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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Non-presidential Donald Trump: Our view

Let's just say the pivot to presidential is not off to a promising start.

The thin-skinned businessman has continued to launch personal attacks on just about anyone who dares defy or disagree with him.

(Some have a word for that. The 5 letter word starts with: "P' and ends with "Y) wink.png

“This is outrageous behavior for a presidential candidate: unashamedly racist and dangerously dismissive of the notion of judicial independence. Trump’s rage might stem from the fact that he has much to fear.

“Being the leader of the free world demands a talent for ignoring minor provocations to achieve larger goals, but the famously litigious Trump doesn't get this.

The candidate's childish name-calling and his eagerness to smear anyone who disagrees with him are making an already ugly campaign even uglier.

After Tuesday’s unusually contentious news conference, a reporter asked whether this is “what it’s going to be like” if Trump is elected president. “Yes, it is,” Trump replied.” cheesy.gif


Like it or not, Lemmings, USA Today is MSM.

Read by: the Main Stream. laugh.png

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licking, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

is not fit to be the Leader of the Free World. Which is why, it will never happen.

It's going to be rapturous watching the Bloviator evaporate into the annals (anal?) of time.

The "uneducated" (the Bloviator luvs 'em!) and the marginal angry white folk, don't have a chance of putting this buffoon in the White House.

The reasonable, rational populace will discard the Trumpateers into the wasteland of xenophobia, bigotry and ignorance.

Where they belong.

Dunning Kruger.

With a Cognitive Dissonance chaser... thumbsup.gif

You just don't get it. It's not the Donald that they support, it's a chance to oppose everything they hate about mainstream politics, as exemplified by HRC. The Donald could sing Monty Python songs and do the Egyptian for his entire meetings and people would still support him, as he is the only hope they have to give the establishment the kicking it deserves.

The Dems establishment sure misjudged just how much people despise HRC, an incredibly unpopular choice- should have gone for the Bern. If HRC actually had an iota of charisma all the anti Trumpists on here wouldn't keep telling us how bad Trump is, they'd be telling us how great HRC is, but that's one for the too hard basket.

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Non-presidential Donald Trump: Our view

Let's just say the pivot to presidential is not off to a promising start.

The thin-skinned businessman has continued to launch personal attacks on just about anyone who dares defy or disagree with him.

(Some have a word for that. The 5 letter word starts with: "P' and ends with "Y) wink.png

“This is outrageous behavior for a presidential candidate: unashamedly racist and dangerously dismissive of the notion of judicial independence. Trump’s rage might stem from the fact that he has much to fear.

“Being the leader of the free world demands a talent for ignoring minor provocations to achieve larger goals, but the famously litigious Trump doesn't get this.

The candidate's childish name-calling and his eagerness to smear anyone who disagrees with him are making an already ugly campaign even uglier.

After Tuesday’s unusually contentious news conference, a reporter asked whether this is “what it’s going to be like” if Trump is elected president. “Yes, it is,” Trump replied.” cheesy.gif


Like it or not, Lemmings, USA Today is MSM.

Read by: the Main Stream. laugh.png

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licking, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

is not fit to be the Leader of the Free World. Which is why, it will never happen.

It's going to be rapturous watching the Bloviator evaporate into the annals (anal?) of time.

The "uneducated" (the Bloviator luvs 'em!) and the marginal angry white folk, don't have a chance of putting this buffoon in the White House.

The reasonable, rational populace will discard the Trumpateers into the wasteland of xenophobia, bigotry and ignorance.

Where they belong.

Dunning Kruger.

With a Cognitive Dissonance chaser... thumbsup.gif

You just don't get it. It's not the Donald that they support, it's a chance to oppose everything they hate about mainstream politics, as exemplified by HRC. The Donald could sing Monty Python songs and do the Egyptian for his entire meetings and people would still support him, as he is the only hope they have to give the establishment the kicking it deserves.

The Dems establishment sure misjudged just how much people despise HRC, an incredibly unpopular choice- should have gone for the Bern. If HRC actually had an iota of charisma all the anti Trumpists on here wouldn't keep telling us how bad Trump is, they'd be telling us how great HRC is, but that's one for the too hard basket.

At this point even Slow Joe might look better?

Doesn't have any baggage since he really hasn't -up much! rolleyes.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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Interesting article in CNN about Trump being divisive. I think it and the whole election bruhaha is just a manifestation of the failure of multiculturalism. Where once you had people with similar values contained within borders of nations and the clashes happened between those nations, as in all-Austrian Arnie obliterating the Russkie bad guys in the 80's, now they're right in your face in your own country. That's the result of overt tolerance and PC, much like the slow backlash of farang influx in Thailand. Trump seems to bring the existing tensions to clear view.

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The moral of the story is this, mon ami. If you see your mate making a bad decision, or doing something dopey that's going to cause grief down the line, do you stop him and ask him to think, or do you just let him go ahead and laugh at the result? It's a fine line and takes some judgement, but I'd hazard the guess that the blokes who'd sit back and laugh at the result are not your mates. They're <deleted>. They're your enemy.

More than a little patronising, Mon'Ami.

Maybe. But laboured or not, do you think I have a point?

Not if you're wrong.

Electing Obama version 2 would be a huge mistake. He has given us too may problems- it's time for the US to pull it's sticky beak in and stop interfering in other countries business. HRC would carry on regardless with Obama's misguided policies- Libya/ Syria anyone?

Only the Donald has said he will reduce the US footprint in the world. It's time for NZ and Australia to start doing more on the military front. NZ in particular has been taking a free ride on the US military, and the NZ defence force has become irrelevant- probably couldn't defend the country against an invasion by Fiji sad.png .

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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion :)

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Interesting article in CNN about Trump being divisive. I think it and the whole election bruhaha is just a manifestation of the failure of multiculturalism. Where once you had people with similar values contained within borders of nations and the clashes happened between those nations, as in all-Austrian Arnie obliterating the Russkie bad guys in the 80's, now they're right in your face in your own country. That's the result of overt tolerance and PC, much like the slow backlash of farang influx in Thailand. Trump seems to bring the existing tensions to clear view.

What backlash of farang influx? I haven't had any evidence of that where I live. Mind you, if it's Phuket I'd like to wash that entire place into the ocean, but that's what you get when you cater to the lowest common denominator of mass tourism.

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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion smile.png

Chill. He was only having a giggle, like he said and I had a giggle myself. Perhaps you don't get it?

Makes a nice change from the anti Donalds hatefest.

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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion smile.png

Lift your game son, that's an oldie

Opinion noted crazy.gif

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HAHAHAHA Trump calling someone else unfit for office.

You couldn't make it up.


Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER

Remember you heard it here first. Whoooosh down the slide.rolleyes.gif

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Clinton Cash"; Gowdy's Benghazi Kangaroo court; Dinesh "Jailbird" D'Souza's pitiful "documentary" efforts; Judicial Watch's witch hunts; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing her born out of the fear that Clinton is going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume it will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Fox News that the hilarious work of fiction "13 hours" did?


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The moral of the story is this, mon ami. If you see your mate making a bad decision, or doing something dopey that's going to cause grief down the line, do you stop him and ask him to think, or do you just let him go ahead and laugh at the result? It's a fine line and takes some judgement, but I'd hazard the guess that the blokes who'd sit back and laugh at the result are not your mates. They're <deleted>. They're your enemy.

More than a little patronising, Mon'Ami.

Maybe. But laboured or not, do you think I have a point?

Not if you're wrong.

Electing Obama version 2 would be a huge mistake. He has given us too may problems- it's time for the US to pull it's sticky beak in and stop interfering in other countries business. HRC would carry on regardless with Obama's misguided policies- Libya/ Syria anyone?

Only the Donald has said he will reduce the US footprint in the world. It's time for NZ and Australia to start doing more on the military front. NZ in particular has been taking a free ride on the US military, and the NZ defence force has become irrelevant- probably couldn't defend the country against an invasion by Fiji sad.png .

Why would anyone in Fiji want to take over NZ?? But you are dead right - NZ stays in the ANZUS alliance - but doesn't contribute much. This is the same all over the world - everyone is taking advantage of the USA.

8 more years of HRC foreign policy 'direction' on top of the 8 years of Obama (complete stuff up) on top of the 8 years of GW (mostly stuffed up) would be a disatser USA may never recover from and would be bad for the world as a whole. Trump is right about US foreign policy (but not politically correct) - it is time for the US to fix the problems in their own backyard, and stop spending so much time and money fixing up the neighbourhood (all while the neighbourhood's kids are stealing the fruit/vegetables and growing dope in the US backyard).

Heritage Foundation scholar Brett Schaefer in 2015 briefed the US Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee. Schaefer provided the panel with “stark” comparisons highlighting the disproportionate contributions provided by the U.S. in 2015, including:

--More than half the U.N.’s membership will be assessed less than $1 million each for both budgets - compared to $3.024 billion for the U.S. alone.

--The 119 members of the Non-Aligned Movement together will account for around $490 million.

--The 56 countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – which include 10 of the world’s 20 top oil-producing nations – will together contribute around $360 million.

--The other four permanent members of the U.N. Security Council – Russia, China, Britain and France – will together account for around $2.523 billion (compared to $3.024 billion for the U.S. alone).

Schaefer told the committee he believed it was in the interests of the U.S. to have an effective United Nations, but to be useful the U.N. must be competent, efficient, transparent, accountable, and must hold employees to the highest standards of conduct. “Unfortunately, the current organization falls short.”

The actual amount the U.S. contributes to the range of U.N. agencies each year goes way beyond the 'formal' contributions to the regular and peacekeeping budgets.

From FY2006 to FY2010 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was required by law to report contributions to the U.N. each year from every federal agency. The requirement was not made permanent and expired in 2011.

The last OMB report to Congress under that mandate showed that the State Department and 16 other government agencies contributed a total of $7.69 billion to the U.N. system in FY2010.

And the USA gets one vote - they provide half the funding but they get one vote.

Trump is right - the USA (taxpayers) are being ripped off. The Liberals dont care as most dont pay taxes and the UN is a very left-wing organisation with all sorst of 'human rights' agendas running. And the US media dont report it much because they are biased towards left-wing agendas.

You know it makes sense.

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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion smile.png

Lift your game son, that's an oldie

Opinion noted crazy.gif

Take another pill and go to bed - maybe in the morning you will feel better.

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Yeah but these #nevertrump lickspittles and their fellow left wing crazies are the ones who will go up in smoke...thumbsup.gif

Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion smile.png

Chill. He was only having a giggle, like he said and I had a giggle myself. Perhaps you don't get it?

Makes a nice change from the anti Donalds hatefest.

True - but he aint funny - he just thinks he is.

Double true - and dont 'they' hate him?? I am old enough the remember the same personal anti-Reagan sentiments - they got it wrong then in a big way - hopefully the same again.

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Lickspittles... can't argue with that! Lol!

You been chatting to my missus or something? She reckons I'm alright in the old lickspittle department too mate, the lucky, lucky lady...

Lol crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif lol

wai2.gif Peace brother, just having a giggle!

Mate - you are about as funny as a heart attack.

But that is only my opinion smile.png

Lift your game son, that's an oldie

Opinion noted crazy.gif

Take another pill and go to bed - maybe in the morning you will feel better.

Go to bed? But I've been good! passifier.gif

I'm only just warming up BB24... mind you, warmups take a bit longer nowadays, must be honest.

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HAHAHAHA Trump calling someone else unfit for office.

You couldn't make it up.


Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER

Remember you heard it here first. Whoooosh down the slide.rolleyes.gif

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Clinton Cash"; Gowdy's Benghazi Kangaroo court; Dinesh "Jailbird" D'Souza's pitiful "documentary" efforts; Judicial Watch's witch hunts; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing her born out of the fear that Clinton is going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume it will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Fox News that the hilarious work of fiction "13 hours" did?


Close - but I have fixed your post for you. Dont mention it smile.png

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Jail for Abortions"; Trump University Kangaroo court; Allegations of assalting media members; Building a Wall, Muslims ban on entering USA; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing him born out of the fear that Trump going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume any left-wing complaint will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Left-wing Media that the hilarious work of fiction "Megan Kelly" did?

Edited by BB24
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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

When you say "red necks", are you referring to geography or....? Please explain.

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RNC taps groups reviled by Trump to write GOP platform

But Republican leaders barely talk about the nominee as they meet with Republican-leaning business interests.

"Republican Party leaders are courting Beltway insiders to help write a platform that wins over the special interests that Donald Trump regularly trashes on the campaign trail. There’s just one thing:

The Republican National Committee is barely talking about Trump as it meets with virtually every Republican-leaning business interest in town."

“They were not speaking about the nominee”— only the platform, said an attendee at one session.”

"Trump has alarmed business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and National Association of Manufacturers for instance, with his threat to walk away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and to hike steep duties on Chinese and Mexican goods, to try to narrow the trade deficit and discourage companies from moving jobs outside the United States."


The machine rolls on.

And completely disregards the ignorant Bloviator. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Edited by iReason
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this trump doesn't invent anything new. it s more like "if you vote for me, you will be so rich that bla bla"

Hitler used same talk.

Trump just try to catch the dreamers and the big problem in the USA, people are not the smartest people on earth.

Edited by returnofthailand
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this trump doesn't invent anything new. it s more like "if you vote for me, you will be so rich that bla bla"

Hitler used same talk.

Trump just try to catch the dreamers and the big problem in the USA, people are not the smartest people on earth.

His model is his Trump "University" sales pitch.

You know deep down he thinks everyone that supports him are SUCKERS.

He has massive disdain for everyone under him, all the "LOSERS" because to him, that's everyone, as he's clearly a psychopathic egomaniac. How crazy would a nation need to be to actually freely vote for such a dangerous NUTCASE?

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Close - but I have fixed your post for you. Dont mention it smile.png

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Jail for Abortions"; Trump University Kangaroo court; Allegations of assalting media members; Building a Wall, Muslims ban on entering USA; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing him born out of the fear that Trump going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume any left-wing complaint will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Left-wing Media that the hilarious work of fiction "Megan Kelly" did?

As far as I'm aware, Trump University is a court case and has no political influence at all, other than Trump paying off two politicians to try and stop it going to court. He allegedly defrauded people for fortunes and they are suing him. He could have settled, but he hasn't. His mistake if you ask me.

As for the rest:

"Jail for abortions" - Tick - He said women should be punished for having abortions.

"Assaulting media members" - I've not heard of Assault, perhaps you could provide a link. But he has insulted many of them (including Kelly, see below).

"Building a Wall" - Tick - You should watch John Oliver's assessment of the cost, and also look up how many illegal immigrants come from border crossings, and how many actually just overstay visas. Personally with the amount it cost, I wouldn't be surprised if some of his mafia mates would be involved in the contract. Mexico are not going to pay for it, no matter what Trump says.

"Muslims ban" - Yes, he said it. And as usual, didn't really think it through. For example, how do you tell the difference between a Palestinian Christian and a Palestinian Muslim? More gibberish.

And as for Kelly, she went crawling to Trump for an interview and then basically softballed all the way through it. I was very disappointed, she totally bottled it.

Edited by Chicog
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Close - but I have fixed your post for you. Dont mention it smile.png

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Jail for Abortions"; Trump University Kangaroo court; Allegations of assalting media members; Building a Wall, Muslims ban on entering USA; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing him born out of the fear that Trump going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume any left-wing complaint will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Left-wing Media that the hilarious work of fiction "Megan Kelly" did?

As far as I'm aware, Trump University is a court case and has no political influence at all, other than Trump paying off two politicians to try and stop it going to court. He allegedly defrauded people for fortunes and they are suing him. He could have settled, but he hasn't. His mistake if you ask me.

As for the rest:

"Jail for abortions" - Tick - He said women should be punished for having abortions.

"Assaulting media members" - I've not heard of Assault, perhaps you could provide a link. But he has insulted many of them (including Kelly, see below).

"Building a Wall" - Tick - You should watch John Oliver's assessment of the cost, and also look up how many illegal immigrants come from border crossings, and how many actually just overstay visas. Personally with the amount it cost, I wouldn't be surprised if some of his mafia mates would be involved in the contract. Mexico are not going to pay for it, no matter what Trump says.

"Muslims ban" - Yes, he said it. And as usual, didn't really think it through. For example, how do you tell the difference between a Palestinian Christian and a Palestinian Muslim? More gibberish.

And as for Kelly, she went crawling to Trump for an interview and then basically softballed all the way through it. I was very disappointed, she totally bottled it.

Typical LIberal - completely missed the obvious point - which was a 'tit for tat' response. It was easy to replace the 'negative news items' about Trump with negative news items about HRC.

I wont bother responding to each and every one (or adding more), but I will respond to one - to try and highlight how the media lies (distorts) what Trump says and how the Liberals jump all over it and make it out to be something else and much worse than what he actually said.

"Jail for abortions" - Tick - He said women should be punished for having abortions.

That is a lie - at the best it is a distortion: Trump was answering hypothetical questions by a reporter who again and again pushed him on the subject of abortion. The reporter repeatedly asked Trump that if abortion was made illegal, should there be punishment for it - and Trump said "Yes, there would have to be something". It was an atypical media trap by a very experienced and smart reporter. I read the transcipts and Trump tried to answere and said about 5-6 times that he was pro-life, but he didn't want to answer the questions anyt further. The interviewer tricked him and forced him to answer. Next thing - the whole media circus goes wild with the headlines screaming out that Trump wants women punished for having abortions. Opponents made comments: Kasich - "Of course, women shouldn’t be punished for having an abortion." HRC - "What he said today is among the most dangerous and outrageous statements that I’ve heard anybody running for president say in a really long time." Sanders - "To punish a woman for having an abortion is beyond comprehension."

But many people realised that Trump was tricked - they know the media are deceptive lying aholes who will do/say anything to get a headline. Trump has since stated that he meant the Doctors who performed the proceedures - IF it was illegal. He was tricked and waylayed - and he knew it. And Trump did learn from that clumsy error and has not fallen into that trap again. Seasoned campaign politicians like crooked HRC have answers to everything all ready and prepared - for that exact situation - so they dont get flustered and confused. Ergo she has over 850 staff and Trump has less than 100 (maybe more now he won the GOP nomination).

But here we are months later and still the LIberals state that Trump said this and Trump said that - when most of the time his words are taken out of context - purely for the headlines. But Trump is smart enough to know that the media is doing his job for him - the people are smarter than they were in 2008 - they know he is no 'messiah' and they know the media cannot be trusted.

In 2008 if you were a Liberal and believed all the media hype, you would have believed Obama could walk on water, was gonna end all wars in Muslim countries, give everyone free affordable health care, solve world hunger and give Katy Perry a brain - YES WE CAN !!!! It must be at least a little disappointing to the Liberals (those with some brains) that he actually achieved none of those outcomes - NO HE DIDN'T !!! It was all media hype and lies - and this time that wont work - not for HRC and not against Trump. So you and all the other Liberals can take your media headlines and ................... keep publishing them :) Thanks - Trump is getting more media coverage than money can buy because of them laugh.png

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The says it all right now, right here:

Trump: Pick Clinton and ‘This Country Is Gonna Die

“Frankly, I honestly believe — and I really mean this — I think that Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead our country, certainly at this time,” Trump said. “I think she’s unfit. She doesn’t have what it takes.”


Of course she doesn't. She's a mega-lier and a crook who actually belongs in the Greybar Hotel rather than out in public spewing her endless regurgetated propaganda. smile.png

Trump says sagely, "pick Clinton and ‘this country is gonna die"

Spoken like the wisest man of the 3 locked up at San Quenton solitairy confinement. Admit it, Trump fans, Trump would say dumbass things like that about anyone he's running against. He's bereft of ideas any deeper than linoleum, despite him saying, "I know many words. I'm good with words." I know 6 year olds studdying English as a 2nd language who are more articulate than Trump, ....and wiser too. If immaturity and vindictiveness were Olympic events, Trump would win Gold Medals in both.

Non-presidential Donald Trump: Our view

Let's just say the pivot to presidential is not off to a promising start.

The thin-skinned businessman has continued to launch personal attacks on just about anyone who dares defy or disagree with him.

(Some have a word for that. The 5 letter word starts with: "P' and ends with "Y) wink.png

“This is outrageous behavior for a presidential candidate: unashamedly racist and dangerously dismissive of the notion of judicial independence. Trump’s rage might stem from the fact that he has much to fear.

“Being the leader of the free world demands a talent for ignoring minor provocations to achieve larger goals, but the famously litigious Trump doesn't get this.

The candidate's childish name-calling and his eagerness to smear anyone who disagrees with him are making an already ugly campaign even uglier.

After Tuesday’s unusually contentious news conference, a reporter asked whether this is “what it’s going to be like” if Trump is elected president. “Yes, it is,” Trump replied.” cheesy.gif


Like it or not, Lemmings, USA Today is MSM.

Read by: the Main Stream. laugh.png

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licking, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

is not fit to be the Leader of the Free World. Which is why, it will never happen.

It's going to be rapturous watching the Bloviator evaporate into the annals (anal?) of time.

The "uneducated" (the Bloviator luvs 'em!) and the marginal angry white folk, don't have a chance of putting this buffoon in the White House.

The reasonable, rational populace will discard the Trumpateers into the wasteland of xenophobia, bigotry and ignorance.

Where they belong.

Dunning Kruger.

With a Cognitive Dissonance chaser... thumbsup.gif

You just don't get it. It's not the Donald that they support, it's a chance to oppose everything they hate about mainstream politics, as exemplified by HRC. The Donald could sing Monty Python songs and do the Egyptian for his entire meetings and people would still support him, as he is the only hope they have to give the establishment the kicking it deserves.

The Dems establishment sure misjudged just how much people despise HRC, an incredibly unpopular choice- should have gone for the Bern. If HRC actually had an iota of charisma all the anti Trumpists on here wouldn't keep telling us how bad Trump is, they'd be telling us how great HRC is, but that's one for the too hard basket.

Maybe I don't 'get it.' You don't like The Divider either, but you support him being in the White House because (your words) "he is the only hope to give the establishment the kicking it deserves." WOW, thanks for articulating that. It gives a clearer picture of the weird thinking of Trump fans.

How about we elect Fat Boy Kim as president? He would be much more against American establishment than Trump.

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The following is an excerpt from a commentary on HRC's very recent foreign policy speech......

"She showed off her policy expertise on the firmest ground she can stand on —foreign policy is the issue where she beats Trump consistently in the polls. Contrast her content and demeanor with his braggadocio, like when he says he knows more than generals, for example."

Full commentary here / NPR

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Donald Trump’s Greatest Self-Contradictions

The many, many, MANY sides of the likely Republican nominee, in his own words.

"In a world where candidates have lost elections over a single flip-flop, Trump has turned the self-contradiction into an art form.

To create the definitive archive of Trump’s long argument with himself, Politico mined an almost limitless seam of his radio and TV interviews, newspaper and magazine profiles,

books written about him and books written by him, rambling campaign speeches and late-night tweets."

"Read them together and they reveal a person who may be amazingly good at gauging the moment, but whose principles, beyond simply winning, remain elusive—perhaps even to himself."

Two gems:

“I wanted to do this for myself. … I had to do it for myself.” (Time, August 18, 2015)

“I don’t want it for myself. I don’t need it for myself.” (ABC News, November 20, 2015)

“I’m no different than a politician running for office.” (New York Times, July 28, 2015)

“I’m not a politician.” (CNN, August 11, 2015)

For a good laugh, read many more here: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-contradictions-213869#ixzz4AhQQhrhF

The Bloviator has the principles and the convictions of a stone.

Whatta clown...

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HAHAHAHA Trump calling someone else unfit for office.

You couldn't make it up.


Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER

Remember you heard it here first. Whoooosh down the slide.rolleyes.gif

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Clinton Cash"; Gowdy's Benghazi Kangaroo court; Dinesh "Jailbird" D'Souza's pitiful "documentary" efforts; Judicial Watch's witch hunts; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing her born out of the fear that Clinton is going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume it will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Fox News that the hilarious work of fiction "13 hours" did?


Didn't you wonder at the timing? Why not now before California and NJ?

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Incredibly, there are many Americans who believe Trump is a political outsider. That's like saying Michael Jordan doesn't know much about basketball.

Here's an excerpt from a recent article:

Trump golfed and broke bread with nearly every major political power broker in the state. He used sweet talk, like he did with Kean, but he also deployed attack ads, like with former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. He spent millions on New Jersey lobbyists, lawyers, spokesmen and political operatives, many of whom then contributed money to important politicians. This is how he survived business failures in state — and how he caught a lot of breaks.

Trump built his brand off his New Jersey casinos, all of which went bankrupt. He bought a professional football team, the New Jersey Generals, which lasted just two years. And he opened three golf courses, which pay little in taxes. All along the way, Trump took a hands-on approach to politics. He had to.

"The others sort of went with the pack, but he was different. He did things differently," Kean said. "He would sort of come to see you separately. And it was evident to me from Day 1 that he was very, very smart. And very, very tactful."

Trump buttonholed legislators in Trenton to lobby for tax breaks for his casinos. He turned one senator's office into his temporary headquarters, so he could use the phone in between lobbying legislators. And the New Jersey attorney general — the person in charge of regulating his casinos — once let him use his helipad to fly into Trenton for a meeting. Trump and Attorney General David Samson then went to a local steakhouse to talk about changes Samson wanted at the casinos.

full analogy

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Yeah, I read that one with the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading Bloviator.

With another of his crazed, agitating, Mussolini rhetoric filled "speeches" fanning the flames of the Lemming's ignorance.

Trump: Pick Clinton and 'this country is gonna die'

I have a tough temperament, but we need a tough temperament,' the GOP candidate said Friday.

“If you choose Hillary Clinton, this country is gonna die. It’s gonna die,” Trump said during a rally in Redding, California. facepalm.gif

And the Bloviator babbles on:

“Let me tell you, there’s nobody with a better temperament than me."

“I really believe I have the greatest temperament there is and the temperament that this country needs at this time."

"Now my temperament is totally controlled, so beautiful.” clap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gif


"This country is gonna die. It’s gonna die”

I can just picture all the chicken littles in the audience saying:

Did'ya hear that? See, see, I told you the sky was falling!

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