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Horrified Japan Apologizes for ‘Deplorable’ Thai Skinny Dipping Incident


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Thailand should apologize for making an issue of it.

Looks like you didn't read the article. Thais shrugged it off but Japanese were horrified and apologized on their own.

How''d the Japanese know an apology was 'necessary' . Pretty sure the skinny dippers didn't make their swim a public issue.

Edited by Rob13
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In Japanese culture everyone goes to the public baths and gets naked all the time.

Kids and grannies, businessmen and teenagers, it is just part of the culture to

not have body shame and see nothing wrong with group nudity and water.

I am 100% sure this had much to do with this groups hitting the water at night naked.

Of course, 100 years ago Thai women went topless and most people were not body paranoid,

till the Victorian Era prudery was transplanted her by foreigners and the leader decided to mollify them.

Now the morals police here are WAY beyond anything that happens at the original source these days.

Losing face for something not even from your culture is pretty stupid...

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Had it been a drunk (white skinned) Englishman , Mr. Racist would likely purse his lips, and point a crooked finger at how the fool sullies the entire demographic. But that wouldn't be racist, because the subject was white. whistling.gif

Japanese are a (mostly) homogeneous people with lingering ideas about their superiority among their dark skinned Asian neighbors. I'm not that surprised an apology was issued for an act that, in their eyes, associates them with the less refined.

When Thais loose face, they tend to smile it away. Apologize? Not likely. Just smear on some more whitening-cream, ignore, and move on.

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Another quality product ,that every country experiences from time to time , nothing to get excited about and possibly nothing to see , most Japanese along with every other country have good people, so why the Apologizes and I bet the lads have had a trip to remember...............................................coffee1.gif

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Seriously, who cares.

It doesn't take much to excite the regulars here at TV. Two pages of responses so far.

Apparently apologizing for something, whether absolutely necessary or not, is an alien concept to many.

From a practical point of view, the Japanese employer may have caught some flack from his Japanese customers/clients and felt some preemptive action on his part might mitigate the damage.

Here's some suggested editing (in caps) to gain approval by far too many on these TV strings;

"Apparently apologizing (TO DUMB, SILLY THAIS) for something, whether absolutely necessary or not, is an alien concept to many.

From a practical point of view, the (STUPID)Japanese employer may have caught some flack from his (BACKWARD, UNSOPHISTICATED)Japanese customers/clients"

Edited by johnhw
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Okay, is Thailand going to apologise to Japan every time the little misses dance naked in front of Japanese customers in many TAT approved entertainment venues?

We live in a double standard world. There is the acceptable the unacceptable and the culturally vulgar. Little misses dance naked in front of a Japanese customers falls into the first category.

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It seems the average Thai is not comfortable with nudity. It is a sense of prudishness. Not sure these guys deserve the attention they are getting for this silly act, that they probably committed after downing a bottle of sake each, or several tall Asahi beers. But, there is such an intense desire for all nations to convey a proper and correct face these days. Of course most of it is false, and fake. But, it is simply meant for public consumption.

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It is part of Japanese culture for people to bathe and swim in the nude. Unlike many other cultures, the Japanese are not ashamed of the human body. There was a time back when Thailand was Thailand and not the reimagined wacky world of miserable prudes where women could walk about topless and people didn't stare and go, ooooo look boobies. It is just so stupid to get all upset over what is natural. Do we make elephants wear clothes? How about snakes? The birds?

Bigger issues to deal with than a bunch of harmless salari men frolicking in the surf. Trust me, those Japanese bathers regretted the nakedness. The mosquitoes are very very bad on much of the beach, especially after 4 pm. I still have bites from January.

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How does this hurt a country's honour? Pretentious nonsense.

Some dudes went skinny dipping. Punish them accordingly and move on.

I just dont get why folk are "so" offended by naked bodies, born naked.

80 years ago Thai women were topless.........get over it "weve all got one/two" who cares!!

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whistling.gif Some years ago there was a play in the U.K. , with a title supposedly from what an English woman said to the French tourist guide on an organized tour to France when she was supposedly taken to see a "naughty" show in a French theater.

The title of the show was," No sex please, we're British."

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Horrified! Deplorable! Hahaha.....Puritanical Thailand, with Pattaya, Soi Cowboy and Nana. Plain stupid overreaction all around.

You are referring to prostitutes who are not the average citizen. Are you saying that because Thailand has prostitutes like other countries it should be ok not to have any respect for common decency?

I think all countries have prostitutes, and they don't represent mainstream Thailand. Maybe in the circles you move in, but certainly not the mainstream.

A group of naked Japanese men is not something I would want to look at, if was a group of naked japanese women, well, that would be something else.

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ah humanity at its best again!!

harmless naked dudes peacefully in a circle is shocking and disgraceful but two guys in a ring breaking eachother's face is jolly.

i will never understand our pathetic kind coffee1.gif

You haven't got young kids then....?

I would suggest most boxing is frequented by adults.....rolleyes.gif

jup, no young kids nor old kids... i don't wanna contribute to our pathetic kind. the sooner humanity extincts the better.

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Many of above mentioned answers show, that most people are judging with western ideas in mind. A lot of persons leave their "normal" (what is normal) behaviour in their home country and leave their brains at the airport, as soon as they are on holiday. Remember: you are a guest in this country and an ambassador of your home country. So if you are in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Skinny dipping: do what you please, but do not provoke other people. Adapt a little bit, but for most people that is too much asked.

For average Thai places like Soi Cowboy, Pattaya, Nana Plaza do not represent the real Thailand. But persons hanging around in beer bars and go-go clubs will never understand that.

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ah humanity at its best again!!

harmless naked dudes peacefully in a circle is shocking and disgraceful but two guys in a ring breaking eachother's face is jolly.

i will never understand our pathetic kind coffee1.gif

You haven't got young kids then....?

I would suggest most boxing is frequented by adults.....rolleyes.gif

jup, no young kids nor old kids... i don't wanna contribute to our pathetic kind. the sooner humanity extincts the better.

There you go, that's why you can't see past your own nose......rolleyes.gif

correction: that's why i'm objective.

naked circle might be odd around here but offensive or shocking, gimme a break...

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