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North Korea again threatens nuke strikes on US, South Korea


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When you say "their technology is primitive" and "not much use in battle", you obviously have NO idea WHAT you're talking about. When you suggest that Japan has "remilitarized" to the point of being ready, willing & able to intervene effectively in the event of another surprise N. Korean invasion of the south, you're again demonstrating massive ignorance of 2016 realities (so far as I know, even the technology-blessed Japanese haven't invented the transporter beam yet...), not to mention WILDLY exaggerating the extent of actual Japanese remilitarization. You're ALSO apparently ignorant of WWII animosities between Japan and S. Korea that linger to this day. Yes, today, here in 2016, genius. That N. Korean %GDP spending on their military is not matched by the South is a GOOD thing! The aim is to DE-MILITARIZE the peninsula, and provide a deterrent that discourages N. Korea from doing anything even more stupid than they've BEEN doing. NOT to encourage the S. Koreans to engage in a peninsular arms race. And American troops are not there as a nuclear-resistant brick wall (silly comment...). They're there as a tripwire; N. Korea cannot violate the DMZ (again) without directly engaging U.S. forces.

Again, READ. UNDERSTAND. THEN rant post.

I'm beginning to think you must be right. And the reason for that is that all the articles and papers I can find on the web agree with me. Therefore you must be correct. Wikipedia has a good summary with footnotes: "Although the North Korean military once enjoyed a startling advantage against its counterpart in South Korea, its relative isolation and economic plight starting from the 1980s has now tipped the balance of military power into the hands of the better-equipped South Korean military.[20] In response to this predicament, North Korea relies on asymmetric warfare techniques and unconventional weaponry to achieve parity against high-tech enemy forces.[20] North Korea is reported to have developed a wide range of technologies towards this end, such as stealth paint to conceal ground targets,[34] midget submarines and human torpedoes,[35] blinding laser weapons,[36] and probably has a chemical weapons program and is likely to possess a stockpile of chemical weapons.[3"


Here's an excerpt from an article from the Daily Telegraph and reputable and politically conservative paper:

North Korea v South Korea: How the countries' armed forces compare. Graphic: North Korea has an abundance of soldiers but that does not mean its military is dominant - in fact, only a nuclear arsenal would mean it can insure against military defeat


The article goes on to quote all sorts of authorities whose credibility only suffers from the fact that they are not anonymous bloggers. None agree with you.

I couldn't find any independent military authority who thought North Korea had a chance against the south in conventional warfare. None. Maybe you'll have better luck but it will be a long slog.

Anyway, I hear that 1956 misses you. Time for you to head back home.

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I had read an article in the Guardian that stated the Russia had sent a letter to Kim Jong Un stating that if he continued his nuclear rhetoric that it would justify an invasion. Must have been a bs article.

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Seoul: fighter jets simulating air strikes, war sirens and children going into bomb shelters.

How can South Korean's put up with the North's threats for so long. It's time for preemptive strikes to take out his WMD's.

The only real weapon of mass destruction held in NK is little fatboy himself. If somebody pricks him, he'll blow up like a balloon full of shiiit.

End of story really, eventually his own people will deal with him, bit surprised it hasn't already happened.

Unfortunately, no. Obviously NOT end of story. And no one else is surprised but you. At all. If there were any truth to that, the "people" would have "dealt with" the two generations which preceded him. The regime is far too repressive and autocratic for any such "dealing" to get very far. He's not even shy about purging his own top military brass, uncles, etc. No, he's there to stay. Well, until the grim reaper eventually appears, but if there's one thing we've learned from his family history, there'll be an equally insane successor ready to take his place.

I would be surprised if he possess the same skill and ability as his old man to keep it all together.

Exactly what they said about KJU when his dad's number was up.

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Even barking dogs have their limit.

We can't move away from North Korea

So, better just to reduce it to rubble and

start over again

Must be tongue and cheek surely uptheos - you know that you can't let millions of innocent North Korean people die a horrible death, just to take out the fat North Korean "strong" man (and his lackeys)

But then I'm guillible

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You can be sure that China is not happy having nuclear weapons on its borders. If the fat boy pushes China too far, there will be serious consequences. Fat boy knows this.

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You can be sure that China is not happy having nuclear weapons on its borders. If the fat boy pushes China too far, there will be serious consequences. Fat boy knows this.

Maybe your wrong and China are very happy that North Korea has nuclear weapons. They don't want South Korea invading the North with the help of the U.S. The last thing China want is the U.S setting up military bases next door to them. The saber rattling is Chinese inspired. Kim has probably been ordered to ramp the pressure up by the Chinese. The Chinese want the sea's off the coast of China. This is the beginning of the dragon awakening. Even Thailand has succumbed to the dragons breath. Many experts on China say it will reach super power credibility as soon as 2020. Militarily and economically.
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