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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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Eight pages (and counting) of belly-aching over some non-news item from a tabloid paper. What next, "news" articles from the Flat Earth Society?

And as for BACON sign that was removed in an unrelated story, tell me that they were forced to remove it by the local government and then you might have something to belly-ache about. But that's not what happened.

Finally, with regard to the claims that certain cafeterias are adjusting their menus to offer choices that are more suitable to a broader section of customers (e.g. replacing a pork product, which only some people like, with another product that everyone likes), I don't see any problem there. There are cost savings and other efficiencies of scale to be had when you cater to the largest common denominator.

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Dropping pork because of immigrants. That is alarming and so wrong.

Yeah, isn't it!?

And most of all: it is not even happening!

Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

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(Nested quotes removed to appease the forum software, not in order to appease any particular ethnic or religious group)

<snip>in reality in German school canteens and other public eateries, that pork sausages are very much not available, to appease muslims? Tomayto tomarto.

In reality, if you read the article in the OP, and others from proper news outlets, a German politician claims that, but offers absolutely no evidence other than hearsay to substantiate the claim.

However, I am sure that there are eateries in Germany which do not sell pork products. I am equally sure it has nothing to do with appeasing anyone; merely a commercial decision.

If no one using an eatery wants to eat pork, why should that establishment stock pork products it isn't going to sell?

I can take you to many restaurants and butchers shops in London which do not sell pork; Some because they are Halal, others because they are Kosher.

Do you object to both; or just the Halal ones?

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Dropping pork because of immigrants. That is alarming and so wrong.

Yeah, isn't it!?

And most of all: it is not even happening!

Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

The calamity! The devastation! How did you cope?

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Dropping pork because of immigrants. That is alarming and so wrong.

Yeah, isn't it!?

And most of all: it is not even happening!

Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

As you appear to get all your 'facts' about Islam and Muslims from the likes of Pamela Gellar, jihadwatch etc., you are not in any position to comment on events in the real world!

Over the years there have been several claims of bans by various councils on pork in schools.

But they were not bans, merely advice to schools from the LEA to consider the dietary requirements of their pupils or schools choosing not to serve pork products in order to reduce waste and costs because most of their pupils didn't want them

If you check the areas where such choices were made you will find that many do, indeed have a relatively high Muslim population; but why should council tax payers in those areas pay for pork school meals that are only going to be thrown away?

You'll find that many also have a relatively high Jewish population.

Do you also object to schools catering to their dietary requirements; or is it just Muslims you object to?

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Dropping pork because of immigrants. That is alarming and so wrong.

Yeah, isn't it!?

And most of all: it is not even happening!

Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

As you appear to get all your 'facts' about Islam and Muslims from the likes of Pamela Gellar, jihadwatch etc., you are not in any position to comment on events in the real world!

Over the years there have been several claims of bans by various councils on pork in schools.

But they were not bans, merely advice to schools from the LEA to consider the dietary requirements of their pupils or schools choosing not to serve pork products in order to reduce waste and costs because most of their pupils didn't want them

If you check the areas where such choices were made you will find that many do, indeed have a relatively high Muslim population; but why should council tax payers in those areas pay for pork school meals that are only going to be thrown away?

You'll find that many also have a relatively high Jewish population.

Do you also object to schools catering to their dietary requirements; or is it just Muslims you object to?

As there were maybe 50 Muslim kids in the school with hundreds of non Muslims I think it is the thin end of the wedge when the "natives" have to give up something they have eaten for ever so that immigrants can be apeased

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(Nested quotes removed to appease the forum software, not in order to appease any particular ethnic or religious group)

<snip>in reality in German school canteens and other public eateries, that pork sausages are very much not available, to appease muslims? Tomayto tomarto.

In reality, if you read the article in the OP, and others from proper news outlets, a German politician claims that, but offers absolutely no evidence other than hearsay to substantiate the claim.

However, I am sure that there are eateries in Germany which do not sell pork products. I am equally sure it has nothing to do with appeasing anyone; merely a commercial decision.

If no one using an eatery wants to eat pork, why should that establishment stock pork products it isn't going to sell?

I can take you to many restaurants and butchers shops in London which do not sell pork; Some because they are Halal, others because they are Kosher.

Do you object to both; or just the Halal ones?

A butchers shop should be able to sell any product within the law of that country..Not be afraid of upsetting daft religious folk who themselves don't understand their law on eating...Am sure on other stuff too.........rolleyes.gif

Of course a butcher's shop, or any other shop, should be allowed to sell any legal product it wishes to; where have I said differently?

But they should also be allowed to choose what products they sell and not be forced to stock food products which will only go off and be thrown away because their customers do not want to buy them!

What is so terrible about that?

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Transam, is not having pork for school dinner really that hard?

I'm sure their parents are quite capable of giving them pork sausages for their tea if they are missing them that much!

Besides, if you check the facts rather than the hysteria from your favourite hatemongers you will find that most schools which have adopted this policy offer Halal meals as well as non Halal; not instead of!

I Claudius; I notice that you scrupulously avoided naming the school; is it so your claims cannot be checked?

You have both also avoided the question of whether it is just schools catering to the needs of their Muslim pupils to which you object or whether you equally object to schools catering to the needs of their Jewish pupils.

Not to mention those of other religions.

What about vegetarians?

Most schools these days offer at least one vegetarian option; something unheard of when I was at school.

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1) The Germans did not invent the sausage. It's impossible to say for sure who did, but evidence of sausages, i.e. ground meat stuffed into the animals intestines, has been found in Iraq dating back to around 5000BC.

2) No one in Germany has 'banned' the sausage; whether made from pork or any other ingredients.

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Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

As you appear to get all your 'facts' about Islam and Muslims from the likes of Pamela Gellar, jihadwatch etc., you are not in any position to comment on events in the real world!

Over the years there have been several claims of bans by various councils on pork in schools.

But they were not bans, merely advice to schools from the LEA to consider the dietary requirements of their pupils or schools choosing not to serve pork products in order to reduce waste and costs because most of their pupils didn't want them

If you check the areas where such choices were made you will find that many do, indeed have a relatively high Muslim population; but why should council tax payers in those areas pay for pork school meals that are only going to be thrown away?

You'll find that many also have a relatively high Jewish population.

Do you also object to schools catering to their dietary requirements; or is it just Muslims you object to?

As there were maybe 50 Muslim kids in the school with hundreds of non Muslims I think it is the thin end of the wedge when the "natives" have to give up something they have eaten for ever so that immigrants can be apeased

Th first time in history a Brit has actually given a flying fukc about native rights.

I mean 'native'. How bloody pompous can you get?

You speak as if pork is a basic human right being deprived from 'good young white men'.

So what was the net effect of your lad missing out in the few pieces of meat served as school lunches that isn't made from reconstituted chicken skin deep fried to buggery?

As a result of his swine deprevation: Did he starve? Did he change his name to Mohammad? Is he currently off on a Syrian backpacking holiday? Does he yell Allah Akbar! when he greets the old man?

No probably not. Odds are he turned out just as you wanted him to. Probably goes out and beats up opposing footy supporters on the weekend while down the pub with the other lads right? Dons white robes and burns a few crosses on people's lawns with the old man on weekends?

Probably a down to earth English lad, just as you wanted him to be....

Edited by samran
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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You think Russian propaganda agents are posting on Thaivisa?


Yeah really, in fact i don't think i know they were. Whether they still are is open to debate, but rousing anti Muslim feeling would certainly fit.

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Interesting how this thread has developed. 2 camps at the outset, this ban is predictable, has been happening in various countries for ages,and is totally crazy, or this ban is a lie. But now the 2 camps are this ban is predicable craziness, and this ban is not technically a ban but fair enough no sausages are served and it could also be because nobody wants to eat them and cause potential wastage or kitchen mal-economics or health reasons, and you will survive without your snags no biggie you can eat them at home for dinner. Quite a change in stance hey!

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Yes Jaidam, I noticed the same thing. First it was: This isn't true - it ain't happening. And now it's: Is it so bad? Can't you do without sausages?

And so the progressives go; progressively eliminating freedom in the name of freedom, removing rights in the name of rights. Complete tolerance for the completely intolerant.

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Interesting how this thread has developed. 2 camps at the outset, this ban is predictable, has been happening in various countries for ages,and is totally crazy, or this ban is a lie. But now the 2 camps are this ban is predicable craziness, and this ban is not technically a ban but fair enough no sausages are served and it could also be because nobody wants to eat them and cause potential wastage or kitchen mal-economics or health reasons, and you will survive without your snags no biggie you can eat them at home for dinner. Quite a change in stance hey!

Oh, keep up will you.

People are calling out the OP as crap. The story is from Germany.

Another conversation is going on where a keyboard warrior and racial Puritan complains they took pork of his poor lads school menu a few years back. In Britain. Despite his extreme paranoia we've taken him at face value on this and discussed the effects of his lads pork deprivation.

I know walking whilst chewing gum must be a mental strain for you, so hopefully this explains things.

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It’s probably a good idea to repost the English language reporting in the German media.


The OP headline is misinformation which as usual has been picked up by the numerous anti-Muslim/Islam websites that many on the forum subscribe to for their source of truth

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Yes Jaidam, I noticed the same thing. First it was: This isn't true - it ain't happening. And now it's: Is it so bad? Can't you do without sausages?

And so the progressives go; progressively eliminating freedom in the name of freedom, removing rights in the name of rights. Complete tolerance for the completely intolerant.

You two are imagining things. What seems to have happened is that a provocative OP was entirely successful at pushing the hot-buttons of the Thai Visa Offenderatti and when more sensible posters started to point out the story was more or less the product of one German politician's cloaca, they furiously dug around for other stories where some shop owner took down a sign that had the word BACON on it, hoping that would keep the OP's rage-induced fire burning.

In other words, the thread went from "The sky is falling" (rational response: no it's not) to "okay but what about this other thing over here!" (rational response: that's quite different, and anyway so what?).

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You think Russian propaganda agents are posting on Thaivisa?


Yeah really, in fact i don't think i know they were. Whether they still are is open to debate, but rousing anti Muslim feeling would certainly fit.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So which posts on this thread do you think come from an office in the Kremlin?

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You know this for a fact? Or you just saw some opinions you don't believe anyone else would post here?

I'm often amazed at the lengths some will go to to avoid the concept that not everyone agrees with them.

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You know this for a fact? Or you just saw some opinions you don't believe anyone else would post here?

I'm often amazed at the lengths some will go to to avoid the concept that not everyone agrees with them.

Its bit of a long winded story, but yeah i absolutely know they were on here.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Off topic, but I do remember the trolls in the Ukraine / Crimea OPs. Do you recall the news report below?


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Ok ,, They wern't trolls they were a team of propagandists funded by Moscow based in a warehouse in st Petersburg whose sole job was to trawl the internet and target popular sites I first came across them on the guardians web site where they took over anything 'Russian' att i was chatting to a Russian girl on another site and mentioned that there was a surprisinly strong pro putin presence on a few sites and did this represent real Russian feeling, and then she told me about them she came from st Petersburg and was an ex uni student and she knew some of them, they were graduates that couldn't find work. i actually chatted to a few of them, the funniest conversation went something like , me, 'its Sunday &lt;deleted&gt; are you doing on here?? They replied ' its double time' :P

when i found out about them it wasn't general knowledge, now its well known and. Att was a touch scary, the girl got 'chatted' to by a couple of scary people and for a while disappeared

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So let be clear :



WHAT'S TRUE: Politicians complained less pork was being served in Germany, diluting culinary cultural heritage.WHAT'S FALSE: Germany banned pork in any way, shape, or form.

The move is likely to cause tensions among residents who support the introduction of restrictions on the inflow of refugees to the country.

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I realize Germany hasn't "banned pork" and that has been debunked in Snopes etc. but some number of school and office cafeterias have felt pressure to remove pork from the menus for religious reasons.

Here's something I lived with that I don't remember getting any media attention. When I went to school, every Friday I had to eat fish for lunch just because Catholics weren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays. Some religious genius in the Catholic church came up with a convincing argument for the church that fish wasn't meat so Catholics didn't' have to go veggie on Fridays and could have fish.

I'm not Catholic. I'm not huge fan of fish either, but yet, for other people's religious reasons/delusions/beliefs, I was forced to observe part of their dogma for 13 years, every fish-flippin' Friday of the month, year after year.

I figure if a religious group wants to fast or boycott a food group, fine, up to them, don't eat it, problem solved. AS LONG, as I or other people who don't subscribe to their personal flavor of madness.

If you belong to some crazy religion that doesn't allow you to eat what everyone else eats then it's up to you to find a way to make it work, like go to a halal or kosher restaurant, or bring your own goofy food to eat.

My question, why wasn't there any outcry when Catholics made America change and forced fish every Friday on Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, other religions and atheists? And because everyone rolled over for the Catholics, isn't it going to be harder to hold your ground and state that we don't make accommodations for special groups of minorities that effect the majority?

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Off topic, but I do remember the trolls in the Ukraine / Crimea OPs. Do you recall the news report below?

can't see a link, but will go bac and.find the links she gave to me about them.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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