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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The thing with populist big mouthed politicians is that the more you trump on them the stronger they get. All these hate campaigns against Trump will only lead to making him stronger. The only one who can beat Trump, is the man himself.

But honestly, look at the people who are running, is this the best the US can do?

sadly,yes. The voters couldn't vote for Trump as president surely,on the other hand they did vote for Bush TWICE. The intelligence of the average American voter has obviously been vastly overrated.

So what country you from?

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There are two or three posters that have made it pretty clear that they are making this thread their lifelong hobby. lol. Nobody agrees with them...they agree with only each other. Alot of cut and pasting from news articles....very few original pieces of wisdom...just a rehash over and over.

I scan the page but visually ignore those people. Does not mean they are on the ignore "list"...just means no use in reading their drivel....effectively ignored.

Some actually are on my ignore list...as they are irksome.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

Politifact is a good site.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S.

Politifact says ----- TRUE


This is what I mean by cherry-picking. Donald Trump occasionally says True or Mostly True things. 14% of the time according to Politifact. (by the way, Politifact rated the statement you cited as Mostly True - not just True)

In the same speech he also said that no screening plan was in place. Politico rated that as False.

Politico now says that 77% of Trump's statements that it scrutinized are rates as mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire false.

But anyway, he did demonstrate his repentance about saying something Mostly True by claiming this a couple of days later: "The Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State." For that statement, he got awarded a Pants on Fire.


I think the reason they said mostly true was because it was 550% not 500%. But having said that rather than try and diminish the point why don't you tell me how many Americans want immigration increased from Syria by 550% and could a person who holds that position be elected in America today? That would be fair rather than so on about cherry picking because a cherry is a cherry is a cherry.

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I know what you mean. Those dang posters who use data to support their contentions and don't just make things up. Definitely not the kind of thing that Trump supporters have any use for. Except for cherry-picking the occasional favorable poll. Of course, in this disregard for facts and penchant for making things up, they are merely emulating Trump. who is, according to Politifact, by far the most dishonest candidate in the race. And from what I can tell according to their data, the most dishonest person in American politics. No one even comes close.

Politifact is a good site.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S.

Politifact says ----- TRUE


This is what I mean by cherry-picking. Donald Trump occasionally says True or Mostly True things. 14% of the time according to Politifact. (by the way, Politifact rated the statement you cited as Mostly True - not just True)

In the same speech he also said that no screening plan was in place. Politico rated that as False.

Politico now says that 77% of Trump's statements that it scrutinized are rates as mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire false.

But anyway, he did demonstrate his repentance about saying something Mostly True by claiming this a couple of days later: "The Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State." For that statement, he got awarded a Pants on Fire.


I think the reason they said mostly true was because it was 550% not 500%. But having said that rather than try and diminish the point why don't you tell me how many Americans want immigration increased from Syria by 550% and could a person who holds that position be elected in America today? That would be fair rather than so on about cherry picking because a cherry is a cherry is a cherry.

Politifac explicitly stated why they called it Mostly True and the reason you supplied isn't it. Basically, they said he didn't provide enough context for his remarks. Like the fact that Hillary said she wanted to focus particularly on the Yazidis and Christians who are being persecuted by Isis and other vicious Islamist groups.

Anyway, lets say that allowing immigrant in is an unpopular position. What about not raising the Federal minimum wage? Is that a popular position? Or easing controls on the big banks? Is that a popular position? Huge tax breaks for the wealthy? Is that a popular position? Polls say not. But Trump supports them all. So as far as single issue ant-immigration voters go, Trump's got them locked up. The question is how many are there?

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Politifac explicitly stated why they called it Mostly True and the reason you supplied isn't it. Basically, they said he didn't provide enough context for his remarks. Like the fact that Hillary said she wanted to focus particularly on the Yazidis and Christians who are being persecuted by Isis and other vicious Islamist groups.

Anyway, lets say that allowing immigrant in is an unpopular position. What about not raising the Federal minimum wage? Is that a popular position? Or easing controls on the big banks? Is that a popular position? Huge tax breaks for the wealthy? Is that a popular position? Polls say not. But Trump supports them all. So as far as single issue ant-immigration voters go, Trump's got them locked up. The question is how many are there?

Many many more today than a week ago.

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Politifac explicitly stated why they called it Mostly True and the reason you supplied isn't it. Basically, they said he didn't provide enough context for his remarks. Like the fact that Hillary said she wanted to focus particularly on the Yazidis and Christians who are being persecuted by Isis and other vicious Islamist groups.

Anyway, lets say that allowing immigrant in is an unpopular position. What about not raising the Federal minimum wage? Is that a popular position? Or easing controls on the big banks? Is that a popular position? Huge tax breaks for the wealthy? Is that a popular position? Polls say not. But Trump supports them all. So as far as single issue ant-immigration voters go, Trump's got them locked up. The question is how many are there?

Many many more today than a week ago.


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Politifac explicitly stated why they called it Mostly True and the reason you supplied isn't it. Basically, they said he didn't provide enough context for his remarks. Like the fact that Hillary said she wanted to focus particularly on the Yazidis and Christians who are being persecuted by Isis and other vicious Islamist groups.

Anyway, lets say that allowing immigrant in is an unpopular position. What about not raising the Federal minimum wage? Is that a popular position? Or easing controls on the big banks? Is that a popular position? Huge tax breaks for the wealthy? Is that a popular position? Polls say not. But Trump supports them all. So as far as single issue ant-immigration voters go, Trump's got them locked up. The question is how many are there?

Many many more today than a week ago.


Donald Trump cuts Hillary Clinton's lead following Orlando terror attack, according to latest poll


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Some Republicans Can’t Even Bear To Acknowledge Donald Trump’s Existence laugh.png

"Things have gotten so awkward for some Republicans on Capitol Hill that they’d prefer to plead ignorance about their presumptive presidential nominee, real estate mogul Donald Trump,

rather than answer questions about his no-holds-barred attacks on Muslims."

"Though many Republicans distanced themselves Tuesday from Trump’s remarks, some lawmakers preferred instead to beg off inquiries from reporters,

claiming they had simply not heard Trump’s speech the day prior in which he doubled down on his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States."

"Asked about Trump’s suggestion that President Barack Obama is sympathetic to Islamic terrorism, and that the president may have been somehow connected to Sunday’s shooting,

at an Orlando gay nightclub, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also decided to take a pass." whistling.gif


The Text Book Racist, the Pariah, the Albatross, the Bloviator.

The "Great Unifier" cheesy.gif

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Politifac explicitly stated why they called it Mostly True and the reason you supplied isn't it. Basically, they said he didn't provide enough context for his remarks. Like the fact that Hillary said she wanted to focus particularly on the Yazidis and Christians who are being persecuted by Isis and other vicious Islamist groups.

Anyway, lets say that allowing immigrant in is an unpopular position. What about not raising the Federal minimum wage? Is that a popular position? Or easing controls on the big banks? Is that a popular position? Huge tax breaks for the wealthy? Is that a popular position? Polls say not. But Trump supports them all. So as far as single issue ant-immigration voters go, Trump's got them locked up. The question is how many are there?

Many many more today than a week ago.


Donald Trump cuts Hillary Clinton's lead following Orlando terror attack, according to latest poll


Wow, Down from 13% to 11.6% Given the margin of error in polling, that's not much of a difference. And it's by 2 different pollsters.

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The Republican Base was quick to embrace the racist, ignorant and bigoted views of Trump so no surprise he is 'top of the pops' in the Republican cesspool of hatred.

Hillary is still battling being pulled back to Left of Center by Bernie. Once that is finalised and the full force of Hillary, Bernie and Obama and collective supporters is focused on the orange one then the real race begins.

So far Trump has had a couple of shots across the bow from Hillary and Obama and hasn't handled them well at all so unless he can mount some kind of intelligent defence and attack strategy other than turning bright orange and blathering on like a 2 year old having a tantrum he and his supporters are going to look pretty foolish.

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You guys do realize you're being ignored, right?

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

SO TRUE clap2.gif

I decided to take a look today after being away a while (have a real life/wife) - but it is the same old same old.

Cutting and pasting Trump 'abuse' and clambering over every litttle mis-step - but nothing about the reality of the situation

That HRC is a crook and LIMPUS is ineffective and weak - Trump made him say the words (so who is calling the shots).

This post is mainly just the same Liberals 'stroking' each others ego and their own upright .......... opinionscheesy.gif

Once day they may grow up and see the real world - only then will they realise what the term 'Arty-Farty' really means.

This what the Cambridge Dictionary says: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/arty-farty

But there are those of us that know what it really means thumbsup.gif

HINT: Obama is the most 'polished terrd' in the history of US Politics - Jimmy Carter got more done.

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Just an observation. The last few pages have basically been a monologue. Boring.

Is there anything sadder than someone asking if other people know if you're ignoring them? The self-contradiction is obvious. You claim to be ignoring people whom you are addressing. The subtext of this question is really, "Does anybody care what I think?" And if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

My idea is they are stroking each other for self verification...? or whatever. You would think they would step outside and enjoy some activities other than posting tons and tons of drivel. Perhaps they are handicapped in other ways, as well.

SO TRUE clap2.gif

I decided to take a look today after being away a while (have a real life/wife) - but it is the same old same old.

Cutting and pasting Trump 'abuse' and clambering over every litttle mis-step - but nothing about the reality of the situation

That HRC is a crook and LIMPUS is ineffective and weak - Trump made him say the words (so who is calling the shots).

This post is mainly just the same Liberals 'stroking' each others ego and their own upright .......... opinionscheesy.gif

Once day they may grow up and see the real world - only then will they realise what the term 'Arty-Farty' really means.

This what the Cambridge Dictionary says: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/arty-farty

But there are those of us that know what it really means thumbsup.gif

HINT: Obama is the most 'polished terrd' in the history of US Politics - Jimmy Carter got more done.

Even worse. Those arty-farty types keep on citing data and facts. While the Trump supporters don't because as the fact show, Trump is by far the most dishonest political candidate of this election season. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ So they're simply following the example of their leader.

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Trump accuses U.S. troops of stealing money in Iraq

"As a rule, American presidential candidates tend to say positive things about U.S. servicemen and women, especially war veterans.
But as Politico noted last night, Donald Trump is trying something a little different."
"Donald Trump rang in the Army’s 241st birthday in unusual fashion on Tuesday – by calling attention to theft of government funds by American soldiers in Iraq."
“Iraq, crooked as hell. How about bringing baskets of money – millions and millions of dollars – and handing it out?,” Trump said at an evening rally.
“I want to know who were the soldiers that had that job, because I think they’re living very well right now, whoever they may be.”
The Bloviator's mouthpiece Hope Hicks later attempted damage control by saying the buffoon was talking about Iraqi soldiers.
Nope. The Iraqi's weren't the military compensating Iraqi citizens for damage to their property.
Nice birthday message to the Army from the Draft Dodging Bloviator.
No need to stop this fool. He's doing a grand job himself. thumbsup.gif
The Bloviator begins his rant by saying the U.S. should have stolen all of the oil from the soveriegn nation of Iraq.
Claiming in a disdainful, dismissive tone: Iraq "Crooked as Hell" All of them Benito?
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The bombastic, reckless, imbecile Bloviator can take it up with a serviceman who was there:

Iraq Vet Blasts Trump Over Allegations of Theft of Millions

"An Iraq war veteran is not taking too kindly to Donald Trump's accusations that some soldiers stole millions from Iraqi reconstruction funds."






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Seems to me that there are mainly two types of negative comments being made about Trump on this forum topic (and a small minority of a 3rd type).

The first type is the Liberal progessive socialistic posts coming from the LEFT.

At the core of these posts is the failure to see reality and answer the question - is it too late to stop Trump (from being nominated).

Most of these posts have dissappated as the reality is - NO.

The second type is the Liberal arty-farty types (LAFT) posts.

At the core of these responses is a complete absence of reality and logic - absolutely no common sense (unicorn loving).

And they just keep on coming - day after day after day.

The 'rational' Democratic responses, although I dont agree with them, at least they made sense and have a purpose/argument.

They seem to have mostly gone - except for the humorous poster who sticks at it.

There is no 'exchange' of views with LEFTs and LAFTs - they can only respond and reply with abuse and rhetoric (at best).

I found their 'foaming mouth' responses funny for a while, but now they quite frankly bore me.

As Trump himself said on Twitter when referring to the media they quote - spluttering hysteria.

And that is why Trump has been and will continue to be taking his message 'direct' to the people.

And they are listening more and more - and that Trump train just keeps on coming smile.png

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Damn. The train wreck continues it's Downward Spiral.

That thin red line of the Text Book Racist Bloviator is dropping fast. I was hoping for a slow burn, but this is outstanding. laugh.png

And given the reality, the fact, that he has not been nominated, it will be interesting to see what will happen at the GOP Convention.

In addition, amusing to note, a dozen or more of the staunch Trumpeteers have fled this thread... whistling.gif




Edited by iReason
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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


Again, you seem to believe that most-voters will vote based on a single issue and that the issue is terrorism. Even though the polls that ask who they will vote for contradict this.

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More on how the vile monster is headed towards being the biggest LOSER.

Notice how he is hilariously SILENT lately about what a WINNER he is in the polls.

Because he isn't.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, wisely doesn't mention the great news for her in the polls.

There is nothing to be gained by that ... bottom line the TURNOUT will be key and supporters need to feel (correctly) that until it's over on election, the vile monster could still POSSIBLY and TRAGICALLY become president.

The single most devastating statistic for Donald Trump in a new major national poll


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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


Again, you seem to believe that most-voters will vote based on a single issue and that the issue is terrorism. Even though the polls that ask who they will vote for contradict this.

Actually, there is some recent news about Iran's involvement in Syria. Seems Obama was overlooking Iran's involvement in Syria, just so he could get the anti nuke agreement signed. Pretty much business as usual, as far as Hillary and Obama are concerned. Their strategies are the same.

Obama/Hillary Dynasty of failure is going to take a turn for the worse.

Polls will change....more than likely, based on recent events.

Failure in foreign policy will be the Headlines this week. Watch for it.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


Again, you seem to believe that most-voters will vote based on a single issue and that the issue is terrorism. Even though the polls that ask who they will vote for contradict this.

Actually, there is so much recent news...even today, of Obama's butt kissing to get the anti nuke agreement signed with Iran, along with other recent developments.....that the Obama/Hillary Dynasty of failure is going to take a turn for the worse.

Polls will change....more than likely, based on recent events.

Failure in foreign policy will be the Headlines this week. Watch for it.

And would the source of this "news" be breitbart.com or newsmax.com or some ideologically similar site?

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The polls seem interesting. Both are hitting each other around the 50% mark, Hillary oscillating on the top and Donald on the bottom. Seemingly pretty stable. Looks like a telenovela with all the twists and turns, the season finale will surely be interesting. Oh, the suspense!

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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


Again, you seem to believe that most-voters will vote based on a single issue and that the issue is terrorism. Even though the polls that ask who they will vote for contradict this.

Actually, there is some recent news about Iran's involvement in Syria. Seems Obama was overlooking Iran's involvement in Syria, just so he could get the anti nuke agreement signed. Pretty much business as usual, as far as Hillary and Obama are concerned. Their strategies are the same.

Obama/Hillary Dynasty of failure is going to take a turn for the worse.

Polls will change....more than likely, based on recent events.

Failure in foreign policy will be the Headlines this week. Watch for it.

Iran's role in Syria is pretty well irrelevant as it's Russia that threw the spanner in the Security council works and continues to protect Assad. I don't think a few platoons of Persian princesses really makes a lot of difference.

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The republicans indeed would have an excellent chance this time if they had put up an even semi normal candidate like Kasich. But instead going with the American Mussolini vile monster their odds (happily) are slim. Yes Hillary is flawed but no comparison. She's a much more normal type of flawed.

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Trump 45 percent to (Clinton) 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now. The violence left 49 victims dead, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


Again, you seem to believe that most-voters will vote based on a single issue and that the issue is terrorism. Even though the polls that ask who they will vote for contradict this.

Actually, there is some recent news about Iran's involvement in Syria. Seems Obama was overlooking Iran's involvement in Syria, just so he could get the anti nuke agreement signed. Pretty much business as usual, as far as Hillary and Obama are concerned. Their strategies are the same.

Obama/Hillary Dynasty of failure is going to take a turn for the worse.

Polls will change....more than likely, based on recent events.

Failure in foreign policy will be the Headlines this week. Watch for it.

Yes you are right again, about the failure in foreign policy!

Trump said that Belgium was a city instead of a country. This just shows how much he knows about foreign policy.

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Gilley's Nightclub? In Dallas? That's best the Bloviator could do?

Donald Trump finally finds a location for Dallas rally

"Presidential candidate Donald Trump has finally found a port in the storm in Dallas. Trump's campaign announced it will hold a campaign rally on June 16,

at Gilley’s South Side Ballroom in downtown Dallas."

"Trump, who's touring Texas with three stops in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, had struggled to find a location."

"He was turned down both by the city of Irving and Grand Prairie."


"About 3,000 people are in attendance for the rally at Gilley's South Side Ballroom, according to security officials."


Sheesh... couldn't even fill the room of 3800...


The best comical moment came when the Bloviator kept asking where is that "horse". Saying I'll ride that "horse". facepalm.gif

Sorry bubba. It's a mechanical bull. As everyone in Texas knows... laugh.png

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