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Clinton sweeps Ohio, Florida; Trump, Kasich split; Rubio out


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My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

You could call what is happening with the Democrats also a train wreck when the two choices are a non-Democrat Socialist and a well-known liar who should be in jail - and still might be.

But I don't look at either like a "train wreck". I look at it like a good thing because it is shaking things up.

Shaking up the establishment is what the USA needs.

I like to think that is one thing people across the political spectrum can agree on. It's just when there is an election at stake we are forced to take sides and we don't want "the other side" to win.

But how much of an "other side" is there really? Obama is very different from Bush but he kept a lot of the same policies and is owned by the banks,

Republican voters are pissed off because they gave Congressional Republicans big wins in 2010 and 2014 only to see them cave to the Obama and the Democrats.

They all say one thing to get elected, then change when they are safely in office cashing those checks.

So maybe it is our entire system that is a train wreck?

No, the trainwreck applies only to what is happening to the Republicans and you know it. It's a disaster for the Republicans. Dragging the Democrats into this is nothing but wishful thinking.

Agree that certainly the situation on the Democrat side in now way approaching what is happening on the Republican side

Although is fair to say that Bernie is definitely still shaking things up on the Democratic side as well.

And although it seems a near impossibility, but not yet a certainty, that he will not win... He is still placing the DNC on notice with the huge support he is getting

He is also making sure to get Hillary clearly stating 'me too' to many of his policies that we all know she would have preferred not to do

As now she will either be proven a liar or she will have to keep her promises

... Although not really holding my breath on which she will decide to do...

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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

It seems people forget that Trump is winning because millions of people are voting for him. Many more for him than the other candidates.

To try an dump Trump the Republican establishment would basically be saying that elections don't matter. Voting doesn't matter. "we will choose your candidate for you".

That's where the Democrat establishment got it right. They simply did not allow any other Democrats to run against their pre-chosen establishment candidate.

We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.


And the Party leadership charged with that is chosen by the Oligarchs. They had Jeb & Hillary all pre-selected for the ballot a few months ago so this is just a minor hiccup

You are absolutely right, the billionaires are pulling all the strings. This goes for America as well as the rest of the world. No better example of this than the Republican establishment trying to black ball Trump or the Democratic establishment blackballing Sanders. The establishment that runs America is finally scared and the Republican side would rather see a third party candidate selected to stop Trump which they know would end up in the election of Hillary. Whether it is George Soros, the Koch brothers, big oil, the auto industry, arms manufacturers, or wall street the American voter is being played as a fool. Enough already, go Trump go!

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This is all becoming very disconcerting. I recall the Watts riots and not too long ago, the Rodney King riots and they were sparked at a very local level. Keeping in mind that the police, the FBI and the National Guard (who, by the way, are all made up of the voters being disregarded) own less than 2% of the guns in America, what would happen if these power broker nutjobs change the rules just to keep Trump out? Can you imagine a 48 state uproar, armed and heading for Wall Street and DC?

Going back and doing some rough math, Trump has nearly 3 times as many votes as HRC and the general election has no winner-take-all state delegates. (iirc)

This may be a very good time for the GOP establishment elites to cash in their chips and retire to the Caribbean.

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You're delusional that across the political spectrum people want change. The wingnuts want change, thus we get Trump from them. The rest of the (normal) people want a viable government, that isn't based on fear, hate and lies.

Anyone who doesn't think that Socialist Bernie isn't about change is delusional to the point of trolling...or just ignorant about Sanders' history and politics.

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This is all becoming very disconcerting. I recall the Watts riots and not too long ago, the Rodney King riots and they were sparked at a very local level. Keeping in mind that the police, the FBI and the National Guard (who, by the way, are all made up of the voters being disregarded) own less than 2% of the guns in America, what would happen if these power broker nutjobs change the rules just to keep Trump out? Can you imagine a 48 state uproar, armed and heading for Wall Street and DC?

Going back and doing some rough math, Trump has nearly 3 times as many votes as HRC and the general election has no winner-take-all state delegates. (iirc)

This may be a very good time for the GOP establishment elites to cash in their chips and retire to the Caribbean.

Yep. "He who has iron, has bread."--Blanqui

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

Stopping Trump in Ohio was a key for the establishment GOP to oust Trump. Mitt is happier than a pig in poop with the Kasich win in Ohio. Another chance to lose an election!

Knowing Donald Trump as we all unfortunately do, what are the chances that he goes 3rd party when the Republican party throws him out on his bum? He can still win the nomination at this point.

It's all good and it doesn't really matter. Whoever it is, is going to lose badly. The on-going train wreck that was the Republican party continues to pile into the side of a mountain.

Oh, I almost forgot, anybody else enjoying the soap opera that's going on over at Breitbart? It's a beautiful story of wingnut media and its self immolation. A heartwarming tale of a Breitbart woman employee getting man handled by Trump's campaign manager and Breitbart's management throwing her under the bus. Four of their top people then quit. One might have some sympathy for the Breitbart employees but they were all hacks working for a site that had no journalistic cred.

The Republican campaign is pure fun.

Add, would you want rump holding the keys to the ballistic missiles?

Very worrying. But Hilary is not exactly trustworthy is she? Owned by Wall St, some strange things in the past and a proven liar - is she a good candidate for POTUS - millions of Americans seem to think so. But so do many millions think Trump is.


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That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

How can you be so sure? The GOP establishment hates Trump. They may hate him more than they hate Obama. I've noticed Trump trying to make nice after his latest wins, but is it too little, too late? Will be interesting.

The GOP would probably prefer Clinton to Trump and thereby deny citizens their votes. This is democracy in action in the US.

Trumps no fool though, my pick is he'll wait a while and then calm down his rhetoric when he's secured enough wins and start looking presidential making it hard for the oligarchs to oust him. If they do then the GOP will split and HRC will get the Presidency for sure.

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That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

How can you be so sure? The GOP establishment hates Trump. They may hate him more than they hate Obama. I've noticed Trump trying to make nice after his latest wins, but is it too little, too late? Will be interesting.

The GOP would probably prefer Clinton to Trump and thereby deny citizens their votes. This is democracy in action in the US.

Trumps no fool though, my pick is he'll wait a while and then calm down his rhetoric when he's secured enough wins and start looking presidential making it hard for the oligarchs to oust him. If they do then the GOP will split and HRC will get the Presidency for sure.

Gotta say that the idea of "Looking Presidential" lost a bit of its lustre after Bubba Clinton brought us the image of the President getting a hogsmoke from interns in the Oval Office. Not that I blame him. If I had Hillary as the alternative, I would seek my pleasure elsewhere as well.

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This is all becoming very disconcerting. I recall the Watts riots and not too long ago, the Rodney King riots and they were sparked at a very local level. Keeping in mind that the police, the FBI and the National Guard (who, by the way, are all made up of the voters being disregarded) own less than 2% of the guns in America, what would happen if these power broker nutjobs change the rules just to keep Trump out? Can you imagine a 48 state uproar, armed and heading for Wall Street and DC?

Going back and doing some rough math, Trump has nearly 3 times as many votes as HRC and the general election has no winner-take-all state delegates. (iirc)

This may be a very good time for the GOP establishment elites to cash in their chips and retire to the Caribbean.

Yep. "He who has iron, has bread."--Blanqui

Sort of like iron will one could guess.

Perhaps like the triumph of the Will even more.

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