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Who are the Muslims supporting Trump?


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Meet the Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus supporting Trump
By Brajesh Upadhyay
BBC Urdu, Washington DC

WASHINGTON: -- Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's barbs against Muslims and immigrants may have offended many, but there are a few people within the same communities now rooting for the billionaire.

Right after his victory in then Nevada caucuses, Mr Trump was quick to flaunt the support he got from some Hispanic voters. Now he can add Hindus for Trump, American Sikhs for Trump and even American Muslims for Trump to his list.

While these groups in no way reflect the thinking of the wider Hindu, Sikh or Muslim community in the US, they are nevertheless making headlines in the diaspora media.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-35758156

-- BBC 2016-03-10

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries. Anyone who supports Sharia law or Islamic terrorism does not belong here.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries.

Careful mate, the Koranic experts will be along shortly telling you there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.

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There are good Muslims in this world, but the cowling out of fear seeing supporting the enemy and citing with the ' Kufars " the non believers, so they keep quiet, fearing for their own life from their brethren...

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I'm sure the Hindu and Sikh communities favor Trump. After all, he has demonized Mexican immigrants and supports continuing to give out tech visas to Indian immigrants. That policy has resulted in severe unemployment of Americans in the IT industry. Trump is such a two-faced fraud and conman.

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they must be some ignorant muslim, sikhs, hindus then as trump clearly said he does not want any muslim and lots of discrimination towards minorities.

some stupid ones, nothing else. they will see their mistake when they are placed to some concentration camps, nazi style!

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries.

Careful mate, the Koranic experts will be along shortly telling you there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.
Try that again replacing the word Muslim with the word Islam. Of course there is no such thing as moderate Islam, as Erdogan of Turkey confirmed. The moderates do not subscribe to many of the archaic and warlike Islamic beliefs, making them apostates in the eyes of the devout. Being considered an apostate is a pretty good reason to be against the mass immigration of those who would label them as such.
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they must be some ignorant muslim, sikhs, hindus then as trump clearly said he does not want any muslim and lots of discrimination towards minorities.

some stupid ones, nothing else. they will see their mistake when they are placed to some concentration camps, nazi style!

Trump is undeniably the hero of the stupid. He even said so himself when he gushed about loving "the poorly educated." The bottom line is that there are an awful lot of ignorant people out there from all religions and backgrounds, and if you can win them over, you will have a much easier time in any election. Just ask GW.

The great thing about ignorant people is that they can be won over very easily (racist/sexist tirades work wonders), and once you hook them in, they blindly follow whatever BS you feed them. That is why so much of what Faux news 'reports' is fact-checked as false, yet their millions of viewers take it as gospel. Hitler appealed to the LCD and im sure that even a few Jews backed him in the beginning. Human history is just an endless array of reruns.

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Another thread about Trump. Even when he doesn't blow out hot air in another stupid statement, there are still new threads about him.

Trump is like a jr. high school bully. Everything for him is either love or hate. And he can switch in a NY minute. He's fun to parody, but it's not fun to think of him being at the helm of the US. He's shallower than Tiny Tim and as articulate as Elmer Fudd. Every time he speaks he sounds like he's trying out for a part in a mafia movie, hoping to get the part of the small town don. I've known several guys just like Trump. They're full of bluster and self-aggrandizement, but see if they can walk across a vacant lot at night. They'll freeze with fear. Or see if they can get around well in an unfamiliar setting (like Havana or Cairo) without any wife or handlers at their side, and they dissolve in weeping befuddlement.

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries. Anyone who supports Sharia law or Islamic terrorism does not belong here.

Trump supports banning ALL Muslim immigrants from America, not just those supporting Sharia law. Sharia law being quite similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible.

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries. Anyone who supports Sharia law or Islamic terrorism does not belong here.

Trump supports banning ALL Muslim immigrants from America, not just those supporting Sharia law. Sharia law being quite similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible.

Sharia law being similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible that were used 3,000 YEARS AGO. Trump wants to ban all Muslims TEMPORARILY - until we can figure out who is who and what is what. It might be better to be safe than sorry.

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries. Anyone who supports Sharia law or Islamic terrorism does not belong here.

Trump supports banning ALL Muslim immigrants from America, not just those supporting Sharia law. Sharia law being quite similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible.

Sharia law being similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible that were used 3,000 YEARS AGO. Trump wants to ban all Muslims TEMPORARILY - until we can figure out who is who and what is what. It might be better to be safe than sorry.

And yet there is no legal way to ban muslims as religion is not written on passports and I highly doubt they will offer ham sandwich for each arrival.

Following this idea they could also ban temporarly all guns no?

This is a stupid, unreal idea which cannot be put in place, Trump knows it, the muslims know it, only the fools believe such thing can happen

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"While these groups in no way reflect the thinking of the wider Hindu, Sikh or Muslim community in the US"

Just in case anyone has missed it, let me point this out...every time there is some news about Trump doing well in some minority demographic the media MUST insert this. My favorite was that MSNBC video when they cut to the Trump supporters to show how racist they were and instead they showed a black Trump supporter who praised him. The MSNBC host had to immediately comment that "hey, ain't no other black people there! he's the only one! Black people hate Trump!"

They need to start doing that with Democrats. LOL

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Trump speaks same as hitler was speaking and if you dont see this ...


Ironic that often the same people who laugh at the Republican debates for their childish tone, take on the same tone themselves when talking about Trump.

Unless Trump really cleans up his presentation over the next 8 months and starts behaving like an adult, I won't vote for him. So I don't consider myself a Trump supporter.

That said,

Trump has been behaving like the class clown or class bully, but he isn't fascist. All this garbage coming from the left calling him a fascist and like Hitler or Mussolini is frackin' stupid. Every time someone posts it, they are just telling everyone here how clueless they are. Don't fall into that trap.

Edited by mopar71
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i really dont see any difference between bloody islam and bloody judaism and christianity and if you see any difference, it might be because you are either a devout person or religiously brainwashed and therefore partial.

one has jihadis, one has Zionists and one has crusaders/ku klux klan etc sorry but all same. most of the problems on earth originates from those religions and people.

what torah scripturally imposes are not different than islam or christianity. some details are different but all protects rant of rich and powerful. all those religious laws are never a fit to human nature too.

and appreciate the differences? one says kill, one say slay:)

I am in fact an atheist who finds most religions to be rather silly nonsense. But I don't fear Mormonism, Scientology, Christianity, Judaism, Taoism despite the fact that their adherents have on occasion given in to violence. Islam is quite different as an ideology as it mandates by its divine scripture, the Koran, that its adherents act to impose Sharia law upon the this world, and by violence if necessary. I personally find this particular brand of nonsense to be threatening. I do not find some imagined condemnation by some imagined god upon my death in some imagined afterworld to be particularly threatening to my worldly existence. And quite frankly, I doubt the absence of religion would abolish us hominids propensity towards violence and delusion. But one of the existential threats I feel today, and the only one that is based upon a religious ideology, is Islam.

appreciate your words on atheism and nonsense of the religions and the fact that all of them needs to be abolished and wiped out from this world so we can all live in peace forever!

but what Torah or bible states are different than Koran? Koran says kill someone who kills others and torah the same. bible the same as sharia law;

'eye to eye, tooth to tooth' is exactly what sharia law describes and rumors are that muslim impressed from Christianity on this and implemented the same.

i also believe sharia law is a great nonsense but other religions has equally the same laws.

so how come you find islam threatening and others non threatening? 'christian concept of 'eye to eye, tooth to tooth' does not threaten you?

or torah's concept of 'granting a bloody death (not a normal death but a bloody one!) for homosexuals: does not make you shiver?

sure you read all those books, right?

Edited by Galactus
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there're good Muslims in this world, but the cowling out of fear seeing supporting the enemy and citing

with the ' Kufars " the non believers, so they keep quiet, fearing for their own life from their brethren...

The Koranic scholar arrives! Where would we be without you.

So in summary:

- there are evil muslims.

- those who are not evil muslims are cowardly muslims.

All pretty cut and dried in ezzra-world isn't it? Basically, no such thing as a good muslim!

You are as laughable as you are predictable!

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there're good Muslims in this world, but the cowling out of fear seeing supporting the enemy and citing

with the ' Kufars " the non believers, so they keep quiet, fearing for their own life from their brethren...

The Koranic scholar arrives! Where would we be without you.

So in summary:

- there are evil muslims.

- those who are not evil muslims are cowardly muslims.

All pretty cut and dried in ezzra-world isn't it? Basically, no such thing as a good muslim!

You are as laughable as you are predictable!

At our moment in time Muslims are killing Muslims who don't follow their killing line..Muslims are killing anything, whether a different religion or being in the wrong place at the wrong time...

The west wants to stay at home and try to enjoy their life, but some Muslim folk want to just try and control, one way or another because of the way THEY read a book written by "who"..?

I am sure you are going to tell us who wrote that book...Tell us..

Thanks for that valuable input, as always.

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so how come you find islam threatening and others non threatening?

Are you for real? In general, the others are not out cutting people's heads off and burning people alive. Radical ISLAM IS. But he already told you that.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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My daughter's next door neighbors in LA are Persians. They used to be the Democratic supporters and voted for Obama twice. Now they are going to vote for Trump. They just don't trust Clinton anymore.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries.

Careful mate, the Koranic experts will be along shortly telling you there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.

There are not. Sorry if this does not play into the feel good kumbayah feelings we are supposed to espouse.

Hindus are the mortal enemies of muslims and are untouched by Trump's views. Much of the Hindu aka Indian community in the USA is conservative and skews to the right of the political spectrum. Do you honestly think that the Indian 7-11 owner who works 20 hour days to pay for his kids medical/law/business education has any use for the gangster demographic? The Sikhs in the USA for the most part are either professionals or in the service trades. They work. Again, they are more in lockstep with Trump's views than many other ethnic groups. The same for the Korean and Chinese communities.

Some of Trump's muslim supporters have some extreme views. Their code word is "Family Values".

Others are muslim in name only: i.e. they are secular and do not follow the religious practices. They would not be considered muslims by true muslims. These are not 'moderate" muslims, because they are not muslims.

The fact is that the Qu'ran has 164 verses calling for and demanding violent jihad. Don't believe me?

Would you take the word of Islamic preachers? https://islamqa.info/en/20214

Need a nice list of the 164 references to violence? How about a list Islamic scholars?


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The highly educated Americans on here miss the point completely.

ISIL and the like WANT an apocalyptic war with the West. That's entirely possible with Trump.

That's why extreme Islamists want Trump.

I thought it unlikely that Trump would get through. However, either some of the contributors on here not a representative sample or he will be carried to success on a wave of ignorance.

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Trump has publically declared, that should he become POTUS he will will wipe ISIS / ISIL from the face of the Earth.

As we are constantly reminded, right here on TV, on an almost daily basis, that this group are not Muslims and have hijacked Islam for their own agenda.

If this is indeed true, then it stands to reason that EVERY Muslim in America should be supporting Trump in his quest to wipe this group of the face of the Earth.

Unless of course, they secretly believe in the aims and objectives of ISIS / ISIL.

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I have removed NUMEROUS off-topic posts and replies. Continue and suspensions will be issued.

I have a brother-in-law in the US and he is Muslim. Born Muslim and has been Muslim all his life.

Much to my surprise, he says he will vote for Trump.

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All I'm saying is that part of the caliphate/Islam Grimm fairytale is an apocalyptic war with the West.

Please don't rise to the bait. Now is a time for rational diplomacy I think.

Trump is not the man right now

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