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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

Then you have nothing to worry about....

None of the leftists have anything to worry about because "Trump has no chance of being POTUS."

That's why they riot and disrupt in Chicago and repeat themselves endlessly on forums. That's why the big guns like Soros are pouring millions into trying to stop Trump. That's why the GOP elite are scheming 24/7.

None of them is worried. whistling.gif

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I suppose you're right. Kasich or Rubio could have beat HRC.

If Rubio, like his Florida brethren and former #1 GOP horse Bush, was taken apart quickly as a candidate by a few Trump barbs and a brief cross exam by Christie. What makes you think he would succeed when he has the entire DNC/Clinton machine plus 95% of the media out to torch him?

If Trump gets the nomination, he may likely ask Kasich to be VP to get someone with a significant political background on his ticket.

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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

Again, how is calling for current law to be enforced, a racist movement?

What law, dude?

Banning Muslims? Is that a law, dude?

Folks, you don't know a con man when you see one? How did that happen?

BTW, I'm not denying HRC is a lying politician. Of course she is. But she's highly qualified for the job not the clown leader of nut job fascist movement.

I didn't realize being a Muslim was a race. coffee1.gif And yes, there is a law, the State Department is supposed to screen individuals before issuing visas. Are all Muslims a threat? No, but I don't see the need to let more into the country. But, I lived in the Persian Gulf, and involved in Iraq, and Afghanistan, for 15 years, what would I know.

Hillary learned her foreign policy skills from Bill, who managed to lose two Embassies in one day. Competent? Hardly.

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Bravo to you Trump! Looking closely at the film when Trump is approached on stage one can see clearly Trump first perceives the threat behind him in the eyes of those in front of him. Next he pivots around toward the threat, reversing himself slightly in a near couch. Without break, Trump leans in (now behind him) TOWARD the threat! With one spin Trump perceives, responds, and moves toward the threat.

Yes, America can definitely benefit from Trump. Obama is correct- Obama did roll out the carpet for Trump. Its the only thing Obama has done right, though not surprisingly a result of his US loathing.

Well let's remember after all The Donald was commander of the cadet corps drill team at the New York Military Academy, which is a private high school of US Army Junior ROTC where he also no doubt learned a lot of loathing, which helps to account for what he is doing and saying in the present to include wrapping himself in the flag.

Trump did not of course ever serve in the regular and real military but at NYMA he got a good dose of career-lifer military instructors almost all of whom tend strongly to be liberal loathing rightwingers. Trump has readily admitted he keeps abreast of his young junior military instruction and training to further develop his military expertise by watching fellow liberal loathing retired generals and admirals on television.

Maybe The Donald needs some actual real stuff military advisors such as retired Special Forces guyz to spiff him up as well as to stick up for him in other rightwing ways that we see regularly.

Cause as we see, a little loathing of the loathers goes a long and loathing way. And The Donald has learned a lot of and about loathing. bah.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Amazing. Black Lives Matter can protest a Trump speech, but not the 100 black on black murders that occurred in Chicago last month.

There wuz a parody news report on tv today that Ben Carson had been arrested and roughed up at a Trump rally because he was mistaken for a psychopathic anti-Trump protester.

They thought he wuz a sociopath.


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Bravo to you Trump! Looking closely at the film when Trump is approached on stage one can see clearly Trump first perceives the threat behind him in the eyes of those in front of him. Next he pivots around toward the threat, reversing himself slightly in a near couch. Without break, Trump leans in (now behind him) TOWARD the threat! With one spin Trump perceives, responds, and moves toward the threat.

Yes, America can definitely benefit from Trump. Obama is correct- Obama did roll out the carpet for Trump. Its the only thing Obama has done right, though not surprisingly a result of his US loathing.

Well let's remember after all The Donald was commander of the cadet corps drill team at the New York Military Academy, which is a private high school of US Army Junior ROTC where he also no doubt learned a lot of loathing, which helps to account for what he is doing and saying in the present to include wrapping himself in the flag.

Trump did not of course ever serve in the regular and real military but at NYMA he got a good dose of career-lifer military instructors almost all of whom tend strongly to be liberal loathing rightwingers. Trump has readily admitted he keeps abreast of his young junior military instruction and training to further develop his military expertise by watching fellow liberal loathing retired generals and admirals on television.

Maybe The Donald needs some actual real stuff military advisors such as retired Special Forces guyz to spiff him up as well as to stick up for him in other rightwing ways that we see regularly.

Cause as we see, a little loathing of the loathers goes a long and loathing way. And The Donald has learned a lot of and about loathing. bah.gif

The difference is, Trump would listen to the experts, rather than ignore them, like the current idiot in the Oval Office.

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Trump's BIGGEST problem is that he is alienating all of those precious voters who destroy American flags, wave Mexican flags, break into the country illegally, illegally disrupt rallies, start riots, and others involved in childish hysterics.

All he has left now are ordinary Americans who would like to have a job while not being rear-ended on the road by an illegal with no car insurance. All he has left is millions of pissed off voters who are tired of watching both parties in DC sell America down the river to China and Mexico.

All he has left now is the working class which has seen its income eroded by illegals, China, and Mexico. All he has left are the people who'd like to put America first for a change.

He doesn't have a chance. whistling.gif

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The illegal alien problem is overblown. It's not even a top issue with Trump supporters. Trumpism is about a fascist cult of personality. It's no coincidence that the psychopathic demagogue looks and acts so much like Mussolini.

It really amazes that with so many real issues to have with Trump people still love the "he's a fascist!!" line of crap.

For starters, hammer him on the lack of details on any of his ideas (they aren't even evolved enough to be called policies). I doubt Trump has thought anything through to be able to discuss the issues facing or country in any detail.

But, no, people have to fantasize about him being the evil, racist, fascist!

Trump may be a clown, but no more so than a lot of his hysterical critics.

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Something is happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear, but...

First MSNBC are caught off guard when the black guy at the Trump rally is there because he actually supports Trump.

Then the brother of murdered civil rights activist Medger Evers endorses Trump.

Now a black Trump supporter holds his ground against a tide of Black Lives Matter-anti-Trump protesters.


This is the 1st time in my life I can remember black voters not just falling inline behind the Democrat candidate and actually debating each other.

That is a great sign of progress.

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He kind of looks like he's going to explode any minute when he shouts his political obscenities.

He's channeling all that anger ... like the opposite of a spiritual figure.

Yes, he is no spiritual figure, but can you name one world leader that is? They all seem to be bought and paid for by the elite, which begs the question "which one is better"? When voting, often voters choose the lesser of the two evils and this is no different. Hilary has sold out long ago to the powers that be and appears to stand for nothing other than her own pocket, so voting for her will be a vote for large financial institutions who are above the law gambling hard working peoples life savings away just for the fun of it.

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It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

Neither is particularly appealing.

I think it's obvious that the majority will find Trump the much more ATROCIOUS because he is and his racist "movement" is very ugly.

I would assume that Donald has way more (and much juicier) skeletons in the old closet..

On another note - Hilary got much better looking after high school..

A true Dark Horse as it were - perhaps to this day..


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Trump's BIGGEST problem is that he is alienating all of those precious voters who destroy American flags, wave Mexican flags, break into the country illegally, illegally disrupt rallies, start riots, and others involved in childish hysterics.

All he has left now are ordinary Americans who would like to have a job while not being rear-ended on the road by an illegal with no car insurance. All he has left is millions of pissed off voters who are tired of watching both parties in DC sell America down the river to China and Mexico.

All he has left now is the working class which has seen its income eroded by illegals, China, and Mexico. All he has left are the people who'd like to put America first for a change.

He doesn't have a chance. whistling.gif

"Funny" how Trump's gonna win the Republican nomination - with about 15% of the popular vote (counting all Democrat and Republican voters)

WAAAAAAY more Americans dislike him than like him - but there it is


How to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear sad.png just ask the Donald

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Trump's BIGGEST problem is that he is alienating all of those precious voters who destroy American flags, wave Mexican flags, break into the country illegally, illegally disrupt rallies, start riots, and others involved in childish hysterics.

All he has left now are ordinary Americans who would like to have a job while not being rear-ended on the road by an illegal with no car insurance. All he has left is millions of pissed off voters who are tired of watching both parties in DC sell America down the river to China and Mexico.

All he has left now is the working class which has seen its income eroded by illegals, China, and Mexico. All he has left are the people who'd like to put America first for a change.

He doesn't have a chance. whistling.gif

you would like to think that but it is not true,He has alienated a lot more than what you think

If you think "ordinary Americans" are the ones attracted by Trump you are mistaken, jf they were, it would be very very bad for America.

He has alienated constituencies necessary to win the white house and for that he has an ice cubes chance in hell of winning, which is why the Republican establishment is so against him, they can read the teal leaves, I am afraid it is his supporters who have trouble with reading..

The Democrats could not have asked for a better present in this election than Trump.

As far as putting America first, different people have different ideas as how one does that.Hopefully most Americans idea is not Trump.

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Now a black Trump supporter holds his ground against a tide of Black Lives Matter-anti-Trump protesters.


This is the 1st time in my life I can remember black voters not just falling inline behind the Democrat candidate and actually debating each other.

That is a great sign of progress.

This guy is a HERO standing up to the voices of ignorance.

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Maybe the Trump lemmings will get to taste a Trump steak someday. What you say? Trump steaks don't exist. Trump is a con man. He can't even make America steak again.

No, but he will make America grate again, as in grating teeth.

Or, Make America Hate Again, as it did in the 1950's during McCarthyism.

Bernie strives toward finding solutions. Trump creates divisions.

How many individuals and groups has Trump rallied Americans to hate? I've lost count.

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really <deleted> up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted> up America.

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really <deleted> up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really f---d up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

For many years the left have chosen democrats and have instead been silently reviving the previously silent Progressive movement within the House of the Democratic Party; the Progressives of Wilson and Roosevelt. The progressives who were so utterly ran out of American polity decades earlier because of their socialist tendencies that they went silent, and decided to actually enact stealth agenda- Progressivism- and existed as background agents on the left for 20th century. Thus, the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms. Indeed, even HRC takes a pass when asked to explain the difference between her and Sanders, an avowed Socialist. So, the entire democratic center of America has for some time voted earnestly, loyally, to a party that increasingly did not reflect their views but had instead radically moved to the left while America generally remained in the center. But the republicans did not either.The republicans shifted to the left as well.

Those on the right have thought for a very long time they are always given the choice of the lesser of two evils. Lately this reality couched itself in the labels of RHINOs (Republicans in Name Only) because republicans effectively represented the former center of the Democratic party- once in office RHINOs were effectively Democrats. Republicans would appeal to their base then run to the center. However, they too shifted so far left that legislatively there is no difference between parties- and people are disgusted. Three steps left, one step right, for decades.

Both the left and the right have been grievously wounded over x recent years: opportunity, wages, benefits, upward mobility, inflation. All indexes of life are terribly compromised and yet both see huge profits for billionaires and rich folks and the politicians. Both see this and heat the same platitudes, but nothing changes. Both hate it. Both sides are tired. People on both sides feel they have been lied to for a long, long time. (I do not grasp how the left feels this as America has consistently stepped to the left). I assert government polices have rendered entire populations dependent on government, dependent on other people's taxes, fruits, industry. Its just a fact. The takers in America are near a majority tipping point and any changes in the status quo might reflect directly on their wallet. Lastly, this election is an all out race for the supreme court. People are sickened at the sense that the dream of America is passed and our doors are open, we are bankrupt, poor, hungry, without compass, our laws are not enforced, and everything is an appeal to emotion- while we can hardly put food on our own plates.

There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be repulsed before it sets in stone. There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be ensured to set it in stone. Honor, truth, right action... none of it matters publicly for some time (left and right). The only thing that matters in US politics now is naked aggression, and winning!

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This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

Wow, you should apply to be a speechwriter for the Trump campaign. Talk about divisiveness...!

You prove your right-wing credentials by wanting to find someone who is funding the protests. Why does there have to be some old rich person funding it? Are you a conspiracy theorist? The protest is welling due to emotional backlash (mostly by young adults) to Trump's divisive rhetoric. Trump either hates or loves each individual or group of people. Every entity, to Trump, is either wonderful or horrible. That's the temperament of an immature 9 yr old girl, not a grown mature man. ....and his love-hate relationships can flip-flop from day to day. Do you want a hot-headed flip-flopper as prez? I don't, even tho it would be great for comedians and satirists.

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really f---d up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

Desperation & Fear.

This year the Dems have one candidate who is more likely to be in the Big House next year instead of the White House.

Their other candidate is a self-avowed Socialist who flirted with Communism in the past and can't win a national election.

Trump has steamrolled traditional politicians while helping Republicans shatter turnout records at the same time the Democrats aren't showing up to vote for Hillary or Bernie. Voter turnout is not in the Left's favor this election.

They obviously don't want to run against Trump and are doing all they can to derail him. The past year has given us crybaby students attacking freedom of speech and chasing university administrators out of their jobs. They had such success that the left is trying to use them against Trump.

All it will do is make him more popular.

Edited by mopar71
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Some recent Trumpisms re; violence at his rallies. . . . . . . .

"I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks," Trump had said of one protester. Then: "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

At an earlier rally, Trump had said to his supporters: "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees."

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Trump is probably going to pay the legal fees of 78 year old sucker-puncher John (Thumper) McGraw.

It’s not the first time Trump has indicated he would cover the legal fees of his supporters. At a caucus-day rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he told the crowd, “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them. I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”

Equal Opportunity Employment advocates are hailing the move as it illustrates Trump does not discriminate based on age in employment of storm troopers. laugh.png


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Maybe the Trump lemmings will get to taste a Trump steak someday. What you say? Trump steaks don't exist. Trump is a con man. He can't even make America steak again.

No, but he will make America grate again, as in grating teeth.

Or, Make America Hate Again, as it did in the 1950's during McCarthyism.

Bernie strives toward finding solutions. Trump creates divisions.

How many individuals and groups has Trump rallied Americans to hate? I've lost count.

Bernie strives toward finding solutions. Trump creates divisions.


Yet the newly emergent conservative hard core right that claims political independence and free thinking support Trump while simultaneously engaging in the obvious contradiction of saying some degree of positive things about Bernie Sanders. A good number of these befuddled folk actually say they will or could vote for Sanders while they actively support Trump.

The contraction should be obvious to everyone.

The newly emergent conservative hard core right that absurdly claims an independent minded approach rejects Ted Cruz who is the most traditionally Republican conservative remaining in the race and who probably always has been so from the outset when there were 17 or so candidates. The rightists do at the least ignore Cruz at best.

The fact theze guyz claim their simultaneous support of Trump and Cruz shows their absolute and lost in the woods confusion, self-contradiction; an absence of any actual or consistent philosophy or coherent world view. Yet they also reject this analysis of this obvious reality.

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fact....trump is winning...regardless. just as obama won....despite all the haters.

So the morons that cannot abide by the majority, slink into their dark holes scamming ways to deny trump access to his supporters.

It is wrong. What they are actually saying is that no one else gets a chance and if they come close to victory...we will sabotage democracy.

ridiculous. you cannot change our electoral system without changing the constitution...and that ...my friends, is simply not going to happen this election.

Deal with it.

Obama will be called to task....as the Federal government will be required to safeguard Mr. Trump and his Lawful Campaign for President. Failure to do his duties willl bring only shame and violence (against Trump). I fear for his safety.. and as I mentioned earlier, Obama only has to call into play the "Special Security Measures" that would ...in fact...grant him a third term....as allowed in special circumstances.

These street rebels are going for that end....mark my words. Obama will end up doing a third term, if approved by the house and senate....(special circumstances already allow for that).

So what you got here is......let Mr Trump do his thing...or suffer the consequences of street violence, and possible government intervention...allowing Obama a third Term. I Imagine all hades will be breaking out ...at that junction.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really f---d up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

For many years the left have chosen democrats and have instead been silently reviving the previously silent Progressive movement within the House of the Democratic Party; the Progressives of Wilson and Roosevelt. The progressives who were so utterly ran out of American polity decades earlier because of their socialist tendencies that they went silent, and decided to actually enact stealth agenda- Progressivism- and existed as background agents on the left for 20th century. Thus, the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms. Indeed, even HRC takes a pass when asked to explain the difference between her and Sanders, an avowed Socialist. So, the entire democratic center of America has for some time voted earnestly, loyally, to a party that increasingly did not reflect their views but had instead radically moved to the left while America generally remained in the center. But the republicans did not either.The republicans shifted to the left as well.

Those on the right have thought for a very long time they are always given the choice of the lesser of two evils. Lately this reality couched itself in the labels of RHINOs (Republicans in Name Only) because republicans effectively represented the former center of the Democratic party- once in office RHINOs were effectively Democrats. Republicans would appeal to their base then run to the center. However, they too shifted so far left that legislatively there is no difference between parties- and people are disgusted. Three steps left, one step right, for decades.

Both the left and the right have been grievously wounded over x recent years: opportunity, wages, benefits, upward mobility, inflation. All indexes of life are terribly compromised and yet both see huge profits for billionaires and rich folks and the politicians. Both see this and heat the same platitudes, but nothing changes. Both hate it. Both sides are tired. People on both sides feel they have been lied to for a long, long time. (I do not grasp how the left feels this as America has consistently stepped to the left). I assert government polices have rendered entire populations dependent on government, dependent on other people's taxes, fruits, industry. Its just a fact. The takers in America are near a majority tipping point and any changes in the status quo might reflect directly on their wallet. Lastly, this election is an all out race for the supreme court. People are sickened at the sense that the dream of America is passed and our doors are open, we are bankrupt, poor, hungry, without compass, our laws are not enforced, and everything is an appeal to emotion- while we can hardly put food on our own plates.

There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be repulsed before it sets in stone. There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be ensured to set it in stone. Honor, truth, right action... none of it matters publicly for some time (left and right). The only thing that matters in US politics now is naked aggression, and winning!

the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms.

Socialism is the government ownership and operation of the means of transportation, communication, production. Get it straight that Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist yet he advocates none of these things. Recognise that socialism in no way exists in the United States of America, the ghost of Evita Culp Hobby notwithstanding if forever creeping.

The UK system of nationalised medical care and provision is social welfare consistent with the notion of a commonwealth, it is not socialism. It is socialised medicine but it is not socialism. Whether or not this is desirable, efficacious, 'successful' are other questions worthy of examination.

Obamacare is a form of government supported and somewhat regulated privately based and operated medical care and provision. It is not socialism and it barely qualifies as social welfare. Yet even Trump rails against it using the politically correct language of the hard right in American politics and government.

Just as Bernie Sanders holds a uniquely American brand of social welfare, Donald Trump is the converse and more. While Sanders holds uniquely American views from the American left, Trump holds and is effectively promoting a long anticipated uniquely American fascism.

Certain countries of Western Europe have some degree of socialism as it always has been formally defined. Most Western European countries for instance own a national airline; others own and operate rail systems etc. Yet others own media to one extent to another, yet far from entirely so. And still other Western European countries own a measure of the means of production, but that is not comprehensive either. (The Thai government is more classic socialist than most Western European ones.)

The post exceeds even Trump in respect of his unique and limited-appeal American fascism. The post reaches back to and is inspired by forms of government and society that existed in Europe during the 1920s, 1930s, and up to 1945.

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Now a black Trump supporter holds his ground against a tide of Black Lives Matter-anti-Trump protesters.


This is the 1st time in my life I can remember black voters not just falling inline behind the Democrat candidate and actually debating each other.

That is a great sign of progress.

This guy is a HERO standing up to the voices of ignorance.

Thanks for this video!

Pretty self explanatory.....uneducated thugs with masks trying to make silly arguments against a man who is logical, and wants to make his life better. The Trump supporters must put up with the aggressive, non-sense that these groups dole out. Instead of recruiting votes...they yell, scream rant and rave.

God Bless this Man.......for standing up and showing the world what is right. His "brothers" won't even try to work, or better themselves. Nobody is being racist...it is a matter of providing jobs...not giving handouts. Starting at the street level...and then going up from there. Trump is suited for this task...he can actually create jobs, and bring our businesses back

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Donald Trump’s Chicago scam

Friday’s freak show was as prepackaged as an rerun of “Celebrity Apprentice.” The only difference was that Donald Trump delivered his lines on the phone from a hotel room in the Windy City instead of on the set of his made-for-TV boardroom.
It was all a scam.

Baited by Trump. Stage managed by Trump.


Edited by Jingthing
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