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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald Trump claims to have a world-class memory, but it certainly wasn't on display during his deposition for a lawsuit over Trump University.

"I don't remember," Trump told lawyers 35 times during his December testimony, which was released on Wednesday.

His inability to recall covered a wide range of subjects — including whether he had told NBC News' Katy Tur just a month earlier that he had the "world's Greatest memory."


The Divider avoided the draft 5 times by declaring he had a bad foot. When asked, years later, which foot, he couldn't remember.

Also reported as child he was a vile bully. Hasn't changed obviously. So if elected the bully pulpit will become literal.

He was at a military academy, and became a self-appointed disciplinarian. All the cadets loathed him.

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, "The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal."

Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies,
And taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without
The Benefit of the law?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it
Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Turning our backs on Israel?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "The joke Iran Nuke deal? "
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months
Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens' ?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and China when Bill left Office?"
Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".

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Trump is not going to be stopped - but for those interested in when he started ......... try the 1980s.

He's not going to be stopped from slipping down the popularity charts.

He got started even before the '80's, when his dad gave him one million bucks. Then his dad gave him an added $2.5 million for (purportedly) a summer job after high school. Then his dad co-signed for at least $30 million in loans to get The Divider's career started; buying up decrepit apartment complexes, kicking out the long-term renters, slapping a coat of paint on the walls, and charging a lot more.

During his long career, Trump has pissed off thousands of people he's cheated: not just long-term residents of apartments, but many thousands of workers who Trump didn't pay for work done. If in doubt, look at the ugly record of thousands of lawsuits against Trump, most of which he lost.

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Loyalty is not his strong suit.

Here is a look at how he screwed his FIRST hotel business partner.

Trump’s first major real-estate coup in New York was the acquisition of the Commodore Hotel, which would become the Grand Hyatt.

(This deal, secured with a controversial tax abatement from the city)

His partner at the time was the well-respected Pritzker family of Chicago, who owned the Hyatt chain.

Their contract was specific: Trump and Jay Pritzker agreed that if there were any sticking points they would have a ten-day period to arbitrate their differences.

At one point, they had a minor disagreement. “Jay Pritzker was leaving for a trip to Nepal, where he was to be incommunicado.”

“Donald waited until Jay was in the airplane before he called him. Naturally, Jay couldn’t call him back. He was on a mountain in Nepal.

Later, Donald kept saying, ‘I tried to call you. I gave you the ten days. But you were in Nepal.’

It was outrageous. Pritzker was his partner, not his enemy! This is how he acted on his first important deal.”

Trump later even boasted about the incident in his book.cheesy.gif

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Trump is not going to be stopped - but for those interested in when he started ......... try the 1980s.

He's not going to be stopped from slipping down the popularity charts.

He got started even before the '80's, when his dad gave him one million bucks. Then his dad gave him an added $2.5 million for (purportedly) a summer job after high school. Then his dad co-signed for at least $30 million in loans to get The Divider's career started; buying up decrepit apartment complexes, kicking out the long-term renters, slapping a coat of paint on the walls, and charging a lot more.

During his long career, Trump has pissed off thousands of people he's cheated: not just long-term residents of apartments, but many thousands of workers who Trump didn't pay for work done. If in doubt, look at the ugly record of thousands of lawsuits against Trump, most of which he lost.

He inherited $200 million from his father along with political connections which became the basis for his business. When I moved to New York City I first became aware of Trump when I discovered his hand in my pocket. How is that you ask? NYC, which has its own income tax, announced that there would be a new 10% surtax on the existing income for a limited time. So, if you owed $10,000 in income tax to the city that year you suddenly owed $10,100. The purpose was to raise an additional $100 million in revenue for the city. Now, just at the same time Trump started a project on luxurious Fifth Avenue, called Trump Tower that combined expensive apartments with a high end mall. The city, in order to support this worthy endeavor, announced a tax subsidy for Trump Tower over five years of, you guessed it, $100 million. So, the city gave the whole tax surcharge directly to Trump. Such was the secret of Trump's success: screwing the citizens at every opportunity.

The saying in NYC about Trump was: he inherited $200 million and turned it into a fortune.

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NEWSFLASH: Successful businessman sued in the 'land of free litigation' by a disgruntled/dishonest person.

Each year, 15 million civil cases are filed in the U.S.

Unfortunately; many people are looking to come across a big paycheck, resulting in frivolous lawsuits.

Trump refuses to ever 'settle' as many businessman do - he thinks it will only encourage more lawsuits (which it does).

In other legal systems, the loser in a suit must pay a large portion of the winner’s legal fees, which encourages litigants to exercise more caution. In the U.S., each party pays their own fees, giving people less of an incentive to be careful with lawsuits.

Many lawyers offer free services - no win no fee - because they know most people will settle to avoid court costs.

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While Trump cant remember minor issues at a deposition about a court case from a few disgruntled Liberals who have no real case, Crooked Hillary cant remember SERIOUS issues that have caused death.

Get real - Trump University (one of his many companies) failed to please a few Liberals over a few thousand, versus HRC who as Secretary of State that caused people to die, created ISIS, destabilised Lybia, fraudulently made millions for the Clinton Foundation, deliberately abused national security, and deleted 30,000+ emails proving ........ something !!! (or were they all cooking recipees smile.png )

Can you please PM me your dealer's contacts, as you seem to have a particularly good supply of psychotropics.

Is he from "Lybia"?

Edited by Chicog
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As Donald Trump flew into Scotland today after the UK's seismic break with the European Union, parallels have been drawn with the anti-immigration message that led to Brexit and his rise to presumptive Republican presidential candidate.

Many have pointed out the similarities between Britain's decision to leave the EU and Trump's campaign - and believe it is an indication of how Americans will vote on November 8, which could see Trump in the White House.

The Donald's arrival in the UK will be seen by many as a meeting of minds - two worlds colliding with shared views including a disgruntled electorate; lost national pride; isolationism; and the issue of immigration.

And today, he promised close ties between the U.S. and UK if he becomes President.

'Brexit is further proof that Donald J Trump will be the next President of the United States,' wrote Broderick Greer on Twitter.

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While Trump cant remember minor issues at a deposition about a court case from a few disgruntled Liberals who have no real case, Crooked Hillary cant remember SERIOUS issues that have caused death.

Get real - Trump University (one of his many companies) failed to please a few Liberals over a few thousand, versus HRC who as Secretary of State that caused people to die, created ISIS, destabilised Lybia, fraudulently made millions for the Clinton Foundation, deliberately abused national security, and deleted 30,000+ emails proving ........ something !!! (or were they all cooking recipees smile.png )

Can you please PM me your dealer's contacts, as you seem to have a particularly good supply of psychotropics.

Is he from "Lybia"?

No point - you are not actually in Thailand wai.gif

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On the day the British people voted to leave the EU, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president took a business trip to Scotland.

The idea that the president should be experienced in business is as old as America. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were all farmer/planters. Abraham Lincoln started a general store…

The Constitution requires that the president be a “Citizen.” When our country was founded, the term “citizen”… meant a “townsman,” a person without rank or noble birth who had to work a trade or a business for a living. The ideal American president, in other words, is someone with an honest job who sees the public fisc as a burden to manage and not as money to spend.

It is a good thing for a presidential candidate to have a business… Someone who has never created a job, never met a payroll, and never built anything must bear a heavy burden of proof to convince citizens that she should run the economy.

Who is more likely to be a corrupt puppet of special interests, a business leader who takes time from running for president to reopen a golf course in Scotland, or a politician who received millions of dollars from banks, corporations and lobbyists for doing — as her supporters keep telling us — absolutely nothing at all to earn it?

Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

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Donald Trump claims to have a world-class memory, but it certainly wasn't on display during his deposition for a lawsuit over Trump University.

"I don't remember," Trump told lawyers 35 times during his December testimony, which was released on Wednesday.

His inability to recall covered a wide range of subjects — including whether he had told NBC News' Katy Tur just a month earlier that he had the "world's Greatest memory."


The Divider avoided the draft 5 times by declaring he had a bad foot. When asked, years later, which foot, he couldn't remember.

Also reported as child he was a vile bully. Hasn't changed obviously. So if elected the bully pulpit will become literal.

He was at a military academy, and became a self-appointed disciplinarian. All the cadets loathed him.

Info on Trump's time at the New York (private) Military Academy for high school is being gathered on him now.

In 2012 the Obama camp developed the same lowdown on Romney at his boarding school and disseminated it to show what an in-crowd creep Willard Mitt Romney was in high school. It's Trump's turn this time to get exposed as the big dick he was then too.

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On the day the British people voted to leave the EU, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president took a business trip to Scotland.

The idea that the president should be experienced in business is as old as America. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were all farmer/planters. Abraham Lincoln started a general store…

The Constitution requires that the president be a “Citizen.” When our country was founded, the term “citizen”… meant a “townsman,” a person without rank or noble birth who had to work a trade or a business for a living. The ideal American president, in other words, is someone with an honest job who sees the public fisc as a burden to manage and not as money to spend.

It is a good thing for a presidential candidate to have a business… Someone who has never created a job, never met a payroll, and never built anything must bear a heavy burden of proof to convince citizens that she should run the economy.

Who is more likely to be a corrupt puppet of special interests, a business leader who takes time from running for president to reopen a golf course in Scotland, or a politician who received millions of dollars from banks, corporations and lobbyists for doing — as her supporters keep telling us — absolutely nothing at all to earn it?

Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

Is this the same trump who tweeted that he was happy for the scots that they voted to get out of the EU, while 72% of the Scots voted to stay?

And because of this, you say that trump is a practical business man. Trump doesn't have a clue what is going on in the world and you want this person to be your president?

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NEWSFLASH: Left wing Liberals hate successful businessman cheesy.gif

Here is what the right's favorite former community organiser had to say to Bloomberg News about Trump....

“There’s no successful businessman in America who actually thinks the most successful businessman in America is Donald Trump.”

— President Obama, in an interview with Bloomberg.

And another to think about called a certain train wreck....

Mike Murphy, who ran Jeb Bush’s super PAC during the GOP presidential primaries, writes in the Washington Post:

So as the Trump campaign moves into full meltdown, Republicans are seeing a presumptive nominee on a mission of political suicide. Nobody in the party wants a nominee with the Secret Service code name “Certain Train-wreck.” The question is: Can anything be done about it? The answer is yes. If Trump rolls into the convention broke and with a terrible deficit in the polls, the delegates may indeed act. Under convention rules, they have the power to do so. GOP conventions are party affairs empowered to pick the best candidate to win the general election. If Trump’s incompetence doesn’t change, he may well get fired in Cleveland.

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NEWSFLASH: Left wing Liberals hate successful businessman cheesy.gif

Here is what the right's favorite former community organiser had to say to Bloomberg News about Trump....

“There’s no successful businessman in America who actually thinks the most successful businessman in America is Donald Trump.”

— President Obama, in an interview with Bloomberg.

And another to think about called a certain train wreck....

Mike Murphy, who ran Jeb Bush’s super PAC during the GOP presidential primaries, writes in the Washington Post:

So as the Trump campaign moves into full meltdown, Republicans are seeing a presumptive nominee on a mission of political suicide. Nobody in the party wants a nominee with the Secret Service code name “Certain Train-wreck.” The question is: Can anything be done about it? The answer is yes. If Trump rolls into the convention broke and with a terrible deficit in the polls, the delegates may indeed act. Under convention rules, they have the power to do so. GOP conventions are party affairs empowered to pick the best candidate to win the general election. If Trump’s incompetence doesn’t change, he may well get fired in Cleveland.

Good Obama quote. Trump is a low-information voter's idea of a successful businessman.

It's true the Republican Convention can dump him if they want to, but it's unlikely because Trump delegates now dominate the Rules Committee per Politico.


It's possible that Trump could quit the ticket however, for instance as a complaint that the RNC is starving the campaign for cash, which they indeed will do since they view the presidency as a lost cause, but not control of the Senate. Trump doesn't appear to want to be president and this could be his out.

Brent Scowcroft and Henry Paulson just announced for Hillary.

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On the day the British people voted to leave the EU, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president took a business trip to Scotland.

The idea that the president should be experienced in business is as old as America. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were all farmer/planters. Abraham Lincoln started a general store…

The Constitution requires that the president be a “Citizen.” When our country was founded, the term “citizen”… meant a “townsman,” a person without rank or noble birth who had to work a trade or a business for a living. The ideal American president, in other words, is someone with an honest job who sees the public fisc as a burden to manage and not as money to spend.

It is a good thing for a presidential candidate to have a business… Someone who has never created a job, never met a payroll, and never built anything must bear a heavy burden of proof to convince citizens that she should run the economy.

Who is more likely to be a corrupt puppet of special interests, a business leader who takes time from running for president to reopen a golf course in Scotland, or a politician who received millions of dollars from banks, corporations and lobbyists for doing — as her supporters keep telling us — absolutely nothing at all to earn it?

Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

Dude, you present that propaganda text as you're own.

In future, be a good boy please, and behave properly as follows:

Post a snippet of your vile monster PROPAGANDA, and then provide a link showing it is not your writing.

Got it?

It's going to be a long and dirty campaign. We all know that. This forum doesn't need constant INFECTION of unattributed large blocks of text direct from the vile monster propaganda campaign website.

How about some original writing to show praise to your great American fascist leader?

I will show you how. Watch and learn:


Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

Edited by Jingthing
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On the day the British people voted to leave the EU, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president took a business trip to Scotland.

The idea that the president should be experienced in business is as old as America. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were all farmer/planters. Abraham Lincoln started a general store…

The Constitution requires that the president be a “Citizen.” When our country was founded, the term “citizen”… meant a “townsman,” a person without rank or noble birth who had to work a trade or a business for a living. The ideal American president, in other words, is someone with an honest job who sees the public fisc as a burden to manage and not as money to spend.

It is a good thing for a presidential candidate to have a business… Someone who has never created a job, never met a payroll, and never built anything must bear a heavy burden of proof to convince citizens that she should run the economy.

Who is more likely to be a corrupt puppet of special interests, a business leader who takes time from running for president to reopen a golf course in Scotland, or a politician who received millions of dollars from banks, corporations and lobbyists for doing — as her supporters keep telling us — absolutely nothing at all to earn it?

Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

Is this the same trump who tweeted that he was happy for the scots that they voted to get out of the EU, while 72% of the Scots voted to stay?

And because of this, you say that trump is a practical business man. Trump doesn't have a clue what is going on in the world and you want this person to be your president?

Perhaps the majority of low information, poorly educated racist white vile monster base voters don't have any money in RETIREMENT accounts. If so, they might make the brain connection that the vile monster is bizarrely taking credit for the British mistake CRASHING those accounts. Not to mention the idiotic pro Brexit vote is going to trash the U.K. -- Scotland and Northern Ireland will surely leave it now. Great Britain thanks for Brexit becoming more like Little Britain.

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif
Edited by Boon Mee
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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

Not exactly, BM.

It's more like we've got to take the possibility that vile monster could win seriously, and pull out all stops to prevent that. There is a danger of being overconfident and overestimating the intelligence of American voters.

Brexit does show voters can get things horribly wrong.

The Brits in supposedly voting for racism, xenophobia, nationalism have in effect broken up the United Kingdom. Sad and so stupid.

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

I get a kick out of the Trump supporters.

They live in another dimension, where a crashing stock market is good news.

Bin Laden would be pleased too. He's getting exactly what he wanted.

Edited by Buzzz
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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

I get a kick out of the Trump supporters.

They live in another dimension, where a crashing stock market is good news.

Bin Laden would be pleased too. He's getting exactly what he wanted.


There is a deep vein of NIHILISM in the souls of many base vile monster supporters.

We've seen the same kind of thing throughout history during the rise of fascist movements.

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

I get a kick out of the Trump supporters.

They live in another dimension, where a crashing stock market is good news.

Bin Laden would be pleased too. He's getting exactly what he wanted.


There is a deep vein of NIHILISM in the souls of many base vile monster supporters.

We've seen the same kind of thing throughout history during the rise of fascist movements.

Trump has fallen into Bin Ladens trap. I mean, a US Presidential candidate insulting all muslims?

Gonna block them all. Spy on the Mosques. Register them. Insult their religion. Bomb the hell out of them till theres nothing left and take the oil. Nuke em. Tear up the Iran deal and go in hard!

He hates muslims, his supporters hate muslims. If he is President, they will all hate us too. Presto World War 3.

Bin Ladens lovin it. He just wishes Obama would get with his program and start insulting Islam.

Edited by Buzzz
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