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China corruption crackdown 'netted 300,000 in 2015'


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China corruption crackdown 'netted 300,000 in 2015'

BEIJING: -- China's ruling Communist Party says it punished nearly 300,000 officials last year for corruption.

Some 200,000 officials were given what was called "light punishment", while more severe penalties were taken against a further 80,000.

President Xi Jinping has made a campaign against corruption a centrepiece of his governing agenda.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35741357

-- BBC 2016-03-07

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do you know how much fun it is to be the guy in charge of torturing some of these "corrupt families", one of my favs is a story about how they harvested one of their family members organs in front of them. this is what thailand really want to be like.

Please thailand, be like the chinese ass kissers you are. ONE corrupt official can cause millions to suffer, Please let me see your face as you endure pain. For you are the blight of millions of sufferings. And it is in Buddhas teaching that we enjoy the karma coming.

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CCP has 85 million members to make it by far the largest political party of the world, ever. It is the direct consequence of the party-state. The party-state in China. The 300,000 bagged by Xi is nothing.

Xi Jinping is in fact rooting out his political opponents as much as he can. The coup plotter Bo Xilai of the huge metropolis Chongqing in the sw is in prison for instance along with two PLA generals who plotted their own coups (one just recently died in prison). Recall Xi disappeared from the world for seven days while he was coming to power in 2011. Xi had to deal with it right from the outset and he still must and does.

Xi's corruption purge against his foes has paralyzed the bureaucracy out of fear. The system grinds on but only minimally. As the economy inevitably slows due to crashes and structural wrongheadedness the now moribund party that is superior to governors and mayors has sat on its hands out of an individual terror of suddenly being hauled away.

Another consequence is that billions if not trillions of yuan are unspent. Party officials in charge are afraid to spend any more than a few bucks lest they call the feared attention to themselves. In an economy that derives its bucks from the party authorities, this itself contributes mightily to the economic slowdown and the financial uncertainty.

No one would lose anything to say they're all corrupt regardless of faction. In the aggregate the corruption is both pervasive and massive. Estimates put the money lost to corruption since 2005 at $4 Trillion. Dollar value. There's never been a value of corruption in one place by one people as there exists in the CCP China and in the present time frame.

Forget it.

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No transparency at all makes this announcement meaningless.

At least the Thais trot out a seized imported Ferrari or give details of frozen bank accounts or some other salacious details but as ever in opaque China, nothing.

The Party knows it has no need to explain itself in any way.

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