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Arab League declares Hezbollah a ‘terrorist organization’


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This is a manifestation of the logic, my enemies enemy is my friend. Israel and the Arab league have common cause against Iran and hence Hezbollah are the enemy because they are Iran's proxy.

The move is significant as it clears the decks for removing Hezbollah at the same time as Iran.

How are they going to go about "removing" Iran? Shock and awe? The Saudi armed farces? They can't even "remove" the Houthis in Yemen but somehow they're going to be able to "remove" Hezbollah? Israel tried that already and couldn't do it. And not just remove Hezbollah but Iran? Maybe it's the plan of the neocons who were going to sweep the USA's enemies from the Middle East and institute a Pax Americana? Maybe you've got your own plan? And, no, empty belligerence doesn't count as a plan.
Time will tell. Don't believe all the MSM tells you, they really haven't got a clue, which is good seeing as they are batting for the enemy as often as not. For your information there are between half and one million Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia, though the MSM claim none. Likewise The Saudis have spent a fortune on a highly trained modern army. As for Yemen the casualty numbers are as fictional as those used against the Israeli military. Yemen has almost entirely been freed from the Houthis, yet again people are fed a low information diet surrounding this, I hope this situation persists seeing as war is deception.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan is alleged to have said, "You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts."

This is from the Guardian on Sept 12, 2015: Saudi Arabia has said reports about its response to the Syrian refugee crisis are “false and misleading” and it has in fact given residency to 100,000 people as war rages in their country.


As for the Houthis there's this: "A Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday it had exchanged prisoners with its Houthi opponents and also welcomed a pause in combat on the border, prompting hopes of a push to end the year-long war that has killed some 6,000 people"


You hardly go about negotiating with an enemy when you have them on the ropes. In fact, the Houthis still control the capital and a lot of area around it. The Saudis had hoped to enlist the Pakistanis to do the Saudis' fighting for them in Yemen - in fact, they announced that the Pakistanis were part of their coalition - but the Pakistanis turned them down. You could look that up but I suspect your imaginary library has no mention of that.

If the Saudis do commit their troops to battle, it will be virtually a first. They are nowhere to be found in Syria. Why not? In fact, they're pretty much nowhere to be found except in Saudi Arabia. Cynical people have suggested that Saudi Arabia buys exorbitantly priced advanced weapons systems not to be used, but simply as bribes to the Western military-industrial complex. I don't think so. I think it's part of a cultural program; the Saudis are buying them to stock their museums.

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This is a manifestation of the logic, my enemies enemy is my friend. Israel and the Arab league have common cause against Iran and hence Hezbollah are the enemy because they are Iran's proxy.

The move is significant as it clears the decks for removing Hezbollah at the same time as Iran.

How are they going to go about "removing" Iran? Shock and awe? The Saudi armed farces? They can't even "remove" the Houthis in Yemen but somehow they're going to be able to "remove" Hezbollah? Israel tried that already and couldn't do it. And not just remove Hezbollah but Iran? Maybe it's the plan of the neocons who were going to sweep the USA's enemies from the Middle East and institute a Pax Americana? Maybe you've got your own plan? And, no, empty belligerence doesn't count as a plan.
Time will tell. Don't believe all the MSM tells you, they really haven't got a clue, which is good seeing as they are batting for the enemy as often as not. For your information there are between half and one million Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia, though the MSM claim none. Likewise The Saudis have spent a fortune on a highly trained modern army. As for Yemen the casualty numbers are as fictional as those used against the Israeli military. Yemen has almost entirely been freed from the Houthis, yet again people are fed a low information diet surrounding this, I hope this situation persists seeing as war is deception.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan is alleged to have said, "You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts."

This is from the Guardian on Sept 12, 2015: Saudi Arabia has said reports about its response to the Syrian refugee crisis are “false and misleading” and it has in fact given residency to 100,000 people as war rages in their country.


As for the Houthis there's this: "A Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday it had exchanged prisoners with its Houthi opponents and also welcomed a pause in combat on the border, prompting hopes of a push to end the year-long war that has killed some 6,000 people"


You hardly go about negotiating with an enemy when you have them on the ropes. In fact, the Houthis still control the capital and a lot of area around it. The Saudis had hoped to enlist the Pakistanis to do the Saudis' fighting for them in Yemen - in fact, they announced that the Pakistanis were part of their coalition - but the Pakistanis turned them down. You could look that up but I suspect your imaginary library has no mention of that.

If the Saudis do commit their troops to battle, it will be virtually a first. They are nowhere to be found in Syria. Why not? In fact, they're pretty much nowhere to be found except in Saudi Arabia. Cynical people have suggested that Saudi Arabia buys exorbitantly priced advanced weapons systems not to be used, but simply as bribes to the Western military-industrial complex. I don't think so. I think it's part of a cultural program; the Saudis are buying them to stock their museums.

You are also entitled to your own opinions. History will pronounce on the facts I'm sure.


With Saudi Arabia's non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

As for the war itself, it is mainly Saudi trained Yemenis who are doing the fighting and are winning. The press lies about it systematically.


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I wish people would get off this talk of Jewish Hatred when referring to Israel. This is not how I see it at all. Many Topics, Many Posts, the underlying thread linking them all is Against the policies of Israel. Quit playing the 'Hate Speech against Jews' every time someone talks about Israel. Who are just as big a Terrorist organization as Hezbollah, ISIS, - pick one.

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I wish people would get off this talk of Jewish Hatred when referring to Israel. This is not how I see it at all.

That is the BIG LIE that the Israel haters tell themselves and the rest of the world. The truth is that anti-Semitism drives most of the lies about Israel and the attempt to demonize them. You can easily see it - even on this forum - by the way that almost every issue is twisted and distorted instead of reported honestly by the anti-Israel forces. Of course, some people are ill-educated and naïve. They are swayed by the dishonest rhetoric, but the real driving forces behind it all are radical Islam and far left ideology.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Watch this Video - Defamation Anti Semitism - produced, directed by members of the Jewish faith. Exposes a lot of what is said as pure pro-Israeli propaganda. And I take offence at being called a Hater of anybody. If you can not see what the Israeli Government is doing as the same Terrorism as they say everybody else is doing, I despair of ever having a solution to this issue. Short of dragging all parties kicking and screaming to the bargaining table and make them come to a compromise. Sadly - this I think will need to be the ultimate outcome.

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Short of dragging all parties kicking and screaming to the bargaining table and make them come to a compromise. Sadly - this I think will need to be the ultimate outcome.

The Jews/Israel have been trying to compromise for around 100 years. The Arabs are the ones who have always rejected peace. The Jews tried compromising with them before 1948. The Arabs refused.The UN offered the Palestinians their own country in 1947/8. They refused and declared war on the Jews who accepted the deal. The Arabs lost, then declared war and lost several more times. They have been losing ever since. If their history is any indication, they will just keep initiating violence, losing and forcing Israel to strike back. Edited by Ulysses G.
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And Israel siezed land in 1967, and is now building houses on said land. And a Wall. And cutting power and water. Sounds like a very humanitarian country to me - short of this. Do they not realize that all the things they accuse people of doing against the Jewish religion down through the centuries they are doing to others right now ? I am sure they know, but just do not care.

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The things they accuse people of doing against the Jewish religion down through the centuries they are doing to others right now ?

Only these other people were victimizing Jews because of their religion, with little other reason. Israel is fighting a sworn enemy who has been trying to push them into the sea for the last 100 years. There really is no logical comparison, if one knows one's history.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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