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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Eleven million people in cattle cars on Trump Trains will not be pleasant to the country or to the society.

The guy in the red hat is dangerous.

You are delusional.

The fascists are the ones burning flags, throwing eggs and beating up pregnant women.

But hey, that's ok 'cause they are in your side right?

Trump wants mass deportation.

Where have you been.

It is not difficult to know what would occur if the Trump Trains with 11 million people to mass deport in cattle cars were brought on line.

Or does the extreme right not care...or not think things through. Both actually.

Mass deportation of people who have no right to stay in the USA. You really do not understand simple concepts like that?

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OK, "suit" yourself.

Seriously, you don't think someone charging $80 for a tie can't still make money having it manufactured in the USA?


Why do you live in Thailand?

Who said I lived in Thailand?

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@Post 2844

Sure. But you would already know this if you were paying attention:

Will Latino loathing of Trump drive a voter movement to swing the election?

"The Republican frontrunner’s unfavorability ratings with Hispanic voters are at historic levels. If Latinos turn out to vote they could be key in November.

Donald Trump’s rise is spurring a backlash from Latino communities across America that has the potential to prove a formidable barrier to the billionaire’s success,

in the November presidential election."

"A poll of Hispanic Americans carried out by Latino Decisions and America’s Voice in April found some 87% of Latinos felt unfavorably towards him.

Significantly, almost half said they felt more enthusiastic about voting in the presidential election than they did four years ago"


And your source? biggrin.png

Dunning Kruger

Just more wishful thinking. I've heard the Trump fearers say sooooooo many times that he's finished, that it's over for him and he just gets stronger and stronger.

There are a lot of people really AFRAID that Trump will win, on here, so they must think he has a good chance, or they wouldn't keep posting. Even HRC is afraid he'll win. Even the Republican establishment is afraid he'll win.

Wait till after the vote to find out if he does. Till then it's anyone's guess.

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Rick Perry, governor of Texas and one of Trump's dispatched competitors for the nomination" "Donald Trump will peel Hillary's skin off".


Nobody says it better than a Texan.

Rick Perry's quote bears repeating. smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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"Nobody says it better than a Texan."

"Rick Perry's quote bears repeating."

Really? That's all you got? facepalm.gifThis clown is what you are clinging to as relevant? And beneficial to the Bloviator? Holy <deleted> !

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

This sure bears repeating:

I would venture to say, most Texans could say anything better than that clown who embarrassed Texas and The United States of America.

Another doof even more thick than the Bloviator.

If that is possible...

Dunning Kruger

Edited by iReason
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Non-presidential Donald Trump: Our view

Let's just say the pivot to presidential is not off to a promising start.

The thin-skinned businessman has continued to launch personal attacks on just about anyone who dares defy or disagree with him.

(Some have a word for that. The 5 letter word starts with: "P' and ends with "Y) wink.png

“This is outrageous behavior for a presidential candidate: unashamedly racist and dangerously dismissive of the notion of judicial independence. Trump’s rage might stem from the fact that he has much to fear.

“Being the leader of the free world demands a talent for ignoring minor provocations to achieve larger goals, but the famously litigious Trump doesn't get this.

The candidate's childish name-calling and his eagerness to smear anyone who disagrees with him are making an already ugly campaign even uglier.

After Tuesday’s unusually contentious news conference, a reporter asked whether this is “what it’s going to be like” if Trump is elected president. “Yes, it is,” Trump replied.” cheesy.gif


Like it or not, Lemmings, USA Today is MSM.

Read by: the Main Stream. laugh.png

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licking, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

is not fit to be the Leader of the Free World. Which is why, it will never happen.

It's going to be rapturous watching the Bloviator evaporate into the annals (anal?) of time.

The "uneducated" (the Bloviator luvs 'em!) and the marginal angry white folk, don't have a chance of putting this buffoon in the White House.

The reasonable, rational populace will discard the Trumpateers into the wasteland of xenophobia, bigotry and ignorance.

Where they belong.

Dunning Kruger.

With a Cognitive Dissonance chaser... thumbsup.gif


Edited by iReason
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Can someone help me here - what is the point of the previous posts by IReason?

I just cant seem to understand them at all - rambling vacuus rubbish insulting Trump - with no apparent point or reason.

Respodning in kind: Here are some HRC insults that Trump may use soon (cant wait for the debates to start :)):

I hope that head injury you 'faked' to avoid immediately accounting for the Bengazi disaster has cleared up. Your brain must feel as new as ever - especially considering you never used it.

I heard the doctors who first examined your head injury found nothing there - but it looks like Bill and others filled your head with what to say at the hearing months later.

I was going to give you a mean and nasty look - but I see you already have one.

I would like to finish by leaving a thought with you, but I know you have nowhere to put it.

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Can someone help me here - what is the point of the previous posts by IReason?

I just cant seem to understand them at all - rambling vacuus rubbish insulting Trump - with no apparent point or reason.

Respodning in kind: Here are some HRC insults that Trump may use soon (cant wait for the debates to start smile.png):

I hope that head injury you 'faked' to avoid immediately accounting for the Bengazi disaster has cleared up. Your brain must feel as new as ever - especially considering you never used it.

I heard the doctors who first examined your head injury found nothing there - but it looks like Bill and others filled your head with what to say at the hearing months later.

I was going to give you a mean and nasty look - but I see you already have one.

I would like to finish by leaving a thought with you, but I know you have nowhere to put it.

That is kinda funny. You've got to have a giggle now and then eh. giggle.gif

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@Post #3129

"Can someone help me here?"

No takers?

Ok. I will.

“Vacuus” would be: vacuous.

“Respodning” would be: Responding.

“Bengazi" would be: Benghazi.

As far as: "What is the point of the previous posts by IReason?

Well, that's your quandary. biggrin.png

Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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Non-presidential Donald Trump: Our view

Let's just say the pivot to presidential is not off to a promising start.

The thin-skinned businessman has continued to launch personal attacks on just about anyone who dares defy or disagree with him.

(Some have a word for that. The 5 letter word starts with: "P' and ends with "Y) wink.png

“This is outrageous behavior for a presidential candidate: unashamedly racist and dangerously dismissive of the notion of judicial independence. Trump’s rage might stem from the fact that he has much to fear.

“Being the leader of the free world demands a talent for ignoring minor provocations to achieve larger goals, but the famously litigious Trump doesn't get this.

The candidate's childish name-calling and his eagerness to smear anyone who disagrees with him are making an already ugly campaign even uglier.

After Tuesday’s unusually contentious news conference, a reporter asked whether this is “what it’s going to be like” if Trump is elected president. “Yes, it is,” Trump replied.” cheesy.gif


Like it or not, Lemmings, USA Today is MSM.

Read by: the Main Stream. laugh.png

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licking, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

is not fit to be the Leader of the Free World. Which is why, it will never happen.

It's going to be rapturous watching the Bloviator evaporate into the annals (anal?) of time.

The "uneducated" (the Bloviator luvs 'em!) and the marginal angry white folk, don't have a chance of putting this buffoon in the White House.

The reasonable, rational populace will discard the Trumpateers into the wasteland of xenophobia, bigotry and ignorance.

Where they belong.

Dunning Kruger.

With a Cognitive Dissonance chaser... thumbsup.gif

"Facts are seldom allowed to contaminate the beautiful vision of the left, what matters to the true believers are the ringing slogans, endlessly repeated"

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OK, "suit" yourself.

Seriously, you don't think someone charging $80 for a tie can't still make money having it manufactured in the USA?


Irregardless of which person is elected to POTUS, eventually manufacturing will return to the USA.

Sooner or lat millions of Americans will return to sweat shop floors making everything and anything from small electronic devices to clothing. There people will work all day and all night for for a measly pay of 2-3 million USD each, per week. In turn they will be able to exchange $300,000 USD for 1 Chinese Yuan.

The Chinese will be complaining about the quality of the product and people will suffer in the states for decades to come. Now how did this all come about?

Edited by neverdie
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Is it too late to stop the Trump Machine the question asks.

Most certainly it is:

Black Muslim Chases, Tackles White Trump Supporter After San Jose Rally – Then Brags on Twitter


Parts of America are out of control! facepalm.gif

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Is it too late to stop the Trump Machine the question asks.

Most certainly it is:

Black Muslim Chases, Tackles White Trump Supporter After San Jose Rally Then Brags on Twitter


Parts of America are out of control! facepalm.gif

Martial Law, coming to a city near you.

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Burning American flags while waving Mexican flags and assaulting attendees should go a long way to rally voters against Trump and his immigration views. It is going to be a long, hot summer. They might have to militarize the security in both Cleveland and Philly

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Everytime there's violence against Trump supporters as there was yesterday it generates thousands more votes for the Donald who will make America Great again!smile.png

Videos and Photos of Fascist Violence in San Jose.


Is this one of the most violent erection campaigns?

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In case anyone needs a reminder of what a donkey's ass Trump is, here's a compilation of 45 his zaniest quotes thus far (there will be more, trust me folks).....

Mate you are insulting Donkeys &lt;deleted&gt;.

In years to come, there will be a definition added to the dictionary to describe the man, I'm not sure the word exists yet, but our Don, He's a special kind of guy.

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Before Trump, we had Republican thought leaders like Charles Krauthammer, who was (formerly) held in such high esteem by conservatives on this forum as to approach some kind of deity. He said Hilary's speech was, to use his words "rather devastating" to Trump, which means extremely powerful and truthful about what and empty suit and danger Trump is.

It's all over the news with analysis of how Clinton's braintrust put together a piece that simplifies the ideas for those dazzled by this modern day PT Barnum, exposes the absolutely ignorance and vacancy of thought or ideas, and the huge danger should this guy become President. We've all been saying these things, but Clinton found a way to express this in simpler terms to connect better with the voting public.

Charles is right, Clinton is the wrong messenger, but the alternative is much more dangerous. Krauthammer's problem, like a lot of other thoughtful Democrats, Republicans, and world leaders and shared by this poster as well, is that WE HAVE NO COMMON SENSE, and therefore cannot get the appeal of Trump.


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In case anyone needs a reminder of what a donkey's ass Trump is, here's a compilation of 45 his zaniest quotes thus far (there will be more, trust me folks).....

Mate you are insulting Donkeys <deleted>.

In years to come, there will be a definition added to the dictionary to describe the man, I'm not sure the word exists yet, but our Don, He's a special kind of guy.

You are absolutly right about a definition to the dictionary, but you are wrong that such a word doesn't excist yet.

The word you are looking for is insane.

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Donald Trump will arrive in UK the day before EU referendum.

"Donald Trump has said he will visit the UK on the day before Britons go to the polls to decide whether to remain in the European Union.

The presumptive Republican nominee in the US presidential election has said he will come to the country on a whistle-stop tour of his golf resorts in Britain and Ireland."


Edited by NeverSure
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Irrefutable truth here fellas! facepalm.gif

“Our labor force participation rate, you’re talking about decades of a disaster,” said Trump. “People are making less money than they made 18 years ago and working harder.”

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Donald has brought to the forfront another Scandal Crooked Hillary is deeply embrooiled in:

"Trump also brought up another Clinton scandal involving receiving $16 million in funds from a school in what has been called a scam."

She needs to go away soon! thumbsup.gif

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In case anyone needs a reminder of what a donkey's ass Trump is, here's a compilation of 45 his zaniest quotes thus far (there will be more, trust me folks).....

Zany quotes vs, a list of Crooked Hillary's lies and malfeasence?

You lose. smile.png

We ALL lose if your boy gets up Boon Mee, you just haven't got that far yet

Remember that until Trump wiped the floor with him, Boon Mee was an avid fan of that famous Canadian, Rafael "I hate immigrants" Cruz.

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