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Buying wine at Tesco Lotus Express

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Even only 10 years ago if a Farang died in this country, it happened something like once in 6 months, and it was always a nation wide sensation. But these days it happens like twice a week and nobody even cares... oh no it's all great, just stop whining... lol, I'm not the one who needs medication here...

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10 years ago it didn't get splashed all over the internet every time a farang got in trouble here. Some people let the media make them crazy.


This poster who whines about wine puts me in mind of a whining poster Chang Mai Kelly by name nice to see that you're active again trip home account fir your absence then.


10 years ago it didn't get splashed all over the internet every time a farang got in trouble here. Some people let the media make them crazy.

This country is DEFINITELY a lot more dangerous than it ever was before... lol... if you think otherwise, you know it's not me it's YOU! lol...

I speak the obvious truth, but on this forum it seems there are a bunch of bored trolls constantly seeking attention and who just argue for the sake of provoking somebody.

I actually knew a couple of people here in Bangkok who sounded a lot like you back in 2006. They both called me a whiner or whatever, get a life, blah blah blah... One of them died in a motorcycle accident 2 weeks later, and the other had his skull cracked at a local bar 3 weeks later... I've been to this country long enough to always trust my own instincts and not trust the opinion of some idiot muppets who keep showing up here for some reason and think they know everything...


10 years ago it didn't get splashed all over the internet every time a farang got in trouble here. Some people let the media make them crazy.

This country is DEFINITELY a lot more dangerous than it ever was before... lol... if you think otherwise, you know it's not me it's YOU! lol...

I speak the obvious truth, but on this forum it seems there are a bunch of bored trolls constantly seeking attention and who just argue for the sake of provoking somebody.

I actually knew a couple of people here in Bangkok who sounded a lot like you back in 2006. They both called me a whiner or whatever, get a life, blah blah blah... One of them died in a motorcycle accident 2 weeks later, and the other had his skull cracked at a local bar 3 weeks later... I've been to this country long enough to always trust my own instincts and not trust the opinion of some idiot muppets who keep showing up here for some reason and think they know everything...

Mirror mirror on the wall.


10 years ago it didn't get splashed all over the internet every time a farang got in trouble here. Some people let the media make them crazy.

This country is DEFINITELY a lot more dangerous than it ever was before... lol... if you think otherwise, you know it's not me it's YOU! lol...

I speak the obvious truth, but on this forum it seems there are a bunch of bored trolls constantly seeking attention and who just argue for the sake of provoking somebody.

I actually knew a couple of people here in Bangkok who sounded a lot like you back in 2006. They both called me a whiner or whatever, get a life, blah blah blah... One of them died in a motorcycle accident 2 weeks later, and the other had his skull cracked at a local bar 3 weeks later... I've been to this country long enough to always trust my own instincts and not trust the opinion of some idiot muppets who keep showing up here for some reason and think they know everything...

Yeah, everyone here has any number of people they "actually know" to support whatever it is they're talking about.

For example, I "actually know" a team of well-respected professors that recently completed a ten-year comprehensive study that actually proves the tremendous increase of violence in Thailand is a direct result of people getting hammered on cheap wine and riding around town on motorbikes and hanging out selling wolf-tickets in dive bars.


I'm not sure I believe this story at all. You came back the day after and the staff did not remember you ? Thais have a very good memory, not sure what's your agenda here, maybe to add another story about Thainess .


I'm not sure I believe this story at all. You came back the day after and the staff did not remember you ? Thais have a very good memory, not sure what's your agenda here, maybe to add another story about Thainess .

They did remember him, that's the problem.


I'm not sure I believe this story at all. You came back the day after and the staff did not remember you ? Thais have a very good memory, not sure what's your agenda here, maybe to add another story about Thainess .

They did remember him, that's the problem.

Just because this happens to you people all the time, doesn't mean that that's what happened here... lol

I can try to explain but I mean, it's likely way beyond your capacity to comprehend. It's all much more complicated than that. Actually they do want me to come back, It's I who doesn't want to come back :) They got no manners at all, just like you people on this forum...

They actually repeatedly tried to hook me up with some of the girls that work there, I just never bothered - I just want to pay for my stuff and go. It can be hard for some of them to comprehend that I just come there to do my occasional shopping, once or twice a week or whatever - they always treat it like it's a date... waste a lot of time each time... I think one of the girls who was trying to get my attention the most has quit recently or whatever - maybe that's why the manager is pissed... basically I don't even pay attention at any of this nonsense... if it wasn't for all these constant incidents it would probably take me a few months to realize that she doesn't work there anymore... But they always throw some shenanigan at you over there... Basically I will just stop shopping there, it's a win-win...

Basically they do want me to come back... but it's going to be some new girl playing some weird drama over there... I'll be back in the Twilight zone sooner than you think...


I'm not sure I believe this story at all. You came back the day after and the staff did not remember you ? Thais have a very good memory, not sure what's your agenda here, maybe to add another story about Thainess .

They did remember him, that's the problem.

Just because this happens to you people all the time, doesn't mean that that's what happened here... lol

I can try to explain but I mean, it's likely way beyond your capacity to comprehend. It's all much more complicated than that. Actually they do want me to come back, It's I who doesn't want to come back :) They got no manners at all, just like you people on this forum...

They actually repeatedly tried to hook me up with some of the girls that work there, I just never bothered - I just want to pay for my stuff and go. It can be hard for some of them to comprehend that I just come there to do my occasional shopping, once or twice a week or whatever - they always treat it like it's a date... waste a lot of time each time... I think one of the girls who was trying to get my attention the most has quit recently or whatever - maybe that's why the manager is pissed... basically I don't even pay attention at any of this nonsense... if it wasn't for all these constant incidents it would probably take me a few months to realize that she doesn't work there anymore... But they always throw some shenanigan at you over there... Basically I will just stop shopping there, it's a win-win...

Basically they do want me to come back... but it's going to be some new girl playing some weird drama over there... I'll be back in the Twilight zone sooner than you think...

You're a rare one aren't you.


Let me guess the demographics of the responders who were the most touched by my persona:

namely - mogandave, roo860, Bantex, louse1953, SoiBiker

mogandave is an American, early 40s, never mind the profile logo, who likes fishing

roo860 is English from Cheshire, about 5'5, mid 40s, bald and he likes men and ladyboys

Bantex is Scottish, in his 50s

louse1953 is English - maybe from Liverpool, old, bald, obviously on a pension visa, spends all his day in a bar

SoiBiker - an American close to his 50s, obviously likes to ride a bike in Bangkok



I could've told you where you are from, just looking at demographics I was starting to wonder why none of you were actually from France... :)


Let me guess the demographics of the responders who were the most touched by my persona:

namely - mogandave, roo860, Bantex, louse1953, SoiBiker

mogandave is an American, early 40s, never mind the profile logo, who likes fishing

roo860 is English from Cheshire, about 5'5, mid 40s, bald and he likes men and ladyboys

Bantex is Scottish, in his 50s

louse1953 is English - maybe from Liverpool, old, bald, obviously on a pension visa, spends all his day in a bar

SoiBiker - an American close to his 50s, obviously likes to ride a bike in Bangkok

Bald, noooo!!!!!!


What a fabulous topic this is.

We need more of this kind of thing on Thaivisa.

"Choosing a Kobe beef steak in Sizzler"

"Best truffles in 7-11?"

" Which Nana bar to find the love of my life?" or "Best housing/apartment to settle down and retire in around Nana"



I have heard that there is a party of Americans visiting here to see if they are able to locate and then return the missing member of their community!!



I have heard that there is a party of Americans visiting here to see if they are able to locate and then return the missing member of their community!!


Wow, another genius Farang with his Ghetto jokes from the homeland... I can understand why you never got a job back home or could never get it say in Singapore... or any other devloped country for that matter... lol

I mean pretty much all the certificates, licenses, degrees aren't even worth the paper they are written on in this country... And the only reason they hired you is either because you are an even better con-artist than they are or they never actually figured out what you scribbled down in that resume of yours... happens all the time here... And btw I'm pretty sure your resume likewise isn't worth the paper it's written on... that's how you ended up in Thailand in the first place... Mr Village "genius" :)


I have heard that there is a party of Americans visiting here to see if they are able to locate and then return the missing member of their community!!


Wow, another genius Farang with his Ghetto jokes from the homeland... I can understand why you never got a job back home or could never get it say in Singapore... or any other devloped country for that matter... lol

I mean pretty much all the certificates, licenses, degrees aren't even worth the paper they are written on in this country... And the only reason they hired you is either because you are an even better con-artist than they are or they never actually figured out what you scribbled down in that resume of yours... happens all the time here... And btw I'm pretty sure your resume likewise isn't worth the paper it's written on... that's how you ended up in Thailand in the first place... Mr Village "genius" :)

Attacking other people (while amusing) does not change the facts.


I have actually spent a week sailing in the Mediterranean with a millionaire, and a multi-millionaire, but their millions were in Euros, not like all of you cheap-skates in Bangkok... What I noted about the Multi-Millionaire( I knew him and his worth was a tad under 100 million Euros) was that he would always bring all the cheapest sh*t he could find at his nearest department store - food, water, alcohol and then he would share and eat it all himself... lol, it was often absolute garbage, the lowest grade food and snacks. But then what I noted about pretty much all the struggling middle class is that they would always bring the most expensive cheese, bread, wine, champagne... because they don't want to appear "cheap" in front of their friends or whatever, it was an absolutely ridiculous disparity in attitude between the super-rich and the middle class, whose net worth is often in the negative due to loans and mortgages and credit cards... The lot of you are seriously focken dumb if you literally believe that you can ascertain someone's worth by just what they stopped to buy at 7/11. You sound like you all grew up next to the dollar-store in California, or some run down ghetto village in Zanzibar... lol, I mean seriously...


Maybe you can't ascertain someone's wealth by what product they chose to buy. But the millionaire probably wouldn't be 20 baht short of the asking price for that product.


Maybe you can't ascertain someone's wealth by what product they chose to buy. But the millionaire probably wouldn't be 20 baht short of the asking price for that product.

Your argument is completely idiotic just like you are... I already pointed everything I had to say about the lot of you "geniuses" in Bangkok... so read above...


Looking at the syntax I am sure that the poster is none other than the infamous Chaing Mai Kelly who resurfaced a time or two here under a few different names but getting banned again and again.

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