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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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Guys...red herring!


It is NOT happening!

Nice try. It has happened. It also happened already in many many places in the UK and Denmark that I know of


OK, show evidence that Germany actually banned sausages in cafes and schools. Not a link to the fantasy article in the OP, and not anti-Islam hate sites. Show actual quotes from policy makers in Germany. Laws voted on and passed which ban sausages. Should be easy because you claim "it has happened".

Provide other examples of the "many, many places in the UK and Denmark" that you know of. This should be easy because you already know of these "many, many places.

The world (and Germany, in particular) awaits your fact-filled reply.


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Guys...red herring!


It is NOT happening!

Nice try. It has happened. It also happened already in many many places in the UK and Denmark that I know of, and using logic and common sense it happened in many places also in Scandinavia, France and Belgium. I will accept that often authorities will try and claim that pork must not be used for health reasons or some other lie, but the fact is that it is solely to do with PC and religion.

Did you also claim there were NO no-go zones when that was recently discussed? I mean they may not have signs "no go for whites area" but you will be intimidated, assaulted, stabbed or murdered if you enter the area IMO makes it a no-go-zone through and through. If pork is never available on a menu (even though it is absolutely traditional for a countries natives to eat pork) well I will go ahead and make the conclusion that it is banned.

a) read the headline and the OP, dude! It reads: GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


There maybe some places where owners have taken pork of the menu and it is their own choice and may do that for one or the other reason!

But GERMANY is not BANNING anything!

b ) there are no no -go- zones! Period! Or there are and there always were! Only in the 70"s they were called "the bad neighborhoods" ...

Edited by DM07
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It is true!
In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

It is in the german press.


What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.
Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!
Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

Edited by tomacht8
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Muslims don't find pork upsetting and offensive. They just don't eat it.

Well, that's just not true..

A restaurant in Vermont took down an advert for bacon because someone took offense...

Advertisement removed after resident expresses offense

It started with a post from one woman who wrote that the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork. She said as a vegan living in a Muslim household she is personally offended by it.


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It is true!

In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

It is in the german press.



What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.

Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!

Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

Are you a bit thick?

On what planet is ONE polititian, from one federal state and one party, justifying some BS- initiative, the same as "Germany bans sausage"?

Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!

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It is true!

In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

It is in the german press.



What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.

Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!

Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

Let me elaborate further on this: did you actually read the FOCUS- article?

Did you read, that this "initiative" was broadly laughed off?

Did you understand, that the initiative was defended by Daniel Guenther (obviously GERMAN)?

It was not asked for by any Muslim- leader, called Ahmed Fikdirmudda or the likes!

It was a GERMAN, who brought up this idea!

How is that not being "master of your own house"?

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It is true!

In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

It is in the german press.



What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.

Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!

Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

Are you a bit thick?

On what planet is ONE polititian, from one federal state and one party, justifying some BS- initiative, the same as "Germany bans sausage"?

Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!

The compliment I can only return.

Or you can not read the German original sources?

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It is true!

In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

It is in the german press.



What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.

Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!

Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

Are you a bit thick?

On what planet is ONE polititian, from one federal state and one party, justifying some BS- initiative, the same as "Germany bans sausage"?

Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!

The compliment I can only return.

Or you can not read the German original sources?

I find your lack of German language comprehension disturbing

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BS. Don't believe this for a second. Sausage is a staple food of Germany. Would be like Thailand banning rice as food.

No doubt we will get a Thai visa 'scoop' tomorrow how a Thai muslim decided not to eat rice in Bangkok titled as 'muslims find rice offensive - ask Thai government to ban rice'.

Anything to get the caged monkeys going nuts.

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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

BERLIN: -- An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

It does not read: Germany Bans Sausages throughout the country by law.

And it is correct that it was reported in the German media.

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!

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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

BERLIN: -- An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

It does not read: Germany Bans Sausages throughout the country by law.

And it is correct that it was reported in the German media.

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!


"taking a few words out of the overall context"?

Oh...that's what it is!

So basically, Northkorea has attacked the USA with nuclear weapons!

Come on: there was an article, with the words "USA", "Northkorea" and "nuclear weapons" in it!

Oh and Donald Trump has single handed built a wall on the Mexican border!

I saw it in an article, that mentioned "Trump" and "wall" and "Mexico", so that's what it must be!

a) you are quoting the OP, which not few people have already unmasked to be BS and right wing- propaganda!

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Please...what your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!

How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?

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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

BERLIN: -- An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

It does not read: Germany Bans Sausages throughout the country by law.

And it is correct that it was reported in the German media.

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!


"taking a few words out of the overall context"?

Oh...that's what it is!

So basically, Northkorea has attacked the USA with nuclear weapons!

Come on: there was an article, with the words "USA", "Northkorea" and "nuclear weapons" in it!

Oh and Donald Trump has single handed built a wall on the Mexican border!

I saw it in an article, that mentioned "Trump" and "wall" and "Mexico", so that's what it must be!

a) you are quoting the OP, which not few people have already unmasked to be BS and right wing- propaganda!

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Please...what your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!

How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?

"What is it with you right- wingers?"


"Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!"

"What your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!"

"How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?"

Just try not to end every posting with a personal attack agains people, who may have another opinion.

Thank you.

a) The original source (Not from the OP here) is the German magazine Focus. I would not classify this Magazin as "right wing-propagand".

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

You pull this again out of context.

I can read: GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

with a double point!

This does not necessarily imply by Law!

This is your personal interpretation.

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Sorry, I do not understand c). What do you mean by that?

Germany has no public canteens or what?

Have a nice day.

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Many schools in the UK now do not serve pork ,because Muslim children would not be able to eat there,can't remember this happening for Jewish children ,did they not count ?

Oh the horror, making sure kids get a full meal during the day. What a human being you are!

Indeed, down with those state schools who pander to religious minorities. Funny you didn't have an issue with this one growing up. Bet you do now though..


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The way I look at it is if these people stay in their own country's or go to country's where their religion is the main one ,it would be much better ,then there would be no problem . It may be racist etc etc ,but at the end of the day the vast majority of the people in the west ,Christian country's don't want them living amongst them

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Many schools in the UK now do not serve pork ,because Muslim children would not be able to eat there,can't remember this happening for Jewish children ,did they not count ?

Oh the horror, making sure kids get a full meal during the day. What a human being you are!

Indeed, down with those state schools who pander to religious minorities. Funny you didn't have an issue with this one growing up. Bet you do now though..


one school in the whole of the UK. How many that are filled with Muslim kids?
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The way I look at it is if these people stay in their own country's or go to country's where their religion is the main one ,it would be much better ,then there would be no problem . It may be racist etc etc ,but at the end of the day the vast majority of the people in the west ,Christian country's don't want them living amongst them

Is that so, 'the vast majority doesn't want them'?
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OP originates from the Express, a well known Islamophobic online media outlet from the UK.

Owner Richard Desmond who also owns the Daily Express, and its role in whipping up anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK served to remind me that some biased lobbies are trying in vain to influence the media in Europe.

Nice try...

Well, Mr. Apologist, why don't you just google the headline and count the number of news sources that are reporting this as true? Here. I'll do it for you.


Apart from the usual suspects, Pamela Gellar, jihadwatch etc., who also reported, among other absurdities, that Birmingham was a 'Muslim only' city; very few!

Those real news outlets who have reported this also report that this is only a claim by one, yes just one, politician. A claim which has not been substantiated by anyone else.

It is very similar to the situation in the UK a couple of years ago where the usual hatemongers claimed schools had removed pork from their menus and were forcing children to eat halal meat only.

An absurd and completely untrue claim; but still being repeated by the ignorant; indeed, repeated in this topic!

The truth was that the catering company which supplies schools in various Local Education Authorities had started to offer Halal meals in addition to, not instead of, non Halal to those schools who wanted them.

Responses in this thread prove the old adage: "A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got it's boots on!"

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The way I look at it is if these people stay in their own country's or go to country's where their religion is the main one ,it would be much better ,then there would be no problem . It may be racist etc etc ,but at the end of the day the vast majority of the people in the west ,Christian country's don't want them living amongst them

Is that so, 'the vast majority doesn't want them'?

No just him and the 5 other keyboard warriors in his echo chamber.

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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

BERLIN: -- An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

It does not read: Germany Bans Sausages throughout the country by law.

And it is correct that it was reported in the German media.

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!


"taking a few words out of the overall context"?

Oh...that's what it is!

So basically, Northkorea has attacked the USA with nuclear weapons!

Come on: there was an article, with the words "USA", "Northkorea" and "nuclear weapons" in it!

Oh and Donald Trump has single handed built a wall on the Mexican border!

I saw it in an article, that mentioned "Trump" and "wall" and "Mexico", so that's what it must be!

a) you are quoting the OP, which not few people have already unmasked to be BS and right wing- propaganda!

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Please...what your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!

How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?

"What is it with you right- wingers?"


"Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!"

"What your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!"

"How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?"

Just try not to end every posting with a personal attack agains people, who may have another opinion.

Thank you.

a) The original source (Not from the OP here) is the German magazine Focus. I would not classify this Magazin as "right wing-propagand".

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

You pull this again out of context.

I can read: GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

with a double point!

This does not necessarily imply by Law!

This is your personal interpretation.

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Sorry, I do not understand c). What do you mean by that?

Germany has no public canteens or what?

Have a nice day.


You are really funny!

...or sad, depends, how one looks at it!

Okay...here we go:

a) you quoted the OP, man!

Okay: do you know what OP means?

You did NOT quote FOCUS (which is of course no right wing -propaganda, though rather conservative)!

Do you know what a "quote" is?

b ) Again: how else, if not by law, would Germany (as in: the state, the nation...) ban anything?

c) This is not the only thing you obviously don't understand!

Let me do it for you...really.....sloooooooooow:

Even if every public canteen in Germany would stop to sell sausages, that does not mean, that Germany (as in: the state, the nation...) is banning sausages!

It means EXACTLY what it says: a few/ some/ many/ all public canteens have stopped selling sausages!

That is not "a ban", that is not "Germany"!

I know: those are just words!

You know the funny things about words?

They actually mean something!

So when one politician has the idea of "banning" sausages (for the sake of Muslim- inclusion, mind you!) and his idea is laughed off...that actually means, there is no ban!

Do you understand, what "banning" means?

You are either a troll or an 8-year old!

In either case, our conversation ends here, as you seem not to be able to grasp the concept of "context" and I don't have the time, to explain the world to you!

One last time: the OP is BS, because there is no ban, nowhere in Germany!

Have a nice day!

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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

BERLIN: -- An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

It does not read: Germany Bans Sausages throughout the country by law.

And it is correct that it was reported in the German media.

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!


"taking a few words out of the overall context"?

Oh...that's what it is!

So basically, Northkorea has attacked the USA with nuclear weapons!

Come on: there was an article, with the words "USA", "Northkorea" and "nuclear weapons" in it!

Oh and Donald Trump has single handed built a wall on the Mexican border!

I saw it in an article, that mentioned "Trump" and "wall" and "Mexico", so that's what it must be!

a) you are quoting the OP, which not few people have already unmasked to be BS and right wing- propaganda!

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Please...what your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!

No reason to taking out a few words out of overall context!

How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?

"What is it with you right- wingers?"


"Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!"

"What your doing is insulting to any normal persons intelligence!"

"How about taking a big sip of your own medicine?"

Just try not to end every posting with a personal attack agains people, who may have another opinion.

Thank you.

a) The original source (Not from the OP here) is the German magazine Focus. I would not classify this Magazin as "right wing-propagand".

b ) yes...context does matter! "Germany bans sausages" implies that the German state (how else, if not by law) has banned sausages, which is NOT TRUE!

You pull this again out of context.

I can read: GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

with a double point!

This does not necessarily imply by Law!

This is your personal interpretation.

c) Some...even many..."public canteens, child daycare centers and schools" are NOT Germany!

Sorry, I do not understand c). What do you mean by that?

Germany has no public canteens or what?

Have a nice day.


You are really funny!

...or sad, depends, how one looks at it!

Okay...here we go:

a) you quoted the OP, man!

Okay: do you know what OP means?

You did NOT quote FOCUS (which is of course no right wing -propaganda, though rather conservative)!

Do you know what a "quote" is?

b ) Again: how else, if not by law, would Germany (as in: the state, the nation...) ban anything?

c) This is not the only thing you obviously don't understand!

Let me do it for you...really.....sloooooooooow:

Even if every public canteen in Germany would stop to sell sausages, that does not mean, that Germany (as in: the state, the nation...) is banning sausages!

It means EXACTLY what it says: a few/ some/ many/ all public canteens have stopped selling sausages!

That is not "a ban", that is not "Germany"!

I know: those are just words!

You know the funny things about words?

They actually mean something!

So when one politician has the idea of "banning" sausages (for the sake of Muslim- inclusion, mind you!) and his idea is laughed off...that actually means, there is no ban!

Do you understand, what "banning" means?

You are either a troll or an 8-year old!

In either case, our conversation ends here, as you seem not to be able to grasp the concept of "context" and I don't have the time, to explain the world to you!

One last time: the OP is BS, because there is no ban, nowhere in Germany!

Have a nice day!

Can we agree then, that pork sausages are not banned, in that there is no German law specifically outlawing the traditional phallic-shaped food? But that in reality in German school canteens and other public eateries, that pork sausages are very much not available, to appease muslims? Tomayto tomarto.

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" Can we agree then, that pork sausages are not banned, in that there is no German law specifically outlawing the traditional phallic-shaped food? But that in reality in German school canteens and other public eateries, that pork sausages are very much not available, to appease muslims? Tomayto tomarto."

No, we cant!

And it is not "tomayto tomarto": some businesses, taking a certain product of their menu and a "ban" are nowhere near the same!

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The way I look at it is if these people stay in their own country's or go to country's where their religion is the main one ,it would be much better ,then there would be no problem . It may be racist etc etc ,but at the end of the day the vast majority of the people in the west ,Christian country's don't want them living amongst them

Is that so, 'the vast majority doesn't want them'?
No just him and the 5 other keyboard warriors in his echo chamber.
far as I can see only the. Simple one's. Want them
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The way I look at it is if these people stay in their own country's or go to country's where their religion is the main one ,it would be much better ,then there would be no problem . It may be racist etc etc ,but at the end of the day the vast majority of the people in the west ,Christian country's don't want them living amongst them

Is that so, 'the vast majority doesn't want them'?
No just him and the 5 other keyboard warriors in his echo chamber.
far as I can see only the. Simple one's. Want them

I'm sure there is a cohesive thought lurking somewhere in what you've written. Keep trying, you'll get there one day.


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An old saying...."Slowly, slowly catchy monkey".....A true saying....Sadly some folk can't think that far ahead.....

Adolf did the slowly slowly thing..........

Speaking of cohesive thoughts....

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