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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump promises to end ‘economic surrender’ of Clinton trade deals

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged Tuesday that if elected he would rewrite trade deals to bring jobs back to the U.S., and he blasted his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton for repeatedly choosing globalization at the expense of American workers.

Hillary Clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare America into thinking small and they want to scare the American people out of voting for a better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech.

He said that his plan to revise bad trade deals and push back against globalization would reverse the decades of economic decline ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that President Bill Clinton signed and Mrs. Clinton supported.


Experts in the US steel industry don't agree with Trump. They say the two main reasons large steel companies in the US have shed jobs are:

>>> Steel plants are getting more automation and are slimming down. Giant steel mills, like in PA are old school. Smaller, leaner, more efficient mills have started up in the SE US and overseas.

>>> Yes, China has taken the lion's share of the int'l steel market and much of their products are subsidized. Trump is right about that, but so is everyone else who's known that since 2001 when China joined the WTO.

Also: NAFTA has arguably been better for US jobs situation. The US exports more steel-related products to Mexico and Canada than the other way around. Trade deals are complicated things. Trump wants us all to think like rednecks who see the world in black & white terms. Same way 13 year old girls view the world: everything falls into two categories: either horrible or wonderful.

Sorry Trump, most voters don't think simplistically like 13 year old girls from redneck families. We can see multi-layers. For trade agreements, there are winners, losers and many in-betweens. One thing Trump doesn't fathom is: if the US starts trade-wars with other countries, Americans have a lot to lose, not least are going to be: much higher prices for consumer goods and food.

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Trump promises to end ‘economic surrender’ of Clinton trade deals

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged Tuesday that if elected he would rewrite trade deals to bring jobs back to the U.S., and he blasted his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton for repeatedly choosing globalization at the expense of American workers.

Hillary Clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare America into thinking small and they want to scare the American people out of voting for a better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech.

He said that his plan to revise bad trade deals and push back against globalization would reverse the decades of economic decline ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that President Bill Clinton signed and Mrs. Clinton supported.


What I admire most about Trump's plan is that it isn't one. It's just an assertion. Where's the plan?

As for the decades of American decline, it depends on how you look at it. In the aggregate, American GDP has grown a lot over the past decades. It's just that most Americans didn't get to share in it. The wealthiest got virtually all the gains realized from improved productivity. Maybe that's because the wealthy few through their catspaw, the Republican party, have been making war on American workers since the 1950's. They've crippled unions and managed to get a Supreme court that consistently decides against the interests of workers. And now Trump wants to give the wealthiest and most powerful Americans a huge tax cut. In other words, he wants to make them even more wealthy and more powerful. He doesn't even want to raise the Federal minimum wage.

Higher taxes on the wealthy including higher inheritance taxes on large fortunes, and restoration of American unions would go a long way towards tilting the balance back towards American workers.

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Let me tell you one example (just one of many we remember): Clinton (Bill) commenced a program to give cheap housing loans to underpriveleged people so they could buy their own homes. Millions took advantage and it grew and grew, til eventually the US and World economy was reliant on those loans (watch the movie/s). Net result? The economic collapse of 2007/8.

And what happened afterwards? A Wall Street bailout - all done for 'the people'. And almost 10 years later? The rich are richer - and the poor are poorer - it is worse than ever.

You right wing dudes really don't understand how things are, do you? Take this example you gave. Do you have any idea what really caused the financial crisis of 2008? It wasn't "cheap housing loans" during the Clinton years. It began with the commoditization of mortgages into CDO's that were sold like assets. And the incentive to create more of these by giving out subprime loans to unqualified buyers. And the credit default swaps that came after. This accelerated during the GWB years. It's complicated, so I'm not going to school you on something that you should be able to figure out on your own (well, maybe not). But your simplistic explanation is so God-awful that you should be embarrassed about how little you know.

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Trump promises to end ‘economic surrender’ of Clinton trade deals

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged Tuesday that if elected he would rewrite trade deals to bring jobs back to the U.S., and he blasted his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton for repeatedly choosing globalization at the expense of American workers.

Hillary Clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare America into thinking small and they want to scare the American people out of voting for a better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech.

He said that his plan to revise bad trade deals and push back against globalization would reverse the decades of economic decline ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that President Bill Clinton signed and Mrs. Clinton supported.


What I admire most about Trump's plan is that it isn't one. It's just an assertion. Where's the plan?

As for the decades of American decline, it depends on how you look at it. In the aggregate, American GDP has grown a lot over the past decades. It's just that most Americans didn't get to share in it. The wealthiest got virtually all the gains realized from improved productivity. Maybe that's because the wealthy few through their catspaw, the Republican party, have been making war on American workers since the 1950's. They've crippled unions and managed to get a Supreme court that consistently decides against the interests of workers. And now Trump wants to give the wealthiest and most powerful Americans a huge tax cut. In other words, he wants to make them even more wealthy and more powerful. He doesn't even want to raise the Federal minimum wage.

Higher taxes on the wealthy including higher inheritance taxes on large fortunes, and restoration of American unions would go a long way towards tilting the balance back towards American workers.

The NAFTA Trade Agreement reduced and eliminated 18,000 taxes on US exports creating 20 million jobs with US exports at an all time high last year.

You won't hear that on FOX.

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Some people may be wondering where these Trump supporters get their information.

This is Alex Jones. Very influential in the conservative and conspiracy demographic.

Here is a sample:

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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

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Trump promises to end ‘economic surrender’ of Clinton trade deals

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged Tuesday that if elected he would rewrite trade deals to bring jobs back to the U.S., and he blasted his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton for repeatedly choosing globalization at the expense of American workers.

Hillary Clinton and her friends in global finance want to scare America into thinking small and they want to scare the American people out of voting for a better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech.

He said that his plan to revise bad trade deals and push back against globalization would reverse the decades of economic decline ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that President Bill Clinton signed and Mrs. Clinton supported.


What I admire most about Trump's plan is that it isn't one. It's just an assertion. Where's the plan?

As for the decades of American decline, it depends on how you look at it. In the aggregate, American GDP has grown a lot over the past decades. It's just that most Americans didn't get to share in it. The wealthiest got virtually all the gains realized from improved productivity. Maybe that's because the wealthy few through their catspaw, the Republican party, have been making war on American workers since the 1950's. They've crippled unions and managed to get a Supreme court that consistently decides against the interests of workers. And now Trump wants to give the wealthiest and most powerful Americans a huge tax cut. In other words, he wants to make them even more wealthy and more powerful. He doesn't even want to raise the Federal minimum wage.

Higher taxes on the wealthy including higher inheritance taxes on large fortunes, and restoration of American unions would go a long way towards tilting the balance back towards American workers.

The NAFTA Trade Agreement reduced and eliminated 18,000 taxes on US exports creating 20 million jobs with US exports at an all time high last year.

You won't hear that on FOX.

In the world of internet forums, if you don't provide a credible source for your statistics, then it didn't happen.

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After Saying He Forgave Loans to Campaign, Trump Won't Release Proof

"When Donald Trump said last Thursday he was forgiving over $45 million in personal loans he made to his campaign, the announcement drew plenty of coverage."

"Many even reported Trump's statement as if the deal was done. But it's not."

"A week later, NBC News has learned the FEC has posted no record of Trump converting his loans to donations." whistling.gif


The "self-proclaimed" "billionaire". The Bloviator. The Flim-Flam Man.

Dunning Kruger.

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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Her inability to name any specific Native American ancestor has kept the story alive


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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Her inability to name any specific Native American ancestor has kept the story alive


Oh gawd. Now they are back to the birth certificate thing again...

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@ Post 4000 Buzzz


And videos like this despicale pig introducing the Bloviator means nothing to the Lemmings

The endless lies and blatant bigotry of the Bloviator are always ignored.

They must agree with this type of behavior. Equally despicable.

Otherwise, the Lemmings got nothin'.

Grasping at straws...

Edited by iReason
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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Her inability to name any specific Native American ancestor has kept the story alive


Oh gawd. Now they are back to the birth certificate thing again...

Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being "Native American." They singled her out, Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory.

"I am very proud of my heritage," Warren told NPR in 2012.

"Professor Warren claimed that she was a Native American, a person of color," (below is a photo of the person of color)



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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Her inability to name any specific Native American ancestor has kept the story alive


That's the Republican way of running a campaign. They find what they think is the worst thing about an opponent, and continually harp on that thing while blowing it up beyond all recognition.

Warren and whatever comment she may have made about ancestry is absolutely nothing to any reasonable person. Reasonable people want to know candidates' stances on issues, and how they're going to improve things for their country.

If Republicans found that Warren cheated on a 2nd grade test when she was 7 yrs old, and thought that was the worst they could find on her, then Reps would harp on that ad infinitum. Reps are bereft of ideas. All they have is waterboarding and attacking others. What a sad excuse for a political party.

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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Her inability to name any specific Native American ancestor has kept the story alive


So she can't prove it. So what? It's what she was told since she was a kind. And the reason whyi right wingers keep recurring to this is because they are deathly afraid of her. Unlike Trump, she truly is a populist. There must be dozens (hundreds?) of youtube videos of her picking apart the statements of various officials and financiers. And also unlike Trump, she is very knowledgeable. Were she the Democratic candidate this election would be a blowout. By the way, that same article you cited also says there is no evidence at all that her claim to be a Cherokee got her a job. Which is a lie the right has been spouting for years now.

"These are my family stories," Warren has said. "This is what my brothers and I were told by my mom and my dad, my mammaw and my pappaw." But so far she and her campaign have been unable to establish that her family lore about being part Native American is anything more than one of the most widely shared family myths known to American genealogical researchers, myths especially prevalent in Warren's home state of Oklahoma, the state with the highest percent of Native Americans in the nation and one where the Cherokee are the largest minority group."

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Donald Trump Has Long Benefited From Trade Practices He Now Scorns

"Donald J. Trump vowed on Tuesday that as president he would put an end to policies that send American jobs overseas, threatening to impose tariffs on Chinese imports,

and promising to punish companies that relocate their manufacturing to countries with cheaper labor."

“It will be American hands that remake this country,” said Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee,

standing before a hunk of aluminum at a recycling plant in western Pennsylvania."

"But such declarations are at odds with Mr. Trump’s long history as a businessman,

in which he has been heavily and proudly, reliant on foreign labor in the name of putting profits, rather than America, first."


The Bloviator. The Huckster.

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@ Post 4000 Buzzz


And videos like this despicale pig introducing the Bloviator means nothing to the Lemmings

The endless lies and blatant bigotry of the Bloviator are always ignored.

They must agree with this type of behavior. Equally despicable.

Otherwise, the Lemmings got nothin'.

Grasping at straws...

Speaking of straws, you brought it up (Post #3996) when you wrote, ""Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

Edited by Scotwight
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The Text Book Racist, insulting Bloviator continues to display his shared crass bigotry by choosing fellow crass bigot, Howie Carr to introduce him to Maine:

Today's Donald Trump Rally Opened with Racist Native American Impressions

The kind you used to do in elementary school, before you became an adult.

"Slowly working his way through the list of minorities that he casually marginalizes, Donald Trump has long tried to insult Native

Americans by calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" based on completely unsubstantiated accusations."

"Today, "New England's Undisputed Radio King" Howie Carr introduced Trump at a rally in Maine and did a gesture that everyone born after 1960,

learned not to do in elementary school."


Buffoonish ignorance once again, is grandly displayed among the Bloviator's Lemmings.

Shamelessly and arrogantly, on the World Stage.

Above you said you din't write it but here it is. You most certainly did write it.

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And that article is almost 4 years old. I gave you a link to the latest ratings and you ignore it. I guess for the 2020 election you'll be using Silver's 2016 ratings.

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And that article is almost 4 years old. I gave you a link to the latest ratings and you ignore it. I guess for the 2020 election you'll be using Silver's 2016 ratings.

It was the most recent Presidential election that's why I used it. If you know of a more recent Presidential election please post it.

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Or so says the lowest rated of all the major pollsters.

Gallop three spots below Rasmussen


And that article is almost 4 years old. I gave you a link to the latest ratings and you ignore it. I guess for the 2020 election you'll be using Silver's 2016 ratings.

It was the most recent Presidential election that's why I used it. If you know of a more recent Presidential election please post it.

And it was put together by Nate Silver. And he now has revised it. Do you think these ratings are handed down by God to Nate after every election and can't be improved until the next one is past. In effect, you are telling Nate Silver he stopped being competent after 2012.

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FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver Predicts Hillary Clinton Wins Election Against Donald Trump

"This morning on ABC's “Good Morning America,” FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver predicted that Hillary Clinton will win the presidential election against Donald Trump.

Clinton has a 79 percent chance of winning, compared with Trump's 20 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight’s forecast."

"We're at halftime of the election right now," Silver said. "She's taking a 7-point, maybe a 10-point lead into halftime."
"There's a lot of football left to be played. She's ahead in almost every poll, every swing state, every national poll." whistling.gif
20%? facepalm.gif Go home Donnie...
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FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver Predicts Hillary Clinton Wins Election Against Donald Trump

"This morning on ABC's “Good Morning America,” FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver predicted that Hillary Clinton will win the presidential election against Donald Trump.

Clinton has a 79 percent chance of winning, compared with Trump's 20 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight’s forecast."

"We're at halftime of the election right now," Silver said. "She's taking a 7-point, maybe a 10-point lead into halftime."
"There's a lot of football left to be played. She's ahead in almost every poll, every swing state, every national poll." whistling.gif
20%? facepalm.gif Go home Donnie...

Nate Silver 99% probability that Clinton would win Michigan (she lost). Silver again predicted on May 3 with 90% probability that Clinton would win Indiana (she lost).

For 7 of 32 states, Silver completely flipped his opinion on which Republican would win and who would lose that state's primary.


In September, he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Trump had a roughly 5-percent chance of beating his GOP rivals.


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FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver Predicts Hillary Clinton Wins Election Against Donald Trump

"This morning on ABC's “Good Morning America,” FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver predicted that Hillary Clinton will win the presidential election against Donald Trump.

Clinton has a 79 percent chance of winning, compared with Trump's 20 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight’s forecast."

"We're at halftime of the election right now," Silver said. "She's taking a 7-point, maybe a 10-point lead into halftime."
"There's a lot of football left to be played. She's ahead in almost every poll, every swing state, every national poll." whistling.gif
20%? facepalm.gif Go home Donnie...

Nate Silver 99% probability that Clinton would win Michigan (she lost). Silver again predicted on May 3 with 90% probability that Clinton would win Indiana (she lost).

For 7 of 32 states, Silver completely flipped his opinion on which Republican would win and who would lose that state's primary.


In September, he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Trump had a roughly 5-percent chance of beating his GOP rivals.


As anyone who does polling knows, primaries are a lot more difficult to predict than general elections. One of the reasons being that there simply aren't as many polls done for each state. But for Presidential elections Silver has a fairly decent record. In 2008 he called 49 out of 50 states correctly. In 2012 he called all 50 states correctly.

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