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What sort of business should I start for my wife?


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I started a thread the other day asking if members would invest in their wife / gf / significant other, and the answers were quite entertaining. There was a sound reason for the question, and following on from some of the more sensible replies, I decided to follow it up in this forum. I could post in the Business forum, but I already have a professional advisor: what I'm looking for here are some alternative perspectives on the matter.

I have recently divested myself of some property back home, and am seriously considering investing the proceeds in a little business for my wife, hopefully to provide something for her should I shuffle off. Now I don’t want to say what it is that I am considering just yet- there’s no great secrecy, but announcing it could skew potential replies, so please bear with me for the moment.

Imagine you were in my position with a good home in Chiang Mai, the proceeds of the property sale in the bank, two comfortable pensions (with a third on the way next year) backed up by rental income from the home country, a stable marriage with a sensible and mature Thai wife, (no bar time, university education, has worked in offices). I would like to put a couple of very straightforward questions to you:

  1. What type of activity would you choose to initially finance to provide future employment and income for your wife? Please explain.
  2. What would you NOT entertain as a business start-up for her, and why not?

OK, let's hear it.

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That's why I worded the question "if you were in my position, what would you start for YOUR wife". Obviously you don't know my wife (or at least I sincerely hope you don't sad.png ). Apologies for any ambiguity.

What sort of business do you think work? What sort of businesses are definitely not a good idea in your opinion(s)?

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Not sure what you are looking for.

Is it a small business your wife can run by herself no one employees something.like a coffee stand.

Or a small factory making t shirts with hundreds of employees

Or a service orientated business like a travel agency,with one or 2 employees?

I feel no one can help you till we get some perspective of the limitations.

Big,small medium?

Sales or service?

There is nothing you need stay away from, it is down to what she can do.

Some people get rich with a hairdresser shop. Others go broke Some do well selling clothes others lose their shirt.

Whats her work history? Whats her interests? How much to invest?

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Having said the above, let me answer to your post.

So you have been in the biss forum already. Seen all the lobbying there? You might at least not consider a bar or bar/bistro or the likes.

Wanna loose your money and your wife, up to you to start any of these.

If you or your wife have no special skills it will make your choice only narrower.

If you consider a low investment you might start a hair shop or a laundry, but it is all 13 in a dozen.

Invest in something valuable that can give you some joy and some income. It should be a lasting thing for a Thai as I know from experience that if support falls back (you leaving this planet e.g.) then it will soon be over.

If the wife is good on a specific food item, she can make good money selling in the markets. There is alot of trash sold and still Thai are keen on real tasty food.


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Two things to consider.

1. Is this going to be something she is interested in/good at and is passionate about.


2. Something she can initiate, oversee, and just Manage those that can operate it on a day to day basis

Need to get those two sorted first.


A. Does it need to be self sufficient and reasonable profit, whilst desirable is not necessarily the goal, as long as it pays its way. so more of an interest and activity to keep a person active etc.

B. Needs to provide a steady income for specific reasons and as a future/longer term investment.

Then you can start narrowing down what opportunities and types of business to consider in order to fulfil which of the the above are most relevant.

Next step, is the goal realistic and achievable, with the investment of time and money available.

Dont forget: The way to make a small fortune in Thailand, is start with a big one.

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Such a vaigue question is so difficult to give an opinion on. Without knowing about her, impossible.

A bar is a bad investment, yet there are many wealthy bar owners because they know the game. Is she a doctor? Is she a stay at home wife? Sheesh, the spectrum is endless.

Over to you! :)

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On line shopping, although you would need to be experienced in on line trading etc ,a bar a beauty parlour, massage parlour, restaurant,If you like children perhaps a school for children to learn English or another language, market stall selling whatever the local area may demand, But is it a case of listening to what you want to hear or actual market research, because you infer you have some plans already.

If you are as financially secure as you say why worry, enjoy the evening of your lives away from the at races that you've left behind Enjoy life because it's not a case of never die but when I die

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Mind games.

I pay my wife not to go to work. I'm her full time job. The house, shopping, meals, bills, everything. I don't do a <deleted> thing. We joke that she should operate the buttgun for me.

She is madam. She doesn't have to work. She has me.

A business is an enormous pain in the butt for little money, very little money in Thailand. It simply isn't worth it. She's exhausted at the end of the day and nothing gets done around the house.

I hear guys complain about their lazy wives here. Because many of us were instilled with a work ethic we think the TG should be working.

I was caddying at 13 and never stopped working hard till I was 59. I can afford to have a gorgeous young wife who doesn't work.

From what you've written, you do too.

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Mind games.

I pay my wife not to go to work. I'm her full time job. The house, shopping, meals, bills, everything. I don't do a <deleted> thing. We joke that she should operate the buttgun for me.

She is madam. She doesn't have to work. She has me.

A business is an enormous pain in the butt for little money, very little money in Thailand. It simply isn't worth it. She's exhausted at the end of the day and nothing gets done around the house.

I hear guys complain about their lazy wives here. Because many of us were instilled with a work ethic we think the TG should be working.

I was caddying at 13 and never stopped working hard till I was 59. I can afford to have a gorgeous young wife who doesn't work.

From what you've written, you do too.

Once, I shared your idea of living together with my wife but then I wanted to have mia noi(s) and it is much easier to meet the girlfriend while the wife is at work.

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Frankly the question is couched in such broad terms that it is, for all practical purposes unanswerable.

List the woman's areas of skill, knowledge and experience or just set her up with a motor cycle repair shop !

The basic skill set of a women are always given by the nature. But I doubt he want other people to use those specific nature gifts. clap2.gif

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I think it's about time the OP starts clarifying more.

Posters ask questions and the OP is already gone to bed.

So, what can she do, what is that grade she has and in what kind of offices did she get experience.

I believe OP is pulling our legs.

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without more information it is impossible to give advice; what experience does she have, what are her key skills & attributes, qualifications, strengths, weaknesses, interests? what is her work ethic?

a lady had a small food stall on my soi, it did a pretty good trade. she met up with a canadian who invested in a nearby unit and opened a restaurant for her. it was reasonably busy and successful on the surface but the business model and business plan were flawed and despite her not paying tax(!) she just couldnt keep up with the high rent, it put her out of business in two years and now she has nothing. she would have been better keeping her small manageable stall going.

moral; do you homework.

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OP you could probably open a gogo bar... Only thing a women in Chang Mai with a "university" edumakation is good at.

Its a hard business to run... But you could give it a stab.

Sent from my c64

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I would steer clear of most farming projects, anything to do with bars, and any form of massage (even if it genuine Thai massage).

Some form of lodging or eatery would be time consuming.

Maybe a retail outlet of some sort?

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I would steer clear of most farming projects, anything to do with bars, and any form of massage (even if it genuine Thai massage).

Some form of lodging or eatery would be time consuming.

Maybe a retail outlet of some sort?

That's it, the last thing I would consider is opening another 'Sloppy Som's Soapatorium & Massage "Service" ;) as they are a dime a dozen and this type of business is normally infiltrated with societies scum & Lo-so grubs and these sort of unhealthy people ARNT ones anyone in their right mind would like to associate with. Many of these farang backed business end up having all sorts of cash tipped in and consumed and the farang backers are nothing but losers and 'dreamers', slobs, alcoholic drop kicks.

Just an observation of course.....from someone that was trained to observed and well qualified to spot a drop kick.

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I really think you should be talking to her, not us in a forum. What's her passion, what does she enjoy, what drives her. If nothing, nothing, nothing, gifting her a business does not make sense. If you are as well off as you say, enjoy life and not worry about a business she may not have any interest in.

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I really think you should be talking to her, not us in a forum. What's her passion, what does she enjoy, what drives her. If nothing, nothing, nothing, gifting her a business does not make sense. If you are as well off as you say, enjoy life and not worry about a business she may not have any interest in.

Knowing Rob, I would suggest that he's already done that and perhaps they're just throwing this out there to see what the collective experience of tvf has to say about it.

I was thinking his wife might consider writing novels and selling them online, apparently according to some folk there's a small fortune to be made from that, even if you dribble out nonesence and mistruths :D

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I would steer clear of most farming projects, anything to do with bars, and any form of massage (even if it genuine Thai massage).

Some form of lodging or eatery would be time consuming.

Maybe a retail outlet of some sort?

That's it, the last thing I would consider is opening another 'Sloppy Som's Soapatorium & Massage "Service" wink.png as they are a dime a dozen and this type of business is normally infiltrated with societies scum & Lo-so grubs and these sort of unhealthy people ARNT ones anyone in their right mind would like to associate with. Many of these farang backed business end up having all sorts of cash tipped in and consumed and the farang backers are nothing but losers and 'dreamers', slobs, alcoholic drop kicks.

Just an observation of course.....from someone that was trained to observed and well qualified to spot a drop kick.

Yeah, I know a few ladies that own legitimate massage parlors in LOS and Aust. Their reputation goes before them.

My wife was offered a job and I told her I would rather she push the night cart if she wants to work.

PS "Push the night cart" has nothing to do with selling som-tum. It is an old expression referring to emptying the septic tins from the outside toilet.

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I factor in the cost of where she lives verus places like Bangkok

She and her mum have a few businesses on the go, small scale stuff, selling food, baking, hair and makeup etc

They make maybe only 10,000 a month net profit.......but it costs pretty much stuff all for everything where they live

Send her off the Bangkok to try maybe a bigger business, an automatic extra 20000 a month just for higher cost of living, then minus any income the mother would make as she has to look after the kids.

Thus she'd have to net 3 or 4 times as much per month just to break even in a sense

I think mines happier out in the sticks with her family anyway, yapping with all the female relos all day

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If you are as well set up financially as you say, why would she need to take the risk of a business at all? My Mrs is fully employed with our life and I can't see her fulfilling all the

roles she has now, not "working" and running a business.

Given that most ventures here produce peanuts from quite large investments, and don't even think about return of capital! Your on an uphill struggle.

Now if your wife has a vocation, a lifelong passion to be in a certain profession, thats a different matter.

The one thing I would suggest, should you go the business route: forget traditional business models and get ahead of the curve with online sales/marketing/publishing of either

real goods or service industry products. Overheads are minimal and returns benefit so much from that.

Whatever, good luck, but above all make sure that if you do set your wife up in business, that you don't lose her to the business time wise.


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If you want to know the business not to start then come check in my garage, you will find:

lot of cosmetics

lot of handbags

lot of shoes

lot of fashion jewelry

machine for make pop corn

machine for make pizza

machine for grill chicken

and a lot more but i don't see it anymore because hidden by a lot of second hand clothes.

If you (or your GF) want start a business, don't look what other people do, find something new, something exclusive.

Most people see someone making a lot of money with a business and start the same one. And a lot of other people do it too... And at the end, the so good idea wasn't so good.

You invested more money than you got back.

... and you have a lot of shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, popcorn machine etc in your garage.

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