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Driving in Thailand without international permit?


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As is usual on this - and any other Forum I have found - endless debate about why, why not, what if, could I ... It is such a small amount of money, takes such a short time to get one, the benefits far outway any inconvenience, having both - or 3 - is a no brainer. Well - to me anyway.

It may be to You but I've. Yet seen a clear post about anyone having being requested by any official to show one Yes I've had one so was always waving it about ,but no one wanted it. Bit like something else I've got. [emoji23]
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It may be to You but I've. Yet seen a clear post about anyone having being requested by any official to show one Yes I've had one so was always waving it about ,but no one wanted it. Bit like something else I've got. [emoji23]

Post #40 gives one example.

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Just for the record ,I have Thai ,Portuga And UK Licence neither Aus ,USA,Canada,,Norway or anyone has asked for one ,so I only ever bothered once. Please someone give us a genuine request Why don't renters even ask if there so bloody useful and not just a Cash Cow

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Post 40 tells me about a weird noncence post.. i want to see one where someone has shown a recognized Licence and then been asked for an IDP..

Here is post 40 -I was recently pulled over , 3 cops at a random check point , que of westerners a few Thai , a cop came up to me I handed my [ $75 not to expensive ] IDL to him ,he grabbed it did not open it stepped back to the cop in front of us who was arguing with some Poms , waved it in their faces and said this is what you need , handed it back unopened , waved us on . Poster says IDL - good chance he means IDP. Do not know where this was, but shows that some RTP want to see one

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Post 40 is a typical post reply from my guess is an Oz who needs a IDP well they do to get a Thai DL.

But as usual TIT and some will post I didn't need a IDP or have to have IDP, the police did this and police did that etc..etc..

Good to see the poms arguing and so they should, maybe it will get some police officers educated and pink pigs flying too. laugh.png

" Endless debate about why, why not, what if, could I " ...And so it should be, stiff upper lip and that stuff. rolleyes.gif

I believe the OP got his correct answer 1st page anyway.

Edited by Kwasaki
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You will be fine few hundred Baht if stopped, but I heard recently you may have to serve jail as well, not sure though. But anyway if you not have a license and you come in an accident with fatal result then not having license and driving may become a murder.

I don't think that claim is likely. Not having a licence and being charged with murder because you don't have one, are totally unrelated.

For a charge of murder to be made, there must be intent shown, and not having a licence is not indicating any intent, other than intent to drive without a licence.

I'm sure I've posted elsewhere on this topic, and IDP's are no more than a scam by motoring organizations, NRMA, RAC's etc. You must produce your licence from your country of nationality/residence, and the IDP holds no legal status. I don't know how they get away with it, or why/how it's legal, but it persists in many countries.

As an aside, I have NEVER been asked for my IDP when hiring a car or bike right through Asia, not once, and I've only been asked a couple of times by the hirer to sight my actual licence. Usually they rely on me to complete the hire form and just show a number.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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It is legal, insurance not paying is simply not correct.

But if living in Thailand it really does not matter, Thai DL is required

That is correct.

No Thai car rental agency, whether the international standard ones like AVIS, Budget, Hertz, Thai-Rent-A-Car or others would expect a tourist to be in possession of a Thai driver's licence. All of them will also fully insure you in the event of an accident - there is a minimum coverage that's included, but you can get comprehensive coverage for an additional daily fee.

This myth of insurance not paying up if driving on a foreign licence was made up by some "farang" a few years ago and continues to be parroted by ill informed TV members regularly.

In my experience 1st class insurance on a private vehicle will even pay up if your licence is not Thai in many cases - check the fineprint to see what it says specifically but for a tourist or temporary visitor, a national driver's licence accompanied by an international driver's permit is all that's required. And that is a fact.

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You will be fine few hundred Baht if stopped, but I heard recently you may have to serve jail as well, not sure though. But anyway if you not have a license and you come in an accident with fatal result then not having license and driving may become a murder.

I don't think that claim is likely. Not having a licence and being charged with murder because you don't have one, are totally unrelated.

For a charge of murder to be made, there must be intent shown, and not having a licence is not indicating any intent, other than intent to drive without a licence.

I'm sure I've posted elsewhere on this topic, and IDP's are no more than a scam by motoring organizations, NRMA, RAC's etc. You must produce your licence from your country of nationality/residence, and the IDP holds no legal status. I don't know how they get away with it, or why/how it's legal, but it persists in many countries.

As an aside, I have NEVER been asked for my IDP when hiring a car or bike right through Asia, not once, and I've only been asked a couple of times by the hirer to sight my actual licence. Usually they rely on me to complete the hire form and just show a number.

LOL, mrfaroukh must be new here.

If Thailand were that strict when it comes to enforcement of road rules, Thailand would have the world's best road safety record.

If police checked for licences and hauled everyone without one away to jail even though in the west the penalty is generally just a fine and revoking of permission to drive until a licence can be acquired, then Thailand's jails would literally be overflowing. Not to mention all the motorcyclists who'd be in jail for driving on the wrong side of the road against the flow of traffic, something I see on literally every road in Thailand every single day!

Licence or not, what compensation you can offer to someone who you have killed due to your driving is what will matter - most likely if you don't have a licence then yes, the charge will be more serious but in all actuality that has never stopped anyone here with money and power. Just read about the latest case of the rich dimwit who decided to drive his Mercedes drunk at more than 200km/h who then slammed into a car driven by 2 Master's students, killing them instantly in Bang Pa-in, after earlier ramming through a toll gate barrier in downtown Bangkok.

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In case of accident, the insurance can refuse to cover you, if you don't have a IDP.

Many foreign full driving licence holders don't require IDP in Thailand for set periods on entry.

Some shifty insurance companies may have a IDP requirement but would it holdup in Thailand on a claim.

If you don't enquire as to what your requirements are before travel maybe you should ask questions on cover of the insurance company you are going to be insured with.whistling.gif

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I was recently pulled over , 3 cops at a random check point , que of westerners a few Thai , a cop came up to me I handed my [ $75 not to expensive ] IDL to him ,he grabbed it did not open it stepped back to the cop in front of us who was arguing with some Poms , waved it in their faces and said this is what you need , handed it back unopened , waved us on .

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Dude, IDP is like $39 at NRMA or whatever state you are from and takes 5 minutes

but it is only valid for 12 months so in 12 months time it is another 39 dollars for the NRMA .

If $39 is a big deal, why are you going overseas

If the OP isn't able to do a Thai driver's license then he shouldn't be here. Full stop.

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I was recently pulled over , 3 cops at a random check point , que of westerners a few Thai , a cop came up to me I handed my [ $75 not to expensive ] IDL to him ,he grabbed it did not open it stepped back to the cop in front of us who was arguing with some Poms , waved it in their faces and said this is what you need , handed it back unopened , waved us on .

# 40 again laugh.pnglaugh.png A queue of westerners.!!.....Did not open it.!!.......IDL.!! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png so the Poms after that just waved a piece of folded paper at the police and went on there way. Nah try pulling the other one. cheesy.gif

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