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Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?


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You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Would that be the same Dick Cheney that has told so many lies about the invasion of Iraq that we have now lost count of them, of course we should now believe everything he says, nothing to do with him. We know well enough what Cheney's reaction was to any official that opposed the Iraq invasion that is well documented. Are you really that stupid?

Edited by pitrevie
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Suspect Hillary is untouchable, she seems to be the anointed one for the next election to get a few more profitable wars running, as such cant imagine anyone would dare try and take her down.

Americans really should get over the Republican/Democrat rivalry, after all the same puppet masters stand behind both parties, you have more in common with each other than the millionaire politicians from either party.

Political parties should be outlawed. It's just good cop/bad cop theater choreographed by the Oligarchs to keep the bovine masses distracted..

"Ahhh yes, all we need to do to fix the country is to elect the (fill in your choice of good cop) Party....."

Got news....Unless your states representative is one of the dozen or so in each parties "leadership", then they just sit back, shut up and vote as they are told.

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The case of former CIA director David Petraeus has no parallel to Hillary's situation.

The information that David possessed and shared with someone who did not have clearance to receive information classified as secret by the Department of Defense has no similarity to the unclassified information that Hillary possessed. Albeit in hindsight the government in HIllary's case decided after the fact that some of the information she possessed should have been classified as secret.

At worse Hillary did not follow advisory procedures on handling sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information. But that is not a crime.

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I would guess the FBI already has more than enough to indict you or I or any GOP candidate running...or even Bernie if he turns things around.

This is going to be slow walked up to inauguration and dumped into the lap of the next President. If it's Clinton, no problem as we will learn that it was all just a witch hunt with no evidence.

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I would guess the FBI already has more than enough to indict you or I or any GOP candidate running...or even Bernie if he turns things around.

This is going to be slow walked up to inauguration and dumped into the lap of the next President. If it's Clinton, no problem as we will learn that it was all just a witch hunt with no evidence.

I think you are being very optimistic as you can see from those that post on this forum. The same people turn up every time emails, Hilary or Benghazi is mentioned.

However not a peep out of them when it comes to 9/11 and what Bush did or did not do that could have prevented it.

Not a peep out of these same people when it comes to Iraq and the thousands of lives lost, trillions of dollars wasted and for which we are still paying to this day and the lies that were told.

We even have the Republican front runner reminding us that Bush was President when 9/11 occurred and that both Bush and Cheney knew they were lying when they made the case for invading Iraq.

Just an obsession with Hilary, emails and four people killed in Benghazi.

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The case of former CIA director David Petraeus has no parallel to Hillary's situation.

The information that David possessed and shared with someone who did not have clearance to receive information classified as secret by the Department of Defense has no similarity to the unclassified information that Hillary possessed. Albeit in hindsight the government in HIllary's case decided after the fact that some of the information she possessed should have been classified as secret.

At worse Hillary did not follow advisory procedures on handling sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information. But that is not a crime.

It's also not a great qualification for POTUS

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There will be speculation on all sides because that is what the media needs to keep selling their wares. It has been obvious for the last four years that Clinton will run and win the presidency no matter how much hot air is spouted. The republicans do not offer any viable candidates and Sanders has socialist values that won't win votes in the US.

However the circus is very entertaining this time around even though the result is inevitable.

What about Trump?

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Getting this off the topic of growing pot, yet another former State Department official is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary's use of a private server.

Maybe it is immunity and subpoena time again.


Republicans pressure IT official for information about Clinton server
By Julian Hattem - 03/14/16 12:27 PM EDT
Senate Republicans are threatening legal recourse against a State Department IT official who has refused to answer their questions about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
The leaders of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees earlier this month told the official, John Bentel, that he was “an integral figure” in the State Department and should be able to answer questions about the unusual setup that Clinton used while serving as secretary of State.
Yet more than three months after lawmakers reached out, he has refused to talk. “In order to properly exercise our constitutional oversight functions, we need to speak to you,” Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to Bentel’s lawyer.

I don't think the 5th Amendment should be applicable in cases of espionage and national security. Some really serious, country-damaging stuff has gone down and to think a gov't employee can pull a Lois Lerner and not have to give evidence and ride off into the sunset with a big pay package is bulls***. Who do they think they are? Wall Street CEOs?

Right. We could have an Article 44.

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.



Just stay out of Thailand and keep posting on the forum for those of us who do.

We love your right wing, republican opinions on our lives in Thailand.

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Hillary/Petraeus? She needs to worry about Hillary/Trump. She hasn't even begun to get the shit storm he's going to bring her. She's weak. Really weak.


All I can say to you is that you need to remember Romney, the last hypocritical talking head who had absolutely no policies worth jack.


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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.



Just stay out of Thailand and keep posting on the forum for those of us who do.

We love your right wing, republican opinions on our lives in Thailand.

Right. Please stay in Thailand. thumbsup.gif

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.



Just stay out of Thailand and keep posting on the forum for those of us who do.

We love your right wing, republican opinions on our lives in Thailand.

Right. Please stay in Thailand. thumbsup.gif

I believe we finally agree on something!


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You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Would that be the same Dick Cheney that has told so many lies about the invasion of Iraq that we have now lost count of them, of course we should now believe everything he says, nothing to do with him. We know well enough what Cheney's reaction was to any official that opposed the Iraq invasion that is well documented. Are you really that stupid?

Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney is no reason to make up falsehoods about him...and that is precisely what you did.

My stupidity isn't the question here. I didn't make up the post claiming Cheney outed Valerie Plame. You did.

It's much easier when you are caught in a lie to simply admit you made an error and move on.

But, then, some people just don't know when to put down the shovel and stop digging.

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If war criminals like George Dubya and Henry Kissinger are walking around free, it's hard to imagine HRC being informed that Orange is the new Black.

Please don't start down that road, thousands dead and thousands more injured as a result of lies leading to the invasion of Iraq let alone the civilian casualties. trillions of dollars wasted and the Middle East a mess as predicted by one of the main culprits VP Cheney. Its far more important that we see the damage that Clinton did over Benghazi where it was absolute carnage resulting in four dead absolutely dreadful. Lock her up, no need for a trial she is obviously guilty.

Don't forget Hillary was also pushing hard for invading Iraq.

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dont worry about Hillary, Obamba is already getting the presidential pardon drawn up.

Well, she's running out of time for that to be worth anything.

Why would Obama deal with it? He will make sure Lynch drags it out and then both walk away from it.

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I don't think the 5th Amendment should be applicable in cases of espionage and national security. Some really serious, country-damaging stuff has gone down and to think a gov't employee can pull a Lois Lerner and not have to give evidence and ride off into the sunset with a big pay package is bulls***. Who do they think they are? Wall Street CEOs?

What serious country-damaging stuff? I saw some of the emails. They mentioned what sort of pants suit she might wear to meet so-n-so world leader. Republicans are trying desperately to make political hay of the email thing, just as they tried mightily to drag her down about Whitewater and other tempests in teapots. Please name one high-security breach which came out of the emails. If you look on Youtube, you can find schematics for nuclear subs, and details of the newest high tech weapons. There's a lot of data already out there. The Chinese have large rooms full of PLA members whose full time job is pecking at computer keyboards, trying to find the deepest darkest secrets about US military and corporations. If you want to find a bogey man, look to China.

Can't attack the source here, it's NBC...

Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG

Emails from Hillary Clinton's home server contained information classified at levels higher than previously known, including a level meant to protect some of the most sensitive U.S. intelligence, according to a document obtained by NBC News.


Keep in mind, Hillary and her lawyers went through her emails after she said it was only personal stuff...and still close to 2000 emails with classified info were discovered Makes you wonder what they they did consider classified.

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Exactly. Spent years handling classified and it's a zero tolerance business. If any one of us had done what she did...even once...we'd have gone to jail. No question whatsoever.

Do you mean like this,
Valerie Plame says former Vice President Dick Cheney is a traitor for allegedly having outed her in 2003 as an undercover CIA operative overseas.

You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, and the silly Democrats were out for blood! Going to frog march Karl Rove out of the White House! They all suddenly lost interest in the case when it turned out it was someone they liked who did the leaking.

Similar to how they were so anti-war that they regularly took to the streets of DC to protest...until a Democrat got in the White House, then all of a sudden war wasn't all that important anymore.

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You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Would that be the same Dick Cheney that has told so many lies about the invasion of Iraq that we have now lost count of them, of course we should now believe everything he says, nothing to do with him. We know well enough what Cheney's reaction was to any official that opposed the Iraq invasion that is well documented. Are you really that stupid?

Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney is no reason to make up falsehoods about him...and that is precisely what you did.

My stupidity isn't the question here. I didn't make up the post claiming Cheney outed Valerie Plame. You did.

It's much easier when you are caught in a lie to simply admit you made an error and move on.

But, then, some people just don't know when to put down the shovel and stop digging.

That you actually think anyone needs to make up falsehoods about Dick Cheney shows how far you have been digging with your shovel. Even Fox News have taken to correcting his BS. Amazingly Trump the Republican Presidential front runner is accusing both Cheney and Bush of lying about the reasons for invading Iraq and we all know it well except for you and a few of your acolytes who for some reason never want to discuss that period.
Cheney was behind the outing of Plame and we all know the reason for it well apart from you. Any official working for the Bush administration at that time who expressed reservation about the evidence supporting the Iraq war was quickly shunted aside. Plame's husband was a fierce critic of the case for invading Iraq.
"No one was punished for leaking Plame's CIA role to the media. Scooter Libby, the chief of staff to then-Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI about the leak. President George W. Bush later commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence."
I particularly like those last few words for those who are now suggesting Obama might do the same for Hilary, I can imagine what response that would draw from you and your friends. The only one caught in a lie was Dick Cheney's chief of staff.
I also particularly like "Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney" this from someone who appears to suffer from Manchurian Candidate syndrome anytime the words Hilary, private email server or Benghazi appears on this forum.
Edited by pitrevie
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That you actually think anyone needs to make up falsehoods about Dick Cheney shows how far you have been digging with your shovel. Even Fox News have taken to correcting his BS.

This is utter nonsense and typical of the brainwashed rhetoric you "contribute" to the forum. Fox News are critical of politicians on BOTH sides, although more so of liberals. Most Fox political commentators are conservatives and tend to agree with conservative viewpoints. However, Fox is a mixed bag with numerous points of view. For example. Look at how Megyn Kelly has gone after Donald Trump. No one can say she has been easy on him and most likely he will be the Republican nominee.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That you actually think anyone needs to make up falsehoods about Dick Cheney shows how far you have been digging with your shovel. Even Fox News have taken to correcting his BS.

This is utter nonsense and typical of the brainwashed rhetoric you "contribute" to the forum. Fox News are critical of politicians on BOTH sides, although more so of liberals. Most Fox political commentators are conservatives and tend to agree with conservative viewpoints. However, Fox is a mixed bag with numerous points of view. For example. Look at how Megyn Kelly has gone after Donald Trump. No one can say she has been easy on him and most likely he will be the Republican nominee.

"brainwashed" this from Ulysses G another poster who any time Hilary, email server or Benghazi goes into the Manchurian candidate mode.

Fox News a mixed bag of commentators, these just some of the clowns who have been or are, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and of course the tide goes in and out man O'Reilly, Ann Couler, Karl Rove oh and I nearly forgot that great intellect Charles Krauthammer who you touted as such a great authority on the Iran Nuclear deal, after all he got it so right on Iraq, didn't he.

I guarantee if you do a search on this forum almost any thread that mentions Clinton and it has you and a few like you jumping in with, what was it you called it, "brainwashed rhetoric".

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This is utter nonsense and typical of the brainwashed rhetoric you "contribute" to the forum. Fox News are critical of politicians on BOTH sides, although more so of liberals.

Coming from you, that's almost an admission that the "Fair and Balanced" slogan is utter garbage.


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You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

Would that be the same Dick Cheney that has told so many lies about the invasion of Iraq that we have now lost count of them, of course we should now believe everything he says, nothing to do with him. We know well enough what Cheney's reaction was to any official that opposed the Iraq invasion that is well documented. Are you really that stupid?

Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney is no reason to make up falsehoods about him...and that is precisely what you did.

My stupidity isn't the question here. I didn't make up the post claiming Cheney outed Valerie Plame. You did.

It's much easier when you are caught in a lie to simply admit you made an error and move on.

But, then, some people just don't know when to put down the shovel and stop digging.

That you actually think anyone needs to make up falsehoods about Dick Cheney shows how far you have been digging with your shovel. Even Fox News have taken to correcting his BS. Amazingly Trump the Republican Presidential front runner is accusing both Cheney and Bush of lying about the reasons for invading Iraq and we all know it well except for you and a few of your acolytes who for some reason never want to discuss that period.
Cheney was behind the outing of Plame and we all know the reason for it well apart from you. Any official working for the Bush administration at that time who expressed reservation about the evidence supporting the Iraq war was quickly shunted aside. Plame's husband was a fierce critic of the case for invading Iraq.
"No one was punished for leaking Plame's CIA role to the media. Scooter Libby, the chief of staff to then-Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI about the leak. President George W. Bush later commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence."
I particularly like those last few words for those who are now suggesting Obama might do the same for Hilary, I can imagine what response that would draw from you and your friends. The only one caught in a lie was Dick Cheney's chief of staff.
I also particularly like "Just because you have an intense dislike for Cheney" this from someone who appears to suffer from Manchurian Candidate syndrome anytime the words Hilary, private email server or Benghazi appears on this forum.

You have no idea what I "actually think".

The end result is, in spite of your chest beating and faux indignation, your post that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Plame was wrong.

Just admit it, if you have the honesty to say you were wrong.

I don't get the point about Scooter Libby. He was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail and a $250,000 fine. Bush commuted his jail time but left the fine and felony in place.

The commutation of Libby hardly raises a blip when compared to Bill Clinton's full pardon of his political donor Mark Rich. Here's a link to refresh your memory about that little turn of events.


Now about my alleged "Manchurian candidate" syndrome, I think it is rather obvious to even the most casual of observers that Hillary Clinton has lied about her private email server and Benghazi from the outset. I never claimed she is a Manchurian candidate so you might want to reconsider that comment.

Perhaps you consider pathological lying to be an indication of being a Manchurian candidate. If you do, then perhaps you have a leg to stand on. If not, your assertion falls flat.

As a matter of fact, Hillary is still lying about Benghazi. This from an interview with Chris (Thrill up my leg) Matthews in the past two days.


Hillary Clinton: ‘We Didn’t Lose A Single Person’ In Libya
9:41 PM 03/14/2016
Hillary Clinton defended on Monday her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person” in the North African country.
But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Clinton was one of the most ardent voices for invading Libya and deposing its dictator, Col. Moammar Gaddafi. The New York Times recently reported in detail how Clinton helped convince an ambivalent President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya and to support rebel forces.
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