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Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?


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Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.

Since they were discussing the overthrow of Qadafi, she was absolutely correct.

Yet another feeble piece of contextual nonsense.

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You have no idea what I "actually think".

The end result is, in spite of your chest beating and faux indignation, your post that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Plame was wrong.

Just admit it, if you have the honesty to say you were wrong.

I don't get the point about Scooter Libby. He was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail and a $250,000 fine. Bush commuted his jail time but left the fine and felony in place.

The commutation of Libby hardly raises a blip when compared to Bill Clinton's full pardon of his political donor Mark Rich. Here's a link to refresh your memory about that little turn of events.


Now about my alleged "Manchurian candidate" syndrome, I think it is rather obvious to even the most casual of observers that Hillary Clinton has lied about her private email server and Benghazi from the outset. I never claimed she is a Manchurian candidate so you might want to reconsider that comment.

Perhaps you consider pathological lying to be an indication of being a Manchurian candidate. If you do, then perhaps you have a leg to stand on. If not, your assertion falls flat.

As a matter of fact, Hillary is still lying about Benghazi. This from an interview with Chris (Thrill up my leg) Matthews in the past two days.


Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.

Well as usual you have got most of that wrong. I don't know where you get the connection between Hilary and the Manchurian candidate. The connection to the Manchurian candidate was yourself as the words Hilary, email server, Benghazi appears to trigger an immediate response from you and others like you.

Again you fail to see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney and seek to draw a comparison with the pardon Bill Clinton gave which is totally irrelevant. You claim that I have got it all wrong but here we have Libby, Cheney's Chief of staff being convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in the probe of the leak of the name of a CIA operative, but apparently nothing to do with Dick Cheney, not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was.

As for your usual diatribe about Clinton, how many hearing, how long has she testified at a cost thus far running at over $20 million and all we get from the last hearing when asked had they discovered anything new, all Gowdy could do was give that Dan Quayle look of the deer caught in the headlights.

Now imagine if we had just a fraction of those hearings and investigation of GWB and what he did or did not do re 9/11. Imagine if we had the same scrutiny of the decision to invade Iraq when Bush and Cheney both lied to the World and as Trump has said repeatedly knew they were lying when they were doing it.

I think if there are any apologies it should come from the likes of Bush and Cheney, for the loss of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and as Cheney correctly predicted in 1994 a mess which is still with us today and still being paid for.

However as I have said repeatedly people such as yourself don't want to be reminded of that so let me repeat what I said before and as we see on this thread, any mention of Hilary, email server, or Benghazi triggers a response from you and several others like you.

When Hilary is convicted in a court of law or they find some misdemeanor then perhaps you will have something to complain about but thus far all you have done is post another irrelevant statement concerning Clinton which proves her guilt but everyone has overlooked

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You have no idea what I "actually think".

The end result is, in spite of your chest beating and faux indignation, your post that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Plame was wrong.

Just admit it, if you have the honesty to say you were wrong.

I don't get the point about Scooter Libby. He was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail and a $250,000 fine. Bush commuted his jail time but left the fine and felony in place.

The commutation of Libby hardly raises a blip when compared to Bill Clinton's full pardon of his political donor Mark Rich. Here's a link to refresh your memory about that little turn of events.


Now about my alleged "Manchurian candidate" syndrome, I think it is rather obvious to even the most casual of observers that Hillary Clinton has lied about her private email server and Benghazi from the outset. I never claimed she is a Manchurian candidate so you might want to reconsider that comment.

Perhaps you consider pathological lying to be an indication of being a Manchurian candidate. If you do, then perhaps you have a leg to stand on. If not, your assertion falls flat.

As a matter of fact, Hillary is still lying about Benghazi. This from an interview with Chris (Thrill up my leg) Matthews in the past two days.


Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.

Well as usual you have got most of that wrong. I don't know where you get the connection between Hilary and the Manchurian candidate. The connection to the Manchurian candidate was yourself as the words Hilary, email server, Benghazi appears to trigger an immediate response from you and others like you.

Again you fail to see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney and seek to draw a comparison with the pardon Bill Clinton gave which is totally irrelevant. You claim that I have got it all wrong but here we have Libby, Cheney's Chief of staff being convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in the probe of the leak of the name of a CIA operative, but apparently nothing to do with Dick Cheney, not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was.

As for your usual diatribe about Clinton, how many hearing, how long has she testified at a cost thus far running at over $20 million and all we get from the last hearing when asked had they discovered anything new, all Gowdy could do was give that Dan Quayle look of the deer caught in the headlights.

Now imagine if we had just a fraction of those hearings and investigation of GWB and what he did or did not do re 9/11. Imagine if we had the same scrutiny of the decision to invade Iraq when Bush and Cheney both lied to the World and as Trump has said repeatedly knew they were lying when they were doing it.

I think if there are any apologies it should come from the likes of Bush and Cheney, for the loss of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and as Cheney correctly predicted in 1994 a mess which is still with us today and still being paid for.

However as I have said repeatedly people such as yourself don't want to be reminded of that so let me repeat what I said before and as we see on this thread, any mention of Hilary, email server, or Benghazi triggers a response from you and several others like you.

When Hilary is convicted in a court of law or they find some misdemeanor then perhaps you will have something to complain about but thus far all you have done is post another irrelevant statement concerning Clinton which proves her guilt but everyone has overlooked

I see you picked up that shovel again.

You now claim you don't know where I got the connection between Hillary and the Manchurian candidate.

Let me quote from your earlier post, that you conveniently deleted before quoting my last post.


"I also particularly like "Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney" this from someone who appears to suffer from Manchurian Candidate syndrome anytime the words Hilary, private email server or Benghazi appears on this forum."

That is precisely where the Manchurian candidate comment originated. Your memory doesn't serve you well.

I see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney. What I don't see is any connection with either one of them in the actual outing of Valerie Plame. You claimed Cheney outed Plame and that is patently a falsehood.

They both may have been sideline players in this but the actual outing of Plame was when Deputy Secretary of State Robert Armitage told the journalist Robert Novak that Plame was a covert CIA agent. Novak then printed the outing and the fun and games began.

Now in your latest attempt to cover your tracks, you make this statement...

" ...not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was."

​I never made any such claim. Perhaps you could point out to all of us where this post was made and who made it. I already know who made the post but will leave it up to you to prove you haven't intentionally lied.

Next you attack the Select Committee on Benghazi and the Chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy. The last I heard a few days ago was that Gowdy had something like eight more witnesses to talk to that had never been interviewed by any of the other investigating committees. He has promised a report as soon as possible, but only after their inquiry is complete.

Then you go on to attack Bush, Cheney and the lack of an investigation into their alleged lies. My position has always been that if an investigation is to be held, they must also investigate the 29 Democratic Party Senators that voted to approve the War Powers Resolution.

I am guessing you wouldn't approve that idea since that would mean Hillary would be under investigation by five federal agencies instead of the currently ongoing four investigations. We can't have that, can we.

Now, in closing, I don't see any way that Hillary will even be indicted. She is "too big to jail" and that, kind sir, is what it boils down to. She has violated a number of federal laws, rules and regulations but, due to political considerations, I anticipate she will get off Scot free.


Edited by chuckd
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The Clinton's are beyond reproach. They are untouchable, They both belong in jail but they bring so much to the establishment that it will never happen.

Institutionalized are brainwashed into believing everything they are told and do not vote with their brains. They can't see Hillary = Disaster

While I was never a supporter of the Clintons, I never saw them as criminals. What was their crime? Yes, Mrs C used her own private email server - yes, it was an error of judgement and most likely makes her unsuitable for the job of president - but was it really a jail offence?

Yes, Bill was the master of tastelessness - don't even mention the cigar business or the dress! But none of us would have ever known about it only that certain republicans insisted on bringing it all out in the open (and some of those individuals had equally dirty laundry of their own!). Say what you like about Clinton, he left the country in far better economic and financial shape than most previous presidents of both parties.

Stop building up the Clintons as the big problem. The really big problem is that in order to get a change at the White House, you have to get the nod from one of the two cabals (what are called political parties in the USA). In order to do that, you as the candidate have to pander to their respective prejudices, tell a bunch of lies so as not to upset the fickle media and raise huge amounts of money from people who will want to have influence if you get into power.

If the predictions turn out correct, the people will be stuck with a choice between Clinton and Trump - the Republican cabal were stuck between having to choose between an extremist from Texas, some lacklustre types who are into stuffing their religious views on abortion or other prejudices down the throats of the rest of us and Trump. The Democrats are stuck between a Clinton and an old-fashioned socialist. Where were the pragmatic centre ground politicians? Where were the new ideas? Where are the folks who are going to rebuild the infrastructure of the USA, reform the crazy tax system, reduce the heavy load of bureaucracy on small business, to name a few?

You can't blame the Clintons for the lack of choice and putting Mrs C in jail would probably mean that Sanders will be president. And when you find yourself in a year or two paying larger sums of money in tax than you have ever paid before and if you did not like some of Obama's policies many of who never got through, you are going to hate the socialist version of the USA. Do you still want to put Mrs C in Jail!!???

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You have no idea what I "actually think".

The end result is, in spite of your chest beating and faux indignation, your post that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Plame was wrong.

Just admit it, if you have the honesty to say you were wrong.

I don't get the point about Scooter Libby. He was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail and a $250,000 fine. Bush commuted his jail time but left the fine and felony in place.

The commutation of Libby hardly raises a blip when compared to Bill Clinton's full pardon of his political donor Mark Rich. Here's a link to refresh your memory about that little turn of events.


Now about my alleged "Manchurian candidate" syndrome, I think it is rather obvious to even the most casual of observers that Hillary Clinton has lied about her private email server and Benghazi from the outset. I never claimed she is a Manchurian candidate so you might want to reconsider that comment.

Perhaps you consider pathological lying to be an indication of being a Manchurian candidate. If you do, then perhaps you have a leg to stand on. If not, your assertion falls flat.

As a matter of fact, Hillary is still lying about Benghazi. This from an interview with Chris (Thrill up my leg) Matthews in the past two days.


Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.

Well as usual you have got most of that wrong. I don't know where you get the connection between Hilary and the Manchurian candidate. The connection to the Manchurian candidate was yourself as the words Hilary, email server, Benghazi appears to trigger an immediate response from you and others like you.

Again you fail to see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney and seek to draw a comparison with the pardon Bill Clinton gave which is totally irrelevant. You claim that I have got it all wrong but here we have Libby, Cheney's Chief of staff being convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in the probe of the leak of the name of a CIA operative, but apparently nothing to do with Dick Cheney, not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was.

As for your usual diatribe about Clinton, how many hearing, how long has she testified at a cost thus far running at over $20 million and all we get from the last hearing when asked had they discovered anything new, all Gowdy could do was give that Dan Quayle look of the deer caught in the headlights.

Now imagine if we had just a fraction of those hearings and investigation of GWB and what he did or did not do re 9/11. Imagine if we had the same scrutiny of the decision to invade Iraq when Bush and Cheney both lied to the World and as Trump has said repeatedly knew they were lying when they were doing it.

I think if there are any apologies it should come from the likes of Bush and Cheney, for the loss of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and as Cheney correctly predicted in 1994 a mess which is still with us today and still being paid for.

However as I have said repeatedly people such as yourself don't want to be reminded of that so let me repeat what I said before and as we see on this thread, any mention of Hilary, email server, or Benghazi triggers a response from you and several others like you.

When Hilary is convicted in a court of law or they find some misdemeanor then perhaps you will have something to complain about but thus far all you have done is post another irrelevant statement concerning Clinton which proves her guilt but everyone has overlooked

I see you picked up that shovel again.

You now claim you don't know where I got the connection between Hillary and the Manchurian candidate.

Let me quote from your earlier post, that you conveniently deleted before quoting my last post.


"I also particularly like "Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney" this from someone who appears to suffer from Manchurian Candidate syndrome anytime the words Hilary, private email server or Benghazi appears on this forum."

That is precisely where the Manchurian candidate comment originated. Your memory doesn't serve you well.

I see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney. What I don't see is any connection with either one of them in the actual outing of Valerie Plame. You claimed Cheney outed Plame and that is patently a falsehood.

They both may have been sideline players in this but the actual outing of Plame was when Deputy Secretary of State Robert Armitage told the journalist Robert Novak that Plame was a covert CIA agent. Novak then printed the outing and the fun and games began.

Now in your latest attempt to cover your tracks, you make this statement...

" ...not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was."

​I never made any such claim. Perhaps you could point out to all of us where this post was made and who made it. I already know who made the post but will leave it up to you to prove you haven't intentionally lied.

Next you attack the Select Committee on Benghazi and the Chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy. The last I heard a few days ago was that Gowdy had something like eight more witnesses to talk to that had never been interviewed by any of the other investigating committees. He has promised a report as soon as possible, but only after their inquiry is complete.

Then you go on to attack Bush, Cheney and the lack of an investigation into their alleged lies. My position has always been that if an investigation is to be held, they must also investigate the 29 Democratic Party Senators that voted to approve the War Powers Resolution.

I am guessing you wouldn't approve that idea since that would mean Hillary would be under investigation by five federal agencies instead of the currently ongoing four investigations. We can't have that, can we.

Now, in closing, I don't see any way that Hillary will even be indicted. She is "too big to jail" and that, kind sir, is what it boils down to. She has violated a number of federal laws, rules and regulations but, due to political considerations, I anticipate she will get off Scot free.


Well let me put it another way as you appear to be having difficulty understanding English or have no idea what is meant by that term. It was a term used in a movie where certain keys words triggered an automatic response from the agent. In your case the words Clinton, email server or Benghazi do the trick. I was never denying using the term Manchurian candidate i was describing your difficulty in making the right connection. Seems I didn't need your shovel after all but it does seem you have difficulty comprehending a simple sentence, perhaps you should keep that shovel handy.

What a pathetic response about Bush and Cheney as you try to blame anyone and everyone for the invasion of Iraq. The decision to invade Iraq rests solely with the Bush administration who put the case for Congressional approval. How on earth do you expect the 29 Democratic Senators to know that what they were listening to was a farrago of lies? As Trump said, "They knew they were lying". Yet you have no problem constantly whining about Clinton and Obama, even Powell now admits he lost the plot and he was convinced at the time of the intelligence he was receiving. Little did he know that Cheney was leaning on anyone that did not support the pack of lies being concocted. However lets spend out time investigating Clinton that is what you are all about forget about, Iraq or if you do mention it put in provisos so as to try and spread the blame for the lies that were told..

I know that UG made the original post regarding that intellectual giant.However once again you misread something and twist it. The reference to Libby is that somehow we have Cheney's chief of staff convicted of perjury, obstruction etc and all you can talk about is Clinton giving a similar pardon to some other miscreant. I am not sure if you understand English all that well but it had nothing to do with Libby getting a pardon but everything to do with Cheney, whose chief of staff he was and the outing of the CIA agent. For some reason you expect people to believe that the two are not connected that Libby obstructed and lied but nothing to do with Cheney and I felt this was somewhat naive and gullible.

Then of course we are back to Clinton more of the same but its not as if its without precedent even if it is true. As we recall Reagan was implicated in selling arms to Iran or as UG euphemistically calls them "small arms" a curious description for missiles, however the point being that he walked away unscathed no impeachment no nothing and lets not even get to Nixon perhaps we should wait until we get something more serious such as a blow job that sounds more like an impeachable offence.

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You have no idea what I "actually think".

The end result is, in spite of your chest beating and faux indignation, your post that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Plame was wrong.

Just admit it, if you have the honesty to say you were wrong.

I don't get the point about Scooter Libby. He was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail and a $250,000 fine. Bush commuted his jail time but left the fine and felony in place.

The commutation of Libby hardly raises a blip when compared to Bill Clinton's full pardon of his political donor Mark Rich. Here's a link to refresh your memory about that little turn of events.


Now about my alleged "Manchurian candidate" syndrome, I think it is rather obvious to even the most casual of observers that Hillary Clinton has lied about her private email server and Benghazi from the outset. I never claimed she is a Manchurian candidate so you might want to reconsider that comment.

Perhaps you consider pathological lying to be an indication of being a Manchurian candidate. If you do, then perhaps you have a leg to stand on. If not, your assertion falls flat.

As a matter of fact, Hillary is still lying about Benghazi. This from an interview with Chris (Thrill up my leg) Matthews in the past two days.


Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.

Well as usual you have got most of that wrong. I don't know where you get the connection between Hilary and the Manchurian candidate. The connection to the Manchurian candidate was yourself as the words Hilary, email server, Benghazi appears to trigger an immediate response from you and others like you.

Again you fail to see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney and seek to draw a comparison with the pardon Bill Clinton gave which is totally irrelevant. You claim that I have got it all wrong but here we have Libby, Cheney's Chief of staff being convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in the probe of the leak of the name of a CIA operative, but apparently nothing to do with Dick Cheney, not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was.

As for your usual diatribe about Clinton, how many hearing, how long has she testified at a cost thus far running at over $20 million and all we get from the last hearing when asked had they discovered anything new, all Gowdy could do was give that Dan Quayle look of the deer caught in the headlights.

Now imagine if we had just a fraction of those hearings and investigation of GWB and what he did or did not do re 9/11. Imagine if we had the same scrutiny of the decision to invade Iraq when Bush and Cheney both lied to the World and as Trump has said repeatedly knew they were lying when they were doing it.

I think if there are any apologies it should come from the likes of Bush and Cheney, for the loss of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and as Cheney correctly predicted in 1994 a mess which is still with us today and still being paid for.

However as I have said repeatedly people such as yourself don't want to be reminded of that so let me repeat what I said before and as we see on this thread, any mention of Hilary, email server, or Benghazi triggers a response from you and several others like you.

When Hilary is convicted in a court of law or they find some misdemeanor then perhaps you will have something to complain about but thus far all you have done is post another irrelevant statement concerning Clinton which proves her guilt but everyone has overlooked

I see you picked up that shovel again.

You now claim you don't know where I got the connection between Hillary and the Manchurian candidate.

Let me quote from your earlier post, that you conveniently deleted before quoting my last post.


"I also particularly like "Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney" this from someone who appears to suffer from Manchurian Candidate syndrome anytime the words Hilary, private email server or Benghazi appears on this forum."

That is precisely where the Manchurian candidate comment originated. Your memory doesn't serve you well.

I see the connection between Scooter Libby and Cheney. What I don't see is any connection with either one of them in the actual outing of Valerie Plame. You claimed Cheney outed Plame and that is patently a falsehood.

They both may have been sideline players in this but the actual outing of Plame was when Deputy Secretary of State Robert Armitage told the journalist Robert Novak that Plame was a covert CIA agent. Novak then printed the outing and the fun and games began.

Now in your latest attempt to cover your tracks, you make this statement...

" ...not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was."

​I never made any such claim. Perhaps you could point out to all of us where this post was made and who made it. I already know who made the post but will leave it up to you to prove you haven't intentionally lied.

Next you attack the Select Committee on Benghazi and the Chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy. The last I heard a few days ago was that Gowdy had something like eight more witnesses to talk to that had never been interviewed by any of the other investigating committees. He has promised a report as soon as possible, but only after their inquiry is complete.

Then you go on to attack Bush, Cheney and the lack of an investigation into their alleged lies. My position has always been that if an investigation is to be held, they must also investigate the 29 Democratic Party Senators that voted to approve the War Powers Resolution.

I am guessing you wouldn't approve that idea since that would mean Hillary would be under investigation by five federal agencies instead of the currently ongoing four investigations. We can't have that, can we.

Now, in closing, I don't see any way that Hillary will even be indicted. She is "too big to jail" and that, kind sir, is what it boils down to. She has violated a number of federal laws, rules and regulations but, due to political considerations, I anticipate she will get off Scot free.


Well let me put it another way as you appear to be having difficulty understanding English or have no idea what is meant by that term. It was a term used in a movie where certain keys words triggered an automatic response from the agent. In your case the words Clinton, email server or Benghazi do the trick. I was never denying using the term Manchurian candidate i was describing your difficulty in making the right connection. Seems I didn't need your shovel after all but it does seem you have difficulty comprehending a simple sentence, perhaps you should keep that shovel handy.

What a pathetic response about Bush and Cheney as you try to blame anyone and everyone for the invasion of Iraq. The decision to invade Iraq rests solely with the Bush administration who put the case for Congressional approval. How on earth do you expect the 29 Democratic Senators to know that what they were listening to was a farrago of lies? As Trump said, "They knew they were lying". Yet you have no problem constantly whining about Clinton and Obama, even Powell now admits he lost the plot and he was convinced at the time of the intelligence he was receiving. Little did he know that Cheney was leaning on anyone that did not support the pack of lies being concocted. However lets spend out time investigating Clinton that is what you are all about forget about, Iraq or if you do mention it put in provisos so as to try and spread the blame for the lies that were told..

I know that UG made the original post regarding that intellectual giant.However once again you misread something and twist it. The reference to Libby is that somehow we have Cheney's chief of staff convicted of perjury, obstruction etc and all you can talk about is Clinton giving a similar pardon to some other miscreant. I am not sure if you understand English all that well but it had nothing to do with Libby getting a pardon but everything to do with Cheney, whose chief of staff he was and the outing of the CIA agent. For some reason you expect people to believe that the two are not connected that Libby obstructed and lied but nothing to do with Cheney and I felt this was somewhat naive and gullible.

Then of course we are back to Clinton more of the same but its not as if its without precedent even if it is true. As we recall Reagan was implicated in selling arms to Iran or as UG euphemistically calls them "small arms" a curious description for missiles, however the point being that he walked away unscathed no impeachment no nothing and lets not even get to Nixon perhaps we should wait until we get something more serious such as a blow job that sounds more like an impeachable offence.

Ah, yes. Frank Sinatra in The Manchurian Candidate. I remember it well. Denzell Washington was the candidate in the remake.
Many would claim that Hillary is the current candidate. I don't,however. She is just a life long student of Saul Alinsky that has outlived her usefulness to the political arena in Washington. I've proven you erred in your original statement about Cheney so I am through with that.
However, now you seem to have put your foot in your mouth again.
You just made this claim...
""I know that UG made the original post regarding that intellectual giant.However once again you misread something and twist it."
I will now post the remark you made so we can see how I twisted it. This is your earlier claim about Krauthammer:
" not everyone is as gullible or naive as yourself as you showed in an earlier post when you touted Charles Krauthammer as being "way above our heads" re his analysis of Iran, the same clown who said the same things about Iraq and we all know how accurate that was."
Now, "when you touted Charles Krauthammer" suddenly becomes "I know that UG made the original post", it would appear you suddenly had total recall or an epiphany of remorse about stretching the truth.
So how did I twist it, if I was right to begin with?
My guess is you had to look it up and, when you found out the post was made by UG, it became an "Oh, shit" moment with your immediate thoughts being how you can cover it up.
You finally went with the Clinton response to all her scandals. Deny, deny, deny and hope it goes away.
Well, this one is going away. You have worn me out today. With that, I bid you a fond adieu.
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Declaring a document "secret" long after it was handled by the Secretary of State stinks of Republican scheming....

That post shows how much you really know about the situation.

In the first place, Hillary Clinton, by virtue of her title as the Secretary of State, was what is called a Classifying Authority. As the State Department's highest classifying authority she had received additional training and input from the Defense Security Service in the proper classification and handling of government documents.

It was her responsibility to know what should be considered classified and what should not be. Her continuing argument that nothing she handled was "marked classified" at the time she sent it holds no water Documents are never "marked classified" They are marked Confidential, Secret or Top Secret.

Even if they are not marked with any rating, it was her responsibility to know what she was sending. She is the one that signed form SF-312 that clearly states she is responsible whether documents are marked or not.

If this was all a vast right wing conspiracy, it wouldn't take over 2,000 emails to make a case. One communication marked Top Secret would do it.

Check here for her Classifying Authority: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-original-classification-authority


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This election year's version of the ad about who do you want as president when that 3AM phone call comes... funny stuff...


Speaking of which. Obama failed that test in the most horrendous way. He was AWOL when that call came in back in Sept 2012.

Edited by mopar71
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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

Yeah Benghazi never happened and the dead people didn't actually die. How's the view from 2 feet in the sand?

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Here is the latest news. It seems our intelligence community have their collective feet firmly planted on solid soil.


Hillary Faces National Security Establishment ‘Uprising’ Over Emails
10:00 PM 03/16/2016
Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is facing an “uprising” in the national security establishment prompted by long-standing anger about her cavalier handling of classified materials and government secrets.
As Clinton’s case progresses, it appears the probe is being directed by intelligence and national security law enforcement authorities rather than civilian agencies subject to political influence, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.
There are currently at least four national security investigations, including those by the FBI, Department of Justice, and the inspectors general for the Department of State and the Intelligence Community.
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And now, the NSA has her in their sights. She's a walking, talking bundle of criminal behaviour.


Hillary Has an NSA Problem
By John R. Schindler • 03/18/16 8:45am
For a year now, Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email during her tenure as secretary of state has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told you months ago, email-gate isn’t going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. At this point, email-gate may be the only thing standing between Ms. Clinton and the White House this November.
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If Hillary is counting on an Obama pardon or his ignoring the law and choosing not to indict her, the odds of Barack being in her corner took a rather large hit yesterday.

It seems Wild Bill is back on the campaign trail again...this is what he said, in part, in a speech:

"“But if you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us..."

Put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us??? cheesy.gif

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Here is the latest news. It seems our intelligence community have their collective feet firmly planted on solid soil.


Amusing isn't it? Only a day or two ago you were mocking someone for posting something from an obviously left-leaning website... and then you post Tucker Carlson nonsense.


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