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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Any good business reshuffles staff, as the situation warrants.

Clearly, his campaign for presidency will be different than his highly successful nomination, and a more suitable staff is desirable. Fresh faces....fresh approaches.

Not very newsy.

Not quite the same level as an army of FBI agents come knocking on the door.

Hillary might want to post some lookouts, so she can hide her emails before anyone gets in. Stuff some of those dinars from the middle east connections into cereal boxes.

Good idea to reformat her hard drive, as well.

Edited by slipperylobster
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More staffers leave Donald Trump's campaign

"It sounds like more turmoil on the Donald Trump presidential campaign."

"More officials departed the Trump team this week even as the campaign continues to try and staff up for a general election campaign against Hillary Clinton."

"Kevin Kellems and Erica Freeman, both of whom dealt with surrogates who spoke on behalf of Trump, resigned from the campaign in recent days."


Bailing from the sinking ship. thumbsup.gif

Described as chaotic, dysfunctional and commotion. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Downward Spiral.

So, his campaign has been a disaster.

Everyone criticized the Trump campaign for poor organization

Then how is it a disaster that his campaign officials are leaving? Unless they were among the few competent ones. LOL

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


She attended voluntarily. They didn't visit her. She visited them. Yes, it is unusual for a next president apparent, but you know and I know she will not be indicted. So again, bring on Madame President.

dude...wake up.

When we say "had somebody over for tea and crumpets"....yes..they were invited. Very wise to do so.

That is her home they went to.

It is called a "visit", whether they were invited or not.

The alternative would be dragging her out in cuffs and sit her in a chair at FBI HQ.

I am doing you a service. Lets just call it a "visit"

ok? wink.png

Her "home" eh?

The interview took place at FBI HQ.

Hillary Clinton's home is in New York until she moves into the white house. AGAIN.

Yes, I do mean the white house where PRESIDENTS live. Not the BIG house. Dream on though!

An aide said the interview occurred at FBI headquarters in Washington Saturday morning. The FBI declined to comment.


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Why Donald Trump is in trouble

"It hasn’t been a great couple of weeks for Donald Trump. Recent polls show him trailing badly to Hillary Clinton — between 5 and 7 points nationally."

"In state polls, the tale is even uglier; Clinton has double digit leads in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina, and a 9-point advantage in Ohio."

"According to Nate Silver’s first projection for the election in November, Clinton has an 80 percent chance of being elected president."


The Ugly Grand Train Wreck: The Bloviator.

Downward Spiral.

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dude...wake up.

When we say "had somebody over for tea and crumpets"....yes..they were invited. Very wise to do so.

That is her home they went to.

It is called a "visit", whether they were invited or not.

The alternative would be dragging her out in cuffs and sit her in a chair at FBI HQ.

I am doing you a service. Lets just call it a "visit"

ok? wink.png

Her "home" eh?

The interview took place at FBI HQ.

Hillary Clinton's home is in New York until she moves into the white house. AGAIN.

Yes, I do mean the white house where PRESIDENTS live. Not the BIG house. Dream on though!

An aide said the interview occurred at FBI headquarters in Washington Saturday morning. The FBI declined to comment.


More informed people know that she maintains a residence in Washington DC, as well.


FBI clearly entered her home when they picked her up in the squad cars...lol

FBI clearly entered her home (yes...her residence in Washington) again when they dropped her off.

yes...the actual 3 hour interview was in the HQ....but she still had FBI crawling all over her residence.

come..on...dude. Everyone saw the video on the news...except you?

who cares anyway....point is.....FBI all over her place.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Case 1:16-cv-04642 Document 1 Filed 06/20/16




JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym,






Case No.:








See full Court Document here:


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excerpt from a recent HRC speech:

"Trump’s tax plan, immigration policies and other proposals would likely throw the country into recession, while his apparent willingness to default on the national debt or print more money to cover it would ruin the credit of the United States and lead to spiraling inflation."

source Washington Post

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Trump Machine is hot on this. I am sure it will make that machine unstoppable.

The FBI was casing out this joint....Hillary's Washington House.

Yes, Jingy.....she has a house in Washington...and the FBI were crawling all over it.

Maybe they grabbed her laptop....lol

Anyway..here is your homework assignment for today.


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After reading all this krap about rape charges etc...

I waited until today, and did some more online research...but guess what?

krap...garbage...nonsense posts. Show the meat and potatoes.

If a formal accusation of rape (of a 14 yr old) is not 'meat and potatoes' then you're a tough customer.

See iReason's post above with the indictment. P.S. there's also a witness, as well as another girl (Maria, 13) who went missing from those same sex parties, and additional corroborating evidence. If I was Maria's father, I'd surely want to know what happened to her. Perhaps The Donald followed up on a threat to end her life, if she told anyone what happened behind closed doors. Among other things, The Donald fancies himself as the world's most convincing deal maker. He's world renown for threatening people. Let's find out how far it went.

Then there's court testimony of Trump's 1st wife where she described in detail how he got angry, ripped her clothes off, ripped out some of her hair and raped her. Normally, I don't concern myself with a man who abuses his wife, but if the man wants to be Chief Executive and Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff for the world's most powerful military, it rather widens the plot.

Did your research find details on either of those two rapes? ......or perhaps you just disregard what you don't want to admit is true. Life is easier that way, isn't it.

Let her slide out the back door, gracefully. Deal with Trump later...he poses no threat.

(according to the majority of naysayers here on this thread)

I wonder why everyone here is so defensive and worried?

There's a man who has become the GOP's (2nd largest political party in the USA) candidate for president. Anyone who gives a hoot about that important job, should be concerned. Anyone who cares about America's future should be watching the candidates closely. I'm trying to think of one decent attribute for Trump, and I can't. Ok, perhaps that he doesn't drink or smoke tobacco, I guess that's a plus. But he peddles wine and vodka (?). Go figure.

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After reading all this krap about rape charges etc...

I waited until today, and did some more online research...but guess what?

krap...garbage...nonsense posts. Show the meat and potatoes.

If a formal accusation of rape (of a 14 yr old) is not 'meat and potatoes' then you're a tough customer.

See iReason's post above with the indictment. P.S. there's also a witness, another girl (Maria) who is missing from those same sex parties, and additional corroborating evidence.

Then there's court testimony of Trump's 1st wife where she described in detail how he got angry, ripped her clothes off, ripped out some of her hair and raped her. Normally, I don't concern myself with a man who abuses his wife, but for the man who wants to be Chief Executive, it rather deepens the plot.

Did your research find details on either of those two rapes? ......or perhaps you just disregard what you don't want to admit is true. Life is easier that way, isn't it.

Let her slide out the back door, gracefully. Deal with Trump later...he poses no threat.

(according to the majority of naysayers here on this thread)

I wonder why everyone here is so defensive and worried?

There's a man who has become the GOP's (2nd largest political party in the USA) candidate for president. Anyone who gives a hoot about that important job, should be concerned. Anyone who cares about America's future should be watching the candidates closely. I'm trying to think of one decent attribute for Trump, and I can't. Ok, perhaps that he doesn't drink or smoke tobacco, I guess that's a plus. But he peddles wine and vodka (?). Go figure.

Yeah yeah yeah.

ok....still waiting for those headlines.

Still only seeing Hillary getting shoved into a black squad car by a dozen fbi agents.

Don't worry, they made sure she did not bump her head too hard, trying to climb in.

You think..maybe...that Donald will have some squad cars pulling up? Lets see if that happens.

Don't hold your breath.

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After reading all this krap about rape charges etc...

I waited until today, and did some more online research...but guess what?

krap...garbage...nonsense posts. Show the meat and potatoes.

If a formal accusation of rape (of a 14 yr old) is not 'meat and potatoes' then you're a tough customer.

See iReason's post above with the indictment. P.S. there's also a witness, as well as another girl (Maria, 13) who went missing from those same sex parties, and additional corroborating evidence. If I was Maria's father, I'd surely want to know what happened to her. Perhaps The Donald followed up on a threat to end her life, if she told anyone what happened behind closed doors. Among other things, The Donald fancies himself as the world's most convincing deal maker. He's world renown for threatening people. Let's find out how far it went.

Then there's court testimony of Trump's 1st wife where she described in detail how he got angry, ripped her clothes off, ripped out some of her hair and raped her. Normally, I don't concern myself with a man who abuses his wife, but if the man wants to be Chief Executive and Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff for the world's most powerful military, it rather widens the plot.

Did your research find details on either of those two rapes? ......or perhaps you just disregard what you don't want to admit is true. Life is easier that way, isn't it.

Let her slide out the back door, gracefully. Deal with Trump later...he poses no threat.

(according to the majority of naysayers here on this thread)

I wonder why everyone here is so defensive and worried?

There's a man who has become the GOP's (2nd largest political party in the USA) candidate for president. Anyone who gives a hoot about that important job, should be concerned. Anyone who cares about America's future should be watching the candidates closely. I'm trying to think of one decent attribute for Trump, and I can't. Ok, perhaps that he doesn't drink or smoke tobacco, I guess that's a plus. But he peddles wine and vodka (?). Go figure.

Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

So...not saying Trump is the best person for the job...but, without question, Hillary is the worst.

Not to point out, of course, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with selling fine wine and such. Some of the most influential leaders in History tipped a glass or two. Churchill, maybe more so than others.

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Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

All of these charges against HRC, from e-mails, to Benghazi, to the Clinton Foundation...none of these would even be under discussion, let alone investigation, if not for one reason and one reason only. She's running for President. If she is not elected President, these charges would disappear faster than Swift Boat accusations. It's well known that the GOP is a dirty political outfit who are not above lying and cheating to attack their political opponents. Unfortunately for them, Trump is such a disaster of a candidate and thoroughly miserable human being that there will not be a Republican President for some time.

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As is usual for slipperylobster, his fevered hyperbole is just that: Fevered Hyperbole.

And as usual, his fictitious assertions are just that: Fictitious.

Just made up, uninformed fantasy. Again.

As illustrated in his posts of: 4153, and 4155.

Sec. Clinton met with agents at F.B.I. Headquarters. No F.B.I. came to her home.

No "FBI were crawling all over it." None.

Not only doesn't he know the difference between employee "re-shuffles" and employees quitting, ( which would simply require reading a posted article )

he clearly doesn't know the difference between Secret Service agents and the F.B.I.

And apparently does not care to validate his statements before regurgitating them on this thread. Shameful.

Pure erroneous gibberish.

F.B.I. Interviews Hillary Clinton Over Private Email Server


Dunning Kruger. Major.

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Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

All of these charges against HRC, from e-mails, to Benghazi, to the Clinton Foundation...none of these would even be under discussion, let alone investigation, if not for one reason and one reason only. She's running for President. If she is not elected President, these charges would disappear faster than Swift Boat accusations. It's well known that the GOP is a dirty political outfit who are not above lying and cheating to attack their political opponents. Unfortunately for them, Trump is such a disaster of a candidate and thoroughly miserable human being that there will not be a Republican President for some time.


I understand your frustration. It must be difficult defending Hillary every two minutes. To support a candidate such as Hillary, while she is obviously up to her panties in negative publicity...well.... that must be a nightmare.

I can..and do...sympathize. She let many people down.

What will happen to all these Hillary fanatics when the investigation reveals that a crime has been committed?

Very disconcerting...to say the least.

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General Colin Powell used a private email server while serving as Secretary of State under Bush Jr.

The difference is; Powell never apologized, whereas HRC acknowledged her mistake and apologized.

Oh, and another difference: Reps aren't holding Powell's feet to the fire about it.

Another difference: Powell was a high ranking general with detailed knowledge of inner workings of the military. HRC was not.

From SL: "So...not saying Trump is the best person for the job...but, without question, Hillary is the worst."

Worse than asleep-at-the-podium Carson? Worse than Palin, who can't put a legible sentence together? Worse than Cruz, who nobody likes, except maybe his wife (when he's asleep)?. "Hillary is the worst." That's sounds like something I'd expect to hear from a fussy 4 yr old girl, along the lines of "I hate my mom. She makes me eat all my lima beans."

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Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

All of these charges against HRC, from e-mails, to Benghazi, to the Clinton Foundation...none of these would even be under discussion, let alone investigation, if not for one reason and one reason only. She's running for President. If she is not elected President, these charges would disappear faster than Swift Boat accusations. It's well known that the GOP is a dirty political outfit who are not above lying and cheating to attack their political opponents. Unfortunately for them, Trump is such a disaster of a candidate and thoroughly miserable human being that there will not be a Republican President for some time.


I understand your frustration. It must be difficult defending Hillary every two minutes. To support a candidate such as Hillary, while she is obviously up to her panties in negative publicity...well.... that must be a nightmare.

I can..and do...sympathize. She let many people down.

What will happen to all these Hillary fanatics when the investigation reveals that a crime has been committed?

Very disconcerting...to say the least.

Down boy. It's not even like that. I honestly don't care all that much who becomes President...so long as his name is not Trump. Trump cannot be President. He must not be President....for the sake of America.

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Where Republicans Stand on Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet

The presumptive nominee is making almost no progress on unifying the party he purportedly leads. laugh.png

"With just over two weeks to go before the Republican National Convention, there’s no sign that Donald Trump has made progress on unifying the party he purportedly leads."

"The last two weeks have shown that while Trump is able to pick up a few supporters, he’s not making any inroads among the holdouts who have so far refused to back him."

"Meanwhile, there’s been a steady list of prominent conservatives coming out against him. thumbsup.gif



The Great "Unifier". The Bloviator.

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More Companies Opt to Sit Out Trump’s Coronation in Cleveland

Wells Fargo, UPS, Motorola Solutions, JPMorgan and Ford are among previous sponsors that won't give this year.

"A growing number of prominent U.S. corporations are opting to drop or scale back their sponsorship of the Republican national convention next month in Cleveland,

as the nomination of Donald Trump promises a level of controversy rarely seen in such gatherings."

"Among those to signal in recent days that they won't sponsor the convention this year are Wells Fargo & Co., United Parcel Service Inc., Motorola Solutions Inc.,

JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ford Motor Co., and Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc."

"All of those companies sponsored the previous Republican conclave, in Tampa, Florida, in 2012."


That's some big bucks bye bye...

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Well...here is something fairly decent....as far as attributes go.

He is not wanted by the FBI, like HRC.

Also, foreign governments don't have the goods on him....as he has not compromised himself and the whole Nation....by defying every single rule about the handling of sensitive information...both personal and diplomatic.

All of these charges against HRC, from e-mails, to Benghazi, to the Clinton Foundation...none of these would even be under discussion, let alone investigation, if not for one reason and one reason only. She's running for President. If she is not elected President, these charges would disappear faster than Swift Boat accusations. It's well known that the GOP is a dirty political outfit who are not above lying and cheating to attack their political opponents. Unfortunately for them, Trump is such a disaster of a candidate and thoroughly miserable human being that there will not be a Republican President for some time.


I understand your frustration. It must be difficult defending Hillary every two minutes. To support a candidate such as Hillary, while she is obviously up to her panties in negative publicity...well.... that must be a nightmare.

I can..and do...sympathize. She let many people down.

What will happen to all these Hillary fanatics when the investigation reveals that a crime has been committed?

Very disconcerting...to say the least.

Down boy. It's not even like that. I honestly don't care all that much who becomes President...so long as his name is not Trump. Trump cannot be President. He must not be President....for the sake of America.

And the world...wai2.gif

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He is the best man for the job and the only one what can clean up the mess what the moslem Obama has left behind.

What Obama has left behind is close to 100% better than what he inherited, and his heritage might be Muslim makes him all the more qualified than the con man Trump. Are you a Trump U grad? Buy a condo that was never built?


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RNC Scrambling to Throw a Trump-Style Party

"Donald Trump wants to put the "party" in July's Republican Party Convention."

"But with less than three weeks to go before the convention, there's more known about who won't be in Cleveland than who will be,

a slew of Republicans and corporate sponsors have bowed out of the event, declining to join in the celebrations for the controversial candidate."

"Some conservative celebrities — like Ted Nugent — have already said they won't be showing up, according to The Washington Post."


Even cowardly Ted "I crapped my pants for a week to Dodge the Draft" Nugent passed on the Bloviator.



Wise move Ted.

The Press scrutiny would roast your self-serving, hypocritical blather.

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He is the best man for the job and the only one what can clean up the mess what the moslem Obama has left behind.

What Obama has left behind is close to 100% better than what he inherited, and his heritage might be Muslim makes him all the more qualified than the con man Trump. Are you a Trump U grad? Buy a condo that was never built?

attachicon.gifDon't feed the troll.jpeg

100% better


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"The Republican Party may reluctantly be backing Donald Trump as their presidential nominee, but as time goes on,

it’s clear that their rank and file would prefer not to."

"The latest sign of G.O.P. mutiny?"

"Virtually no major party figure wants to speak at the Republican National Convention on the billionaire’s behalf."


A Historic dis.

Lovin' it. thumbsup.gif

The "Supposed" "Billionaire". whistling.gif You know the one, the guy that wants your donations and funnels them directly back into his businesses. cheesy.gif

The pathetic Flip-Flopping Bloviator.

Not to worry Lemmings, you'll still have Football season after the Bloviator gets crushed. And humiliated.

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