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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump supporters leaving a Trump Rally in San Jose were attacked and beaten by a mostly Illegal Alien violent mob.

Yes and they are helping trump.

And you support the violence with your comments like "vile monster" etc.

No-one is "supporting the violence", but they aren't getting riled by people describing Trump on here, are they?

They are riled by him calling them all rapists, etc. and threatening to dock the money they send to their families.

So words someone doesn't like justify violence then?

Nice non sequitur. Very Trump-like.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:

Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

Did you watch it?

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I love this headline: Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist



[More than six months ago, I began a column by proposing, “Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.” His bigotry went back decades, to the Central Park jogger case, and came to include: his leadership of the “birther” movement suggesting President Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, his vulgar expressions for women, his talk of Mexico sending rapists into America, his call for mass deportation, his spats with Latino news outlets, his mocking Asian accent, his tacit acceptance of the claim that Muslims are a “problem” in America, his agreement that American Muslims should be forced to register themselves, his call to ban Muslim immigration, his false claim about American Muslims celebrating 9/11, his tweeting of statistics from white supremacists, his condoning of violence against black demonstrators and his mocking of a journalist with a physical disability.]

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I love this headline: Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist



[More than six months ago, I began a column by proposing, “Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.” His bigotry went back decades, to the Central Park jogger case, and came to include: his leadership of the “birther” movement suggesting President Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, his vulgar expressions for women, his talk of Mexico sending rapists into America, his call for mass deportation, his spats with Latino news outlets, his mocking Asian accent, his tacit acceptance of the claim that Muslims are a “problem” in America, his agreement that American Muslims should be forced to register themselves, his call to ban Muslim immigration, his false claim about American Muslims celebrating 9/11, his tweeting of statistics from white supremacists, his condoning of violence against black demonstrators and his mocking of a journalist with a physical disability.]

Of course this is obvious to everyone in the world and in the US, both Republicans and Democrats. It's only not obvious to those drinking the racist's koolaid, which frighteningly, there are so many of. Truly astounding and disturbing and one giant step back for mankind.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I doubt he watches much Fox News at all, oh you mean...

The wingnuts rely on Fox News. 60% Of Fox News ‘Facts’ Are Really Lies


How does Trump get away with constantly lying? His low-info minions simply don't care...because they're simple.


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After days of talking about how bad the judge is for being a Mexican, Trump is now desperately trying to walk it back.

I'm just amazed that no-one is talking about Contempt of Court, even if it is a civil case.

Either way, judges don't need to recuse themselves because racist, bigoted twits don't like the fact that they are being exposed as crooks.


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What a surprise, Hannity says the press shouldn't be talking about the fact that the Republican Presidential candidate is a con artist and a crook, but about a few angry Mexican yobs.

Funnily enough he makes no mention of all the violence Trump incited in the early days of his campaign.

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I love this headline: Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist



[More than six months ago, I began a column by proposing, “Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.” His bigotry went back decades, to the Central Park jogger case, and came to include: his leadership of the “birther” movement suggesting President Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, his vulgar expressions for women, his talk of Mexico sending rapists into America, his call for mass deportation, his spats with Latino news outlets, his mocking Asian accent, his tacit acceptance of the claim that Muslims are a “problem” in America, his agreement that American Muslims should be forced to register themselves, his call to ban Muslim immigration, his false claim about American Muslims celebrating 9/11, his tweeting of statistics from white supremacists, his condoning of violence against black demonstrators and his mocking of a journalist with a physical disability.]

Of course this is obvious to everyone in the world and in the US, both Republicans and Democrats. It's only not obvious to those drinking the racist's koolaid, which frighteningly, there are so many of. Truly astounding and disturbing and one giant step back for mankind.

Au contraire, I think it's also obvious to rednecks who love Trump. It's like a group of 11th grade high school jocks gathered in a pack (they're most comfortable when in a tight bundle with their buddies). One of the group is a combination class clown and John Wayne wannabe. Every time that BMOC (big man on campus) swaggers and boasts, his buddies lap it up. They love it. If a pretty girl with big knockers pushing out her sweater walks by, the BMOC will make a snide remark, and all his buddies will immediately dig it.

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On the bright side, there are some positives...

Cher has little love for Donald Trump, and went so far as to say that just watching the presumptive GOP nominee makes her want to "blow my brains out."


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No surprise that this woman doesn't want to do any interviews.....

WASHINGTON -- Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 - four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

After the check came in, Bondi's office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.


Edited by Chicog
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Jaysus, it's just too easy to find Trump lies. Does he *ever* tell the truth?

Now it seems he was in favour of going into Libya.

(And Iraq for that matter if I really need to post it).

What a Liar.

I don't know about Lyin' Ted, it should be Lyin' Donald!

John Dickerson
: Let me ask you about Libya. You have been highly critical of Libya and Hillary Clinton. You were also for military action to oust Qaddafi and military action to take care of the humanitarian situation in Libya. You supported that.

Donald Trump
: When you say supported it, I supported Libya?

: Yes, you supported the intervention in Libya.

: I did? Where do you see that?

Dickerson then played video of Trump saying, “Now, we should go in. We should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it and save these lives.” Trump replied:

: That’s a big difference from what we’re talking about.

: But you were for intervention.

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"Is it too late to stop the Trump Machine"

The answer to that is yes unless Bernie Sanders wins the democratic nomination, it's not over yet ! The crooked media and DNC are already counting their chickens before they are hatched but if Democrats were smart Bernie would be running against Trump and Hillary would drop out.

I think Hillary will drop out anyhow between now and convention time. The heat is on with emails, the Clinton foundation, newly released Secret service books, scandal after scandal, the fixed system, etc etc ....

Hillary is damaged goods !

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"Is it too late to stop the Trump Machine"

The answer to that is yes unless Bernie Sanders wins the democratic nomination, it's not over yet ! The crooked media and DNC are already counting their chickens before they are hatched but if Democrats were smart Bernie would be running against Trump and Hillary would drop out.

I think Hillary will drop out anyhow between now and convention time. The heat is on with emails, the Clinton foundation, newly released Secret service books, scandal after scandal, the fixed system, etc etc ....

Hillary is damaged goods !

Unfortunately, all the faecal matter they keep throwing at her is mostly vacuous and isn't sticking, except in the minds of Fox News viewers.

Trump on the other hand is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Lol, Chicog you're on fire mate! gigglem.gif

Where's all the Trumpkins today? Did they all turned into pumpkins overnight or something... the silence is deafening!


Maybe a few are having second thoughts about backing a confirmed racist.
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Lol, Chicog you're on fire mate! gigglem.gif

Where's all the Trumpkins today? Did they all turned into pumpkins overnight or something... the silence is deafening!


Maybe a few are having second thoughts about backing a confirmed racist.

Yep, reckon you're right Jings.

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No surprise that this woman doesn't want to do any interviews.....

WASHINGTON -- Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 - four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

After the check came in, Bondi's office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.


Interesting. Some rather nefarious stuff going on with AG's in Florida and Texas. And Americans in those states who were ripped off by Trump get the shaft. This stinks to high heaven. The question is, who is Trump going to blame for this?

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Interesting. Some rather nefarious stuff going on with AG's in Florida and Texas. And Americans in those states who were ripped off by Trump get the shaft. This stinks to high heaven. The question is, who is Trump going to blame for this?

The Press obviously. They're being unfair to him.

Talking of which:

An embattled Donald Trump urgently rallied his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on a federal judge's Mexican ancestry during a conference call on Monday in which he ordered them to question the judge's credibility and impugn reporters as racists.


A clearly irritated Trump told his supporters to attack journalists who ask questions about the lawsuit and his comments about the judge.

"The people asking the questions—those are the racists," Trump said. "I would go at 'em."

Suggesting a broader campaign against the media, Trump said the campaign should also actively criticize television reporters. "I'd let them have it," he said, referring to those who Trump portrayed as hypocrites.

Sounds like the Trump's cage is well and truly rattled.


Edited by Chicog
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Simple minds are easy to amuse clap2.gif

Says the Trump fanboy. Now that is funny! gigglem.gif

See, simple minds say someone is a "Trump fanboy" without even knowing the facts.

Guilty as charged Ash, you got me. And here I was thinking you were a card-carrying Trumpmeister. I stand corrected! So are you 'Feeling the Bern' or something Ash?

Welcome over from the dark side Ash! clap2.gif

There's hope for you yet mate.

Nah, i rather get violated by a cactus in my butthole than support an old man (should be wiser) who is a socialist.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I doubt he watches much Fox News at all, oh you mean...

The wingnuts rely on Fox News. 60% Of Fox News ‘Facts’ Are Really Lies


How does Trump get away with constantly lying? His low-info minions simply don't care...because they're simple.


Don't know what Fox news has anything to do with this clip but just to inform you i do not watch Fox nor can i even if i wanted as i don't have it.

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After days of talking about how bad the judge is for being a Mexican, Trump is now desperately trying to walk it back.

I'm just amazed that no-one is talking about Contempt of Court, even if it is a civil case.

Either way, judges don't need to recuse themselves because racist, bigoted twits don't like the fact that they are being exposed as crooks.


Did Trump personally stand in the court and said those things?

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I love this headline: Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist



[More than six months ago, I began a column by proposing, “Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.” His bigotry went back decades, to the Central Park jogger case, and came to include: his leadership of the “birther” movement suggesting President Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, his vulgar expressions for women, his talk of Mexico sending rapists into America, his call for mass deportation, his spats with Latino news outlets, his mocking Asian accent, his tacit acceptance of the claim that Muslims are a “problem” in America, his agreement that American Muslims should be forced to register themselves, his call to ban Muslim immigration, his false claim about American Muslims celebrating 9/11, his tweeting of statistics from white supremacists, his condoning of violence against black demonstrators and his mocking of a journalist with a physical disability.]

Of course this is obvious to everyone in the world and in the US, both Republicans and Democrats. It's only not obvious to those drinking the racist's koolaid, which frighteningly, there are so many of. Truly astounding and disturbing and one giant step back for mankind.

Au contraire, I think it's also obvious to rednecks who love Trump. It's like a group of 11th grade high school jocks gathered in a pack (they're most comfortable when in a tight bundle with their buddies). One of the group is a combination class clown and John Wayne wannabe. Every time that BMOC (big man on campus) swaggers and boasts, his buddies lap it up. They love it. If a pretty girl with big knockers pushing out her sweater walks by, the BMOC will make a snide remark, and all his buddies will immediately dig it.

Such vile racism in your posts all the time... i bet 10 bucks you support "ze Bern".

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Lol, Chicog you're on fire mate! gigglem.gif

Where's all the Trumpkins today? Did they all turned into pumpkins overnight or something... the silence is deafening!


Some of us, unlike you "Ze Bern boys", do actually work you know. It's that thing where you get a salary for doing something for someone... should try it :)

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Lol, Chicog you're on fire mate! gigglem.gif

Where's all the Trumpkins today? Did they all turned into pumpkins overnight or something... the silence is deafening!


Some of us, unlike you "Ze Bern boys", do actually work you know. It's that thing where you get a salary for doing something for someone... should try it smile.png

So you at work now Ash? Pontificating from on high on the Boss's time? You know, the bloke who pays your salary.

Hope you got your finger hovering over the 'Boss Key' in case any of the grown ups at your 'work' take a wander by... wouldn't want you to get chewed out for posting on TV when you're supposed to be 'working' now would we?

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Says the Trump fanboy. Now that is funny! gigglem.gif

See, simple minds say someone is a "Trump fanboy" without even knowing the facts.

Guilty as charged Ash, you got me. And here I was thinking you were a card-carrying Trumpmeister. I stand corrected! So are you 'Feeling the Bern' or something Ash?

Welcome over from the dark side Ash! clap2.gif

There's hope for you yet mate.

Nah, i rather get violated by a cactus in my butthole than support an old man (should be wiser) who is a socialist.

Do you know what a 'Socialist' is Ash? Hint, it's got nothing to do with butholes or cactus (or should that be cactii?)

Nice mental image you painted there though, points for style Ash

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