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They say that we are in a third world country here !

1.Two weeks ago I went to hospital to make appointment to see throat specialist. They said,'He is here now if you want". 15 minutes later, I was watching my throat etc., in color, on a screen, attached to the latest state of the art camera ! Cost, just over 20GBP !

2. Last week, we bought an new curved,smart TV. I asked ,"when can you deliver ? " They replied, What time do you get home sir ? "!!...

3. On Monday, we bought new Air Con for our home office. I asked about instalation. They said, "its free sir, when do you want it ? Tomorrow ?"

4. Yesterday, I went to buy an unusual spare part for swimming pool light. They said, "sorry, we don't have, but can get for tommorow ! I just collected it !

Third World eh ? Try those things in UK !!!

Military junta in charge; number two in the world for road deaths; continual water and power cuts; mega corruption etc. If that isn't third world then I don't know what is. Edited by jesimps
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one of the hall marks of the "3rdwrld" is good service for the upper class... those with big screens pools etc. bwana

I've lived in southern Africa and in Pakistan for a total of more than 25 years. Believe me, Thailand is no third world country compared to those places.

As to the alleged hallmark of third world countries, the truly wealthy minority did get good service compared to everyone else, but "good" was a relative term and that privileged group was extremely small and wouldn't have extended much beyond the uber elite.

No one could seriously compare life in Thailand to places like Zimbabwe, Somalia or Bangladesh, for example. In one country where I lived, the main hospital in the capital, affiliated with the sole university as a teaching hospital, was dubbed by the locals as the Departure Lounge because most anyone admitted there was never seen again. If you needed an operation, your relatives would need to source everything needed from anesthetic to surgical gloves on the black market and donate it to the surgeon before he could start to do anything. When a friend of mine needed surgery for something relatively routine he had to be sent by air ambulance to South Africa.

So they even had air ambulance in that third world country.

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this is also at home ....

and the hospital is free.

depend on which country you come from originally.

Thailand is more expensive and many western items are overprices if calculated back.

beside now the prices are raising. for daily stuff too. Thai complain and soon Foreigner will complain too aboutthe daily need are getting expensive.

what do you expect if one know the Tahi want to have pofitt 30% or more on the same ;product in western world is 15% to 25% max

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They say that we are in a third world country here !

1.Two weeks ago I went to hospital to make appointment to see throat specialist. They said,'He is here now if you want". 15 minutes later, I was watching my throat etc., in color, on a screen, attached to the latest state of the art camera ! Cost, just over 20GBP !

If they have a doctor he has to be there at least sometimes, so you were lucky you just walked in while he was present, can happen in any third world country. Are you knowledgeable about medical appliances that you know which is the latest state of the art camera?

2. Last week, we bought an new curved,smart TV. I asked ,"when can you deliver ? " They replied, What time do you get home sir ? "!!

Sales must be slow if they have the time to deliver everything straight away.


3. On Monday, we bought new Air Con for our home office. I asked about instalation. They said, "its free sir, when do you want it ? Tomorrow ?"

They said it's included in the sales price you paid for it already free sir

4. Yesterday, I went to buy an unusual spare part for swimming pool light. They said, "sorry, we don't have, but can get for tommorow ! I just collected it !

So they didn't have stock of spare parts from items they sell? looks like third world to me.

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Of course some western items are more expensive here. Just as some Thai items are more expensive in the west.

You think people transport this stuff around the world for free?

Some Thai items are not for sale in the west, because they are utter crap.

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By most measures Thailand is not 3rd world these days. Certainly not economically.

However in my estimation it's still 3rd world.

My criteria?

If you've got dogs running free, some of them rabid even, and you do nothing about it, then you're 3rd world.

End of story. It's about mentality.

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one of the hall marks of the "3rdwrld" is good service for the upper class... those with big screens pools etc. bwana

I've lived in southern Africa and in Pakistan for a total of more than 25 years. Believe me, Thailand is no third world country compared to those places.

As to the alleged hallmark of third world countries, the truly wealthy minority did get good service compared to everyone else, but "good" was a relative term and that privileged group was extremely small and wouldn't have extended much beyond the uber elite.

No one could seriously compare life in Thailand to places like Zimbabwe, Somalia or Bangladesh, for example. In one country where I lived, the main hospital in the capital, affiliated with the sole university as a teaching hospital, was dubbed by the locals as the Departure Lounge because most anyone admitted there was never seen again. If you needed an operation, your relatives would need to source everything needed from anesthetic to surgical gloves on the black market and donate it to the surgeon before he could start to do anything. When a friend of mine needed surgery for something relatively routine he had to be sent by air ambulance to South Africa.

good points. |the truth of the matter is the ones who call it 3rd world are for the most pasrt people who have never seen a real 3rd world country. Just Thailand and the country they came from. they expect to get the same services here they did there. I know a couple who have lived here for years and never even been to Cambodia or Burma and they figure this is third world.

Was talking to my son the other day in a Vancouver suburb and he says their power was out for a day. What does that make Canada?

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They say that we are in a third world country here !

1.Two weeks ago I went to hospital to make appointment to see throat specialist. They said,'He is here now if you want". 15 minutes later, I was watching my throat etc., in color, on a screen, attached to the latest state of the art camera ! Cost, just over 20GBP !

2. Last week, we bought an new curved,smart TV. I asked ,"when can you deliver ? " They replied, What time do you get home sir ? "!!...

3. On Monday, we bought new Air Con for our home office. I asked about instalation. They said, "its free sir, when do you want it ? Tomorrow ?"

4. Yesterday, I went to buy an unusual spare part for swimming pool light. They said, "sorry, we don't have, but can get for tommorow ! I just collected it !

Third World eh ? Try those things in UK !!!

You are joking your self are you .

So because you can get all those things you think thailand is not 3 rd world .

Get of your back side and go and look in a thai village that will tell you this place is 3 rd world,you come here good with money good but don't seat there and tell me thailand is not 3 rd world because it is .

And yes there are rich Thais out there I agree but lots of them don't pay much tax .

I have been coming here for 7 years and the places in the country side is getting worst then it was , the rich get richer the poor get poorer.

Until the thai people start paying income tax the place will never get away from the 3 rd world s??t .

You can't run a country and not get tax from their people look at Greece now f??k , because Greeks did not like paying taxes for years and I would know I am Australia Greek .

So don't try and get on here and think thailand is not 3 rd world Because it is and until the thai government start making people pay tax it will stay 3 rd world.

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In today's parlance Thailand is a newly Industrialized Country. However, it remains Third World. A perfect example is my Thai Mother In law- she needs false teeth. The Thai government hospitals can have them done in 2 years- there is a long waiting list. With 20K- she can have them immediately from a Thai private dentist. Luckily, I am able to help. However, the majority of Thai people do not have 20K . They live on a meager budget and most are farmers who are now plagued by a government that won't help; a faltering economy and a drought.

Do not be fooled by what you see in Bangkok and Pattaya. These cities are controlled by and for the wealthy. A Thai laborer earns 300 Baht per day. Take a look at the number of street vendors or push cart vendors. These are people struggling day to day. They use the government hospitals and queue at 5 AM hoping to be seen that day.

Thai villages contain the old, infirm and children. Everyone over the age of 15 has left for Bangkok to find work as a laborer or in the entertainment business or if lucky gone overseas to work To those who do not understand Thailand- it looks prosperous and yes if you spend money you will get initial service. However, when it breaks down you will get only smiles and a promise.

For the wealthy or those with a Western income/pension Thailand is a great place. However, for the majority of Thais- they still struggle and toil day by day. Why do you think so many Thais want to emigrate abroad.

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Thailand is not 3rd world. It is a middle income nation or 2nd world nation (though that is a bit of a shoddy way to classify countries anyway). Only people with little comprehension of economics would classify Thailand as 3rd world. If you want to see 3rd world visit the provinces of Cambodia. You won't find free air-con fitting (or any air-con), rapid TV delivery, etc. there.

Economics? no , it is a political clasification, as in first world being aligned with the west, second world was (is) the commies, and third world was NON ALIGNED developing countries...such as Thailand.

Funny book you have been reading.

I am simply quoting the definition, the original meaning from cold war days (look it up). So T.land was and remains 3rdwrld.

So in your mind if someone made a statement 200 years ago, which was true then, it must be still true today ? Have you ever travelled to places like Angola, Zambia or Uganda etc. ? If you have you will know the true meaning of third world. Under your definition South Korea and Singapore are also 3rd world countries, because them the definition was coined they where 3rd world countries.

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So in your mind if someone made a statement 200 years ago, which was true then, it must be still true today ? Have you ever travelled to places like Angola, Zambia or Uganda etc. ? If you have you will know the true meaning of third world. Under your definition South Korea and Singapore are also 3rd world countries, because them the definition was coined they where 3rd world countries. ....quote from southernstar

Since S. Korea (not sure Spore) was militaily and politicaly ALIGNED with the U.S. they were not claasified as 3thrdwrld. If you insist on using the vague "pop" definition as a backward shithole nation, then go right ahead. This has gotten boring, ....study history people.

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In today's parlance Thailand is a newly Industrialized Country. However, it remains Third World. A perfect example is my Thai Mother In law- she needs false teeth. The Thai government hospitals can have them done in 2 years- there is a long waiting list. With 20K- she can have them immediately from a Thai private dentist. Luckily, I am able to help. However, the majority of Thai people do not have 20K . They live on a meager budget and most are farmers who are now plagued by a government that won't help; a faltering economy and a drought.

Do not be fooled by what you see in Bangkok and Pattaya. These cities are controlled by and for the wealthy. A Thai laborer earns 300 Baht per day. Take a look at the number of street vendors or push cart vendors. These are people struggling day to day. They use the government hospitals and queue at 5 AM hoping to be seen that day.

Thai villages contain the old, infirm and children. Everyone over the age of 15 has left for Bangkok to find work as a laborer or in the entertainment business or if lucky gone overseas to work To those who do not understand Thailand- it looks prosperous and yes if you spend money you will get initial service. However, when it breaks down you will get only smiles and a promise.

For the wealthy or those with a Western income/pension Thailand is a great place. However, for the majority of Thais- they still struggle and toil day by day. Why do you think so many Thais want to emigrate abroad.

Excuse me but False teeth in America will cost you more than 20,000 baht. That is what it will cost you to have the existing ones pulled. The rest of the world may make more money but their cost of living still keeps them living hand to mouth.

In America you might find insurance that costs you that much every month to cover false teeth.

Edited by big carl
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I can see where the OP is coming from, but what about the other side of the coin, disgraceful road fatalities, a lot to do with the police not doing their jobs

but regularly seen to be collecting tea money.

Immigration charging someone 20.000Bt for overstay when he was unconscious for 35 days, after a motorbike accident, and they knew this.

I am not anti Thai, I will say this again, I love Thailand, and it's people, and the good far out weighs the bad, but there

are some things that should be kept in mind.

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Been to Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Tanzania over a period of years. Lack of education makes the people helpless, as well as lack of materials eg: electricians using DIY tools!

Stop all this nonsense about 3rd world... perhaps Thailand needs it's own classification having arrived where it is without external overlordship... Half the Thais here have no mortgage and a car worth 10,000 gbp+, plenty of food to eat and education to high school and often tertiary. They can take care of themselves, and do... very well IMO. I do wish it were a bit more like southern Europe here sometimes, but that has it's drawback$ too...

I must admit I haven't explore the N.E or the South of Thailand... I've heard it's rough, but they do have a choice to move to somewhere better.

Edited by whiterussian
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They say that we are in a third world country here !

1.Two weeks ago I went to hospital to make appointment to see throat specialist. They said,'He is here now if you want". 15 minutes later, I was watching my throat etc., in color, on a screen, attached to the latest state of the art camera ! Cost, just over 20GBP !

2. Last week, we bought an new curved,smart TV. I asked ,"when can you deliver ? " They replied, What time do you get home sir ? "!!...

3. On Monday, we bought new Air Con for our home office. I asked about instalation. They said, "its free sir, when do you want it ? Tomorrow ?"

4. Yesterday, I went to buy an unusual spare part for swimming pool light. They said, "sorry, we don't have, but can get for tommorow ! I just collected it !

Third World eh ? Try those things in UK !!!

Military junta in charge; number two in the world for road deaths; continual water and power cuts; mega corruption etc. If that isn't third world then I don't know what is.

mega corruption etc. Yes, but make it work for you, plenty of Farangs certainly do.

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Of course things cost more in America or Europe than in Thailand but my point is that the majority of Thai people are still poor. Some can get cars on credit and little down. Some have land passed down through generations but mostly they are low income and struggling. The economy is bad; Western tourism has fallen off and daughters and sons head for the entertainment industry or laborers. This is all the signs of a 3rd World Country. In addition, the level of corruption is still high and the military controls all government posts. Countries like Angola, Zimbabwe, Cambodia and Laos are considered 4th World countries. Places like Korea and Singapore have vaulted into the First World or are close to it. this designation was based upon levels of average income.

As one of the posters indicated- this is not a knock against Thailand. It is reality. What is interesting is that America, UK and other European countries are seeing more pockets of their population drift into 3rd World Status. A perfect example is the free health clinic held every year at the Los Angeles Forum where tens of thousands of Americans who cannot afford health insurance come for free treatment. Health care should be a right worldwide.

The problem in the World in general is that way too much wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few -1 % of the population controls the wealth and is not willing to share it- keeping untold millions in poverty. Until that changes the World will continue to spin in an uncontrollable decline. the current economic situation is not sustainable whether you live in Thailand, America or Europe. If you have money- you don't feel it but if you are poor- you resent it each day. I would suggest the chances of you getting poorer are much greater than getting richer.

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We live here 6 months out of the year and this has been since 2001. Love the country and most of the people we've met. Got nearly everything here as back in the States. My only complaint is their driving habits, but I think that can be corrected by a pro-active police force. Nearly every country in the world has its neglected areas, I for one say this Thailand is not third world by a long shot.

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So in your mind if someone made a statement 200 years ago, which was true then, it must be still true today ? Have you ever travelled to places like Angola, Zambia or Uganda etc. ? If you have you will know the true meaning of third world. Under your definition South Korea and Singapore are also 3rd world countries, because them the definition was coined they where 3rd world countries. ....quote from southernstar

Since S. Korea (not sure Spore) was militaily and politicaly ALIGNED with the U.S. they were not claasified as 3thrdwrld. If you insist on using the vague "pop" definition as a backward shithole nation, then go right ahead. This has gotten boring, ....study history people.

I enjoy history but that is all it is. It is not today. Using your criteria the army would have swords and shields. Also spears

Because that is what they used in history.

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Of course things cost more in America or Europe than in Thailand but my point is that the majority of Thai people are still poor. Some can get cars on credit and little down. Some have land passed down through generations but mostly they are low income and struggling. The economy is bad; Western tourism has fallen off and daughters and sons head for the entertainment industry or laborers. This is all the signs of a 3rd World Country. In addition, the level of corruption is still high and the military controls all government posts. Countries like Angola, Zimbabwe, Cambodia and Laos are considered 4th World countries. Places like Korea and Singapore have vaulted into the First World or are close to it. this designation was based upon levels of average income.

As one of the posters indicated- this is not a knock against Thailand. It is reality. What is interesting is that America, UK and other European countries are seeing more pockets of their population drift into 3rd World Status. A perfect example is the free health clinic held every year at the Los Angeles Forum where tens of thousands of Americans who cannot afford health insurance come for free treatment. Health care should be a right worldwide.

The problem in the World in general is that way too much wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few -1 % of the population controls the wealth and is not willing to share it- keeping untold millions in poverty. Until that changes the World will continue to spin in an uncontrollable decline. the current economic situation is not sustainable whether you live in Thailand, America or Europe. If you have money- you don't feel it but if you are poor- you resent it each day. I would suggest the chances of you getting poorer are much greater than getting richer.

You have been away from the states to long. There are many people struggling to live there now. Medical has always been free but you best get in line behind the millions and millions who are paying for it or have insurance. Those cars you talk about are turning into the homes of many of the Americans.

People with jobs are depending on food banks to get enough to eat. Tent cities are springing up. It is not the America you left when you came here.

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Debating the meaning of 'Third World' is pointless as the meanings of words are arbitrary and they evolve over time.

In any case, people discuss the matter as though it were 'All or Nothing'. The reality of course is that most countries of any size - yes, even the wunnerful USofA - have 1st, 2nd and 3rd-world characteristics in different parts both geographically and socially (laterally & vertically). The former Soviet Union was a classic case, as is China ... if you travel west in China, the further you go, the further back in time you go. When I was there in 2010 I saw in Xinjiang province men riding on white donkeys (a kind of Biblical scene) and women hoeing the fields by hand. But then, in the middle of nowhere, there would be a 20- or 25-storey accommodation building.

My limited experience of Putin's Russia suggests that '3rd World' would be a pretty good description of most places outside of Moscow & Petersburg. In Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) I have seen the 'best' accommodation block in town - a horrid old brick building constructed by German POWs in the late 1940s! Try staying in a good hotel in Petersburg & you'll find it was built or remodeled by Germans over the last 20 years. But the maintenance is in Russian hands, which is very like maintenance in Thailand ... a piece of string & a sledgehammer.

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You talk about pool parts, curved TVs and vendors finding products for you. Are you aware that this country has not provided water and electricity to every citizen. There are provinces that have begged the Government for assistance for years and still do not have electricity...

Which of Thailands 76 (77 including special admin zone) provinces has no electricity..

Or just exaggerating ??

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I dont know about the economics,etc that you guys talk about,i'm not that clever.But do know that blatant corruption,bribes,Constant shootings over jealousy and loss of 'face'Non freedom of speech,suppression of the media,the deaths on the roads,the amount of people that commit 'suicide' here,the suppression of the results of court cases here,the sexual assaults on women that are dismissed out of hand,the violence of taxi drivers on all and sundry,the stupid fines handed out for felonies.The military unelected government, the theft of millions owed to the working farmers,the amount of coup's over the years,double pricing for foreigners,the constant crimes and embezzlement that is carried out and never bought to justice by the 'elite',the amount of underage brothels that are never investigated,the 'one rule for some and not others' the human trafficking of young women and the complete denial of it.The proposals that never materialize,the control and refusal to educate the populace.There are a hundred more reasons why to me,and i mean to me,that this is still a 3rd world country.


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Yesterday I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital for a cracked tooth.i didn't have an appointment so had to wait about half an hour. Dentist saw me, sent me to someone else for an X-ray, came back to the original dentist, then a specialist and an orthodontist came and looked at it and thoroughly explained the options and costs. They also took my blood pressure.

X-ray $20 and another $20 for the labour of four professionals.

I like these third world hospitals, they are so much better than the ones in the first world, better service and much cheaper and the nurses are much cuter and more gentle than the beefy ones back in the first world.

Thailand has huge foreign reserves, negative unemployment, higher growth than most or all first world countries, good transport, etc etc

I wonder why anyone who thinks that Thailand is third world, then why would they want to move here? To complain?

Maybe they think it makes them sound exotic making out they are living in a third world jungle.

I like my first class lifestyle here.

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I believe the poster has misinterpreted my post. America is certainty not the same country 30 years ago. Nor is Thailand. In both countries years and years ago- even those on the lower end of the economic spectrum could survive better than they can today. In Thailand the family still assists each other when someone is in trouble or can't find work or find food. In addition, the temples will feed and house people if asked. In America, millions and millions are struggling like never before. The Obama healthcare program is a sham program forcing people to buy insurance they cant afford and then penalizing them using the tax system. In this respect Thailand at least has the 30 Baht program- it is not the best but it provides healthcare to the poor. Healthcare is a right- however in America hospitals, insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies make huge profits off the backs of the ill and dying. Most countries in Europe have National Heath care backed by the government- a much better system than America or Thailand has.

In America- due to the greed of the 1% and the banks and the overall business community which believes that materialistic capitalism is the way to get rich, there are more and more pockets of the 3rd World that can be found. There is a similar trend in the UK where huge industrial cities are now shadows of themselves as the industrial base has shifted offshore. The number of people in the UK below the poverty line is staggering.

For those who think Thailand is not in the Third World- I am afraid you are mistaken. You don't see what many of us long stayers see or understand by being integrated into the Thai community. The mere fact that a Soi Cowboy; Nana Plaza; Pattaya; Bang chang; and huge brothels on the Southern Border exist is an example of this . Who do you think staffs these places. I assure you not the wealthy. The wealthy are getting richer off the backs (pun intended) of the poor in Thailand. Do you really think the Thai people love servicing punters from around the World? Why do you think there is a Red Shirt movement in Thailand? Why do you think a Donald Trump in America can have a shot at being President. Or that Nigel Farage is so popular in the UK. Or Mrs Le Penn in France. Or Thaksin in Thailand. The answer is simple- people are getting poorer. more angry and the current status quo cannot be sustained.

Edited by Thaidream
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Yeah probably this is the way to measure if a country is "Third World":

1. Corruption.

2. Human trafficking.

3. Rampant sex industry.

4. Gender inequality.

5. "Banana Republic" Government.

6. Torture by Police.

7. etc...

Believe there is a country matching those point pretty well.......namely USA, point 5 will be fulfilled by Donald Duckcheesy.gif

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