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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away.

It's called blackmail and putting a barbarian at the gate with a mace in one hand and a sack for money in the other hand is not a policy.

US has allies not tributary states. Allies share common interests for their mutual benefit.

Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

Life is too short to listen to bad music people smile.png

Trump and the fanboyz need violence.

They relish in it. Lookit how they exploit it.

Destroy the established order and system by any means so Trump and his promoters can fill the vacuum to set up their own strongman regime. It will be only state violence then. Supported of course by the right wing civilian militias.


You forgot the political reducation camps too. smile.png

They'll be called the Make America Great Again Revival Corps set in the great outdoors away from those awful urban centers where Democrats and the libtards live -- used to live until they got relocated to the Corps Camps.

Trump will also make the trains that take us there to run on time.

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Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

Clinton would start more wars thus get increased migrants into America.

Sanders would turn America into Greece and finally Venezuela...facepalm.gif

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I can understand that people don't like hrc, neighter do I, but I can not understand that people are so full off hate, that they only vote for whatever there party can bring forward.

These people don't vote for a better America, they only vote for there party.

We all understand why many people dont like HRC, but some people dont undersdtand why more people like Trump.

They/we like Trump for many reasons - some because he is the GOP Nominee, but most becasue of his 'policies' - he says it as it sees it and they/we agree (mostly).

They/we are NOT full of hate - that is the biased looney left Liberals. EG: Trump said he will deport illegals - the media says he is going to take away their human rights and that he hates them.

If you listen to both sides of the argument - then maybe you will alos understand why so many Americans like what Trump is saying.

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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

Life is too short to listen to bad music people smile.png

I see the photo differently than you seem to. I see the man in the middle with the white t-shirt as the liberal trying to walk through the crowd. Not sure about the fat woman on the left. But all the men on the right appear to be Trump supporters (all wearing Trump red hats) who are looking for trouble. So, BB24, it sounds like you would be like the liberal who is trying to walk onward - to bypass the threatening crowd.

A post earlier mentioned something Trump said (typically vague and grandstanding) about beefing up the military. Even if he said something specific, he can't be trusted. He's Flip Flop city. That's a big reason why so many are turned off to him. Plus, when he does act, it's likely it will be from a tantrum. I had a mom like that. Her most adamant stances on issues were when she was red-faced, impulsive, hormone-riven, vengeful, .......a whole lot like Trump.

I assume most Americans want a cool head presiding over their country. Someone like Obama who doesn't erupt in anger and vindictiveness. If Obama could run for a 3rd term, there's nobody who could beat him, not by a country mile. Even if he got Michelle to run, she would blow any other candidate away. Have you seen any speeches by Michelle Obama? She's awesome. Men who don't like strong smart women would be running to hide, trembling behind couches. A Sanders/Michelle Obama ticket, ....now that would be cool.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Trump suggests U.S. should bomb Libya

"Claiming that ISIS controls oil fields in Libya, the presumptive Republican nominee questioned during a rally here why the United States isn't "bombing the hell out of" ISIS in Libya.

Despite Trump's claim, ISIS does not control oil fields in Libya, though supply lines have been disrupted by ISIS assaults in the North African country."
"Trump raised the possibility of another U.S. military intervention just as he slammed former secretary of state Hillary Clinton,
the likely Democratic nominee, for arguing in favor of the 2011 NATO bombing campaign that ousted Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi."
"We should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives,"
Trump said in February 2011, a month before NATO launched its military intervention."

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licking, Bloviator once again displays his ignorant, wildman, loose cannon tendencies.

And his devotion to his new Establishment Masters: Big Oil.

Whatta loon...

Dunning Kruger

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It would seem to me the Dems need to stop the Bernie machine before shooting all their bullets trying to stop the Trump machine.

She still hasn't gotten a concession out of all four of her primary opponents.

You folks still have that wild eyed socialist in the running...along with all his ever so peaceful protesters.

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Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

Clinton would start more wars thus get increased migrants into America.

Sanders would turn America into Greece and finally Venezuela...facepalm.gif

Venezuela is going down on President Obama's watch in contrast to GW Bush who'd tried a coup that fell apart to make the late Hugo Chavez more popular than ever.

The Obama approach is a radically different one based in the sharp decline in oil prices that has swept away the Brics and all of their fellow travellers such as Venezuela, to include reversing Argentina to a pro-US elected government. Which has in turn left Cuba isolated from the Latin American left in collapse and ready for the USA to return.

Youse guyz are missing a lot here. Everything in fact. Yesterday youse were blind and today you can't see.

HRC as Potus in 2002 would not have initiated any military action against Iraq. The US false flag invasion of Iraq was entirely a family thing between the Bush mafia family and the Saddam family and his Bathists. Youse guyz over there have been too immersed in the mass of highly financed rightwing media which sees the Clintons and Barack Obama as evil.

Here's more of the wrong speed...

“There’s one more thing that we must do to make America wealthy again, and you have to be wealthy in order to be great, I’m sorry to say.”

— Donald Trump, quoted by The Hill.

Which is why the rightwhinge are hanging on to their wallets. Trump has stated loudly and repeatedly he'll make America grate again [sic] by bankrupting it again and again until he gets it right and to his bizarre satisfaction.

Trump likes to play musical wallets and he's got the rightwingnuts standing in line for it.

Edited by Publicus
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Trump suggests U.S. should bomb Libya

"Claiming that ISIS controls oil fields in Libya, the presumptive Republican nominee questioned during a rally here why the United States isn't "bombing the hell out of" ISIS in Libya.

Despite Trump's claim, ISIS does not control oil fields in Libya, though supply lines have been disrupted by ISIS assaults in the North African country."
"Trump raised the possibility of another U.S. military intervention just as he slammed former secretary of state Hillary Clinton,
the likely Democratic nominee, for arguing in favor of the 2011 NATO bombing campaign that ousted Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi."
"We should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives,"
Trump said in February 2011, a month before NATO launched its military intervention."

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licking, Bloviator once again displays his ignorant, wildman, loose cannon tendencies.

And his devotion to his new Establishment Masters: Big Oil.

Whatta loon...

Dunning Kruger

I'm trying to think of a topic that Trump has not flip-flopped on, and I can't. Even his two prior marriages were flops. At least HRC is steadfast enough to stick with the man she exchanged vows with, 'through thick and thin'. A vow is a deal, isn't it Trump fans? Oh, almost forgot. The Trumpster is the best in the world at making deals, .....but not necessarily good at keeping deals. He can cajole tens of millions of $$'s of loans from banks, but that doesn't necessarily mean he will pay the money back.

Just as Trump can flip flop on issues and policies, he can flip flop on personal relationships. If elected prez, he could one day announce, on a whim, that he doesn't want to be president any more ("Listen folks, I decided this job just isn't for me. Don't worry, the VP will be president in my place, and he'll do a great job. Trust me folks. He'll do everything just like I would. We talked about it.").

Palin quit, why not Trump? They're love everything about each other. As long as they love each other, each one is flawless in the other's eyes.

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But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away.

It's called blackmail and putting a barbarian at the gate with a mace in one hand and a sack for money in the other hand is not a policy.

US has allies not tributary states. Allies share common interests for their mutual benefit.

Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

That is not blackmail.

Look at Korea, the US helps defend the country. Why should the US bear the cost?

Not even close to blackmail

Edited by Dagnabbit
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But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away.

It's called blackmail and putting a barbarian at the gate with a mace in one hand and a sack for money in the other hand is not a policy.

US has allies not tributary states. Allies share common interests for their mutual benefit.

Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

That is not blackmail.

Look at Korea, the US helps defend the country. Why should the US bear the cost?

Not even close to blackmail

Trump does not see US allies as our allies.

Trump sees US allies as tributary states that pay for our protection.

Yes, there needs to be a better balance among US and allies in footing the cost. The successful and intelligent approach to it is to treat our allies as, well, our allies. Any relationship of blackmailer-victim as Trump wants it is a guaranteed loser which will hurt and damage the US without question, to include our allies.

Russia and China are drooling over the thought of Trump as Potus while they continue to shat their pants when they see and hear Hillary Clinton. Youse guyz are missing a lot in all of this. In fact youse are missing the whole of it, kit and kaboodle. Which is just no surprise given youse guyz history of backing losers and attacking winners.

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It would seem to me the Dems need to stop the Bernie machine before shooting all their bullets trying to stop the Trump machine.

She still hasn't gotten a concession out of all four of her primary opponents.

You folks still have that wild eyed socialist in the running...along with all his ever so peaceful protesters.

Not to worry cause the Trump Machine was Made in China held together by a tangle of neckties.

Thank you anyway for your sincere concern for the Democratic party and its well being.

Or did I misread your post wink.png

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Well, the SJW's are still in denial we see:

WAR: Donald Trump Protests in Fresno, San Diego Get Violent



Too bad. Maybe after 8 years of President Trump these people will have come to their senses?

Naw...probably not. Haters gonna hate. whistling.gif

This is exactly how I handle the Liberal nutters on TV posting abuse about Trump - I ignore them and walk on.

I have added them to my ignore list - not saying anyone else should - but I see them the same as these people (ignorant abusers).

Sure makes it easier to read the posts too - the Trump detractors left are the rational normal ones I am happy to debate with.

Life is too short to listen to bad music people smile.png

I see the photo differently than you seem to. I see the man in the middle with the white t-shirt as the liberal trying to walk through the crowd. Not sure about the fat woman on the left. But all the men on the right appear to be Trump supporters (all wearing Trump red hats) who are looking for trouble. So, BB24, it sounds like you would be like the liberal who is trying to walk onward - to bypass the threatening crowd.

A post earlier mentioned something Trump said (typically vague and grandstanding) about beefing up the military. Even if he said something specific, he can't be trusted. He's Flip Flop city. That's a big reason why so many are turned off to him. Plus, when he does act, it's likely it will be from a tantrum. I had a mom like that. Her most adamant stances on issues were when she was red-faced, impulsive, hormone-riven, vengeful, .......a whole lot like Trump.

I assume most Americans want a cool head presiding over their country. Someone like Obama who doesn't erupt in anger and vindictiveness. If Obama could run for a 3rd term, there's nobody who could beat him, not by a country mile. Even if he got Michelle to run, she would blow any other candidate away. Have you seen any speeches by Michelle Obama? She's awesome. Men who don't like strong smart women would be running to hide, trembling behind couches. A Sanders/Michelle Obama ticket, ....now that would be cool.

1. "But all the men on the right appear to be Trump supporters (all wearing Trump red hats) who are looking for trouble."

​Don't give up your day job. Your private investigator skills aren't quite as finely honed as you would want.

I think Trump lost the anti-trust case. Others can now make and sell red hats.

The Arizona Cardinals. San Diego State Aztecs and the New Mexico State Lobo's to name a few.

Another little point about your PI skills...the fellow being molested is wearing a shirt with an American flag on it.

Bernie's supporters at these protests usually wear shirts glorifying drug dealers or the country of Mexico.

2. " Men who don't like strong smart women would be running to hide, trembling behind couches."

​With that statement it is obvious you and I run in different circles. My group would all have a big laugh and then tell her to get us some beers.

You seem to be getting farther from reality each day.

Permit me to give you some friendly advice...

Take a vacation from posting for two weeks, then give it up completely.

Edited by chuckd
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@Post 2770

"the VP will be president in my place, and he'll do a great job. Trust me folks. He'll do everything just like I would. We talked about it."

Interesting that you would say that Boom.

The Bloviator's mastermind behind his campaign, Paul Manafort states:

“There are two main challenges. One is to make the American people look at him and say, ‘He can fill the chair.’”

“Does he know enough? Yes, because he knows he has more to learn. And he is constantly doing that.”

"The vice presidential pick will also be part of the process of proving he’s ready for the White House, Manafort said.

He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO.”

He adds:

"The campaign probably won’t choose a woman or a member of a minority group, he said. “In fact, that would be viewed as pandering, I think.”


The Bloviator realizes that he doesn't have what it takes to be Commander in Chief. Or even Chief Operating Officer.

He sees himself as "Chairman of the Board" cheesy.gif

Board? What board? blink.png

The "board" that won't include a woman or a minority even if they are the best person for the job?

Because that would be viewed as "pandering"?

The Bloviator sure is surrounded by simpletons... facepalm.gif


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But it is a very relevent matter, as Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away. He is also on the record as saying he is going to deal with China - and this is exactly the area they have been exploiting while the Libs/Dems pussey foot about trying not to offend them (becausae they make cheap Iphones and Toasters). China (and Russia) are experts at state-sanctioned cyber warfare and industrial espionage (stealing secrets and IP) and using that to their own advantage against USA and others - all Chinese companies are owned and/or controllled by the Govt - and Russian companies pay the Govt for what they want/get.

Trump is clearly on the record stating that he will re-align the Military to look after USA's interests first, and looking after other another Country's interests will come with a price - or he will walk away.

It's called blackmail and putting a barbarian at the gate with a mace in one hand and a sack for money in the other hand is not a policy.

US has allies not tributary states. Allies share common interests for their mutual benefit.

Conversely, Trump and his promoters would make the US no better than China or Russia.

That is not blackmail.

Look at Korea, the US helps defend the country. Why should the US bear the cost?

Not even close to blackmail

Trump does not see US allies as our allies.

Trump sees US allies as tributary states that pay for our protection.

Yes, there needs to be a better balance among US and allies in footing the cost. The successful and intelligent approach to it is to treat our allies as, well, our allies. Any relationship of blackmailer-victim as Trump wants it is a guaranteed loser which will hurt and damage the US without question, to include our allies.

Russia and China are drooling over the thought of Trump as Potus while they continue to shat their pants when they see and hear Hillary Clinton. Youse guyz are missing a lot in all of this. In fact youse are missing the whole of it, kit and kaboodle. Which is just no surprise given youse guyz history of backing losers and attacking winners.

All supposition.

You cannot know what 'Trump sees'

Your whole post is fantasy

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


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I can understand that people don't like hrc, neighter do I, but I can not understand that people are so full off hate, that they only vote for whatever there party can bring forward.

These people don't vote for a better America, they only vote for there party.

We all understand why many people dont like HRC, but some people dont undersdtand why more people like Trump.

They/we like Trump for many reasons - some because he is the GOP Nominee, but most becasue of his 'policies' - he says it as it sees it and they/we agree (mostly).

They/we are NOT full of hate - that is the biased looney left Liberals. EG: Trump said he will deport illegals - the media says he is going to take away their human rights and that he hates them.

If you listen to both sides of the argument - then maybe you will alos understand why so many Americans like what Trump is saying.

Thank you for your reaction on my post.

But please tell me more about the part that "they/we" stand behind his policies?

I'm realy interested in the Trump policies.

As far that I know, by reading newspapers, watching his interviews, he has a lot of policies.

He keep comming back on his own words, not one time, but always!

So, this is somebody that you want to be potus?

If this was a soap, I would be laughing, however this is about the president of the USA!

If you want to vote for a clown as potus, than go ahead, but don't come back crying later!

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For those who can't "get it", there's always Canada.


Why always Canada and never Mexico?

Probably because it's usually "progressives" threatening to leave the country if an election doesn't go their way. They cite Canada because they like the fact that it's mostly caucasian.

next question....

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


Did she interview Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga to get all these earth shattering opinions?


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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


Did she interview Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga to get all these earth shattering opinions?


Yup, MTV is not your normal first choice of journalistic integrity, but given the PT Barnum character that is running for President, the analysis seems on point, dontcha think?

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


Did she interview Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga to get all these earth shattering opinions?


Yup, MTV is not your normal first choice of journalistic integrity, but given the PT Barnum character that is running for President, the analysis seems on point, dontcha think?

In fairness.....MTV might be as credible as the NY Times and WaPo these days

Edited by NovaBlue05
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The Bloviator, once again, Flip-Flops:

RNC official: A Trump-Sanders debate would be 'phenomenal'

"If a proposed debate between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were to take place, it would be “phenomenal,”

Republican National Committee chief strategist and communications director Sean Spicer said Thursday.

I think it would be a phenomenal debate if it happened,” Spicer told CNN.

"The Vermont senator and Republican presidential nominee, by The Associated Press’ official delegate count, apparently agreed in principle by early Thursday to debate.

Trump told late-night host Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday evening that he would be willing to debate Sanders if he agrees to allow proceeds from the event to go to charity."

“Game on,” Sanders tweeted minutes later. “I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.”


What a surprise, The Bloviator gets called out on it and chicken's out:

Donald Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders

"Donald Trump will not participate in a debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said Friday."

“There is a reason why in virtually every national and statewide poll I am defeating Donald Trump,

sometimes by very large margins and almost always by far larger margins than Secretary Clinton."

There is a reason for that reality and the American people should be able to see it up front in a good debate and a clash of ideas.” thumbsup.gif


No cojones. cheesy.gif

The Bloviator chokes:


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For those who can't "get it", there's always Canada.


Why always Canada and never Mexico?

Probably because it's usually "progressives" threatening to leave the country if an election doesn't go their way. They cite Canada because they like the fact that it's mostly caucasian.

next question....

I knew the answer already... it just shows what a bunch of hypocrites they really are about "racism blah blah blah".

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re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea. I just watched an interview with Sanders on Bill Maher's show, and Sanders would very much like a debate. Sanders said that Trump said, yes, then no, then yes, then no (I'm not making this up) .....within 2 days. That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat. Sander thinks Trump would not only be very dangerous for America, but dangerous for the world and I fully agree. The reasons are many.

This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


I fully agree with the keemapoot's post above. In a perverse way, I too would like to see Trump win the general election, but only for the entertainment value. I'd like to see him renege of his 30 foot wall. I'd like to see him twist and turn every time it's shown what a complete dufus he is. I'd like to see him go through a long painful impeachment process, as he's bound to do one or more things that would make Bill's 5 minutes in the cloakroom look like, ......well, 5 minutes in a cloak room exchanging bodily fluids with a somewhat sexy gal.

But like I said, I'd only want to see T in the Oval Office for the entertainment value, just like I enjoyed watching the Watergate Hearings and O.J.'s trial. ....both of which I watched in full. And I watched most of the Iran-Contra trial with star appearance of Oliver North. North was a creepy liar, but he became a darling of right-wingers. They sure pick sicko bed-fellows, don't they? The same sorts who love Trump and Palin.

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re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea. I just watched an interview with Sanders on Bill Maher's show, and Sanders would very much like a debate. Sanders said that Trump said, yes, then no, then yes, then no (I'm not making this up) .....within 2 days. That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat. Sander thinks Trump would not only be very dangerous for America, but dangerous for the world and I fully agree. The reasons are many.


I fully agree with the keemapoot's post above. In a perverse way, I too would like to see Trump win the general election, but only for the entertainment value. I'd like to see him renege of his 30 foot wall. I'd like to see him twist and turn every time it's shown what a complete dufus he is. I'd like to see him go through a long painful impeachment process, as he's bound to do one or more things that would make Bill's 5 minutes in the cloakroom look like, ......well, 5 minutes in a cloak room exchanging bodily fluids with a somewhat sexy gal.

But like I said, I'd only want to see T in the Oval Office for the entertainment value, just like I enjoyed watching the Watergate Hearings and O.J.'s trial. ....both of which I watched in full. And I watched most of the Iran-Contra trial with star appearance of Oliver North. North was a creepy liar, but he became a darling of right-wingers. They sure pick sicko bed-fellows, don't they? The same sorts who love Trump and Palin.

"That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat."

Over my lifetime I have never known anybody that has ever seen a dolphin in heat.

Can you provide a link?

I had a job during the Iran-Contra hearings and OJ's trial so I had to work. I will take your word for it that you watched all of it.

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re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea. I just watched an interview with Sanders on Bill Maher's show, and Sanders would very much like a debate. Sanders said that Trump said, yes, then no, then yes, then no (I'm not making this up) .....within 2 days. That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat. Sander thinks Trump would not only be very dangerous for America, but dangerous for the world and I fully agree. The reasons are many.


I fully agree with the keemapoot's post above. In a perverse way, I too would like to see Trump win the general election, but only for the entertainment value. I'd like to see him renege of his 30 foot wall. I'd like to see him twist and turn every time it's shown what a complete dufus he is. I'd like to see him go through a long painful impeachment process, as he's bound to do one or more things that would make Bill's 5 minutes in the cloakroom look like, ......well, 5 minutes in a cloak room exchanging bodily fluids with a somewhat sexy gal.

But like I said, I'd only want to see T in the Oval Office for the entertainment value, just like I enjoyed watching the Watergate Hearings and O.J.'s trial. ....both of which I watched in full. And I watched most of the Iran-Contra trial with star appearance of Oliver North. North was a creepy liar, but he became a darling of right-wingers. They sure pick sicko bed-fellows, don't they? The same sorts who love Trump and Palin.

"That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat."

Over my lifetime I have never known anybody that has ever seen a dolphin in heat.

Can you provide a link?

I had a job during the Iran-Contra hearings and OJ's trial so I had to work. I will take your word for it that you watched all of it.

I think he/she feels the bern now biggrin.png

Edited by Asheron
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Quoting Boom from right above...

I just watched an interview with Sanders on Bill Maher's show, and Sanders would very much like a debate. Sanders said that Trump said, yes, then no, then yes, then no (I'm not making this up) .....within 2 days. That's Trump style; to flip flop like a dolphin in heat.

Donald Wasserman Trump. smile.png

Bernie makes the point about Trump, which is one of Bernie's strong suits. Bernie would chew up Trump in a debate and shoot him into the spitoon where Trump belongs.

Bernie's general election and fatal problem is from the rightwhingenuts and their fraternal Republicans due to the socialist thingy as this poster has noted many times.

Dolphins btw are lovable creatures so one might analogise with an iguana instead, which would do it just about fine. Trump and his dancing iguanas show. Coming soon to Cleveland.

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