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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I usually refrain from calling names. But for Trump it's different. For starters, he's the king of childish name-calling. Ok, I know two wrongs don't make a right, but he needs a bit of his own ugliness tossed back at him. Secondly, he could be flat-out dangerous as prez. Even during the campaign, he's dragged America's reputation (tenuous as it is from some peoples' view) ...through the mud. Imagine how much worse things would be if he were in the power seat for 4 years. If he weren't such a threat to the well-being of the US, its people and the environment, then I would recommend being more gentlemanly and not calling names. But that's not the case. He's set the bar so low, that any response to him has to be down to his level, ....in the mud.

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Too late for Donald Trump to start again. The rightnoids know it but they're going to hang in there until the bitter end.....

Trump Needs to Work on Going 'Off the Record'

This “anonymous” official quoted by Politico sure sounds like Donald Trump:

The Trump campaign would not comment on the record about its relationship with the RNC. One Trump Tower official called it “a great relationship. I work well with everybody over there, and I haven’t heard of anyone who doesn’t have a great relationship with them.

After Trump finishes that task he can begin to work on the crippling problem of being off his rocker and out of his tree.


Donald Trump’s campaign schedule “is being driven by his fund-raising needs, prompting him to appear in heavily Republican states like Georgia and Texas and diverting his attention from battlegrounds where Hillary Clinton is spending her time,” the New York Times reports.

“Mr. Trump’s aides, scrambling to raise money to compete against Mrs. Clinton’s cash juggernaut and extensive donor network, have scheduled fund-raisers in places like Georgia, North Carolina and Texas this week.”

Another Rough Week for Trump

“Trump himself marches on as if nothing has changed in the political landscape or calendar. Swap out ‘Lyin’ Ted’ for ‘Crooked Hillary’ – and strip away any recent polling references, of course – and a Trump speech from June could be mistaken for a Trump speech from March, or January, or maybe even last June. With little evidence that Trump is headed in the right direction – his unfavorable number reaching 70 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll – this week is shaping up to be another rough one for the presumptive Republican nominee. And with a president now engaged in the fight, there could be more to come along those same lines.”

Hillary Clinton is out with a new positive ad in eight battleground states.

Politico: “By reserving time in key swing states — at least Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia — the Clinton camp is sending an unmistakable message to the presumptive GOP nominee that it intends to press into traditionally Republican territory without spending too much time worrying about defending traditionally Democratic destinations where Trump insists he will compete, said a handful of high-level Democrats close to the Clinton effort.”

Clinton Leads in Swing States

As the 2016 general election begins, Clinton holds a 5-point overall advantage in the Politico Battleground States polling average over Trump, 44.8 percent to 39.8 percent.

Clinton also has the advantage in eight of the 11 individual swing states.

“The debut of the Battleground States polling average sets a baseline for the race to 270 electoral votes, focusing only on the 11 states most likely to determine the outcome in November — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The basics of the average are straightforward: it’s based on the most recent public polls from each of the 11 states and weighted by each state’s representation in the Electoral College.”

Byron York: “In post mortems of the 2012 presidential race, President Obama’s team gave much credit for their victory to early ad campaigns portraying Mitt Romney as an uncaring, out-of-touch rich guy.”

Said David Axelrod to the Harvard Political Review in 2013: “We defined the race and Gov. Romney before the conventions. And he was digging out of that hole for the remaining two months.”

“Now, there’s talk in the political world that Hillary Clinton and Democratic strategists are trying to do the same thing to Donald Trump — to define him, and the race, before the conventions and put him in a hole he can’t dig out of. Democrats are running millions of dollars in ads portraying Trump as dangerously unfit for the office of president.”

A new Marquette Law School Poll in Wisconsin shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump among likely voters 46% to 37%, as just 78% of Republicans said they were absolutely certain they would vote in November, down from 87% in March and 90% in June 2012.

Said pollster Charles Franklin: “That is a substantial fall-off. What we’ve seen over these last two months is a pretty sharp drop-off in Republican likelihood of turning out.”

(First term Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is ten points behind former Senator Democrat Russ Feingold who Johnson defeated in 2010, he of the Feingold-McCain campaign finance reform bill.)

A new Bloomberg poll finds just 32% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, the lowest level recorded since the poll’s inception.

The Democratic Party, by contrast, is seen favorably by 49%.


Jeff Greenfield: “What’s emerged in recent days, however, is something we have never seen before. The hard questions about the character and temperament of the presumptive Republican nominee are coming from within his own party at precisely the time when the most important piece of business for a nominee is consolidation of that party. The weekend gathering that Romney hosted is yet one more measure of just how unmoored his candidacy is from anything remotely familiar in American politics.”

“In a normal intraparty contest, the fights usually take familiar forms: who best represents the party; whose ideas resonate, whose prescriptions are sound, or flawed; who has the experience (or the fresh ideas) that best serve the party. The disputes can be intense—think of Walter Mondale deriding Gary Hart’s new ideas campaign of 1984 by asking, ‘Where’s the beef?’ or George H.W. Bush labeling Ronald Reagan’s ideas ‘voodoo economics,’ or Hillary Clinton in 2008 deriding Barack Obama’s promises of change.”

“Rarely, however, does a candidate take on an intraparty foe on questions of character.”

Or the size of his hands.

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It's hard to imagine what the vile monster can possibly do to rehabilitate his vile image. He's branded HARD by now -- Sleazeball con man, whiny little b (thank you Bill Maher), angry temperament on steroids. You wouldn't want him with the controls to a carnival ride, much less the NUCLEAR codes. The republicans may deserve this disaster, but the American people don't!

Even if he delivers safe pablum speeches from a teleprompter from here going forwards (which he obviously isn't capable of doing anyway), American voters are still going to read him for what he REALLY is.

I will admit it. My anger and distaste for the vile monster is off the scales. Charging our president Obama with being a traitor, being on the side of ISIS in the wake of the Orlando terrorist atrocity has crossed a line that can NEVER be uncrossed. Yet the psychopathic vile monster DOUBLES DOWN on that.

The republicans should still try to DUMP him but of course if they have any INTEGRITY left. Of course -- they don't.

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It's hard to imagine what the vile monster can possibly do to rehabilitate his vile image. He's branded HARD by now -- Sleazeball con man, whiny little b (thank you Bill Maher), angry temperament on steroids. You wouldn't want him with the controls to a carnival ride, much less the NUCLEAR codes. The republicans may deserve this disaster, but the American people don't!

Even if he delivers safe pablum speeches from a teleprompter from here going forwards (which he obviously isn't capable of doing anyway), American voters are still going to read him for what he REALLY is.

I will admit it. My anger and distaste for the vile monster is off the scales. Charging our president Obama with being a traitor, being on the side of ISIS in the wake of the Orlando terrorist atrocity has crossed a line that can NEVER be uncrossed. Yet the psychopathic vile monster DOUBLES DOWN on that.

The republicans should still try to DUMP him but of course if they have any INTEGRITY left. Of course -- they don't.

All Donald needs us more people like you spouting nonsense to up his poll numbers.

Like treading in a turd and wiping it off your shoe.

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Come September which is the real time beginning of the general election campaigning and the cement on Trump's political feet will be dry.

The R convention begins in mid July and the D convention the next week. Then in August are the Olympics. The general election campaigning will fire up the public afterward, to include three debates.

D's have four weeks to the R convention to set the cement round Trump's feet and the pouring has already begun. Fleets of cement trucks are rolling on roads that are wide open as there is no response from the Trump camp. No PAC, no campaign organisation nationally, no ads, no strategy other than to wind up Trump and send him out.

Trump is starting to twist slowly in the wind.

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More dirt on the vile monster.

Clearly, there's an endless supply --


Yep, He’s a Misogynist

“Those of us involved in the show are proud of our work. But we might have given the guy a platform and created this candidate. It’s guys like him, narcissists with dark Machiavellian traits, who dominate in our culture, on TV, and in the political realm. It can be dangerous when we confuse stories we’re told with reality. We need to wake up—and that’s from someone who helped tell these stories.”

The key to stopping this horror show of reality t.v. coming to the white house is a continued and RELENTLESS exposure that the vile monster doesn't even RESEMBLE a normal presidential candidate. Americans may not be happy with the status quo -- but surely there's a LIMIT.

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It's hard to imagine what the vile monster can possibly do to rehabilitate his vile image. He's branded HARD by now -- Sleazeball con man, whiny little b (thank you Bill Maher), angry temperament on steroids. You wouldn't want him with the controls to a carnival ride, much less the NUCLEAR codes. The republicans may deserve this disaster, but the American people don't!

Even if he delivers safe pablum speeches from a teleprompter from here going forwards (which he obviously isn't capable of doing anyway), American voters are still going to read him for what he REALLY is.

I will admit it. My anger and distaste for the vile monster is off the scales. Charging our president Obama with being a traitor, being on the side of ISIS in the wake of the Orlando terrorist atrocity has crossed a line that can NEVER be uncrossed. Yet the psychopathic vile monster DOUBLES DOWN on that.

The republicans should still try to DUMP him but of course if they have any INTEGRITY left. Of course -- they don't.

All Donald needs us more people like you spouting nonsense to up his poll numbers.

Like treading in a turd and wiping it off your shoe.

The primary voting in the states has ended. The primaries and caucuses brought out ten million Trump noids to vote for him on the Republican side. The rightwingnoids are his fans and they only dug in their heels at every criticism of Trump.

Now comes the general election when 130 million voters will go to the polls. Your noid fan base is limited by the diversity and the numbers of the general electorate. The data show the general electorate take to the criticisms of Trump. The general electorate is presently taking its first hard look at Trump and The Ignoramus is tanked already.

The general electorate does not dig in its heels for Donald Trump. Neither do they ignore criticisms of Trump. Trump needed to pivot to the general electorate. Trump did not make the pivot, he could not make the required pivot, he didn't want to make it and he will not execute any pivot of any kind.

Whether Trump and his rightwingnoid fan base realise it or not, Trump will be lucky to get 40% of the popular vote in November. Nothing will up Trump's poll numbers from here forward.

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No wonder the vile monster doesn't like the Washington Post.

They've got his number!

This is definitely news to most people.

The links between the vile monster and one of the most infamous political villains of modern American history: ROY COHN. Most NOTORIOUS for the shameful RED BAITING McCarthy hearings.

The vile monster, BTW, has banned the Washington Post from covering his events. Another RED FLAG the man is a total fascist and would never respect the FREE PRESS. The Washington Post isn't any media organ from Podunk. It's the freakin' WASHINGTON POST!

The man who showed Donald Trump how to exploit power and instill fear

Barrett now says Cohn’s stamp on Trump is obvious. “I just look at him and see Roy,” Barrett said in an interview. “Both of them are attack dogs.”


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Trump's poll ratings in a historic hole

With most voters viewing him as 'strongly unfavorable,' his image is harder to repair than Hillary's.

"In 2016’s race to the bottom, Donald Trump is going to find out if you can become president when two-thirds of Americans don’t like you — and a majority can’t stand you."

"Recent polls have showed Trump’s unfavorable rating spiking again, after a brief improvement last month."

"That’s also coincided with a slide in national horse-race polls, which now unanimously show Hillary Clinton leading the presumptive Republican nominee."


It must be equally "historic" for a Presidential Candidate to be playing the B-level Honky Tonk Circuit in south Dallas...

The Downward Spiral.

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The vile beast -- tanking in the polls in historic ways.clap2.gif

Trump’s poll numbers are historically awful. And he doesn’t even know it.

And second, a look at all the recent polls showing him upside down — which are detailed at length in the piece — reveals that Trump’s personal unfavorable numbers are not just bad. They are actually “setting modern records for political toxicity.”


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Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.


There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

Your post might have some relevance, but for the fact that HRC is a proven teller of outright lies. So, we have two liars competing for POTUS. IMO it doesn't matter which tells more lies- a liar is a liar is a liar.

I go by past history- a woman that had an ambassador killed on her watch and broke federal rules on private e mails versus a man that gets things done.

Come to it, did HRC do anything of use during her term as Sec. State? I can't think of anything.

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To me, not all liars are the same. HRC may have lied a few times during the past quarter century. Trump lies daily, and his lies are bigger and more grave. He even doubles down. When he's caught in an original lie (like; whether he's John MIller, or whether he's ever supported banning assault weapons), he often adds layers of lies, and gets tangled in a cob's web of his own making.

HRC, if caught in a lie, admits to it. She's admitted to making a mistake by using a private server (which other cabinet members have done). HRC learns from mistakes and seeks to improve. Trump is intractable and can never admit making mistakes. He won't even admit he's gone bankrupt 4 times and that he's lost hundreds of lawsuits. It's there in the record for all to see, yet Trump continues to deny that he's ever screwed up.

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To me, not all liars are the same. HRC may have lied a few times during the past quarter century. Trump lies daily, and his lies are bigger and more grave. He even doubles down. When he's caught in an original lie (like; whether he's John MIller, or whether he's ever supported banning assault weapons), he often adds layers of lies, and gets tangled in a cob's web of his own making.

HRC, if caught in a lie, admits to it. She's admitted to making a mistake by using a private server (which other cabinet members have done). HRC learns from mistakes and seeks to improve. Trump is intractable and can never admit making mistakes. He won't even admit he's gone bankrupt 4 times and that he's lost hundreds of lawsuits. It's there in the record for all to see, yet Trump continues to deny that he's ever screwed up.

All politicians lie- that's the nature of the beast. It concerns me not at all that they do so as I expect them to.

Trump is only practicing to be a politician.

I note that you address the lying part of my reply, but are silent on HRC's achievements. Could that be because she has none?

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ooooOOOOPPs !

My Crystal ball has predicted as much.


Just the tip of the iceberg, on the Slippery Slope to Hillary's failure.

Let us wait for the FBI to come out with their final report ...***Grand Jury*** coming to a movie theater near you.

Mix in some recent developments that show the Obama/Clinton team failed to report Iranian involvement (the extent of which) in Syria.

One nice Hillary Cocktail of Disaster and failure...... 4 more years of Obama???? Not going to materialize for you.


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Trump is now facing the candidate's inevitable transitioning to the general electorate. Trump's fans in the Republican party primaries and caucuses had come forward early on and in numbers that left Trump as the last one standing, so here we are.

Presently Trump is facing the 130 million to 140 million general election voters who will show up at the polls Tuesday November 8th. The general electorate is vast, diverse, pluralistic, centrist, moderate, suburban, middle class, level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias.

As documented by the Washington Post/ABC News poll released this week, here is what we look like now that nearly all of the general electorate have begun to take their first long and hard look at the Donald Trump candidacy for the office of Potus......

The overall figures are brutal for Trump: 70% of Americans now view the GOP presumptive nominee as unfavorable, compared to 29% favorable.

A closer examination at the breakdown of the demographics paints the bleakest picture for Trump, who has long heralded that he will be able to win across all demographics.

His unfavorables now include:

73 percent of moderates
77 percent of women
89 percent of Hispanics
88 percent of nonwhites
75 percent of voters under 40
59 percent of whites
71 percent of white college graduates
67 percent of white women
52 percent of white men
53 percent of non-college whites

This is for the Republican party a once in a century storm.

The earth is opening a yuuge gaping hole of Biblical proportions and it is preparing to swallow the whole of the GOP.

Even God Himself is that ticked off at the GOP.

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No wonder the vile monster doesn't like the Washington Post.

They've got his number!

This is definitely news to most people.

The links between the vile monster and one of the most infamous political villains of modern American history: ROY COHN. Most NOTORIOUS for the shameful RED BAITING McCarthy hearings.

The vile monster, BTW, has banned the Washington Post from covering his events. Another RED FLAG the man is a total fascist and would never respect the FREE PRESS. The Washington Post isn't any media organ from Podunk. It's the freakin' WASHINGTON POST!

The man who showed Donald Trump how to exploit power and instill fear

Barrett now says Cohn’s stamp on Trump is obvious. “I just look at him and see Roy,” Barrett said in an interview. “Both of them are attack dogs.”


Donald Trump currently owns 90% of your headspace.

Take a deep breath. You have become irrational, over emotional.

And of course, you are helping his cause, not hurting it. He's already turned all the negativity against him back on itself. The more you spout, the more you help him.

The man is a genius,

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Trump is now facing the candidate's inevitable transitioning to the general electorate. Trump's fans in the Republican party primaries and caucuses had come forward early on and in numbers that left Trump as the last one standing, so here we are.

Presently Trump is facing the 130 million to 140 million general election voters who will show up at the polls Tuesday November 8th. The general electorate is vast, diverse, pluralistic, centrist, moderate, suburban, middle class, level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias.

As documented by the Washington Post/ABC News poll released this week, here is what we look like now that nearly all of the general electorate have begun to take their first long and hard look at the Donald Trump candidacy for the office of Potus......

The overall figures are brutal for Trump: 70% of Americans now view the GOP presumptive nominee as unfavorable, compared to 29% favorable.

A closer examination at the breakdown of the demographics paints the bleakest picture for Trump, who has long heralded that he will be able to win across all demographics.

His unfavorables now include:

73 percent of moderates

77 percent of women

89 percent of Hispanics

88 percent of nonwhites

75 percent of voters under 40

59 percent of whites

71 percent of white college graduates

67 percent of white women

52 percent of white men

53 percent of non-college whites

This is for the Republican party a once in a century storm.

The earth is opening a yuuge gaping hole of Biblical proportions and it is preparing to swallow the whole of the GOP.

Even God Himself is that ticked off at the GOP.

The general electorate is vast, diverse, pluralistic, centrist, moderate, suburban, middle class, level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias.


Haven't all the anti Trumpists been telling us for months that anyone that supports Trump is a nutter, yet now you are saying that they are all level-headed, everyday ordinary Americans who have zero noid tendencies, beliefs, dementias., or perhaps you meant to say everyone EXCEPT Trump supporters and forgot to do so 555555555555555555555.

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You forgot one.

A Gallup poll conducted from June 1 to 16 found that 78 percent of Americans who identified as LGBT had an unfavorable opinion of Trump, versus 14 percent who had a favorable view, according to Frank Newport, Gallup’s editor in chief.
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You forgot one.

A Gallup poll conducted from June 1 to 16 found that 78 percent of Americans who identified as LGBT had an unfavorable opinion of Trump, versus 14 percent who had a favorable view, according to Frank Newport, Gallup’s editor in chief.

In your mind

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Hillary just dropped for 14 percent to 10 percent...in the latest Reuters update.

That is quite a steep plunge.

Looks like voters are starting to think about the drawbacks of using the same old strategies.

I wouldn't call Hillary a success story...just yet.

Her biggest flaw is one that cannot be missed, even by the most uneducated democrat........ Hypocrisy.

Grabbing money from dictators who discriminate against gays.

Not to mention failure in Libya and Syria....making ISIS stronger while tying the hands of our Military.

Not to mention lying about everything relating to her compromised server IN her home..of all things.

Not to mention her refusal to pickup emergency phone calls when Americans needed her the most.

Not to mention her mistreatment of women...lower salaries, and prodding them on to have sex with her husband and then slam dunking them.

Not to mention that White House Staff can't stand her lying butt, and awful working attitude.

Not to mention above all else, that boring, screeching, whining voice, when her panties get all bunched up.

bye hilly.

Hillary just dropped for 14 percent to 10 percent...in the latest Reuters update.

That is quite a steep plunge.

One could be kind to you Donald by saying you need to check dates before posting........

October 10, 2015

Poll: Clinton drops 10 points in 5 days


Facts again dangnabbit and as slippery as they can be.

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5 myths the vile monster tells about himself:


All politicians like to brag about their abilities and achievements. But rarely has a presidential hopeful emerged like Donald Trump, who consistently touts his résumé and plans for the nation in sweeping and over-the-top terms. Trump is particularly unique in how he talks about himself. Plenty of would-be presidents make dubious claims about what they have accomplished in elected office (created millions of jobs! slashed spending!). Few make such claims about their personal attributes. Trump has no such hesitation. Just before the Iowa caucuses, here are five of the biggest myths Donald Trump tells about himself.
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Donald Trump tweets poll showing him losing to Hillary Clinton blink.png

"Donald Trump tweeted a poll graphic Friday showing him trailing Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, 49% to 51%."

"THANK YOU #AmericaFirst" Trump tweeted."
A poll that reads:
"If the election for President were held today, for whom would you vote?"
Thank you?? cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif


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After he groveled at their feet, The Koch Brothers decide to take a pass on the Bloviator:

Charles Koch gives $3 million to boost GOP — but not Trump

Billionaire gives to super PAC seeking to protect the Republican Senate majority.

"Charles Koch, facing questions about his commitment to political spending, late last month donated $3 million to a super PAC spending heavily,

to protect the Republican Senate majority, according to a Federal Election Commission report set to be filed in the coming days."

"The super PAC, Freedom Partners Action Fund, last month raised a total of $8.1 million, almost all of which came from Koch and just three other donors."

"Wisconsin roofing billionaire Diane Hendricks and Arkansas poultry magnate Ronnie Cameron each donated $2 million,

while Virginia coal investor Richard Gilliam gave $1 million, according to the FEC report, a copy of which was provided by the PAC to POLITICO."


Shouldn't be a problem Donnie. After all, you are "really, really rich"


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Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina addresses the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road To Majority" conference in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2016.

Carly Fiorina dealt a blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday, telling the first female presidential nominee that she tops the list of feminists who won't be supporting her bid for the White House, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, newsflash, I'm a feminist and I'm not voting for you."

Speaking to a crowd of conservative supporters at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to the Majority conference in Washington, D.C., Fiorina excoriated the progressive vision of President Obama, Clinton and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren whom she described as "locked arm-in-arm telling the rest of us how we're going to live our lives … and what we should think and what we should do."


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