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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The Bloviator, once again, Flip-Flops:

RNC official: A Trump-Sanders debate would be 'phenomenal'

"If a proposed debate between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were to take place, it would be “phenomenal,”

Republican National Committee chief strategist and communications director Sean Spicer said Thursday.

I think it would be a phenomenal debate if it happened,” Spicer told CNN.

"The Vermont senator and Republican presidential nominee, by The Associated Press’ official delegate count, apparently agreed in principle by early Thursday to debate.

Trump told late-night host Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday evening that he would be willing to debate Sanders if he agrees to allow proceeds from the event to go to charity."

“Game on,” Sanders tweeted minutes later. “I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.”


What a surprise, The Bloviator gets called out on it and chicken's out:

Donald Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders

"Donald Trump will not participate in a debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said Friday."

“There is a reason why in virtually every national and statewide poll I am defeating Donald Trump,

sometimes by very large margins and almost always by far larger margins than Secretary Clinton."

There is a reason for that reality and the American people should be able to see it up front in a good debate and a clash of ideas.” thumbsup.gif


No cojones. cheesy.gif

The Bloviator chokes:

A debate with Bernie is an unnecessary risk.

Whoever advised him to back out did the right thing.

Seems he can listen to advice after all

Not much point in "debating" with a loser ! smile.png

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A "risk"?

That's one way of putting it.

The Bloviator would have been cut off at his knees debating Senator Sanders, simply because of his ignorance.

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flpping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licker, Bloviator choked. Chickened out. Elementary as that. biggrin.png

Risk indeed:

Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU

Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.

"The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US.

However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as "his most likely Democratic contender".

"He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea.

"The EIU ranking uses a scale of one to 25, with Mr Trump garnering a rating of 12,

the same level of risk as "the rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilising the global economy".


The clown is a proven ignorant doof.

He will never set foot in the White House. Ain't gonna happen.

The buffoon is way out of his local Mafia associated league. Small time.

It's gonna be stellar watching him crawl back to his hollow ivory tower. His shallow little bubble. thumbsup.gif

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A "risk"?

That's one way of putting it.

The Bloviator would have been cut off at his knees debating Senator Sanders, simply because of his ignorance.

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flpping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licker, Bloviator choked. Chickened out. Elementary as that. biggrin.png

Risk indeed:

Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU

Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.

"The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US.

However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as "his most likely Democratic contender".

"He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea.

"The EIU ranking uses a scale of one to 25, with Mr Trump garnering a rating of 12,

the same level of risk as "the rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilising the global economy".


The clown is a proven ignorant doof.

He will never set foot in the White House. Ain't gonna happen.

The buffoon is way out of his local Mafia associated league. Small time.

It's gonna be stellar watching him crawl back to his hollow ivory tower. His shallow little bubble. thumbsup.gif

It would seem there there is one Yank who is violently opposed to Mr Trump becoming POTUS !

Where in the world do you plan to live when the vote goes against your somewhat rabid and demented beliefs ?

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A "risk"?

That's one way of putting it.

The Bloviator would have been cut off at his knees debating Senator Sanders, simply because of his ignorance.

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flpping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licker, Bloviator choked. Chickened out. Elementary as that. biggrin.png

Risk indeed:

Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU

Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.

"The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US.

However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as "his most likely Democratic contender".

"He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea.

"The EIU ranking uses a scale of one to 25, with Mr Trump garnering a rating of 12,

the same level of risk as "the rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilising the global economy".


The clown is a proven ignorant doof.

He will never set foot in the White House. Ain't gonna happen.

The buffoon is way out of his local Mafia associated league. Small time.

It's gonna be stellar watching him crawl back to his hollow ivory tower. His shallow little bubble. thumbsup.gif

It would seem there there is one Yank who is violently opposed to Mr Trump becoming POTUS !

Where in the world do you plan to live when the vote goes against your somewhat rabid and demented beliefs ?

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Changes Rattle Trump Campaign From the Inside

BISMARCK, N.D: A constant stream of changes and scuffles are unsettling Trump's campaign team, including the abrupt dismissal this week of his national political director.

"A sense of paranoia is growing among his campaign staff members,

including some who have told associates they believe that their Trump Tower offices in New York may be bugged, laugh.pngclap2.gif

according to three people briefed on the conversations."

"Two months after assurances that the candidate would become ''more presidential'' and transition to a more unifying phase of his campaign,

Mr. Trump continues to act as if the primary is still underway. His team has struggled to fill top positions, such as communications director, whistling.gif

and Mr. Trump has made clear he still sees himself as his own chief adviser."

"So far, Mr. Trump has shown little inclination to adjust to a political world. cheesy.gif

His penchant for setting up competition and infusing tension between his subordinates has carried over from his real estate company."


This is great stuff! Paranoia. Offices bugged.

Let's all sit back and watch the Bloviator "Train" implode.

Perhaps, sooner than expected. thumbsup.gif

Out of his league. Small time.

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Shock Dem Poll=> 1 in 5 Bernie Supporters Will Vote TRUMP

A new poll by ABC-The Washington Post found that 20% of Bernie Sanders supporters will support Donald Trump in the general election in November.


Only 20%? This objective poster puts that number much higher. smile.png

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I heard an interview and one of the commentators (from NY Times) made an interesting point: He opined that a big reason why so many elder white men are rooting for Trump is because that segment of voters DOESN'T WANT TO BE REPLACED. We already knew the white men were being led by their fears, but the articulation cleared up what much of that fear is about.

When he said, 'replaced' he meant: because there are many changes taking place in the US'; there are more than 2-genders, there are women training for combat, there are Indians and all sorts of 'ferners' taking jobs. 96% of politicians were white men. Even that's changing. Most mayors in California and Texas have Hispanic surnames.

That's why Trump gets so much resonance when he shouts, "Let's make America Great Again." Whenever the elder white men hear that, they think back to when the US was whiter, when there were 2 genders, when gays were in the closet (except for Liberace), and women mostly did their wifely chores around the home each day. So much is changing, and white men are feeling incidental. They don't want to be marginalized. But they can't join in the fiesta, because they're, ......well, they're white men, so they're mostly sitting home on the sofa with their beer bellies, their beer, beer nuts, watching golf re-runs. They love Trump because he gives them something to believe in: getting back to the America of their youth; sock hops, 17 cent gas, black folks knew their place (most of the time). Simpler times for simpler minds.

"Simpler times for simpler minds."

You would have fit right in.

Spoken like someone who is flummoxed for a retort.

"Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?" The answer is YES !

The "Trump Train" is a confirmed POTUS candidate and the opposition appears to be wallowing in all manner of scandal !

The Trump Train is now unstoppable ! smile.png

Unstoppable, brakes gone, it's metal to metal exacerbated by hair tonic oil. The captain of the Trump Train has the accelerator stick in his hand, but it's broken off its shaft, stuck at full throttle, and he can't get it attached again. He looks out the side window to see what's ahead, but the smoke from the stack blackens his face. Just then he gets a tap on the shoulder by chief engineer (campaign manager), "Uh Captain, we just whizzed through two stations without stopping, and there's a construction crew a mile ahead who are replacing tracks, I suggest you apply the brakes, we're going much too fast."

Captain Trump responds, "Can't do it, Willie. My train is unstoppable. But I've never done anything wrong thus far in my life, so I'm sure all will be fine, and all the passengers will love me, no matter what happens. I get along with everybody. Everybody loves me. How does my hair look? I just had it....." - KABLOOOEYYY! cHUNeNK, bLINDRUPupT pLOPMONj, KLAbRBrBLoN.

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


If American tv is anything like tv in New Zealand, which shows a LOT of US shows, a load of ads with a show briefly interspersed between them, and the shows themselves which are the most awful load of crud, especially those "reality shows", I'm not surprised that US citizens would want to see someone fighting someone. Everytime I make the mistake of watching tv I lose the will to live. I'd certainly vote for Trump, just to get something more interesting on tv than the usual load of loser politicians spouting lies ( Q how do you know that a politician on tv is lying. A their mouth is moving ).

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


If American tv is anything like tv in New Zealand, which shows a LOT of US shows, a load of ads with a show briefly interspersed between them, and the shows themselves which are the most awful load of crud, especially those "reality shows", I'm not surprised that US citizens would want to see someone fighting someone. Everytime I make the mistake of watching tv I lose the will to live. I'd certainly vote for Trump, just to get something more interesting on tv than the usual load of loser politicians spouting lies ( Q how do you know that a politician on tv is lying. A their mouth is moving ).

For sure, TV everywhere is pretty crap, but the US created an entire generation of TV addicts. And it would be interesting to do a study of the relationship and correlation between those who watch at lot of TV and feel their life is meaningless, and those who support Trump.

I have a strong feeling there would be a very strong positive correlation between the two.

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Shock Dem Poll=> 1 in 5 Bernie Supporters Will Vote TRUMP

A new poll by ABC-The Washington Post found that 20% of Bernie Sanders supporters will support Donald Trump in the general election in November.


Only 20%? This objective poster puts that number much higher. smile.png

No shock here.

Both are anti establishment.

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

Donald Trump’s candidacy lies on the malleable clay of “he’s making all this shit up as he goes along.” There is no principle, no guiding light, nothing beyond “only I can fix whatever it is that you believe is going wrong.”

That’s not a candidacy. That’s a cult.

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


If American tv is anything like tv in New Zealand, which shows a LOT of US shows, a load of ads with a show briefly interspersed between them, and the shows themselves which are the most awful load of crud, especially those "reality shows", I'm not surprised that US citizens would want to see someone fighting someone. Everytime I make the mistake of watching tv I lose the will to live. I'd certainly vote for Trump, just to get something more interesting on tv than the usual load of loser politicians spouting lies ( Q how do you know that a politician on tv is lying. A their mouth is moving ).

For sure, TV everywhere is pretty crap, but the US created an entire generation of TV addicts. And it would be interesting to do a study of the relationship and correlation between those who watch at lot of TV and feel their life is meaningless, and those who support Trump.

I have a strong feeling there would be a very strong positive correlation between the two.

It would be interesting to do a study of the relationship and correlation between those who are on government benefits and those that support HRC.

I have a strong feeling there would be a very strong positive correlation between the two.

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This whole Trump phenomenon is being examined from all angles, and I find the following writer's views interesting (Jane Coaston, political reporter for MTV News):

She goes on to write: "A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in. There is going to be some kind of change, even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody."

She is saying that because so many Americans' lives are devoid of meaning, numbed by mindless reality TV and the banality of their own meaningless existence that they are attracted to this guy just because he gives them some possibility to have more entertainment stimulation, like an experimental lab rat in a skinner box pressing a lever for a food reward.


If American tv is anything like tv in New Zealand, which shows a LOT of US shows, a load of ads with a show briefly interspersed between them, and the shows themselves which are the most awful load of crud, especially those "reality shows", I'm not surprised that US citizens would want to see someone fighting someone. Everytime I make the mistake of watching tv I lose the will to live. I'd certainly vote for Trump, just to get something more interesting on tv than the usual load of loser politicians spouting lies ( Q how do you know that a politician on tv is lying. A their mouth is moving ).

For sure, TV everywhere is pretty crap, but the US created an entire generation of TV addicts. And it would be interesting to do a study of the relationship and correlation between those who watch at lot of TV and feel their life is meaningless, and those who support Trump.

I have a strong feeling there would be a very strong positive correlation between the two.

It would be interesting to do a study of the relationship and correlation between those who are on government benefits and those that support HRC.

I have a strong feeling there would be a very strong positive correlation between the two.

Didn't one of her supporters in this thread say that he/she watched the entire OJ trials when it was aired? I mean, surely anyone with a job would have hard time watching even a tenth of it.

But yeah, usually there is a very strong correlation with voting for democrats and wanting (demanding!) stuff for free that other should people pay for.

Edited by Asheron
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Here's another reality check for the Trumpfanboyz.....

A new Bloomberg poll finds Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton among likely voters with annual family incomes of $30,000 to $75,000 in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin back Clinton over Trump, 46% to 39%.

“The findings should sound an alarm for Trump because they show he’s failing—at least so far—to dominate among the sort of voters thought to be more sympathetic to him. The poll also splashes cold water on suggestions that the real-estate developer and TV personality is well positioned to win in the Rust Belt.”

A new Public Opinion Strategies ® poll in Wisconsin shows Clinton leading Trump, 43% to 31%.

We already know they despise Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and that they hate and detest 'em both. The single reason is that the Clinton name on the ballot in any November means a Clinton win. The right and the Republicans lose again. That is the long and the short of it. Nothing more. It is all politics, everything of it, always, in each and every instance.

The Clinton name on the ballot in any given November means win. Rightwhinge and their fellow Republican travellers lose again.

Edited by Publicus
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Here's another reality check for the Trumpfanboyz.....

A new Bloomberg poll finds Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton among likely voters with annual family incomes of $30,000 to $75,000 in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin back Clinton over Trump, 46% to 39%.

“The findings should sound an alarm for Trump because they show he’s failing—at least so far—to dominate among the sort of voters thought to be more sympathetic to him. The poll also splashes cold water on suggestions that the real-estate developer and TV personality is well positioned to win in the Rust Belt.”

A new Public Opinion Strategies ® poll in Wisconsin shows Clinton leading Trump, 43% to 31%.

We already know they despise Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and that they hate and detest 'em both. The single reason is that the Clinton name on the ballot in any November means a Clinton win. The right and the Republicans lose again. That is the long and the short of it. Nothing more. It is all politics, everything of it, always, in each and every instance.

The Clinton name on the ballot in any given November means win. Rightwhinge and their fellow Republican travellers lose again.

Wrong. An HRC win is a loss for the US. Be careful what you wish for.

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The ignorant Bloviator continues his crazed Mussolini inflammatory rhetoric, blindly stating: We are allowing tens of thousands of violent vicious people into our country now.

The Bloviator is also prepared to declare War on these imagined people that he doesn't know, who or where they come from.

Trump: I may ask Congress to formally declare war to fight terror

"President Donald Trump would have no problem asking Congress for a declaration of war to fight terrorism,

the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told Fox News host Bill OReilly, in an interview that will air Monday evening. It wouldnt bother me at all doing that, Trump said

This is a war against people who are vicious, violent people that we have no idea who they are, where they come from.

We are allowing tens of thousands of them into our country now so on top of wars on foreign land wait 'til you see what happens in the future, Trump warned.

Its not speculation. Were allowing people into our country. We dont know who they are, where they come from. blink.png


It's obvious the Bloviator doesn't know the definition of the word: speculation. That would be: "The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence"

But, I have a feeling the Lemmings will lap it up anyway...

What happened against IS while HRC was Sec State was half hearted and achieved nothing, same under Kerry.

Elect HRC and the same will continue- the world will continue to be disrupted by terrorists and nothing effective will be done to change that.

Elect Trump, and something MIGHT happen to change the status quo.

I'll take the HOPE of a CHANGE over the CERTAINTY of NO CHANGE.

IMO Trump and Clinton are both being courted by the elites.

Its the same M.O repeated over, only Americans cant see it.

Whichever cadidate that seemingly has a mandate from the people and be the fallguy/girl for orchestrating the war against terrorism (WW3) will have the backing of the elites and therefor will be next POTUS.

In the case of Trump though, not even the elites will be able to stomach him as POTUS.

If he wins, wait for the next moove. He will step down for some concocted reason. The party will then put forward the elites preferred person.

They know Trumps type only to well as they are birds of a feather.

They know Trump will easily be paid off to dissapear or they will put him in a behind the scenes position that will bring more benefits to him that potus can only dream of

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Didn't one of her supporters in this thread say that he/she watched the entire OJ trials when it was aired? I mean, surely anyone with a job would have hard time watching even a tenth of it.

But yeah, usually there is a very strong correlation with voting for democrats and wanting (demanding!) stuff for free that other should people pay for.

As usual, a Trump supporter is wide off the mark. During the OJ trial, I watched highlights at night news shows. During the day, I listened to it while doing carpentry. I had a small crew, and we had a radio on site. They would have preferred top-40, but I was the boss, so I got to choose the sound.

I've had some experience in the Halls of Congress also. While still a teenager, I got a short-lived job delivering yellow page books. I was assigned the sector down near the White House and the Capital building. I would get a stack of books on my 2-wheel dolly, then go up elevators, and leave one at each door or, if the door was open, leave one with the secretary. It was fun, hoofing it up and down the halls of power. Some of the offices were creatively designed, and most of the women secretaries were more than a little friendly. I don't blame them. I was looking good, with my long blond hair in a ponytail, and wearing Dickies overalls. Who knows, maybe I could have done a bit of auditioning chicks for Bill Clinton, though he was going to nearby Georgetown University then, wooing Hillary.

When I had some free time, I would hang out at the National Geographic Building and watch their latest specials on a large screen, or maybe go and have lunch at the Watergate veranda. At the same time, one of my buddies was a go-fer construction worker, working on the new FBI building. 4 blocks away, there were blacks with afros selling weed and other mind food right along the streets. I once had an overloaded 1 ton truck (construction debris from a defunct Chinese restaurant), and my route took me right alongside the Capitol building. A security guard pulled me over (there are about 11 different types of police in Wash.D.C.) to inspect my load. It was a good call by him, and he was friendly.

Sorry, this thread isn't about me, but I thought to put in a few words to show that workers in Washington D.C. are people also. They're not all cigar-store indians carved out of wood, like Bob Dole, Newt and Ryan.

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If we have to believe the Trump supporters, it means that the Trump train cann't be stopted!

Well that is nice, you call this kind of train a run away!!

And you know what they do with a run away train....?

They put it on a sideline and let it derail, just to save the public!

So, if you want to be a passenger on the Trump train, go ahead.

He, the Trump, will come out of the wreck and start blaming everybody for his own BS.

And you and your friends are still in the train wrack.

Please, don't come back crying later.

You and the other supporters of the Donald can never win.

If he will be electic potus, you loose if you care about the USA.

If he loose in November, you loose too!

So please tell me how you want to win?

Edited by dutchisaan
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If we have to believe the Trump supporters, it means that the Trump train cann't be stopted!

Well that is nice, you call this kind of train a run away!!

And you know what they do with a run away train....?

They put it on a sideline and let it derail, just to save the public!

So, if you want to be a passenger on the Trump train, go ahead.

He, the Trump, will come out of the wreck and start blaming everybody for his own BS.

And you and your friends are still in the train wrack.

Please, don't come back crying later.

You and the other supporters of the Donald can never win.

If he will be electic potus, you loose if you care about the USA.

If he loose in November, you loose too!

So please tell me how you want to win?

Yes, the model is a runaway train.

At it's core, their movement is nihilist and intentionally destructive.

Big orange bull in a "China" shop.


People want entertainment and if there's blood in that, so much the better!

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If you're opposed as i am to the USA being the self appointed world's policeman, I'd suggest a careful listening to what Trump's saying about building up the US Armed Forces.

And regarding the Canadians I've heard support Trump, I'm reminded of an econ instructor who loved saying when the USA sneezes, Canada catches a cold. Upon such an event, I'd expect nothing more from Trump than to try to sell Canada a bottle of Tylenol or laced Extra Strength Excedrin, as in the kind that did in a few people back in the 80's.

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There's a groundswell of Latinos going to vote Trump! smile.png


No there isn't.facepalm.gif


Too easy.

Latinos aren't stupid and they're not "rapists" either any more than your ethnic group is.


It came as no surprise to Latinos that a recent poll by Latino Decisions, which conducts polling for the Clinton campaign, indicated that a full 87% of us view Trump unfavorably and 79% of us view him very unfavorably. What might have been more of a surprise was the revelation that 41% of those Latinos surveyed said they intended to vote in the 2016 specifically to stop Trump.
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@Post 2844

Sure. But you would already know this if you were paying attention:

Will Latino loathing of Trump drive a voter movement to swing the election?

"The Republican frontrunner’s unfavorability ratings with Hispanic voters are at historic levels. If Latinos turn out to vote they could be key in November.

Donald Trump’s rise is spurring a backlash from Latino communities across America that has the potential to prove a formidable barrier to the billionaire’s success,

in the November presidential election."

"A poll of Hispanic Americans carried out by Latino Decisions and America’s Voice in April found some 87% of Latinos felt unfavorably towards him.

Significantly, almost half said they felt more enthusiastic about voting in the presidential election than they did four years ago"


And your source? biggrin.png

Dunning Kruger

Edited by iReason
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There's a groundswell of Latinos going to vote Trump! smile.png

L.A. Times Amazed to Find Latinos Who Support Trump



It's not hard to see why as they are tired of the illegal aliens as much as anyone...thumbsup.gif

Wow! A whole photo to prove your point. Impressive data. There are plenty of polls out there to show you're wrong. But there is also a thing called common sense. You don't think a lot of Mexican Americans have relatives in the USA who are not legal residents? That Mexicans who have family in the USA aren't more likely to cross the border illegally?

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I'm waiting for the pic of the elder beer-belly white guy (with close-dropped gray hair) wearing a t-shirt with sweat stains holding a sign saying, "mature white men for Hillary."

.......and that should prove, to Trump fans, that most elder white males are voting for HRC.

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