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OIC extraordinary summit on Palestine kicks off in Jakarta


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OIC extraordinary summit on Palestine kicks off in Jakarta


JAKARTA: -- An extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif — or Jerusalem — was opened on Sunday morning at the Jakarta Convention Center in the Indonesian capital, bringing together representatives of 49 countries, The Jakarta Globe reported.

More than 500 delegates from the 49 OIC member states, four representatives from the so-called Quartet on the Middle East (United States, Russia, United Nations and European Union), five UN Security Council representatives, as well as three observer countries confirmed they would attend the summit.

Senior officials will meet on Sunday while high-level meetings between heads of state will be held on Monday.

The summit is being held at the request of Palestine, after violence escalated in Israel and the occupied territories in recent months over Israel’s restriction of access to the Al -Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, which is the third-holiest site in Islam.

“This high-level summit is expected to push international forums to prioritize the issue of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the situation [there] is worrying,” Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi said in the statement.

Participants are expected to produce a resolution to reaffirm the principal position of OIC member countries in supporting an independent Palestine.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/153882

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-07

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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

...and neither has the status of Israel's 50 year brutal illegal occupation and repression of Palestinians, which is also on the OIC agenda.

Peace has not quickly followed because in 1967 from a position of strength, Israel had a chance to make peace with its neighbors, but it chose instead to illegally occupy and colonize the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. It has simply created a rod for its own and everyone else's back.

I wish the conference every success and hope with the backing of almost a quarter of the world's population it can achieve some concrete results to brings Israel to its senses.

Edited by dexterm
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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

...and neither has the status of Israel's 50 year brutal illegal occupation and repression of Palestinians, which is also on the OIC agenda.

Peace has not quickly followed because in 1967 from a position of strength, Israel had a chance to make peace with its neighbors, but it chose instead to illegally occupy and colonize the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. It has simply created a rod for its own and everyone else's back.

I wish the conference every success and hope with the backing of almost a quarter of the world's population it can achieve some concrete results to brings Israel to its senses.

Nothing will bring Israel to its senses short of a comprehensive economic, cultural, and academic boycott imposed by countries that want to see this conflict brought to an end.

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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

...and neither has the status of Israel's 50 year brutal illegal occupation and repression of Palestinians, which is also on the OIC agenda.

Peace has not quickly followed because in 1967 from a position of strength, Israel had a chance to make peace with its neighbors, but it chose instead to illegally occupy and colonize the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. It has simply created a rod for its own and everyone else's back.

I wish the conference every success and hope with the backing of almost a quarter of the world's population it can achieve some concrete results to brings Israel to its senses.

Fat chance. As you are no doubt aware the Khartoum conference following the 67 war ended with a proclamation known as the three No's.

No to recognition, No to negotiation and No to peace.

Don't count on the OIC doing much either many nations within it have essentially made peace with Israel, Iran is seen as a greater priority. Of course there will be some lip service paid to the Palestinian perennial whiners, but that will be all.

Edited by Steely Dan
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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

And Palestinians say they throw rocks etc bc Israeli forces dont allow them to go in.

Please see this. Major responsibility for peace is in the hands of Israel then Palestine. If Israel wants, peace can come in a week there, you know it.

they are still bulldozing houses of Palestinians claiming they are illegal and they need to get permission from Israel to build homes (on Palestinian land!) while we are speaking! so can you blame them for throwing some rocks? I am sure you act worse than that if they come and bulldoze your house.


but, these matters need to be discussed between Palestine and Israel first. Of course such events are for supporting Palestine but no event without Israel can bring peace.

Edited by Galactus
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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

...and neither has the status of Israel's 50 year brutal illegal occupation and repression of Palestinians, which is also on the OIC agenda.

Peace has not quickly followed because in 1967 from a position of strength, Israel had a chance to make peace with its neighbors, but it chose instead to illegally occupy and colonize the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. It has simply created a rod for its own and everyone else's back.

I wish the conference every success and hope with the backing of almost a quarter of the world's population it can achieve some concrete results to brings Israel to its senses.

Fat chance. As you are no doubt aware the Khartoum conference following the 67 war ended with a proclamation known as the three No's.

No to recognition, No to negotiation and No to peace.

As usual the Zionist apologists muddy the timeline. Gotta maintain the myth of Israel the perpetual victim.
[israeli historian Benny Morris] laid some of the blame with Israel, saying, "n part [the Arab] stand was a response to Israel's unwillingness or inability to consider withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza as part of any peace settlement"
Look to the future not the past. Nothing is set in stone. Israel has since made peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. Netanyahu should try it.
Edited by dexterm
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An 'extraordinary' summit set up based entirely on a false premise. The status of Al-Aqsa has never changed and any short term restrictions were caused by Palestinians throwing rocks and pipe bombs at Israelis visiting Temple Mount. One day the OIC will tell the Palestinians to grow up and stop the incitement, peace would then quickly follow.

...and neither has the status of Israel's 50 year brutal illegal occupation and repression of Palestinians, which is also on the OIC agenda.

Peace has not quickly followed because in 1967 from a position of strength, Israel had a chance to make peace with its neighbors, but it chose instead to illegally occupy and colonize the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. It has simply created a rod for its own and everyone else's back.

I wish the conference every success and hope with the backing of almost a quarter of the world's population it can achieve some concrete results to brings Israel to its senses.

Fat chance. As you are no doubt aware the Khartoum conference following the 67 war ended with a proclamation known as the three No's.

No to recognition, No to negotiation and No to peace.

As usual the Zionist apologists muddy the timeline. Gotta maintain the myth of Israel the perpetual victim.

[israeli historian Benny Morris] laid some of the blame with Israel, saying, "n part [the Arab] stand was a response to Israel's unwillingness or inability to consider withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza as part of any peace settlement"


Look to the future not the past. Nothing is set in stone. Israel has since made peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. Netanyahu should try it.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, now that really worked a treat didn't it?

Just to undermine my point about Arabs having bigger fish to fry Hizbollah were labeled a terrorist organization by the Gulf states. Muslim brotherhood offshoot Hamas could be next if Egypt are any guide.

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Israel unilaterally left Gaza??

Then why are the Israeli IDF, their airforce bombing homes, drones flying everywhere and soldiers and tanks entering Gaza at will through gates that are controlled by the IDF?

To me, leaving Gaza means you don't go back in every day to assassinate people.

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More than 500 delegates from the 49 OIC member states, four representatives from the so-called Quartet on the Middle East [united States, Russia, United Nations and European Union] five UN Security Council representatives, as well as three observer countries confirmed they would attend the summit.

If nothing else it may blow away the suffocating fog of Zionist propaganda.

The Israeli narrative now increasingly seems like run-off sewage, used, recycled, smelly, and foul.

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Israel unilaterally left Gaza??

Then why are the Israeli IDF, their airforce bombing homes, drones flying everywhere and soldiers and tanks entering Gaza at will through gates that are controlled by the IDF?

It might have something to do with the thousands of rockets fired into Israel by Palestinian terrorists. A lot of countries would have responded by flattening the whole area.

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As usual the Zionist apologists muddy the timeline. Gotta maintain the myth of Israel the perpetual victim.

[israeli historian Benny Morris] laid some of the blame with Israel, saying, "n part [the Arab] stand was a response to Israel's unwillingness or inability to consider withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza as part of any peace settlement"

You seem to have left out the sentence before the one that you quoted out of context. This is what Benny Morris actually said:

Benny Morris wrote that the Arab leaders "hammered out a defiant, rejectionist platform that was to bedevil all peace moves in the region for a decade".

​I was sure that you were incapable of writing even one completely truthful post, so I read your link.

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Nothing will bring Israel to its senses short of a comprehensive economic, cultural, and academic boycott imposed by countries that want to see this conflict brought to an end.

There is nothing in the air to bring either side to it senses to end the suffering. Israel continues to expand and build settlements in territories it should stay out of and the Arab population on the West Bank continues to advocate for an independent state that has no chance to prosper outside the existing Palestinian state of Jordan. Both sides and their supporters seem hellbent on continuing this malaise.

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Israel unilaterally left Gaza??

Then why are the Israeli IDF, their airforce bombing homes, drones flying everywhere and soldiers and tanks entering Gaza at will through gates that are controlled by the IDF?

It might have something to do with the thousands of rockets fired into Israel by Palestinian terrorists. A lot of countries would have responded by flattening the whole area.

To add, there are invasion tunnels being built right now with child labor that the Palestinians sacrifice for their cause of genocide of Israeli Jews (see Hamas charter). There are critics in Israel saying why are we just waiting for them to act up again, and you can't blame them.

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As usual the Zionist apologists muddy the timeline. Gotta maintain the myth of Israel the perpetual victim.

[israeli historian Benny Morris] laid some of the blame with Israel, saying,"n part [the Arab] stand was a response to Israel's

unwillingness or inability to consider withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza as part of any peace settlement"

You seem to have left out the sentence before the one that you quoted out of context. This is what Benny Morris actually said:

Benny Morris wrote that the Arab leaders "hammered out a defiant, rejectionist platform that was to bedevil all peace moves in the region for a decade".

​I was sure that you were incapable of writing even one completely truthful post, so I read your link.

This is what Benny Morris actually said:
Benny Morris wrote that the Arab leaders "hammered out a defiant, rejectionist platform that was to bedevil all peace moves in the region for a decade....n part [the Arab] stand was a response to Israel's unwillingness or inability to consider withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza as part of any peace settlement"
Do you have trouble understanding the word "response"? Israel was the one in 67 as usual doing all the pre-emptive striking and invading and occupying.
Edited by dexterm
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It's a good point that the entire premise of this meeting is based on a gross distortion. The lie that Israel is really changing the status quo at the Temple Mount. So prediction for meaningful results from a biased meeting based on such a gross distortion (and Israel not there) ... a bunch of the usual yapping with no results. Not peace talks, more like taking the piss talks. Extraordinary? An extraordinary waste of time more like.

Edited by Jingthing
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Do you have trouble understanding the word "response"? Israel was the one in 67 as usual doing all the pre-emptive striking and invading and occupying.

Israel had been under attack by the Arab world for almost TWO years before the "pre-emptive" attack. They were surrounded by Arab troops, attacked by terrorists raids, threatened and shelled from the Golan Heights. Finally Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel’s only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran. The following day, President Johnson declared the blockade illegal - which it was under international law. The Arabs wanted another war and THEY GOT IT!

Nasser challenged Israel to fight almost daily. “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight,” he said on May 27.9 The following day, he added: “We will not accept any . . . ​coexistence with Israel . . . ​Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel. . . . The war with Israel is in effect since 1948.” 10

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30. Nasser then announced:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations. 11

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in the war of words: “The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear—to wipe Israel off the map.”12 On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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In which year was the state of Israel officially recognized?

Which country officially existed there before that date?

Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

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It's a good point that the entire premise of this meeting is based on a gross distortion. The lie that Israel is really changing the status quo at the Temple Mount. So prediction for meaningful results from a biased meeting based on such a gross distortion (and Israel not there) ... a bunch of the usual yapping with no results. Not peace talks, more like taking the piss talks. Extraordinary? An extraordinary waste of time more like.

At least the local whores and liquor sellers should do nicely out of the summit.
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Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

On the contrary, invasions, migrations, dispersions, population exchanges, and irredentist population groups are all part of history. Jews migrate back to ancestral homelands; Europeans migrate to the Americas and to the Antipodes; Chinese invade and migrate to Tibet and Formosa; Tais migrate and take over Karen lands, Akha get forced up the mountains to less desirable lands; Kurds get shafted by everybody, and India and Pakistan exchange millions in population in South Asia. And in each case there are winners and losers. History always sucks for somebody. This does not excuse Israeli misconduct on the West Bank lands nor excuse Arab Islamic intransigence to their loss to historical forces regarding the existence of the State of Israel by creating a mythical Palestinian entity as a surrogate to continue their lost campaign.

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In which year was the state of Israel officially recognized?

Which country officially existed there before that date?

Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

I think a lot of people are confused by the fact the land that is now Israel (and other land as well) was called Palestine (British Mandate Palestine) before Israel became a nation state. They hear that and think this "Palestine" was a nation of Palestinian Arabs. Nope. Even the concept of Palestinian Arabs as a distinct kind of Arabs is a modern political construct:

Edited by Jingthing
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The miasma of propaganda makes it hard to breathe and see things clearly.

Meanwhile, back on topic...

This is an impressive list of countries and organizations.

The very fact that they agreed to meet and discuss the conflict at the request of the Palestinians is a positive step forward.

Sooner or later it will be realized that Israeli intransigence has made a two-state solution to the problem impossible, and Israel will have to deal with the profound consequences of that reality.

More and more influential people - on both sides - are recognizing that.

A good example: Welcome to the One-state Club, Thomas Friedman.


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The miasma of propaganda makes it hard to breathe and see things clearly.

Meanwhile, back on topic...

This is an impressive list of countries and organizations.

The very fact that they agreed to meet and discuss the conflict at the request of the Palestinians is a positive step forward.

Sooner or later it will be realized that Israeli intransigence has made a two-state solution to the problem impossible, and Israel will have to deal with the profound consequences of that reality.

More and more influential people - on both sides - are recognizing that.

A good example: Welcome to the One-state Club, Thomas Friedman.


Dream on, even the OIC are in favour of two independent states, unlike the Palestinians. They have never aspired to a state of their own, except as a phony construct with which to attempt to end Israel as one.
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In which year was the state of Israel officially recognized?

Which country officially existed there before that date?

Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

I think a lot of people are confused by the fact the land that is now Israel (and other land as well) was called Palestine (British Mandate Palestine) before Israel became a nation state. They hear that and think this "Palestine" was a nation of Palestinian Arabs. Nope. Even the concept of Palestinian Arabs as a distinct kind of Arabs is a modern political construct:

Thanks for providing this video with an ACCURATE history of the Palestine region and the so-called Palestinians. Any legitimate history book of the Middle East will support these FACTS,

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Every invading European colonialists have to invent their own mythologies to rationalize their brutal usurpation of someone else's land..."we were bringing civilization, it was empty anyway, the locals were savages"...blah blah blah. Israel is no different, as can be witnessed above with the Israeli apologists pseudo history. One day Israel will have its own truth an reconciliation tribunals, and there will be formal apologies to the indigenous Palestinians.

I am travelling at the moment. Will reply in depth later unles the apologists have deflected us all over the off topic cliff. Their favorite ploy.

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In which year was the state of Israel officially recognized?

Which country officially existed there before that date?

Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

I think a lot of people are confused by the fact the land that is now Israel (and other land as well) was called Palestine (British Mandate Palestine) before Israel became a nation state. They hear that and think this "Palestine" was a nation of Palestinian Arabs. Nope. Even the concept of Palestinian Arabs as a distinct kind of Arabs is a modern political construct:

truth from zionist websites are called lies:)

shame for you on posting nonsense here.

who did that census on 19th century if it is true and how reliable is that? maybe jews did that census?

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Every invading European colonialists have to invent their own mythologies to rationalize their brutal usurpation of someone else's land..."we were bringing civilization, it was empty anyway, the locals were savages"...blah blah blah. Israel is no different, as can be witnessed above with the Israeli apologists pseudo history. One day Israel will have its own truth an reconciliation tribunals, and there will be formal apologies to the indigenous Palestinians.

I am travelling at the moment. Will reply in depth later unles the apologists have deflected us all over the off topic cliff. Their favorite ploy.

The Palestinians are generic Arabs who came to Israel very late in the day compared to even other Arabs. The Bedouins have far more claim to being indigenous than Palestinian Arabs. No matter how many times you lie and continue to lie, the Jews are Indigenous to Israel, even the UN recognizes this.


Under UN guidelines Jews are indigenous to Israel, Palestinians are not, hence those who argue “for Palestinian ‘indigenous rights’ are usually those who have little grasp of the history, and no understanding of the truth behind indigenous rights.”

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Israel is no different, as can be witnessed above with the Israeli apologists pseudo history.

Actually, as usual, it is you who is making things up. What we are saying is all well documented historical FACTS. Edited by Ulysses G.
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In which year was the state of Israel officially recognized?

Which country officially existed there before that date?

Without all the debates and quotes, isn't this just a case of one group of people invading another, a bit like China and Tibet?

NO country existed there before 1948 and no country called Palestine EVER existed there except the Jewish one in ancient history. No, it is nothing like China and Tibet.

I think a lot of people are confused by the fact the land that is now Israel (and other land as well) was called Palestine (British Mandate Palestine) before Israel became a nation state. They hear that and think this "Palestine" was a nation of Palestinian Arabs. Nope. Even the concept of Palestinian Arabs as a distinct kind of Arabs is a modern political construct:

Thanks for providing this video with an ACCURATE history of the Palestine region and the so-called Palestinians. Any legitimate history book of the Middle East will support these FACTS,

Shlomo Sand, Moshe Zuckermann and Ilan Pappe wrote many accurate historical books based on academical research in well known and reputable universities in Israel...

On the other hand, let's not forget that the colonisation of Palestine started with a conspiracy model of Sykes-Pycot 1. I'm not surprised to see still false historical conspiracy theories like the video footage to try to prove in vain biased facts under a well known political agenda...

Edited by Thorgal
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