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Tipping for 1 drink

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I generally tip a minimum of 20 baht, unless the service is really bad. I often like to go on a pub crawl like you speak of.

If I have a large bar tab and they bring me back 4- ten baht coins along with numerous other bills, I just take all the change and leave no tip. I really hate when they do that and think that I am a stupid tourist who doesn't know the value of the coins. I f they just bought me my proper change in bill form, they would get a lot more.

As someone who once worked for tips, they are not trying to con you. They don't know how much you plan on tipping, so they bring change. Maybe they think you might plan on tipping 10 baht...

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I generally tip a minimum of 20 baht, unless the service is really bad. I often like to go on a pub crawl like you speak of.

If I have a large bar tab and they bring me back 4- ten baht coins along with numerous other bills, I just take all the change and leave no tip. I really hate when they do that and think that I am a stupid tourist who doesn't know the value of the coins. I f they just bought me my proper change in bill form, they would get a lot more.

As someone who once worked for tips, they are not trying to con you. They don't know how much you plan on tipping, so they bring change. Maybe they think you might plan on tipping 10 baht...

Trust me I know their motivation. I am not the type that thinks Thailand is trying to rip me off at every opportunity. This only happens when I am in one area of Bangkok.

I have had to ask for change to break a bill more often than I have received the bin full of coins scam. And never once have I received 2 ten baht coins when my change was 20 baht. Its always a 20 baht note.

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SB. You should not get a free ride, but neither should the establishment get mark ups of maybe 400%?

That is just pure greed.

Guess you have no idea of the cost of running a business. A markup of 400% can be needed just to turn a profit. Employees aren't free neither is the building heating and or cooling music furniture ect.

A decent margin must be made just to keep things profitable.

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@ Hjernestimulanz

A man walked into a BAR - an IRON BAR


ok old man

Thanks for the unsolicited, ad hominum attack

This "old man" bench presses 300 pounds

And I would tip 20 - 50 baht for one drink only - to respect your query

All the Best

50 bath is alot of % if you only pay 80 baht, dont you think?

I'd have to check on the price of a bath in Home Pro first.

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SB. You should not get a free ride, but neither should the establishment get mark ups of maybe 400%?

That is just pure greed.

Guess you have no idea of the cost of running a business. A markup of 400% can be needed just to turn a profit. Employees aren't free neither is the building heating and or cooling music furniture ect.

A decent margin must be made just to keep things profitable.

Agreed. Not to mention that people that come to bars to drink generally have many more drinks overall than someone who drinks water. Looking at the markup of water is a very narrow minded way of analyzing the situation.

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Tipping in beer bars has crept into the Thai bar scene until it has become accepted even when they give lousy service, they still expect the tip.

As posters have said, they spend their time looking at their handphones, screaming at their Thai friend to get their attention, even though she is sitting less than 5 yards away, watching copy movies on a loop on the TV, and in that time, a bored, old, heavily made up woman closer to 45 than 20 takes the top off a small bottle of beer, equivalent to half a pint, and asking 130 baht for the privilege!

Nah sorry, I see no reason to tip, I did tip before, but those days are gone.

It is not their fault they work in areas where the Chinese Thai landlords are crippling them with rent increases......................neither is it yours!

Going to a decent class restaurant and receiving good service or a good cabaret show, well, that's an entirely different matter.

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Thais don't tip, not a satang. It's not part of there culture.

If something costs 75 I suppose I might pay 80. But, never,never, never, American style 20%.

"Thais don't tip, not a satang"

Of course Thais tip, maybe not not in the rural areas, but in the cities they certainly do, just sit in a MK for example and watch, they always leave something, even if its just the coins

Good question by the OP, i like to get around alone, quick beers here and there, it depends for me, if its 1 beer and they only bring notes in the change, then they get nothing, if a girl has been chatting to me, i will slip her something in her hand.

B10 would be usual, if polite service, for a single beer

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I do. One drink or more it doesn't matter. Those 10 and 20 baht tips add up. Even if I just drink and run. If I sit and chat a while of course. It is always a bit awkward though whether to tip in the cup or tip the girl directly if I was chatting directly with her. usually it is a combination of people because you chat with the bar tender, the mama san, etc, so I just put it in the cup and let them fight it out later, unless I really took up a lot of one girl's time. I remember years ago at one of the soi 8 bars at closing time they were totaling up the tip money and dividing it up. The ladies only got 30 baht each. It was a slow night.

Thanks for the reply. yeah those 10 and 20 baht do add up. i do tip alot and sometimes too often i think.

if i buy one beer for 80 then i usually pay 100, and for my personal opinion i dont think it is nessary if i dont have a chat with any of the staff of get any service beside that they open my beer

So your paying a hundred for a 35 baht beer(approx),unbelievable.Do you tip at 7 and Tesco and why not.Your already paying through the nose for a beer and you want to pay more.I used to bargain for my beer price and say i would stay x amount of hours.Doubt it would work these days.

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SB. You should not get a free ride, but neither should the establishment get mark ups of maybe 400%?

That is just pure greed.

Guess you have no idea of the cost of running a business. A markup of 400% can be needed just to turn a profit. Employees aren't free neither is the building heating and or cooling music furniture ect.

A decent margin must be made just to keep things profitable.

Maybe it depends on what kind of business it is, it is true I don't know much about the cost of running a business, but I do know when I am not getting a fair deal.

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Thais don't tip, not a satang. It's not part of there culture.

If something costs 75 I suppose I might pay 80. But, never,never, never, American style 20%.

Rich Thais do tip but has nothing to do with the wage of the waitress,it's about show.

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SB. You should not get a free ride, but neither should the establishment get mark ups of maybe 400%?

That is just pure greed.

Guess you have no idea of the cost of running a business. A markup of 400% can be needed just to turn a profit. Employees aren't free neither is the building heating and or cooling music furniture ect.

A decent margin must be made just to keep things profitable.

Agreed. Not to mention that people that come to bars to drink generally have many more drinks overall than someone who drinks water. Looking at the markup of water is a very narrow minded way of analyzing the situation.

So someone who does not drink alcohol should not go into a bar in case it lowers the owners profit?

Maybe that's what's wrong in this capitalist world, it's all profit, profit and more profit and to hell with the service.

I have no qualms about anyone in business working hard and making a good living for themselves and their families,

but you must have some thought for the customers, and give them a fair service also, but there is far too much greed in the world,

and that is why there are so many millionaires, and so many people living in poverty.

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Amazes me why farangs would sit in drink in an area where there is no respect whatsover, they are treated to crap service no Thai man would ever put up with, and subjected to language no Thai girl would dare use to a Thai man.

This is actually a good observation.

Also amazing is that farangs generally don't see the line "you're a handsum man" as the insult it is. Most farangs are so dumb they think it's a compliment.

A Thai girl -- whether a hooker or otherwise -- would never shout this out to a Thai man.

Farangs who've been told they're "handsum" almost always fail to understand that they've been singled out as marks, saps or suckers.

Only a gormless-looking prick gets told he's "handsum", and only an even bigger prick fails to see the gravity of the insult.

It is all a game and if you take it to heart you are a kill joy.Who believes that crap,but it gives you licence to ask,"how big is the hamburger you sell and is it delicious".The places that yell out hansom man are not Thailand and should be treated as such.Disneyland for adults,once outside the city limits you are back in the real world and act accordingly.

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If you don't tip, your server or their child/children may miss a meal if there are cheap charlies in the bar! Does that answer your question?

Isn't it up to the employer to pay a living wage,this is just a con by employers to pay piss poor wages.

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Always.I tip 20 baht even if i only have one drink.It makes for a nice Sawadee krap when i come back on another night for a few more.All these tips do add up as the op said.The tips go into a pool and are shared out at the closing of the bar.I tip accordingly to the amount i drink.Usually 10/15% of the total bin.I dont begrudge 20 baht for a one drink.

If I suspect that the money I give for PERSONAL service goes into a "pool" to be shared later with those who don't care about decent service then nobody gets anything, good service or not!

Well that's where it goes mate.You slip it into her hand or panties.

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I generally tip a minimum of 20 baht, unless the service is really bad. I often like to go on a pub crawl like you speak of.

If I have a large bar tab and they bring me back 4- ten baht coins along with numerous other bills, I just take all the change and leave no tip. I really hate when they do that and think that I am a stupid tourist who doesn't know the value of the coins. I f they just bought me my proper change in bill form, they would get a lot more.

As someone who once worked for tips, they are not trying to con you. They don't know how much you plan on tipping, so they bring change. Maybe they think you might plan on tipping 10 baht...

Nah,they hope you are too lazy or pissed to pick up the coins.These little scams have been going on for decades.My coin goes to charity,people that really need it.

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If you don't tip, your server or their child/children may miss a meal if there are cheap charlies in the bar! Does that answer your question?

No, blame the Capitalist owners of these establishments, for not paying decent wages, not the "cheap charlies".

Viva Class Struggle!

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SB. You should not get a free ride, but neither should the establishment get mark ups of maybe 400%?

That is just pure greed.

Guess you have no idea of the cost of running a business. A markup of 400% can be needed just to turn a profit. Employees aren't free neither is the building heating and or cooling music furniture ect.

A decent margin must be made just to keep things profitable.

Agreed. Not to mention that people that come to bars to drink generally have many more drinks overall than someone who drinks water. Looking at the markup of water is a very narrow minded way of analyzing the situation.

So someone who does not drink alcohol should not go into a bar in case it lowers the owners profit?

Maybe that's what's wrong in this capitalist world, it's all profit, profit and more profit and to hell with the service.

I have no qualms about anyone in business working hard and making a good living for themselves and their families,

but you must have some thought for the customers, and give them a fair service also, but there is far too much greed in the world,

and that is why there are so many millionaires, and so many people living in poverty.

Maybe I was unclear but you have totally misinterpreted what I was trying to say and took off running with it.

Any business has numerous variables that determine if it is successful or not. A bar in Thailand is probably one of the most complex businesses to run.

I won't get into all the details and variables but you can see that if a bar paid a significant amount for entertainment (live music, etc) and the bar was filled with people just drinking water, that they would probably not make their investment back.

It is funny that you mention greed and millionaires. The ones who I think you mentioned that are greedy are the bar owners. In reality, the greedy millionaires are often the customers. They are the ones who cant stand to pay a 400% mark up. At least according to some of the posters on here.

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Baddat. I have to say you wrote a very sensible post. But if a guy was in the company of drinkers all night and only drank two glasses of water, I would

say the owner would just have to accept this, you are not going to get tables full of water drinkers all night.

I would say that in any business, country or whatever, you have to accept the bad with the good, and take a hit sometimes.

If you have a bar, or any business, and at the end of each month you have enough for a good living for you and your family, and can also bank a good

amount of money, you should be happy with that.

What is the point of screwing the public, because you have a good business brain, and becoming a multi millionaire, then you die and leave it all to money

grabbing sons and daughters who have been waiting for you to die so they will become mega rich?

Capitalism can be good, but only up to a point where you are not driven by greed.

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Baddat. I have to say you wrote a very sensible post. But if a guy was in the company of drinkers all night and only drank two glasses of water, I would

say the owner would just have to accept this, you are not going to get tables full of water drinkers all night.

I would say that in any business, country or whatever, you have to accept the bad with the good, and take a hit sometimes.

If you have a bar, or any business, and at the end of each month you have enough for a good living for you and your family, and can also bank a good

amount of money, you should be happy with that.

What is the point of screwing the public, because you have a good business brain, and becoming a multi millionaire, then you die and leave it all to money

grabbing sons and daughters who have been waiting for you to die so they will become mega rich?

Capitalism can be good, but only up to a point where you are not driven by greed.

Why should a business owner take a hit in his profits just because you think it's unfair? The other drinkers are paying a markup on their drinks too - that's what a bar is, a place that sells drinks at a rate that enables them to make money. If you don't like the prices they charge, go elsewhere.

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Thais don't tip, not a satang. It's not part of there culture.

If something costs 75 I suppose I might pay 80. But, never,never, never, American style 20%.

Rich Thais do tip but has nothing to do with the wage of the waitress,it's about show.

Very true.

Thank you for your support.

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Baddat. I have to say you wrote a very sensible post. But if a guy was in the company of drinkers all night and only drank two glasses of water, I would

say the owner would just have to accept this, you are not going to get tables full of water drinkers all night.

I would say that in any business, country or whatever, you have to accept the bad with the good, and take a hit sometimes.

If you have a bar, or any business, and at the end of each month you have enough for a good living for you and your family, and can also bank a good

amount of money, you should be happy with that.

What is the point of screwing the public, because you have a good business brain, and becoming a multi millionaire, then you die and leave it all to money

grabbing sons and daughters who have been waiting for you to die so they will become mega rich?

Capitalism can be good, but only up to a point where you are not driven by greed.

Why should a business owner take a hit in his profits just because you think it's unfair? The other drinkers are paying a markup on their drinks too - that's what a bar is, a place that sells drinks at a rate that enables them to make money. If you don't like the prices they charge, go elsewhere.

I'm not against anybody making money and being successful in business, if I had a business brain I would put it to good use.

What I am against is greed and screwing the working class.

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I'll tip for good service. I don't tip for poor service, and I don't ever go back because the odds are your food or drink could have some unpalatable additions.

Tipping originated in America, where the minimum wage is so lousy for some occupations it's almost mandatory if the worker is going to make a living. I'm just wondering if Donald Trump leaves a tip.

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Baddat. I have to say you wrote a very sensible post. But if a guy was in the company of drinkers all night and only drank two glasses of water, I would

say the owner would just have to accept this, you are not going to get tables full of water drinkers all night.

I would say that in any business, country or whatever, you have to accept the bad with the good, and take a hit sometimes.

If you have a bar, or any business, and at the end of each month you have enough for a good living for you and your family, and can also bank a good

amount of money, you should be happy with that.

What is the point of screwing the public, because you have a good business brain, and becoming a multi millionaire, then you die and leave it all to money

grabbing sons and daughters who have been waiting for you to die so they will become mega rich?

Capitalism can be good, but only up to a point where you are not driven by greed.

Why should a business owner take a hit in his profits just because you think it's unfair? The other drinkers are paying a markup on their drinks too - that's what a bar is, a place that sells drinks at a rate that enables them to make money. If you don't like the prices they charge, go elsewhere.

I'm not against anybody making money and being successful in business, if I had a business brain I would put it to good use.

What I am against is greed and screwing the working class.

Now you're just being overdramatic. Nobody is screwing you. If you don't like the prices, don't pay them - that's your choice - but don't expect a business to accommodate your wishes without making a profit from you. It's not a charity.

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Despite the fact that I drink like a fish, I still prefer paying for the bar costs in the beer, rather than a cover charge. I don't mind subsidising the teetotallers like Possum, so long as they don't whinge incessantly, but the fact of the matter is I've never seen a go-go juice bar, or a topless starbucks


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Baddat. I have to say you wrote a very sensible post. But if a guy was in the company of drinkers all night and only drank two glasses of water, I would

say the owner would just have to accept this, you are not going to get tables full of water drinkers all night.

I would say that in any business, country or whatever, you have to accept the bad with the good, and take a hit sometimes.

If you have a bar, or any business, and at the end of each month you have enough for a good living for you and your family, and can also bank a good

amount of money, you should be happy with that.

What is the point of screwing the public, because you have a good business brain, and becoming a multi millionaire, then you die and leave it all to money

grabbing sons and daughters who have been waiting for you to die so they will become mega rich?

Capitalism can be good, but only up to a point where you are not driven by greed.

Why should a business owner take a hit in his profits just because you think it's unfair? The other drinkers are paying a markup on their drinks too - that's what a bar is, a place that sells drinks at a rate that enables them to make money. If you don't like the prices they charge, go elsewhere.

I'm not against anybody making money and being successful in business, if I had a business brain I would put it to good use.

What I am against is greed and screwing the working class.

Now you're just being overdramatic. Nobody is screwing you. If you don't like the prices, don't pay them - that's your choice - but don't expect a business to accommodate your wishes without making a profit from you. It's not a charity.

You just don't get it do you, never mind we can just agree to disagree, you will get the backing of posters who have business's themselves

and will take as much money as they can, which of course is fine as long as the customer gets a fair deal.

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