like this are replacing cultural practices with brutality, barbarism, primal concepts long outgrown by the west. This entire process of banning pork while permitted approved methods of slaughter is one step removed from red heifers or Azetc rites, Baal or Olmec. .

Also, they are not refugees. [They] are no more than numbers in the wholesale replacement of one culture with what it hoped will be its hybrid. Problem is, this is islam; there is no hybrid. Auf wiedersehen Deutschland.

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This is bullshit propaganda. I live in Germany and sausages are banned NOWHERE, not even at schools. Just a headline to get the brown anger growing again.

Whats more likely, that a publication with a story like this has made the entire thing up, "bullshit propaganda," or that some anonymous poster, unable to counter facts projects some sophomoric ad hominen attack to misdirect, dissesmble?

Even as an exercise in economy of thought its easier to just quickly glance the OP versus the above rebuttal and judge: "true," and move on, rejecting the above protest as the real BS!

After all, the OP fits into a now daily narrative pouring out of the West. Its not just this story, is it? This is happening in many places now.

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This is bullshit propaganda. I live in Germany and sausages are banned NOWHERE, not even at schools. Just a headline to get the brown anger growing again.

Whats more likely, that a publication with a story like this has made the entire thing up, "bullshit propaganda," or that some anonymous poster, unable to counter facts projects some sophomoric ad hominen attack to misdirect, dissesmble?

Even as an exercise in economy of thought its easier to just quickly glance the OP versus the above rebuttal and judge: "true," and move on, rejecting the above protest as the real BS!

After all, the OP fits into a now daily narrative pouring out of the West. Its not just this story, is it? This is happening in many places now.

It must be true. In a Google search for "pork banned germany," the second result is this thread LOL

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This is bullshit propaganda. I live in Germany and sausages are banned NOWHERE, not even at schools. Just a headline to get the brown anger growing again.

Whats more likely, that a publication with a story like this has made the entire thing up, "bullshit propaganda," or that some anonymous poster, unable to counter facts projects some sophomoric ad hominen attack to misdirect, dissesmble?

Even as an exercise in economy of thought its easier to just quickly glance the OP versus the above rebuttal and judge: "true," and move on, rejecting the above protest as the real BS!

After all, the OP fits into a now daily narrative pouring out of the West. Its not just this story, is it? This is happening in many places now.

It must be true. In a Google search for "pork banned germany," the second result is this thread LOL

But this is not correct. Perhaps on a google.th search, but searches for these above words do not hit the results you suggest.

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And the changes have begun, Angela! gigglem.gif

"...changes have begun..." My first thought exactly. However, when I read the very first post that points this out (above) I realized something else "this is not the beginning of this, is it? Its the beginning of the changes directly related to to the invasion, but hardly the beginning. Germany and the EU have been rolling on to their backs and exposing their underbelly for some time now."

Self Dhimmitue, - dhimmi- the assignment of a subordinate role in executing the tenets and expectations of the religion of islam has actually been taking place in EU for some time. This is, after all, why the floodgates opened in the first place- dhimmis inside the gates were turning the gatehouse wheel.

"Dhimmi," the subordinate status that all non muslims occupy as per sharia, as per divine revelation (it must be so, it cannot be otherwise in sharia). Dhimmi, by virtue of declared sharia or sharia in practice, requires non muslims to make accommodations, bend over, give up a seat, suspend prayer, pay the "tax" and be made to feel humiliated when doing so.This is the actual cornerstone of all sharia civil law. Sharia cannot exist without dhimmis, without genuflecting to islam, without subordination to the caste system of sharia. It makes do difference whether banning pork was from an imam or a leftist apparatchik- the result is the same, genuflection to islam. Consider this simply and slowly- the modern secular state of Germany has strongarmed their population into subordinating to a religion- not just any religion, but the admired religion of their last fuehrer. Stunning!

After all, pork banishing is religious, not cultural, not gender, not moral related- religious. This is self loathing on display once more for the world to witness. Not only does one have to subordinate their own culture, and perhaps kinder, gentler means and methods of animal slaughter, but they must embrace another, inferior culture, one that actually blesses the food that is harvested with cruelty and brutal slaughter, bloodletting, ritual, on behalf of a desert god. These are not just replacing culture practices, steps like this are replacing cultural practices with brutality, barbarism, primal concepts long outgrown by the west. This entire process of banning pork while permitted approved methods of slaughter is one step removed from red heifers or Azetc rites, Baal or Olmec. .

Also, they are not refugees. [They] are no more than numbers in the wholesale replacement of one culture with what it hoped will be its hybrid. Problem is, this is islam; there is no hybrid. Auf wiedersehen Deutschland.

Quote from Baruch Spinosa (1632-1677)

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

Still available in Germany for everybody :



Edited by Thorgal
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