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Mexican president: Trump language like that of Hitler


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All you anti Trumpers are like Canute. No matter how much you rant and rave about the Donald's supposed downside he just keeps on gaining delegates and leading, leading, leading the pack. When are you going to understand that Trump supporters don't care about the BS that you write about him, about his business acumen, about his ex wives, about his appreciation for his daughter, about his desire to stop illegal immigration and revive business in the US, about his hair and other bits. They even use his drinking a diet soda to try and monster him. NONE OF IT MATTERS. As long as he threatens the corrupt establishment politicians, he will win votes, and the more the Romney's and the Bush's attack him the more support he will get.

Here's a thought- run a non corrupt establishment politician against him and he will probably lose support. Unfortunately, there are no such politicians available from the GOP establishment - all of them bought and sold. Bernie probably qualifies on the Dems side, but the corrupt super delegate scam will probably keep him out.

When are you going to understand that Trump supporters don't care about the BS that you write about him

Number one, Trump's critics and other opponents don't speak BS.

Number two, we 100% know Trump's fellow radical wildmen don't care what Trump's critics and other opponents say against him. It is not Trump supporters we speak to. Speaking to Trump supporters and advocates accomplishes nothing.

It is the electorate we speak to, the nation in general and the world more broadly. They need to know Trump and his people are a distinct minority of a minority and that Trump and his advocates are crackpots who will get nowhere in the general election in November.

The candidacy of Donald Trump is in effect an airing out of fundamental and radical differences in American society and civilisation. I individually welcome it so the minority element of American soceity can be exposed as the crackpots that they are, always have been.

The radical widlmen of the society are being wholly repudiated by the broad and moderate centrist political and cultural middle of the American electorate, as will become obivous on voting day November 8th. This is the only 'when' about it. And we alread know the answer as indicated.

Actually, normal hard working, honest Anericans with something called INTEGRITY are finally getting sick and tired of the loser, lazy, non-working element that lacks all INTEGRITY with their hand out mentality constantly taking and do little or nothing to contribute to society.

I actually think Hillary and Bill, whom I loved, get it and probably thinks it sux also, but their narsacism and underlying need for power and fame means more to them than doing what they deep down inside know is right and best for the American people. They will basically pander or pay lip service to the pathetic, loser element to get votes regardless as to their true internal beliefs. I actually think, or at least would hope, that Hillary won't be that bad because she doesn't really buy into the Obama bs and will act and do right if she is elected President. She will say whatever she thinks she needs to say to get losers to vote for her, but hopefully she will turn her back somewhat on them if she elected.

No one, except some like Ibama had an internal agenda, can be that stupid to think much of what Obama has done is a good thing. I, therefore, hold out some hope that Hillary might be a decent President once she can drop the charade and do what is right.

Edited by F430murci
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The Mexican president, like so many of the blood sucking parasites around the world that are opening their mouths to drivel, have a vested interest in the way things are- status quo. It is the way things are that is the cornerstone of Trump's popularity; hardly the circumstances to consider their points of view meritorious.

1. People are appalled at the progressive and parasitic ideologies and peoples around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river.

2. Trump acts as a lightening rod for so much of the angst that is the largely dispossessed American center, left, and right.

3. People around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river are appalled at Trump.

4. The circle could not be more elementary than this. Each time one of these mouthpieces offers their "sky is falling" diatribe to the media it actually gives testimony to why Trump is popular.

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The Mexican president, like so many of the blood sucking parasites around the world that are opening their mouths to drivel, have a vested interest in the way things are- status quo. It is the way things are that is the cornerstone of Trump's popularity; hardly the circumstances to consider their points of view meritorious.

1. People are appalled at the progressive and parasitic ideologies and peoples around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river.

2. Trump acts as a lightening rod for so much of the angst that is the largely dispossessed American center, left, and right.

3. People around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river are appalled at Trump.

4. The circle could not be more elementary than this. Each time one of these mouthpieces offers their "sky is falling" diatribe to the media it actually gives testimony to why Trump is popular.

Largely agree. People who criticize Trump's hair, complexion, whatever and create anti videos and generally poke fun at him seem to help make him more popular. No one seems to have the intelligence or if they have, the desire to make the effort in analyzing why the Trump phenomenon has come about in the first place. It's so much easier to exploit entertainment value, but at the same time criticize Trump for being shallow. Maybe he is and maybe he's not but it's pot call kettle black political agenda at work it seems to me.

The masses must feel they are less and less represented in a nation that is less and less democratic because the powers that be listen more and more if not are even controlled by special interest groups. While I am not sure if he is the man for the job because policy details are a bit thin, I have huge sympathy for his supporters as you point out. The Democratic party naturally should be their representation.The lights are on but no one's at home. So they knock on Trump's door and he answers. Interesting times.

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It's not just rednecks who are frustrated at what Washington insiders do and don't do. Yet, if the rednecks did some research, they would find that most of the do-nothing and blocking of legislation is done by their fellow Republican reps. They might also realize how powerful and influential lobbyists and Koch Brothers are. All the Republican candidates are urging the President to not do his Constitutional duty of nominating a S.C. justice. So, which of the Anti-Constitutionalists do you favor?

It's ironic that Republicans talk a lot about how they hate too-much-government-interference. Yet it's Republicans who dictate what a woman can and cannot do with her own body (perhaps not so odd when you consider they believe in virgin-birth).

In Hitler-like fashion, when anyone heckles at one of Trump's speeches, Trump encourages audience members to beat the guy up. If Trump garners added political power, will he up-the-ante for beating up dissenters? Perhaps he'll really show how tough he is, and do like Saddam Hussein who simply had dissenters taken out and shot.

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-snip- Perhaps he'll really show how tough he is, and do like Saddam Hussein who simply had dissenters taken out and shot.

No wonder you can't think things through. Get your emotions under control so you can use your brain.


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Camille Paglia of Salon Magazine is a "former" Democrat and Bernie supporter. She's switched to Trump. She had this to say: LINK

"I was wrong about Trump".

"...But only a few weeks after that interview of mine in Salon, I suddenly realized that Trump’s candidacy had a broad support that few had expected or discerned. The agent of my revelation was a hilariously scathing, viral Web blog video posted by Diamond and Silk–Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two African-American sisters and former Democrats in Fayetteville, North Carolina. They were reacting with indignant outrage to the first GOP debate, broadcast by Fox News from Cleveland on August 6 and hosted by Megyn Kelly, whose loaded questions had impugned Trump as a sexist.
If Trump wins the White House, that no-holds-barred video will go down in history as “the shot heard round the world,” Ralph Waldo Emerson’s phrase for the first salvo of the American Revolution by rural insurgents at Concord. The video signaled a popular uprising and furious pushback against the major media and political elites. (Emphasis mine)
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-snip- Perhaps he'll really show how tough he is, and do like Saddam Hussein who simply had dissenters taken out and shot.

No wonder you can't think things through. Get your emotions under control so you can use your brain.


How big of a stretch is it from

A. encouraging audience members to beat up a heckler...


B. A Trump supporter kills a particularly annoying heckler, Trump can just say, "tough. I guess that guy deserved it. Maybe the next guy who thinks of heckling me, will think twice about it."

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In regards to comparisons between Donald and Hitler..I think their ego is about the same size..

On a more relevant note perhaps - Donald and Kim Jong Il also have a lot in common - they brag about their junk and their golf game (not to mention their ultra-eccentric haircoffee1.gif and clean little hands)

That is totally laughable! What is your education level? 3-5 grade?

Unfortunately, discussions on Trump are brought, by Trump, down to 3-5th grade levels. If wrestling with a pig, you're going to get muddy. It's no use trying to discuss things with Trump in a civil manner. Just look at the Republican debates. They're all brought down to name-calling, shouting, denigrating everyone on and off the stage, references to dick-size ......because of one member on the stage. You get one guess who that person is.

Even on an international level: The first two overseas leaders Trump has any interaction with, the Pope and the Mexican president, both interactions got ugly quick. Trump is a walking talking disaster. Maybe his voting block have a death-wish for America emanating from some sort of self-loathing. A psychologist would have a party with trying to decipher the mind-set which votes for Trump.

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In regards to comparisons between Donald and Hitler..I think their ego is about the same size..

On a more relevant note perhaps - Donald and Kim Jong Il also have a lot in common - they brag about their junk and their golf game (not to mention their ultra-eccentric haircoffee1.gif and clean little hands)

That is totally laughable! What is your education level? 3-5 grade?

Unfortunately, discussions on Trump are brought, by Trump, down to 3-5th grade levels. If wrestling with a pig, you're going to get muddy. It's no use trying to discuss things with Trump in a civil manner. Just look at the Republican debates. They're all brought down to name-calling, shouting, denigrating everyone on and off the stage, references to dick-size ......because of one member on the stage. You get one guess who that person is.

Even on an international level: The first two overseas leaders Trump has any interaction with, the Pope and the Mexican president, both interactions got ugly quick. Trump is a walking talking disaster. Maybe his voting block have a death-wish for America emanating from some sort of self-loathing. A psychologist would have a party with trying to decipher the mind-set which votes for Trump.

They're all brought down to name-calling, shouting, denigrating everyone on and off the stage

A bit like TV forum

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All you anti Trumpers are like Canute. No matter how much you rant and rave about the Donald's supposed downside he just keeps on gaining delegates and leading, leading, leading the pack. When are you going to understand that Trump supporters don't care about the BS that you write about him, about his business acumen, about his ex wives, about his appreciation for his daughter, about his desire to stop illegal immigration and revive business in the US, about his hair and other bits. They even use his drinking a diet soda to try and monster him. NONE OF IT MATTERS. As long as he threatens the corrupt establishment politicians, he will win votes, and the more the Romney's and the Bush's attack him the more support he will get.

Here's a thought- run a non corrupt establishment politician against him and he will probably lose support. Unfortunately, there are no such politicians available from the GOP establishment - all of them bought and sold. Bernie probably qualifies on the Dems side, but the corrupt super delegate scam will probably keep him out.

When are you going to understand that Trump supporters don't care about the BS that you write about him

Number one, Trump's critics and other opponents don't speak BS.

Number two, we 100% know Trump's fellow radical wildmen don't care what Trump's critics and other opponents say against him. It is not Trump supporters we speak to. Speaking to Trump supporters and advocates accomplishes nothing.

It is the electorate we speak to, the nation in general and the world more broadly. They need to know Trump and his people are a distinct minority of a minority and that Trump and his advocates are crackpots who will get nowhere in the general election in November.

The candidacy of Donald Trump is in effect an airing out of fundamental and radical differences in American society and civilisation. I individually welcome it so the minority element of American soceity can be exposed as the crackpots that they are, always have been.

The radical widlmen of the society are being wholly repudiated by the broad and moderate centrist political and cultural middle of the American electorate, as will become obivous on voting day November 8th. This is the only 'when' about it. And we alread know the answer as indicated.

the broad and moderate centrist political and cultural middle of the American electorate,

Are you referring to those that elected G W Bush and Obama not once, but twice? Guess you're gonna' get a repeat performance if HRC is elected.

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Camille Paglia of Salon Magazine is a "former" Democrat and Bernie supporter. She's switched to Trump. She had this to say: LINK

"I was wrong about Trump".

"...But only a few weeks after that interview of mine in Salon, I suddenly realized that Trump’s candidacy had a broad support that few had expected or discerned. The agent of my revelation was a hilariously scathing, viral Web blog video posted by Diamond and Silk–Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two African-American sisters and former Democrats in Fayetteville, North Carolina. They were reacting with indignant outrage to the first GOP debate, broadcast by Fox News from Cleveland on August 6 and hosted by Megyn Kelly, whose loaded questions had impugned Trump as a sexist.
If Trump wins the White House, that no-holds-barred video will go down in history as “the shot heard round the world,” Ralph Waldo Emerson’s phrase for the first salvo of the American Revolution by rural insurgents at Concord. The video signaled a popular uprising and furious pushback against the major media and political elites. (Emphasis mine)

Thanks for that link. I really like those two ladies. But hey, there are those on TV that would deny that they were for real, because guess what, they are BLACK and they SUPPORT Trump, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rilly, rilly hope Megyn saw that clip.

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Camille Paglia of Salon Magazine is a "former" Democrat and Bernie supporter. She's switched to Trump. She had this to say: LINK

"I was wrong about Trump".

"...But only a few weeks after that interview of mine in Salon, I suddenly realized that Trump’s candidacy had a broad support that few had expected or discerned. The agent of my revelation was

posted by Diamond and Silk–Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two African-American sisters and former Democrats in Fayetteville, North Carolina. They were reacting with indignant outrage to the first GOP debate, broadcast by Fox News from Cleveland on August 6 and hosted by Megyn Kelly, whose loaded questions had impugned Trump as a sexist.

If Trump wins the White House, that no-holds-barred video will go down in history as “the shot heard round the world,” Ralph Waldo Emerson’s phrase for the first salvo of the American Revolution by rural insurgents at Concord. The video signaled a popular uprising and furious pushback against the major media and political elites. (Emphasis mine)

Thanks for that link. I really like those two ladies. But hey, there are those on TV that would deny that they were for real, because guess what, they are BLACK and they SUPPORT Trump, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rilly, rilly hope Megyn saw that clip.


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"Mexican president: Trump language like that of Hitler."

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night after the GOP debate I was watching the CNN focus group. They were asking the group questions and asking those who agreed TO RAISE THEIR HANDS!!!

OMG!!!!!!! It was just like watching a HITLER RALLY!!!!!!!


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Perhaps if the Mexican President read the following, he might understand some of the angst currently being expressed.

He simply doesn't care since the open border policy helps his country. His opinions just don't count.


Record 61 million immigrants in U.S., 15.7 million illegally
3/7/16 6:37 AM
There are a record 61 million immigrants and their American-born children in the United States, including an estimated 15.7 million illegally here, according to a new analysis of 2015 U.S. Census data.
The estimated number of undocumented immigrants is one of the highest ever.
The analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies found that 45.3 million, or three-fourths of the 61 million, are legal immigrants and their children. The report out Monday notes that the so-called "Gang of Eight" immigration bill supported by GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio would have doubled that number of legal immigrants.

So 45.3 million of them are legal.

And thanks to Trump, probably most of the adults are Democrat voters.

Good move Donald.


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Look at Donald such a bad boy. Don't look over here at our drug cartels in bed with politicians, vast swathes of the country controlled by gangs, kidnap and ransom a normal part of life. Classic diversionary tactics by a losing side.

Once young Enrique calms down and apologizes for the foul language emanating from Mexico over Mr Trumps proposals he can get down to work building Donald's great wall (which has already gotten 10 feet taller thanks to Mexican hi-jinx)

This is the politically correct language the right uses concerning our neighbor Mexico.

Anyone who says anything different is politically incorrect.

Trump's Wall is the politically correct language of the right.

Trump 'telling it like it is' presents across the board in everything all of the right's politically correct language, doctrines, mindset.

Yet the right with its political and cultural blinders think only the left-center and political moderates have an identifiable language, credenda.

The right is oblivious to the reality they have a politically correct lexicon terminology and rhetoric. The right isn't to swift on this point. Indeed, one can hear the far right's political correctness every time they start howling at the moon, which is numerous times each day.

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Cartels exist because of US drug habits for the most part.

Rather than build a wall, how about this solution?

Give Mexico back the land the US stole from them?

That would be a great idea, BUT, I doubt the Mexicans would be stupid enough to accept Kalifornia.

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