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Thai Woman Charged With Murdering American Ex-boyfriend

sriracha john

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Just stumbled across this site, and this story and am quite surprised! Janjira (Eddie/Eri) Smith used to be married to my brother! It was through this marriage that she arrived in America...They met in Japan where she worked cleaning an embassy, don't remember which, and he studied.

A few points that I think may be worth addressing here....

First off, Janjira has three children by two marriages, and all are wonderful! Great character in all three, especially the two daughters. Her son is great, but had a troubled adolescence. I feel for them all, they do love their mom!

She was a FABULOUS cook! She knew her food well, and in Japan always had the freshest imported Thai ingredients.

When she was younger she was truly a looker. Beautiful in her teens/twenties/thirties.... Going into her forties her stress started to show on her face...she was one of the most astute business people I ever met, and very dedicated to making money. Too much so. After growing up in true poverty she and her siblings all did rather well for themselves in Thailand, determined not to raise their children poor. She is the only one who left Thailand, moving to Japan first. There she did whatever jobs she could in order to get ahead but had far too much pride to prostitute herself. That is not to say she never did anything shady, but a prostitute she was not.

She was always a bit extreme, and her relationship with my brothers and I was always rocky. In fact, we all feel lucky she never hated us as much as the poor fellow she allegedly poisoned!

To be frank, I can't say I'm too surprised she ended up doing something like this, but I am surprised she allowed herself to be caught! She was an international traveller for years, and knew about Interpol...I think greed caught up with her, as she was probably going on a business trip when she got caught....

Always strange to find something like this on the internet....

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Just because she allegedly topped her former boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean she's a bad person.

That's the point of Thai women. You never really know what you're going to get and when. Makes domesticity that much more exciting and worlds apart from the tedium of Western suburbs most farang chaps are trying to flee.

Vive le difference.

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Just because she allegedly topped her former boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean she's a bad person.

That's the point of Thai women. You never really know what you're going to get and when. Makes domesticity that much more exciting and worlds apart from the tedium of Western suburbs most farang chaps are trying to flee.

Vive le difference.

Quite right.

Murderers are not all bad and it does make life more exciting knowing that my Thai wife could kill me at any time.

Preferably she will do it when we are on the job, at least I`ll go with a smile on my face.

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Just because she allegedly topped her former boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean she's a bad person.[/b]

That's the point of Thai women. You never really know what you're going to get and when. Makes domesticity that much more exciting and worlds apart from the tedium of Western suburbs most farang chaps are trying to flee.

Vive le difference.

And allegedly poisoned his date too. Not necessarily a bad person? You're kidding, right?

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Just stumbled across this site, and this story and am quite surprised! Janjira (Eddie/Eri) Smith used to be married to my brother! It was through this marriage that she arrived in America...They met in Japan where she worked cleaning an embassy, don't remember which, and he studied.

A few points that I think may be worth addressing here....

First off, Janjira has three children by two marriages, and all are wonderful! Great character in all three, especially the two daughters. Her son is great, but had a troubled adolescence. I feel for them all, they do love their mom!

She was a FABULOUS cook! She knew her food well, and in Japan always had the freshest imported Thai ingredients.

When she was younger she was truly a looker. Beautiful in her teens/twenties/thirties.... Going into her forties her stress started to show on her face...she was one of the most astute business people I ever met, and very dedicated to making money. Too much so. After growing up in true poverty she and her siblings all did rather well for themselves in Thailand, determined not to raise their children poor. She is the only one who left Thailand, moving to Japan first. There she did whatever jobs she could in order to get ahead but had far too much pride to prostitute herself. That is not to say she never did anything shady, but a prostitute she was not.

She was always a bit extreme, and her relationship with my brothers and I was always rocky. In fact, we all feel lucky she never hated us as much as the poor fellow she allegedly poisoned!

To be frank, I can't say I'm too surprised she ended up doing something like this, but I am surprised she allowed herself to be caught! She was an international traveller for years, and knew about Interpol...I think greed caught up with her, as she was probably going on a business trip when she got caught....

Always strange to find something like this on the internet....

Thanks for the background. Very interesting.

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  • 2 years later...

Jilted woman who allegedly killed her boyfriend by poisoning his drink extradited to U.S. to face murder trial

A woman who allegedly poisoned her boyfriend after he jilted her for another woman has been extradited from Britain to the U.S. to face a murder trial. Jankira Smith was escorted by U.S. Marshalls on the transatlantic flight from London to Kirkland in Washington state after losing a two-year fight against extradition.

The 51-year-old is accused of killing her ex-boyfriend Roger Lewis five years ago by giving him a drink laced with deadly insecticide. Prosecutors said she was upset when the 56-year-old told her their relationship was over after he met another woman he wanted to marry. Smith is accused of giving Lewis a bottle of Jägermeister laced with pesticide. He was found dead at his home in Redmond, Washington, in October 2006.

Thanyarat 'Nina' Sengpharaghanh, 42, the woman he planned to marry, also drank some of the poisoned liquid. She told police she lost her sight temporarily and was found disorientated at Lewis's home. She later made a full recovery. Smith fled to her native Thailand before she could be arrested. Her details were posted on the Interpol website and she was arrested as she attempted to enter the UK in December 2008.

Smith has been charged with first degree murder and is being held in King County jail. She is due to make a first court appearance on Monday.

Read more:


Daily Mail - June 20, 2011

Edited by Buchholz
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Well that Teague fellow is spent. I hope he doesn't look too pretty in an orange jumpsuit. Or maybe I hope that's waht he gets.

As for that Janjira b*tch, I hope she is thrown into the dungeons of hel_l. I can't find a picture of her. It would be interesting to see one posted.

Do they have the death penalty in that state?

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Well that Teague fellow is spent. I hope he doesn't look too pretty in an orange jumpsuit. Or maybe I hope that's waht he gets.

As for that Janjira b*tch, I hope she is thrown into the dungeons of hel_l. I can't find a picture of her. It would be interesting to see one posted.

Do they have the death penalty in that state?

Yes. Washington state currently has 8 inmates on Death Row. All of them for murder.


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Question for our British members

I was under the impression that EU Member states would not extradite to any country that had the death penalty ?

Please advise

Incorrect. They will not extradite a person who may face the death penalty. There are ways to get binding diplomatic assurances that the death penalty will not be applied.

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Question for our British members

I was under the impression that EU Member states would not extradite to any country that had the death penalty ?

Please advise

Incorrect. They will not extradite a person who may face the death penalty. There are ways to get binding diplomatic assurances that the death penalty will not be applied.

Washington state does actually follow through with their death penalty sentences. A murderer was put down last September by lethal injection. I've not seen anything on this case yet that the death penalty would not be pursued. I'm not saying they haven't, just haven't seen it.

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Well that Teague fellow is spent. I hope he doesn't look too pretty in an orange jumpsuit. Or maybe I hope that's waht he gets.

As for that Janjira b*tch, I hope she is thrown into the dungeons of hel_l. I can't find a picture of her. It would be interesting to see one posted.

Do they have the death penalty in that state?

Yes. Washington state currently has 8 inmates on Death Row. All of them for murder.


Well Karma might just arrive at her feet. Guess she won't be seeing her village again.

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Lag time in 2006 poisoning case shocks ex-wife

The former wife of a Redmond man who died after drinking a shot of poisoned liqueur in 2006 was "flabbergasted" at how long it's taken to see the alleged killer face justice. Janjira Jeffrey Smith, 56, who is accused of killing Roger M. Lewis after he spurned her for a younger woman, was extradited last week from England to Washington. The extradition came about 2 and a half years after she was arrested in London. Smith, who is charged with first-degree murder, is being held in lieu of $5 million bail in the King County Jail.

"I was shocked at how long it took," said Lewis' former wife, Darlene Johnson, of Redmond. "The [u.S.] Marshals told me she went through all five courts in England trying to keep from being extradited, but they were there to arrest her after she went through the last one."

According to charging documents filed in King County Superior Court, Smith returned to Thailand after being questioned in connection with Lewis' death five years ago. She was being hunted by the U.S. Marshals Service when she was arrested at a London airport in 2008.



Seattle Times - June 20, 2011

Edited by Buchholz
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  • 1 month later...

Former Redmond Woman Pleads Not Guilty

A 56-year-old former Redmond woman accused in the poisoning death of a Kirkland man in 2006 pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges of first-degree murder and first-degree assault. Janjira Smith made the plea in King County Superior Court in Seattle before Judge Ronald Kessler.

Smith remains in the King County Jail, with bail set at $5 million. She is scheduled for a case-setting hearing in the King County Courthouse on Sept. 7, during which a trial date could be set, said Dan Donohoe, spokesman for the King County Prosecutors Office.



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THis is interesting. My ex-wife's sister, who used to accompany my son as a nanny on his monthly 10 day visit to my home, put Methomyl into the water compartment of my coffee machine on the day she left to go back to BKK.

Next day I drank half a cup, but it didn't taste too good, and almost immediately I got severe stomach cramps. I rushed to the bathroom but by the time I got there I ddin't have the strength to vomit. I sat on the toilet and realised that my heart was fibrillating and I had lost the ability to move my arms and legs. I could only breathe in quick short breaths. I used the last of my strength to call for my wife who took one look at me and called my neighbour.

They got me onto the bed where I lay staring at the ceiling feeling totally confused. I couldn't work out what was happening to me. I thought I was having a heart attack but there was no pain. I was surrounded by my wife, maid, gardener and neighbours who were all trying to massage my limbs. I wasn't aware of it but apparently my neighbour was trying to get an ambulance but no one knew a number. Eventually one was found and called.

As I lay on the bed I realised that I was dying. My breathing suddenly seemed calmer and my field of vision started to narrow down in a kind of circle that gradually went to a pinpoint. I knew I should be fighting it but the feeling of being alive was so horrible I just said to myself Oh well here we go. I shut my eyes and went. All was peaceful and I felt like I was going into a deep sleep. No pain. Until my my wife started slapping my face and screaming for me to wake up. I remember saying OK I'm coming back, I'm coming back.

At this point my neighbour suggested that they put me in the back of his pickup and take me to hospital himself. It is about 15kms and I don't really remember anything about the drive. It seemed to take about 3 mins. On arrival the doctor looked into my eyes and before I knew it he was asking me to swallow a tube inserted in my nose. Not long after I defecated all over the floor and almost immediately started to feel a bit better.

They then transferred me to the top hospital in the area for further observation and by 5pm I felt well enough to discharge myself as I had to meet my guests for a cocktail.

It took another 3 weeks for my stomach to feel OK again but I have no further long term efffects.

After a suitable payment the police decided to investigate but I had to go to BKK myself for the forensic tests. They interviewed the Nanny who denied all knowledge and so they let her go and closed the case.

So there you are. Methomyl is extremely effective and is not easy to detect in a drink.

Does anyone know where the best garden security equipment can be found in Thailand. I need motion sensor lights and alarms. I am sure she will try again and probably with the more traditional method so I want to be notified of their arrival so I can at least shoot back!!

So, what's the nanny's beef? Any clues?

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Just curious why her photos were banned and by who? Have not seen before.

If this is considered a question about moderation never mind.

They left with the forum member who was hosting them....

Isn't sriracha john still around in some form or another?

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  • 1 month later...

Kirkland poisoning murder case faces 'overwhelmingly complex' complications, defense says

Kirkland Reporter - Aug 29 2011

A murder case involving a 2006 poisoning death in Kirkland is generating massive amounts of paperwork and other complications as it moves through the court process.The death was of Roger Mitchell Lewis, 56, who was found dead in a Kirkland apartment in the 500 block of Sixth Avenue in October 2006. An investigation led to first-degree murder charges being filed against Redmond resident Janjira Jeffrey Smith, then 51, and the discovery of what the charges describe as a mystery involving a poisoned liqueur and a five-year investigation ranging through several countries before she was extradited from England over the summer.

Now Smith has a scheduling hearing Sept. 7 in King County Superior Court and also has waived her right to a speedy trial, which normally would have called for her to face her accusers by December. Instead, her attorney, Gary Davis, of the Seattle-based Associated Counsel for the Accused, has asked for extra help in handling the case and has argued that the matter has become nearly overwhelmingly complex. Davis did not respond to a request for comment, and his attempt to have a second defense attorney appointed by the court later was denied.

But in his request for help, Davis told how the death and subsequent search for Smith has come to involve thousands of documents, hundreds of contacts by investigators and possibly 24 non-law-enforcement witnesses, some of whom speak only the Thai language. At the time, according to charging documents, Smith and Lewis had been dating. Smith, who originally was from Thailand, learned that Lewis was planning on meeting another woman, Thanyarat O. Sengpharaghanh, who was known as "Nina." Lewis then had returned from a trip to the Philippines and told Smith that he would be marrying a woman he met during the trip.

"Smith reportedly did not receive this news well," a court affidavit continues.



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