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Third World


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'Third world' is such a ridiculously outdated term that debating its meaning is pointless.

If you really want to describe countries in this sort of way, you could use terms like 'developed country' and 'developing country' - although even those are rather obsolete now.

In modern parlance, Thailand is a Periphery country.


SoiBiker, I would tend to agree with you except when it comes to Thai Politics, which I am sure you will agree had a great deal of developing to do...........but hang on, I've just been listening to the news on the shenanigans going on in the USA about politics. Maybe they are also a developing Country toowhistling.gif

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I like these third world hospitals, they are so much better than the ones in the first world, better service and much cheaper

But when you take local average wages into account.. I wonder if they still are ?? Otherwise your back to the Neo Colonial big white Bwana syndrome.

Personally healthcare is free / socialized where I come from so hard to calculate.

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Regarding deliveries- yes- Thailand is great, but that only can happen when a large portion of your population is underemployed. Why do you think Thailand's unemployment rate is low. there are millions of jobs where people are making the minimum wage- 300 Baht per day- so of course a business can afford to get things to us quick. However, try getting that same business to provide the same result on faulty products or backing the guarantee you are supposed to have. In the US- companies provide poor service because they refuse to hire enough people to provide that service as they do not want to spend the money providing a proper staff with a proper wage. It is the same situation in both countries- the wealthy control everything- the rest are their minions.

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We live here 6 months out of the year and this has been since 2001. Love the country and most of the people we've met. Got nearly everything here as back in the States. My only complaint is their driving habits, but I think that can be corrected by a pro-active police force. Nearly every country in the world has its neglected areas, I for one say this Thailand is not third world by a long shot.

Thailand may not look third world, but she has a third world mentality.

Without foreign investment prettying up the place, Thailand would be no better off than her third world neighbors.

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Regarding deliveries- yes- Thailand is great, but that only can happen when a large portion of your population is underemployed. Why do you think Thailand's unemployment rate is low. there are millions of jobs where people are making the minimum wage- 300 Baht per day- so of course a business can afford to get things to us quick. However, try getting that same business to provide the same result on faulty products or backing the guarantee you are supposed to have. In the US- companies provide poor service because they refuse to hire enough people to provide that service as they do not want to spend the money providing a proper staff with a proper wage. It is the same situation in both countries- the wealthy control everything- the rest are their minions.

Deliveries and easy bill payments at 7-11 and the ATM. Best anywhere.

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It's true that the term "third world" is now outdated from its original definition but it still leaves an image for many people of countries without some sort of stable government, little infrastructure, few reliable national utilities, a starving population, fantastic rates of unemployment, imports hopelessly greater than exports, a lack of basic products and services, currencies out of control and prospects for improvement in any of these matters (that I imagine was in the spirit of the OP) unlikely in their foreseeable future.

This is NOT the situation in Thailand and under the circumstances outlined above I declare Thailand is not Third World as are many Countries in Africa, for example, that are constantly needing foreign aid to survive.

Edited by ChrisKC
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You talk about pool parts, curved TVs and vendors finding products for you. Are you aware that this country has not provided water and electricity to every citizen. There are provinces that have begged the Government for assistance for years and still do not have electricity...

Which of Thailands 76 (77 including special admin zone) provinces has no electricity..

Or just exaggerating ??

Exaggerating. there is still areas where it is lacking. Remember when Dingluck Yingluck was going to give a tablet to every student in Thailand. There was 2,000 schools with out electricity. I am sure there are still schools with out it.

I like these third world hospitals, they are so much better than the ones in the first world, better service and much cheaper

But when you take local average wages into account.. I wonder if they still are ?? Otherwise your back to the Neo Colonial big white Bwana syndrome.

Personally healthcare is free / socialized where I come from so hard to calculate.

It is socialized in many countries. Two that spring to mind are Canada and England. Just get in line and try not to die before they have time for you.

Not sure about the Nordic countries. I think they are more organized. Or faster.

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"Third World eh ? Try those things in UK !!!"

Try buying a wife in the UK ........

Here I purchased my wife from her mum for 100,000bht.

In the next year I was offered two more, one was 18 (both parents came round, middle class), one was 15 (her dad brought her round, farmer).

A disgraceful state of affairs.

Buying and selling their daughters makes any country third world IMHO.

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See the Reality...........................................

Thailand is:

3th World with its Military government

3th World; Economy goes downhill

1st World for Residents and Thais with enough money

1st World in Public Transportation

3th World for thais with little Money

3th World in environmental awareness:

3th World inTraffic behavior

..............over all 3th World........................

Only for those who can afford it, Thailand's first world..

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The metrics you elude to are not a comprehensive method of classification.

Sure, some aspects of LoS are quite modern, but there are many that are very backward or outdated, inefficient, or simply missing.

Depends on which specifics aspects you choose to look at.

For example, from my first hand experience, I can promise you there are some world class production facilities, some even outperform there Western based sister plants.

I think we can all list examples of "3rd world" aspects, right.

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Thailand is not 3rd world. It is a middle income nation or 2nd world nation (though that is a bit of a shoddy way to classify countries anyway). Only people with little comprehension of economics would classify Thailand as 3rd world. If you want to see 3rd world visit the provinces of Cambodia. You won't find free air-con fitting (or any air-con), rapid TV delivery, etc. there.

Economics? no , it is a political clasification, as in first world being aligned with the west, second world was (is) the commies, and third world was NON ALIGNED developing countries...such as Thailand.

No, it's not. At least it's not any more. This would reduce Singapore to a third world nation; something touching on the ridiculous.

so what ? if not a member of a military alliance, then the third world.

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It's true that the term "third world" is now outdated from its original definition but it still leaves an image for many people of countries without some sort of stable government, little infrastructure, few reliable national utilities, a starving population, fantastic rates of unemployment, imports hopelessly greater than exports, a lack of basic products and services, currencies out of control and prospects for improvement in any of these matters (that I imagine was in the spirit of the OP) unlikely in their foreseeable future.

This is NOT the situation in Thailand and under the circumstances outlined above I declare Thailand is not Third World as are many Countries in Africa, for example, that are constantly needing foreign aid to survive.

Who tell you this is?

So what is second and first world?


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See the Reality...........................................

Thailand is:

3th World with its Military government

3th World; Economy goes downhill

1st World for Residents and Thais with enough money

1st World in Public Transportation

3th World for thais with little Money

3th World in environmental awareness:

3th World inTraffic behavior

..............over all 3th World........................

Only for those who can afford it, Thailand's first world..

what is second world?

Ha hA

military government?

First and second world its be TWO military-political alliance..


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Of course things cost more in America or Europe than in Thailand but my point is that the majority of Thai people are still poor. Some can get cars on credit and little down. Some have land passed down through generations but mostly they are low income and struggling. The economy is bad; Western tourism has fallen off and daughters and sons head for the entertainment industry or laborers. This is all the signs of a 3rd World Country. In addition, the level of corruption is still high and the military controls all government posts. Countries like Angola, Zimbabwe, Cambodia and Laos are considered 4th World countries. Places like Korea and Singapore have vaulted into the First World or are close to it. this designation was based upon levels of average income.

As one of the posters indicated- this is not a knock against Thailand. It is reality. What is interesting is that America, UK and other European countries are seeing more pockets of their population drift into 3rd World Status. A perfect example is the free health clinic held every year at the Los Angeles Forum where tens of thousands of Americans who cannot afford health insurance come for free treatment. Health care should be a right worldwide.

The problem in the World in general is that way too much wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few -1 % of the population controls the wealth and is not willing to share it- keeping untold millions in poverty. Until that changes the World will continue to spin in an uncontrollable decline. the current economic situation is not sustainable whether you live in Thailand, America or Europe. If you have money- you don't feel it but if you are poor- you resent it each day. I would suggest the chances of you getting poorer are much greater than getting richer.

The economy is bad; ..... This is all the signs of a 3rd World Country..

All Europe and Us now 3rd World Countrycheesy.gif

its you provide new specification?clap2.gif

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I like my first class lifestyle here.

You must be a very rich man.thumbsup.gif

why you do not like in other countries, where "irst class lifestyle" cheaper?blink.png

He say's he likes it here. Why should he go any where else?

I do not say his go to another place.

I just ask WHY like it here If "first class life" here be more hight cost than in another place, and not full as in another place.

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Thailand is not 3rd world. It is a middle income nation or 2nd world nation (though that is a bit of a shoddy way to classify countries anyway). Only people with little comprehension of economics would classify Thailand as 3rd world. If you want to see 3rd world visit the provinces of Cambodia. You won't find free air-con fitting (or any air-con), rapid TV delivery, etc. there.

when over half the appointed . half the elected , and half the popo are on the take , well that is a 3rd or 4th world place .

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I like my first class lifestyle here.

You must be a very rich man.thumbsup.gif

why you do not like in other countries, where "irst class lifestyle" cheaper?blink.png

He say's he likes it here. Why should he go any where else?

I do not say his go to another place.

I just ask WHY like it here If "first class life" here be more hight cost than in another place, and not full as in another place.

Maybe he doesn't care about the money as much as you do.

If money is your driving factor why don't you go live some place where it cost less

to live in any style you choose even poverty?beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifviolin.gif

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Thailand is not 3rd world. It is a middle income nation or 2nd world nation (though that is a bit of a shoddy way to classify countries anyway). Only people with little comprehension of economics would classify Thailand as 3rd world. If you want to see 3rd world visit the provinces of Cambodia. You won't find free air-con fitting (or any air-con), rapid TV delivery, etc. there.

when over half the appointed . half the elected , and half the popo are on the take , well that is a 3rd or 4th world place .

Source please and Thai Visa doesn't count.

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You farang are not thinking you're really upper class do you, what the OP is experiencing is called service mind

one of the hall marks of the "3rdwrld" is good service for the upper class... those with big screens pools etc. bwana

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