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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump shouts about not wanting migrants coming in, yet at least one of his wives are migrants. He rails against Chinese getting all the unfair advantages, yet he sold an apartment for 5.5 million $$'s, and that Chinese family are migrants. Oh, but he loves those particular Chinese, because they gave him a lot of money. People who don't give him money, like Mexicans, are on his shit list.

Unlike some 12 million others, Trump's wife entered the country legally and speaks English.

She can read the road signs without a translator.

A tweet toward Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife reveals lack of intelligence of The Donald, which like his supporters probably flew over their heads:

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

He's going to have a hard time reading road signs IN SPANISH, if he ever ventures to Mexico.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

The very fact that any one would support him shows that there is a serious need for education in the United States.

The man has not come up with one single idea to help Americans. He wants to deport all the people who work in the fields and thereby raise the cost of food.

He wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico there by inviting the Mexican cartels to import Hamas tunnel diggers for where the fence is.

He thinks Mexico is going to pay for it at the same time charging all the illegal immigrants with being rapists and killers. Now do you really think Mexico would spend a dime to keep those people in their own country.

But these are all incidentals do the American people really want to have the whole world laughing at them. The president of the United States should show a little dignity and speak for ALL the people not just his white legally here people.

He should not put on a clown act to the world that he is practicing on now every time he opens his mouth.

His talk demeanor and actions are similar to a clown from the Barnum and Bailey Circus. He thrives on the old Barnum saying that there is a sucker born every minute.

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The lying Bloviator spewing inflammatory B.S. rhetoric:

"Donald J. Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Kansas City, Mo., that a man who had charged him at an event earlier Saturday was “probably” linked to the Islamic State"

“Mr. Trump said at his last event of the day. “It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

"He added that “my people found this” on the Internet, and just before the rally he posted it on Twitter. cheesy.gif

"Later, a video surfaced purporting to show the same man at a protest months ago."

"That video was taken and overlaid with Arabic text and music, but it appears to have been done as a hoax."

"No government agency has suggested that the man was connected to terrorism."



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Trump shouts about not wanting migrants coming in, yet at least one of his wives are migrants. He rails against Chinese getting all the unfair advantages, yet he sold an apartment for 5.5 million $$'s, and that Chinese family are migrants. Oh, but he loves those particular Chinese, because they gave him a lot of money. People who don't give him money, like Mexicans, are on his shit list.

Unlike some 12 million others, Trump's wife entered the country legally and speaks English.

She can read the road signs without a translator.

A tweet toward Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife reveals lack of intelligence of The Donald, which like his supporters probably flew over their heads:

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

He's going to have a hard time reading road signs IN SPANISH, if he ever ventures to Mexico.

Does this pointless post simply mean Trump doesn't read Spanish?

Do you honestly believe Trump would need to read road signs in Mexico? I expect his driver would have that ability.

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Trump shouts about not wanting migrants coming in, yet at least one of his wives are migrants. He rails against Chinese getting all the unfair advantages, yet he sold an apartment for 5.5 million $$'s, and that Chinese family are migrants. Oh, but he loves those particular Chinese, because they gave him a lot of money. People who don't give him money, like Mexicans, are on his shit list.

Unlike some 12 million others, Trump's wife entered the country legally and speaks English.

She can read the road signs without a translator.

A tweet toward Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife reveals lack of intelligence of The Donald, which like his supporters probably flew over their heads:

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

He's going to have a hard time reading road signs IN SPANISH, if he ever ventures to Mexico.

Does this pointless post simply mean Trump doesn't read Spanish?

Do you honestly believe Trump would need to read road signs in Mexico? I expect his driver would have that ability.

Unlike some 12 million others, Trump's wife entered the country legally and speaks English.

She can read the road signs without a translator

Said the guy who can't read/write Thai in Thailand....

Another pointless post please!

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Trump shouts about not wanting migrants coming in, yet at least one of his wives are migrants. He rails against Chinese getting all the unfair advantages, yet he sold an apartment for 5.5 million $$'s, and that Chinese family are migrants. Oh, but he loves those particular Chinese, because they gave him a lot of money. People who don't give him money, like Mexicans, are on his shit list.

Unlike some 12 million others, Trump's wife entered the country legally and speaks English.

She can read the road signs without a translator.

A tweet toward Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife reveals lack of intelligence of The Donald, which like his supporters probably flew over their heads:

"Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

He's going to have a hard time reading road signs IN SPANISH, if he ever ventures to Mexico.

That's got to be a direct marketing appeal to Trump's important white trailer trash demographic. I find it impossible to believe that the man to whom the next Secretary of State would report would be that stupid.

Edited by keemapoot
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But these are all incidentals do the American people really want to have the whole world laughing at them.

That's an interesting point. You know how Thais don't care what Farang think about anything? Americans care even less what non Americans think about them. I know that is difficult to understand - it was for Piers Morgan. " British presenter admits Americans 'tired of hearing me CNN's audience tired of hearing a Brit debate American issues, he said - His ratings have plummeted from two million to around 270,000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2566348/CNN-axes-Piers-Morgan-Live-final-air-month.html

Today Raul Castro snubbed Obama at the airport. Trump said he would have turned the plane around and left. A two bit banana republic dictator snubbing the American President who is going to bring billions in new revenue into his country? Somebody got their priorities wrong.

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Naa, it's just the opportunist huckster Trump fishing for headlines.

No reputable paper is carrying that story. None. Just the muckrakers.

"Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, says it was “never contemplated or discussed” that Castro would be at the airport."

"Several dignitaries were on hand at the airport, including Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and Cuban Ambassador to the U.S. Jose Cabañas."

"Castro makes relatively few public appearances. But Castro did greet Pope Francis on arrival during a September trip to Cuba and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill last month."


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But these are all incidentals do the American people really want to have the whole world laughing at them.

That's an interesting point. You know how Thais don't care what Farang think about anything? Americans care even less what non Americans think about them. I know that is difficult to understand - it was for Piers Morgan. " British presenter admits Americans 'tired of hearing me CNN's audience tired of hearing a Brit debate American issues, he said - His ratings have plummeted from two million to around 270,000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2566348/CNN-axes-Piers-Morgan-Live-final-air-month.html

Today Raul Castro snubbed Obama at the airport. Trump said he would have turned the plane around and left. A two bit banana republic dictator snubbing the American President who is going to bring billions in new revenue into his country? Somebody got their priorities wrong.

Did Trump say that? If so, it's yet another proof why Trump would be awful at foreign relations. Of the few foreign leaders he's interacted with thus far, he's offended or turned off nearly all of them. Trump would be to foreign relations what a loud smelly fart would be to a first date.

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It's not too late to stop Trump, AND Trump needs to be stopped.

Okay, we all know that Trump is exploiting America's paranoia towards Muslims. Yes, Trump is against Islam and Muslims. But, there is something else. Trump is also exploiting peoples' paranoia against China.


From the above CNN article, Trump has managed to antagonise Beijing.

Trump will declare a highly damaging trade war with China. Basically, Trump will put tariffs on Chinese goods entering into America, and this will cause prices in Walmart to rise. Trump is also an offensive and ridiculous man, Trump used a broken-English accent to mock the negotiating style of Chinese businessmen.

Come on America, do you really want this man to be your president ???

Absolutely correct. This "businessman" Trump is anything but (at least to get the nomination and then we'll see). He is talking not only screwing up the relationship with China, but many other allies too in S. America, and Asia with the all-important TPP at risk.

The result for Americans? Higher prices on just about everything. Stupid investment into legacy industries that rightfully should be scrapped. Crappy jobs in newly constructed third-world industries at higher prices and less competitive with world prices.

Trump supporters cannot see what an idiot this guy is, not only for torpedoing world trade, but for tanking US competitiveness as well, and creating token jobs in shitty industries better left to third world countries.

**however, I have a suspicion that he really knows what every good businessman knows, and they he is spouting this crap to the uniformed and disenfranchised to get elected. Once elected, he will likely change his tune. Sleazy tactics indeed, but all is fair in politics.

Once elected, he will likely change his tune

Dream on. The statement is astounding in its imaginings.

One plays the game in the same way he practices it.

What we see with Donald Gump Trump is what we get, always and under all circumstances. The forest and the trees are the same, identical, cause Trump is one dimensional. He's never been other than that or different.

Anything or everything imagined about a different or better Donald Trump is indeed a foolish and naive fantasy silliness.

(Remember, Trump is not a lawyer!)

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Just as a few years ago I was pretty sure that Mrs. Clinton will win, so today I'm not so sure now .. Americans are looking for a big change from the pathetic words of politicians, a simple saying and activities offered by Trump.

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But these are all incidentals do the American people really want to have the whole world laughing at them.

That's an interesting point. You know how Thais don't care what Farang think about anything? Americans care even less what non Americans think about them. I know that is difficult to understand - it was for Piers Morgan. " British presenter admits Americans 'tired of hearing me CNN's audience tired of hearing a Brit debate American issues, he said - His ratings have plummeted from two million to around 270,000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2566348/CNN-axes-Piers-Morgan-Live-final-air-month.html

Today Raul Castro snubbed Obama at the airport. Trump said he would have turned the plane around and left. A two bit banana republic dictator snubbing the American President who is going to bring billions in new revenue into his country? Somebody got their priorities wrong.

Did Trump say that? If so, it's yet another proof why Trump would be awful at foreign relations. Of the few foreign leaders he's interacted with thus far, he's offended or turned off nearly all of them. Trump would be to foreign relations what a loud smelly fart would be to a first date.

"So President Obama landed in Cuba, and the head of Cuba, who was there for the pope and he was there for other dignitaries that come in, but he wasn't there for the president of the United States. I mean, we are amateur hour, folks -- amateur hour!

"And honestly, Obama should have turned the plane around and left. No, he should have. He should have turned it around, should have said bye-bye...we'll see you in a couple of years, maybe a couple of decades."


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Barry Goldwater 1964 redux.

The right winger Goldwater won six states, 52 Electoral College votes, 38.1% of the popular vote (270 EC votes needed to win).

Sen. Goldwater of Arizona ran very poorly in historically traditional Republican areas throughout the country. (Not in every Republican area, just almost all of 'em. More than enough Republicans nationwide rejected Goldwater to run Goldwater out of the general election in that November.)

Hello Donald Trump:

Poll: Utah would vote for a Democrat for president over Trump By Lisa Riley Roche, Deseret News

SALT LAKE CITY — If Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party's nominee, Utahns would vote for a Democrat for president in November for the first time in more than 50 years, according to a new Deseret News/KSL poll.

"I believe Donald Trump could lose Utah. If you lose Utah as a Republican, there is no hope," said former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, a top campaign adviser to the GOP's 2012 nominee, Mitt Romney.

The poll found that may well be true. Utah voters said they would reject Trump, the GOP frontrunner, whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is the Democratic candidate on the general election ballot.


The extremist Goldwater was going to lose in 1964. However, the following statement in his acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention put him away for good....


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But these are all incidentals do the American people really want to have the whole world laughing at them.

That's an interesting point. You know how Thais don't care what Farang think about anything? Americans care even less what non Americans think about them. I know that is difficult to understand - it was for Piers Morgan. " British presenter admits Americans 'tired of hearing me CNN's audience tired of hearing a Brit debate American issues, he said - His ratings have plummeted from two million to around 270,000. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2566348/CNN-axes-Piers-Morgan-Live-final-air-month.html

Today Raul Castro snubbed Obama at the airport. Trump said he would have turned the plane around and left. A two bit banana republic dictator snubbing the American President who is going to bring billions in new revenue into his country? Somebody got their priorities wrong.

Really not up on the presidential travels. But I don't think all the heads of state meet the President when he travels.

You are trying to transfer Trumps feelings of inferiority on to Obama. Nicer try but no soap.

Actually I am replying to the Americans don't care what others think of them. That is the reason they show no respect for the rest of the world they have none for them selves.

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Let's have another look at that one Pub, shall we?

What do they say? History repeats itself?

Truly remarkable.

And that nut was putting it mildly compared to the Bloviator's "standards".

At any rate, the Bloviator's days are numbered.

Take that to the bank. thumbsup.gif


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General Douglas MacArthur's biographer titled his work American Caesar. A gross overstatement no doubt but his point was made concerning the career military man and his flawed brilliance.

This poster's IMHO documenting here and elsewhere the political rise (and fall) of Donald Trump concerns the American Mussolini.

The following Republican at the (non-partisan) Ethics and Public Policy Center focuses however on the Founders of the Republic and then to include Abraham Lincoln in his time, place, horrendous circumstance which the 16th Potus soldiered through...

That Mr. Trump’s rise has occurred in the Republican Party is painful for those of us who are Republicans.

The founders, knowing history and human nature, took great care to devise a system that would prevent demagogues and those with authoritarian tendencies from rising up in America. That system has been extraordinarily successful. We have never before faced the prospect of a political strongman becoming president.

Until now.


The soldiering continues...

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Trump's masterful foreign policy (proudly designed by himself -expert in global affairs & his chief foreign policy adviser, Beauregard or Bumpkin "Jeff" Sessions (who has even less foreign experience than Trump!), has finally been revealed, and it is as expected:

1. Dump Nato

2. Non-interventionist in all countries

3. Pick up our marbles and go home, quit playing abroad.

This will play perfectly to his supporters, who see foreign engagement as inherently evil.


Oh, yeah, here are the two impressive additional policy advisers named today cheesy.gif :

Gen Joseph Schmitz resigned from the military in 2005 amid accusations of misconduct. However, Mr Schmitz was never charged with wrongdoing.

Another adviser, Walid Phares, was criticised when he was named as part of Mr Romney's foreign policy team in 2011.

Muslim advocacy groups took issue with Mr Phares's close ties to right-wing Christian militia groups during the Lebanese civil war.


What's next? Cancel all foreign flights and close the airports?

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

"We all hope"? Do we now?

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More about Trump's totally IDIOTIC Mexican wall idea:

Your "argument" is a so called "comedian"? Wow... i really did think you were smarter than that but as it's already atleast the second time you post the same "comedians" clips about Trump... well... yeah, guess i was wrong.

Edited by Asheron
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Trump's masterful foreign policy (proudly designed by himself -expert in global affairs & his chief foreign policy adviser, Beauregard or Bumpkin "Jeff" Sessions (who has even less foreign experience than Trump!), has finally been revealed, and it is as expected:

1. Dump Nato

2. Non-interventionist in all countries

3. Pick up our marbles and go home, quit playing abroad.

This will play perfectly to his supporters, who see foreign engagement as inherently evil.


Oh, yeah, here are the two impressive additional policy advisers named today cheesy.gif :

Gen Joseph Schmitz resigned from the military in 2005 amid accusations of misconduct. However, Mr Schmitz was never charged with wrongdoing.

Another adviser, Walid Phares, was criticised when he was named as part of Mr Romney's foreign policy team in 2011.

Muslim advocacy groups took issue with Mr Phares's close ties to right-wing Christian militia groups during the Lebanese civil war.


I'm not defending Trump, because I really don't see him as a nominee. More a phenomenon or mania that will pass.

That said, If I were a nominee and I wanted to Bolster NATO, I'd want to let the other members know that they should not take the US's unequivocable participation and funding levels for granted. As a negotiator I'd stake out a negotiating position to start, somewhere stronger than where I'd hope to end up. At no time would I allow the belief that aid and funding would not be forthcoming, but I would seek to align interests more fairly.

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Trump's masterful foreign policy (proudly designed by himself -expert in global affairs & his chief foreign policy adviser, Beauregard or Bumpkin "Jeff" Sessions (who has even less foreign experience than Trump!), has finally been revealed, and it is as expected:

1. Dump Nato

2. Non-interventionist in all countries

3. Pick up our marbles and go home, quit playing abroad.

This will play perfectly to his supporters, who see foreign engagement as inherently evil.


Oh, yeah, here are the two impressive additional policy advisers named today cheesy.gif :

Gen Joseph Schmitz resigned from the military in 2005 amid accusations of misconduct. However, Mr Schmitz was never charged with wrongdoing.

Another adviser, Walid Phares, was criticised when he was named as part of Mr Romney's foreign policy team in 2011.

Muslim advocacy groups took issue with Mr Phares's close ties to right-wing Christian militia groups during the Lebanese civil war.


I'm not defending Trump, because I really don't see him as a nominee. More a phenomenon or mania that will pass.

That said, If I were a nominee and I wanted to Bolster NATO, I'd want to let the other members know that they should not take the US's unequivocable participation and funding levels for granted. As a negotiator I'd stake out a negotiating position to start, somewhere stronger than where I'd hope to end up. At no time would I allow the belief that aid and funding would not be forthcoming, but I would seek to align interests more fairly.

Sure, of course, we all know Nato needs a smack in the face. And, your strategy would be clever if that was the underlying intended purpose. Somehow I doubt that local yokel Trump and Bumpkin Sessions are intending quite what you allude to.

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Let's have another look at that one Pub, shall we?

What do they say? History repeats itself?

Truly remarkable.

And that nut was putting it mildly compared to the Bloviator's "standards".

At any rate, the Bloviator's days are numbered.

Take that to the bank. thumbsup.gif

Well taken iReason.

I've always observed the adage that while history is not a chorus that repeats itself it sure does rhyme a lot.

Agreed that Goldwater compared to Trump was milquetoast. For instance, when Goldwater talked about using nuclear weapons, he knew what the Strategic Nuclear Triad was/is, whereas Trump thinks triad is a bunch of gangster Chinese he has to 'negotiate' with to put up a building.

Goldwater's extremism was rhetorical and ideological. Trump's extremism is off the wall.

We have some significant wall along sections of the most violated border areas with Mexico. it's called public policy and border security. Trump's solid border wall and violent rhetoric is extreme, proposed by an extremist, Trump himself.

Goldwater had no violence nor any Goldwater thugs at his rallies, whereas there are violent Trump citizen-goons at Trump rallies almost every time, promoted openly by Trump himself. Trump needs violence at his campaign events.

All of these Trump for president rallies throughout the course of the campaign along with their violent commotion are the cumulative equivalent of Mussolini's March on Rome (1922).



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Let's have another look at that one Pub, shall we?

What do they say? History repeats itself?

Truly remarkable.

And that nut was putting it mildly compared to the Bloviator's "standards".

At any rate, the Bloviator's days are numbered.

Take that to the bank. thumbsup.gif

Well taken iReason.

I've always observed the adage that while history is not a chorus that repeats itself it sure does rhyme a lot.

Agreed that Goldwater compared to Trump was milquetoast. For instance, when Goldwater talked about using nuclear weapons, he knew what the Strategic Nuclear Triad was/is, whereas Trump thinks triad is a bunch of gangster Chinese he has to 'negotiate' with to put up a building.

Goldwater's extremism was rhetorical and ideological. Trump's extremism is off the wall.

We have some significant wall along sections of the most violated border areas with Mexico. it's called public policy and border security. Trump's solid border wall and violent rhetoric is extreme, proposed by an extremist, Trump himself.

Goldwater had no violence nor any Goldwater thugs at his rallies, whereas there are violent Trump citizen-goons at Trump rallies almost every time, promoted openly by Trump himself. Trump needs violence at his campaign events.

All of these Trump for president rallies throughout the course of the campaign along with their violent commotion are the cumulative equivalent of Mussolini's March on Rome (1922).



I could write a long text about how leftist people are generally like a paedophile "prophet" from the 7th century desert but i wont. Why? Well, i don't want to sound like a <deleted> like leftist people.

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More about Trump's totally IDIOTIC Mexican wall idea:

Your "argument" is a so called "comedian"? Wow... i really did think you were smarter than that but as it's already atleast the second time you post the same "comedians" clips about Trump... well... yeah, guess i was wrong.

Still batting a thousand so congrats wink.png

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