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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

I sure hope your wrong about that Hillary win ;)

Also hope your medical treatment is mild & quickly done well.

Take Care

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yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what

Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump.

It's called a political campaign and election which the Clintons win in any November 99% of the time.

As soon as the delegate votes are counted at the national convention in Philadelphia Trump is toast.

Burnt toast by November.

They sure didn't win in 2008

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The Bloviator continues his wild, blatantly unsupported, inflammatory declarations:

Trump asserts thousands of people in US 'sick with hate'

"Republican Donald Trump asserted Monday there are thousands of people living in the United States "sick with hate"

and capable of carrying out the sort of massacre that killed at least 50 people in a Florida nightclub."

"We can't let people in. ... We have to be very, very strong," the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said in one of a host of broadcast interviews he undertook,

in advance of a speech he planned later Monday in New Hampshire."

"The problem is we have thousands of people right now in our country. You have people that were born in this country" who are susceptible to becoming "radicalized,"

the billionaire real estate mogul told Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends"


Outside of your bloviating rhetoric, what's the plan Donnie?

Deport 1000's of Americans?

Or perhaps, building a wall around each American citizen's home whom you deem "susceptible"?


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yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what

Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump.

It's called a political campaign and election which the Clintons win in any November 99% of the time.

As soon as the delegate votes are counted at the national convention in Philadelphia Trump is toast.

Burnt toast by November.

They sure didn't win in 2008

...That wuz worth a post wuzzit...

The Clinton name on the ballot in a November against a Republican is what's stated in my post.

The Democrat Barack Obama was able to defeat the D Hillary Clinton in the D primaries in 2008. Republicans can't defeat a Clinton in a November election 99% of the time going back to the 1970s.

The Clinton name on the November ballot = win. Republicans lose. It's the natural order. So Republicans know they must preclude and prevent a Clinton name on a November ballot no matter what....the end justifies the means.

We're familiar btw with every crackpot wild man thing Trump's said the past few dayze cause we've been reading it all regularly here since waaay back long ago.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the Republican party are all falling in behind their leader, Donald Trump The Ignoramus and the Unique American Mussolini.

Keep up the great work from way over and out there.

Edited by Publicus
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Donald Trump stretches facts in fiery post-Orlando speech

"Donald Trump responded Monday to the worst terror attack since 9/11 with a no-holds-barred attack on Muslims and Hillary Clinton,

that played loose with the facts and was rife with inflammatory rhetoric."

"He claimed Clinton wanted to disarm Americans and let Islamic terrorists slaughter them,

while seeming to overinflate the number of Syrian refugees and insinuating the perpetrator of the Orlando attack was a foreigner."

"In a speech pulsating with tough talk that will likely please his supporters, the presumptive Republican nominee also renewed his call for a ban,

on Muslim migration into the United States and extended it to cover all nations with a history of terrorism. Hinting at a huge expansion of presidential power,

he vowed to impose such a system by using executive powers."


The Megalomanic has his own plans for circumventing the Constitution of the United States.

I guess that cuts Ireland out of the Bloviator's loop for starters...

Edited by iReason
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Trump is still speaking to his constituency which has recently expanded to most of the Republican party but that is still not enough. The US electorate is a very different beast however - it is much bigger, diverse, broadly based, centrist, moderate, rational, reasonable. We expect our Potus to be, well, presidential.

Presently we like it by 49% to 42% (and counting)...

Poll: Clinton Eats Away at Trump's Lead Among Men, White Voters

Influence of the events of the past week is evident in the most recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll, which shows Clinton leading Trump by 7 points, 49 percent to 42 percent.

Clinton's gains over the past two weeks in the tracking poll are coming from increases in support among moderates, men and white voters. She narrowed Trump's margin among men and white voters from double digits in last week's poll to single digits this week. Clinton picked up 7 points among moderate voters this week and now leads Trump 58 percent to 33 percent among them.


So I wouldn't yet rule out a convention revolt in Cleveland...

Jonathan Bernstein: “It all comes down to how many delegates oppose Trump so much that they’re willing to accept the consequences for ridding the party of him. In normal circumstances, no one would consider it. Will this year be different? Most likely not, but if it is considered, this is how it will happen.”

This might pretty well sum things up as the final primary is held today in the District of Columbia.....

Louis C.K.: “It’s like if you were on a plane and you wanted to choose a pilot. You have one person, Hillary, who says, ‘Here’s my license. Here’s all the thousands of flights that I’ve flown. Here’s planes I’ve flown in really difficult situations. I’ve had some good flights and some bad flights, but I’ve been flying for a very long time, and I know exactly how this plane works.’”

“Then you’ve got Bernie, who says, ‘Everyone should get a ride right to their house with this plane.’ ‘Well, how are you going to do that?’ ‘I just think we should. It’s only fair that everyone gets to use the plane equally.'”

“And then Trump says, ‘I’m going to fly so well. You’re not going to believe how good I’m going to fly this plane, and by the way, Hillary never flew a plane in her life.’ ‘She did, and we have pictures.’ ‘No, she never did it.’ It’s insane.”

The madam versus the madman.

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Hillary and Obama just dropped the ball...seriously.

When are people going to wake up and see that these buffoons are giving muslim radicals carte blanche to do violence at will.

The worst part, Hillary and Obama just pretend these radicals do not exist.

I can't take any more of this. They just got to get out of politics. It's killing us.

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The shameless opportunist Bloviator continues to amp up his fear propaganda in the wake of an American tragedy:

Trump to America: Be afraid

The presumptive GOP nominee embraces the politics of fear in the wake of the worst shooting in American history, as he and Hillary Clinton give dueling terror addresses.

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump embraced the politics of fear in the wake of the deadliest shooting in U.S. history,

declaring Americans to be living in an “age of terror" and himself as the only leader resolute enough to confront threats at home and abroad."

“If we don’t get tough and smart and fast were not going to have our country anymore,” Trump said in a speech at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire.

“There will be nothing, absolutely nothing left.”

"It was a remarkable and harsh speech, filled with inaccuracies and delivered less than an hour after Hillary Clinton had concluded a speech of her own on the same topic in Ohio."


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Hillary and Obama just dropped the ball...seriously.

When are people going to wake up and see that these buffoons are giving muslim radicals carte blanche to do violence at will.

The worst part, Hillary and Obama just pretend these radicals do not exist.

I can't take any more of this. They just got to get out of politics. It's killing us.

What's killing fellow Americans (us?) in Orlando was a deranged man who had easy access to guns. He was also a law-abiding citizen up until the moment he killed 50 people. In other words, until he started firing, he was fine with gun lovers and the NRA. Indeed, he was just the sort of fellow the NRA want to guard school kids at schools. After the school shootings in New England, months ago, the NRA said the US should we needed armed security guards at every school. Well, the mass murderer at Orlando was a licensed security guard. NRA's type of guy.

Note about Obama: with his leadership, the US killed Bin Laden, and they've killed a lot of other bad Muslims. Your rant has no traction. By every measure, Obama and HRC are tougher on Islamist terrorists than Bush Jr. Trump says he'll be tough one minute, and says all troops should stay at home in the next speech. He's all over the place, playing both sides of the street. He's toast that fallen off the plate into the rain gutter = soggy toast. He's losing the little bit of gains he got last month. Expect further downhill slide for Trump, as everyone other than his staunch 17% will see him for what he really is: a low-class, flip-flopping flim-flam man.

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The Mussolini wannabe Bloviator began his aim to stifle the American Press in Sept. 2015:

Why Donald Trump is freezing out reporters at these two outlets

"Reporters from two prominent news outlets, the Huffington Post and the Des Moines Register, have been denied press credentials by Donald Trump's campaign in recent days."

"While the reporters were still able to attend Trump events as members of the general public, the refusal to grant press access raised eyebrows back at their newsrooms."

"Staffers at both outlets said the withholding of credentials seemed punitive. A Trump campaign spokeswoman declined to comment."


Buzzfeed, Politico, New Hampshire Union Leader, Univision and National Review are among other news organizations,

that have been denied access from the Trump campaign for unfavorable coverage.

Edited by iReason
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The authoritarian Bloviator continues his oppressive quest:

Donald Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Donald Trump said Monday that he is "revoking" the Washington Post's press access at his campaign events, calling the newspaper "phony and dishonest."

"In a Facebook Post the presumptive GOP nominee attributed the decision to the newspaper's "incredibly inaccurate coverage" of him."

The Post's executive editor Marty Baron responded:

"Donald Trump's decision to revoke The Washington Post's press credentials is nothing less than a repudiation of the role of a free and independent press."

"When coverage doesn't correspond to what the candidate wants it to be, then a news organization is banished. The Post will continue to cover Donald Trump as it has all along

honorably, honestly, accurately, energetically, and unflinchingly. We're proud of our coverage, and we're going to keep at it."


For a perspective from a true American Patriot and War Hero, listen here to President John F. Kennedy's speech to the American Press.

Where he discusses the role and purpose of the Press in a Free Society.

And compare it to the despicable low the Bloviator is attempting to drag it down to.

The phony, dishonest, cheap huckster Bloviator attempts to subvert the American way.

The sooner this cretin is vanquished, the better.

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Hillary and Obama just dropped the ball...seriously.

When are people going to wake up and see that these buffoons are giving muslim radicals carte blanche to do violence at will.

The worst part, Hillary and Obama just pretend these radicals do not exist.

I can't take any more of this. They just got to get out of politics. It's killing us.

What's killing fellow Americans (us?) in Orlando was a deranged man who had easy access to guns. He was also a law-abiding citizen up until the moment he killed 50 people. In other words, until he started firing, he was fine with gun lovers and the NRA. Indeed, he was just the sort of fellow the NRA want to guard school kids at schools. After the school shootings in New England, months ago, the NRA said the US should we needed armed security guards at every school. Well, the mass murderer at Orlando was a licensed security guard. NRA's type of guy.

Note about Obama: with his leadership, the US killed Bin Laden, and they've killed a lot of other bad Muslims. Your rant has no traction. By every measure, Obama and HRC are tougher on Islamist terrorists than Bush Jr. Trump says he'll be tough one minute, and says all troops should stay at home in the next speech. He's all over the place, playing both sides of the street. He's toast that fallen off the plate into the rain gutter = soggy toast. He's losing the little bit of gains he got last month. Expect further downhill slide for Trump, as everyone other than his staunch 17% will see him for what he really is: a low-class, flip-flopping flim-flam man.

By every measure, Obama and HRC are tougher on Islamist terrorists than Bush Jr.

Not hard to do as Bush the younger was, IMO, an incompetent oaf and probably the worst US president ever. That doesn't mean Obama and HRC have done well, just better than Bush.

with his leadership, the US killed Bin Laden

LOL. Leading from thousands of miles away ( miles and miles and miles behind the wire ). Bin Laden was killed by men prepared to put themselves in harms way, not some college professor become politician.

Trump says he'll be tough one minute, and says all troops should stay at home in the next speech. He's all over the place, playing both sides of the street

Not so. He wants to be tough on terrorists IN THE USA, not all over the world

No one cares what Trump says anyway, they just want someone to give the self serving occupants of the big house in Washington a good kicking. HRC is not going to do that, given she is one of them.

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The authoritarian Bloviator continues his oppressive quest:

Donald Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Donald Trump said Monday that he is "revoking" the Washington Post's press access at his campaign events, calling the newspaper "phony and dishonest."

"In a Facebook Post the presumptive GOP nominee attributed the decision to the newspaper's "incredibly inaccurate coverage" of him."

The Post's executive editor Marty Baron responded:

"Donald Trump's decision to revoke The Washington Post's press credentials is nothing less than a repudiation of the role of a free and independent press."

"When coverage doesn't correspond to what the candidate wants it to be, then a news organization is banished. The Post will continue to cover Donald Trump as it has all along

honorably, honestly, accurately, energetically, and unflinchingly. We're proud of our coverage, and we're going to keep at it."


For a perspective from a true American Patriot and War Hero, listen here to President John F. Kennedy's speech to the American Press.

Where he discusses the role and purpose of the Press in a Free Society.

And compare it to the despicable low the Bloviator is attempting to drag it down to.

The phony, dishonest, cheap huckster Bloviator attempts to subvert the American way.

The sooner this cretin is vanquished, the better.

Given that JFK was a notorious womaniser, I hate to think what the modern press would do to him. Nowadays, the "press" are mostly in the gutter along with News of the World, the Sun and other trash papers.

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The Mussolini wannabe Bloviator began his aim to stifle the American Press in Sept. 2015:

Why Donald Trump is freezing out reporters at these two outlets

"Reporters from two prominent news outlets, the Huffington Post and the Des Moines Register, have been denied press credentials by Donald Trump's campaign in recent days."

"While the reporters were still able to attend Trump events as members of the general public, the refusal to grant press access raised eyebrows back at their newsrooms."

"Staffers at both outlets said the withholding of credentials seemed punitive. A Trump campaign spokeswoman declined to comment."


Buzzfeed, Politico, New Hampshire Union Leader, Univision and National Review are among other news organizations,

that have been denied access from the Trump campaign for unfavorable coverage.

Thanks for posting that, iReason. Even if Trump was a decent, well-informed, sage person (which, of course, he's not), ....just his stifling of the press corps is reason enough to drop him like a burnt cookie. He's said, in several stump speeches, how he hates the press, but then adds, "but I don't want to kill them." Is that supposed to be funny or witty? ......or is it plain talk? Ask The Divider's fans, they may know. Either way, the man is to wisdom what a gecko is to calculus. To call him a donkey's ass would be denigrating to donkeys' asses.

Actually, there was a study (true story) done where a male donkey was given a choice to look at a large photo of the rear of a female donkey. The other stall, right alongside had food and water. The male donkey was so fixated by staring at the female butt, that he didn't take any food or drink, a foot away, He because so emaciated, he could barely stand, so experimenters took down the photo, to save his life. Any relation to Trump's cult-like fans? You make the call.

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Is Trump Losing the GOP?

Never before have so many leading Republican figures questioned the nominee’s basic fitness for office. whistling.gif

"Surely this time it would be different. Surely, after the worst mass shooting in American history, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee would choose his words carefully."

"He would make the case for an effective response to homegrown terror; listen to the counsel of his political team, and offer reassurance to the nation and crucially to Republicans,

who are desperately seeking evidence, even now, that they can embrace the candidate their convention will nominate in a month."

"Instead, in a speech riddled with misleading and flatly false statements, Donald Trump ranted incoherently Monday about the need to toughen his Muslim immigration ban,

even though the Orlando shooter was born in New York City 29 years ago (at a time when Afghan emigres like his parents were fighting on America’s side against the Soviet Union)."


Fact check the Bloviator's rants here:


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You guys do realize you're being ignored, right?

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

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You guys do realize you're being ignored, right?

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.

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There's terrible news for HIllary Clinton supporteres in the latest Washington Post/ABC News Poll. 43% favorability vs. 55% unfavorability.. On the other hand, for Trump supporters there's good news. 29% favorability vs. 70% unfavorability.


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Isn't that something?

Secretary Clinton is polling 55 negative for the first time in 20 years, and the Bloviator 70 in his first... laugh.png

Donald Trump viewed negatively by 7 out of 10 Americans, poll finds

"In the latest sign Americans are dreading their general election options -- and particularly one of them -- negative views of Donald Trump have surged to their highest level of the 2016 campaign,

according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll."

"Trump's unfavorable rating, in fact, far surpasses Hillary Clinton's even as the presumptive Democratic nominee receives her worst ratings in more than two decades in public life."

"The poll finds 70 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump, including a 56 percent majority who feel this way "strongly."


7 out of 10. facepalm.gifBefore it was 7 out of 10 women. Now, the populace.
Strongly unfavorable:


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Wisely, the authorities tell the Great Divider to stay out of Dodge. thumbsup.gif

Donald Trump forced to scrap key Texas rallies after cities demur citing violence

Campaign had Texas on its itinerary one day, the next it was gone

"The Trump campaign appears to have abandoned plans for a brace of rallies in north Texas after two municipalities refused to offer suitable venues citing overcrowding and security fears."

"It is an embarrassing set-back for the candidate who doesn’t like to lose a negotiation. However, it appears to have been created in part by the chaotic nature of his campaign. whistling.gif

"One of the two cities involved said it had been given only 48 hours notice to agree to a rally and it wasn’t enough."


Two venues in the key state of Texas pass on the Bloviator's divisive rallies.

48 hours notice? Amateurs.

Downward Spiral.

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You guys do realize you're being ignored, right?

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.


There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

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Poll: Clinton Eats Away at Trump's Lead Among Men, White Voters

"Hillary Clinton made history last week when she became the first woman to represent a major political party as the presumptive Democratic nominee. Her good week got even better when President Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren formally endorsed her."

"Donald Trump, on the other hand, received quite a bit of negative attention from inside his own party, including a few Republicans walking away from their previous endorsements of him. "

"Influence of the events of the past week is evident in the most recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll, which shows Clinton leading Trump by 7 points, 49 percent to 42 percent.The poll was conducted online June 6 through June 12 among 9,355 adults who say they are registered to vote."


The Tolling of the Bell.

The Bloviator is a Albatross on America. Soon to become an unsavory footnote. Where he belongs.

The rational, reasonable folk who are concerned with the serious issue of the next President of the United States and Leader of the Free World,

are not interested in ignorant, pointless, flippant, bar-stool pomposity.

And they will speak in November.

Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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You guys do realize you're being ignored, right?

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.


There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

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Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.


There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

Politifact is a good site.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S.

Politifact says ----- TRUE


Edited by Scotwight
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Oh my, Trump has announced that he's going to talk to the NRA about Gun laws.

This weeks after he was pumping his fist about the 2nd Amendment at one of their conventions.

Is there a bandwagon this bloke will not jump on?

And then he compounds it with his "Ask the gays" comment. Twitter not working so well in his favour today!


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Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.


There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

Politifact is a good site.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S.

Politifact says ----- TRUE


This is what I mean by cherry-picking. Donald Trump occasionally says True or Mostly True things. 14% of the time according to Politifact. (by the way, Politifact rated the statement you cited as Mostly True - not just True)

In the same speech he also said that no screening plan was in place. Politico rated that as False.

Politico now says that 77% of Trump's statements that it scrutinized are rates as mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire false.

But anyway, he did demonstrate his repentance about saying something Mostly True by claiming this a couple of days later: "The Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State." For that statement, he got awarded a Pants on Fire.


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