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What are the best ChiangMai related Facebook groups?


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So the OP is just doing research for his blog using ThaiVisa (and us!) so he can write blog articles that trick the his blog readers (probably digital nomad wannabes) into thinking he actually knows something about Chiang Mai so they'll continue to read his blog and click thru his Google ads or whatever so he can earn money while never leaving his mother's basement or something?

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So the OP is just doing research for his blog using ThaiVisa (and us!) so he can write blog articles that trick the his blog readers (probably digital nomad wannabes) into thinking he actually knows something about Chiang Mai so they'll continue to read his blog and click thru his Google ads or whatever so he can earn money while never leaving his mother's basement or something?

Welcome to the new digital economy !!

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So the OP is just doing research for his blog using ThaiVisa (and us!) so he can write blog articles that trick the his blog readers (probably digital nomad wannabes) into thinking he actually knows something about Chiang Mai so they'll continue to read his blog and click thru his Google ads or whatever so he can earn money while never leaving his mother's basement or something?

Sadly, CM's Digital Nomad community is comprised of 90-95% abject morons who do nothing but blogging (badly) and drop shipping. Neither of these things will ever make them money but it's an essential part of their identity as the "cool people" who travel the world to live like peasants in hot places. The cornerstone piece is "50 things to do for $0 in Chiang Mai" (they can't do it elsewhere they can't afford to go anywhere else) combined with "Live LIKE A BOSS on $300 a month in Chiang Mai" as apparently their bosses back home lived in toilets and drove broken down motos whilst consuming food from their neighbour's garbage.

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A friend of mine just told me what 'Digital Nomad' means--unemployed with a phone.

and they are a ###### pain in the arse :(

camp in maya mall used to be fairly quiet in the week but i was in there last week and the place was full of 20 to 30 ish numb nut digital nomads

talking on their phones

one fella started to get quite loud to whoever he was talking to and one of the staff told him to quieten it down while pointing at the door

or they would call security !

ive been a regular there since it opend but it wouldnt surprise me if they

put up a sign saying no more ferang in here !



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A friend of mine just told me what 'Digital Nomad' means--unemployed with a phone.

and they are a ###### pain in the arse :(

camp in maya mall used to be fairly quiet in the week but i was in there last week and the place was full of 20 to 30 ish numb nut digital nomads

talking on their phones

one fella started to get quite loud to whoever he was talking to and one of the staff told him to quieten it down while pointing at the door

or they would call security !

ive been a regular there since it opend but it wouldnt surprise me if they

put up a sign saying no more ferang in here !


If the place was normally quiet during the week and it is now full, then I doubt if they will put up a 'No Farangs' sign just because they have an occasional problem customer. They'd probably tolerate losing a customer like yourself more than returning to being quiet. My guess is that they are probably in business to make money.
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A friend of mine just told me what 'Digital Nomad' means--unemployed with a phone.

and they are a ###### pain in the arse sad.png

camp in maya mall used to be fairly quiet in the week but i was in there last week and the place was full of 20 to 30 ish numb nut digital nomads

talking on their phones

one fella started to get quite loud to whoever he was talking to and one of the staff told him to quieten it down while pointing at the door

or they would call security !

ive been a regular there since it opend but it wouldnt surprise me if they

put up a sign saying no more ferang in here !


Just to note - there are two classes of digital nomad. Those who pollute every possible space whilst being inconsiderate and earning nothing and those who stay deep in the background, work from home and earn (and spend) a small fortune. The latter feel like an endangered species because the former have too much time on their hands and will tell the world about their business...

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A friend of mine just told me what 'Digital Nomad' means--unemployed with a phone.

and they are a ###### pain in the arse sad.png

camp in maya mall used to be fairly quiet in the week but i was in there last week and the place was full of 20 to 30 ish numb nut digital nomads

talking on their phones

one fella started to get quite loud to whoever he was talking to and one of the staff told him to quieten it down while pointing at the door

or they would call security !

ive been a regular there since it opend but it wouldnt surprise me if they

put up a sign saying no more ferang in here !


Just to note - there are two classes of digital nomad. Those who pollute every possible space whilst being inconsiderate and earning nothing and those who stay deep in the background, work from home and earn (and spend) a small fortune. The latter feel like an endangered species because the former have too much time on their hands and will tell the world about their business...

There always have been a lot of young people with no visible means of support living in Chaing Mai, the main difference is that before everyone had a smartphone or tablet they called themselves artists or healers and now they call themselves digital gonads. Edited by suzannegoh
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  • 1 month later...

Cheap living in Chiangmai - Budget properties up to 15K

Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell, Swap (not group already listed above in this thread)

Chiang Mai Digital Nomads

Secondhand stuff

Eat in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Used Secondhand Bikes Buy and Sell Bicycles in Thailand

A good way to find Facebook pages for a particular city is to go to a group page you already know for that place, see who the members are and then visit their Facebook pages.

Some people let you see which groups they are members of.

Edited by aneemeesedammai
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Chiang Mai eCommerce Digital Nomads

Chiang Mai Nomads (un-moderated, no sponsors)

The Break Room, by Chiang Mai Digital Nomads

Nomad Coffee Club (Chiang Mai)

Chiang Mai


We live, we love Chiang Mai


Edited by aneemeesedammai
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Aight. So.. Anyone want to answer the question in the OP or are we like .. 'meh' .. ?

Just in case someone IS actually interested, as the OP clearly isn't, and might not even grasp 'Facebook' fully. (Hint: there is no requirement to log every breathing moment of your life on it, to 'Like' anything, or to add 'friends', even.

You could be on it just for groups like these, news sites, get updates from restaurants or businesses you like, contact a business like the excellent (and TV forum sponsor) Pro Auto (https://www.facebook.com/proautothailand/ ) etc. ) You'd be missing out on the 'social' in social media but if you prefer that then that really isn't a problem.

* What, Where, When Chiang Mai - 11,000 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/171517609647322/

* Farang Community Chiang Mai - 9,000 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/farangcommunitychiangmai/

* Chiang Mai City News - not a group, but essential - https://www.facebook.com/citynewschiangmai

* Chiang Mai Buy, Sell, Swap - 14,500 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/305872182829627/members/

* Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - 7,500 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/512883258737603/

* Second Hand and Real Estate Chiang Mai - 8,500 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/149726448524351/

Honourable mention because not only Chiang Mai, but a GREAT group:

Siamese Memories - 8,500 members - https://www.facebook.com/groups/siamesememories/

I can't imagine how it could have possibly happened... but you forgot the Chiang Mai Fencing Club! https://www.facebook.com/ChiangmaiFencing/

He also forgot to mention the facebook, Chiang Mai Rave and fornication group. I haven`t found it yet, but if anyone does could they please send me the link.

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