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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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This is really fascinating. We are now seeing, as we have seen on this forum with most of the Republicans, that they appear to be uniting behind Trump.

As the Monitor pointed out in a recent article, we're already seeing evidence of the party's capitulation.

"The only thing more likely to devastate the Republican Party and the conservative movement than a Trump wipeout in November would be a Trump victory. Either way, he’d cement the Republican Party’s long-term demographic problems and bind conservatism to bigotry and nativism."


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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

Funny that because all but one of the investigations - including the Republican-led ones - decided that her statement about the attack being related to the video was correct based on the intelligence she was given at the time.

You always seem to forget that bit when you scream "Liar!".

Maybe it's time you got over the fact that America didn't want a chump like Romney in charge, and he would have lost anyway,


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This is really fascinating. We are now seeing, as we have seen on this forum with most of the Republicans, that they appear to be uniting behind Trump.

As the Monitor pointed out in a recent article, we're already seeing evidence of the party's capitulation.

"The only thing more likely to devastate the Republican Party and the conservative movement than a Trump wipeout in November would be a Trump victory. Either way, he’d cement the Republican Party’s long-term demographic problems and bind conservatism to bigotry and nativism."


Also out of the Yahoo article is this though:

"The survey question asked if he should be the nominee if he has a plurality but not a majority of delegates going into the convention. I’m not sure that is as much a sentiment in favor of Trump as it is that whoever has the most delegates should be the nominee. Still it was only 54 percent who agreed with that – a majority, yes, but that one-third that would still prefer another candidates suggests a party that is not united,” says Prof. Wilson.

The main reason many of the seasoned old school GOP people are starting to lean toward the guy with the gopher from Caddyshack on his head is that the contested convention is a disaster for their party. If they put up someone else, and Senor Orange goes independent that flat out puts HRC in as president.

Rock and a hard place I guess.......

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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Orange skin and street bravado behaviour are just small obstacles. Don't think Trump is dumb.....unless you, yourself have made it to the billionaire's club. Dummies don't get there.

Trump sounds like the average New Yorker street savvy guy........but he made it to the top of the Money Makers list. I can bet you there are no Billionaires on ThaiVisa.....so don't think you are smarter than Don.

Just because you worship money and wealth, doesn't mean everyone does. Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times). There are plenty of billionaires ww who got there by inheritance or just dumb luck. A person doesn't have to be smart to be a billionaire, but they are likely to be mega-selfish and cold-hearted (always putting amassing money above other concerns).

I've known very rich people and I've known very poor people and every strata between. Very rich people, in my view, don't have any more class, savvy, smarts or decency than very poor people. Trump has less class than a 5 year old schoolyard bully. At least the 5 year old wouldn't resort to calling out ugly names to everyone who didn't praise him.

Where..pray tell..did you come up with the ridiculous notion that I worship money and wealth?

I think your imagination wanders. I merely pointed out that he is no fool...

A wise businessman and somebody who can create jobs. When it comes right down to it....people need jobs...and his business savvy can help out.

One of the most annoying mannerisms is for somebody to insert words/meanings into another post.....just because he disagrees with the subject matter (I like Trump for President) of a post.

Now that you have inserted foot in mouth...please run along...go on.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Old tired hack politicians have gotten us into the mess

we are in. So give Trump a chance to make things right

again. There will certainly be no change with Hillary....

Besides it would be a entertaining four years. China

would be pissing in their pants, the liberal nut jobs

would screaming murder on a daily basis, and the

Muslim wack jobs would tread very carefully...

Kindly see the text below.....

Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Disagree.... there are a lot of unhappy people in America.

There will be a lot of people voting who perhaps have

not voted in the past. ( me ).... Who will carry Hillary to

victory ? Hispanics, blacks, and liberal nimcompoops ?

I suppose a few women would vote for her just because.

....thx cause he're a much needed strong dose of fact.....

A new Bloomberg poll shows Donald Trump with a 29% to 68% favorability rating.

Said pollster Ann Selzer: “Trump’s numbers are bad and getting worse…A majority of Americans now describe their feelings toward him as very unfavorable. That’s a 13-point spike from November 2015.”

Trump's unfavorables were in the tank in November 2015. The vast and broad moderate centrist middle of the road American electorate has never taken to Donald Trump which is and always has been entirely predictable. Completely expected and anticipated; foreseeable and inexorably occurring. Increasingly occurring.

Donald Gump Trump has a big date on the night of November 8th this leap year when he's going to get himself screwed without being kissed.

No soap, only the Trump gold-plated soap box. Nothing more than that.

The far out extreme right wing are trying to regroup in support of Trump and in opposition to Sen Cruz. It is only more of the same bombast and rightwhinge rhetoric. The campaign by the right to try to salvage Trump only drive Trump and the right deeper into their hole.

It is however futility defined. The end of the right's long and winding road through contemporary American politics. Their political dead end.

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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

(against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

Ok, the 29%..........

A new Bloomberg poll shows Donald Trump with a 29% to 68% favorability rating.

Said pollster Ann Selzer: “Trump’s numbers are bad and getting worse…A majority of Americans now describe their feelings toward him as very unfavorable. That’s a 13-point spike from November 2015.”

Looks like the R's picked up an additional 1% in new voters from the swamps of Louisiana and the Ozarks in Arkansas.

Good luck with all of it over there on the fringe.

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Where..pray tell..did you come up with the ridiculous notion that I worship money and wealth?

I think your imagination wanders. I merely pointed out that he is no fool...

A wise businessman and somebody who can create jobs. When it comes right down to it....people need jobs...and his business savvy can help out.

One of the most annoying mannerisms is for somebody to insert words/meanings into another post.....just because he disagrees with the subject matter (I like Trump for President) of a post.

Now that you have inserted foot in mouth...please run along...go on.

Sorry if you got annoyed. Maybe I touched a nerve?

Trump creates jobs?!? Some of those are Chinese workers who make his clothing lines. Other jobs Trump creates are for foreign workers who come from overseas to work for him. Personally, I don't mind if he creates jobs in China, except that he's made such a big deal publicly about what an abomination that is (for any other US business but his). You think he's no fool. I think he's a fool, but an excellent salesman & conman. We can respectfully disagree.

Speaking of creating jobs: Legalizing pot in CO, WA and California, has created a LOT OF JOBS (my guess: 10's of thousands). Granted, many are part time, and outside the system, but getting $150/day cash for sitting and trimming little leaves off pot buds is pretty sweet employment. So sweet, that thousands of backpackers from outside the US are traveling to those states to assist with harvests. It would be interesting to see what the candidates say about medical pot and related issues. My guess is all the Rep candidates are flat out against it. I'm rather sure Bernie is for it, but am not sure where Hillary stands. Anyone on here know?

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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

The dogmatic far right has reset doctrine and gone to its Clinton default function.

Cause nothing else works either and the ideologues can't come up with anything different. So it's hit that anti-Clinton default key and keep pressing it and pounding it.

The thread and the topic are of the Institutional Republican Party trying to stop or preclude a Gump Trump seizing the Party's nomination for Potus, a grim prospect to the broad and centrist electorate that the right has already lost trying to wholesale sell. No matter, the fringe right wants to put Trump out front as their guy to the bitter end.

Trump btw is gonna look swell sitting in the dock as prosecutors dissemble him over his university scam. It's a felony offense y'know. The swindling of ordinary suckers from their small money by a billionaire.

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Yep, it's an old rule of thumb in the Potus election year (to include reelection year).

Voters in the new year do focus their sense of how they will vote in November.

The individual sense of it begins a few months before the new year begins, around Thaksgiving time. Then through the Holiday Season of Christmas gatherings and the New Year celebrations. To include the quiet time in between.

When the vast majority in January go back to their everyday lives, they feel the sense of how they're going to vote, want to vote; think they should best vote. It's just too long to wait until November to find out then.

Throughout the year voters pay their due attention to the campaigns and the subsequent election year developments. Not every day, but regularly, consistently. Everyday for most voters beginning September.

Voters almost always conclude in November that what was true in January remained true. Right on through to the voting booth.

The past is indeed prologue.

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Please please please let him get the nomination.


More walls please Donald! Scott Walker over in Wisconsin said to put one up at Canada and it ate his candidacy completely but YOU can do it. You're the man, if YOU can't do it no one can!

More police occupation of more than only Muslim neighborhoods please Ted. Put those armed police to occupy Vermont and keep cussin' at Chief Bratton of NYPD. The huge number of rightwing racial Republican cops nationally are going to vote for you anyway, or Donald Trump....either one is just fine by 'em.

The Republican National Riots inside and outside the Convention in Cleveland are gonna do a pac man of Ohio Governor John Kasich so he's a goner on his feet now already.

So it's time for youse guyz to quit with the pussyfooting pre-convention moderation and low key humility to instead get tough and really lay it all on the table!


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"Hello my name is Grace..."

And I have an 88 Tattoo on my hand which is an a abbreviation for: Heil Hitler.

Along with the Celtic Cross which is used by neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Ku Klux Klan members and virtually every other type of white supremacist.


"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." biggrin.png

Edited by iReason
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I didn't know about 88 before.

Perhaps I've lived a sheltered life.

Of course most Trump supporters aren't neo-Nazis but if you meet an American neo-Nazi chances are he's a TRUMPIST.


In white nationalism[edit]

Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.[3] The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH.

Edited by Jingthing
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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

Funny that because all but one of the investigations - including the Republican-led ones - decided that her statement about the attack being related to the video was correct based on the intelligence she was given at the time.

You always seem to forget that bit when you scream "Liar!".

Maybe it's time you got over the fact that America didn't want a chump like Romney in charge, and he would have lost anyway,


"he would have lost anyway" is an admission that Obama & Clinton lied to the people.

And there was no intelligence that said the attacks in Benghazi were related to a video.

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Just from watching the BBC website headlines, and much of the mainstream controlled media, their reactions have been unusual even compared to their usual bias.

The BBC has abandoned any pretence at continuing their "inform educate entertain" remit, and simply gone 100% attacking Trump, 24/7 and on any possible front. "Stop Trump" "Trump is bad" "Everyone is horrified" are the general themes being put forward. Any story is re-titled to make him look worse, and headlined ASAP. This is like an organised concerted effort, rather than just relaying news to audiences.

This says to me that he is doing something right, because this BBC response is not just "he may be bad because" this is actually a very personal campaign against Mister Trump. This makes me question a lot of things about the New Beeb, which I had already suspected in the past. It also makes me look at Trump in a better light.

If Trump were running against five perfect human beings, then yes, let us discuss his taxes and people who endorse him against his will etc.. We could do that, because he is running against five Angels who are perfect in every way. But I'm looking at the rogues gallery on offer, and Trump actually looks good compared to most of them. I do wish the BBC would devote as much time to the very real flaws of Trump's rival candidates, and not just target Trump round the clock like its an OCD problem they just refuse to get help for.

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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

Funny that because all but one of the investigations - including the Republican-led ones - decided that her statement about the attack being related to the video was correct based on the intelligence she was given at the time.

You always seem to forget that bit when you scream "Liar!".

Maybe it's time you got over the fact that America didn't want a chump like Romney in charge, and he would have lost anyway,


I don't call her a liar based on that. I call her a liar based on all the verifiable lies she tells eg that she landed in Bosnia under "fire" when she didn't.

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Just from watching the BBC website headlines, and much of the mainstream controlled media, their reactions have been unusual even compared to their usual bias.

The BBC has abandoned any pretence at continuing their "inform educate entertain" remit, and simply gone 100% attacking Trump, 24/7 and on any possible front. "Stop Trump" "Trump is bad" "Everyone is horrified" are the general themes being put forward. Any story is re-titled to make him look worse, and headlined ASAP. This is like an organised concerted effort, rather than just relaying news to audiences.

This says to me that he is doing something right, because this BBC response is not just "he may be bad because" this is actually a very personal campaign against Mister Trump. This makes me question a lot of things about the New Beeb, which I had already suspected in the past. It also makes me look at Trump in a better light.

If Trump were running against five perfect human beings, then yes, let us discuss his taxes and people who endorse him against his will etc.. We could do that, because he is running against five Angels who are perfect in every way. But I'm looking at the rogues gallery on offer, and Trump actually looks good compared to most of them. I do wish the BBC would devote as much time to the very real flaws of Trump's rival candidates, and not just target Trump round the clock like its an OCD problem they just refuse to get help for.

Not just the BBC. The NZ media is also biased against Trump, and their propaganda has worked very well too, given that everyone I speak to hates Trump, even though they know sod all about him ( other than the propaganda the NZ media uses against him ).

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I didn't know about 88 before.

Perhaps I've lived a sheltered life.

Of course most Trump supporters aren't neo-Nazis but if you meet an American neo-Nazi chances are he's a TRUMPIST.


In white nationalism[edit]

Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.[3] The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH.

Of course most Trump supporters aren't neo-Nazis but if you meet an American neo-Nazi chances are he's a TRUMPIST.

That's as true as me saying that chances are every idle, lazy, hand out for welfare useless bum is a Clinton supporter.

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I didn't know about 88 before.

Perhaps I've lived a sheltered life.

Of course most Trump supporters aren't neo-Nazis but if you meet an American neo-Nazi chances are he's a TRUMPIST.


In white nationalism[edit]

Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.[3] The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH.

The infatuation with associating numbers to letters seems an American thing, never associated 88 to Nazi salute either. Learn something new every day.

Anyway, nazis want to vote too. How a billionaire capitalist with foreign investments and wives fits the bill for national socialism has me scratching my head.

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Have to love the internet to be able to show what a fool Trump is.

The wall will cost 4 billion, no, 6, well now it's 8-10, do I hear 12, anyone 12? Thump, who knows as it's not ever going to happen, it's a fool's idea.

As mentioned, I have been to the Rio Grande, it's a sieve, can't do anything about it the thought of trying to create a wall there is beyond ridiculous . As much as I slam GW Bush he did have a good idea about getting illegal workers permits (Laos,Cambodian, Myanmar workers have them here, can renew at 7/11, why not in the U.S.?).

Look at Letterman-Trump videos on you tube if you want a really good laugh. Letterman regularly destroys the guy, how he never got hit with slander for calling him a "slumlord" "profiteer off foreign labor" and other things as well, I don't know. Oh wait, maybe because it's the truth? No slander in the U.S. when calling the kettle black.

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"Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times)."

These liberals always forget to mention the husband of their leading candidate also had quite a tussle avoiding the Viet Nam war draft.

Bill Clinton's successful efforts to avoid the draft are outlined here and it is an interesting read.


At least Clinton was opposed to the war and wanted nobody fighting in it. What about Dick Cheney, who supported the war but had "other priorities?" Not to mention lots of other prominent neocons who supported the war but somehow didn't feel the need for themselves to fight on behalf of their country. And, of course, there is George W. Bush who heroically served in an Air Force National Guard Unit. Back then, it was known as a "champagne unit" so called because it was a protective enclave populated with the children of the wealthy and powerful including those of democratic and republican politicians. Also, several members of the Dallas Cowboys. I still remember the way the Republicans characterized Bush's service "He wore the uniform of his country." Of course there was absolutely no chance that there would ever be a bullet hole in that uniform. That was the whole point of the champagne unit. In fact, the only projectile that might have posed a threat to Bush while he was piloting would have been a high-flying golf ball.

I shouldn't forget to mention the heroic conduct of Mitt Romney during the Vietnam War. He got a religious exemption to do missionary work for the Mormon church in deepest, darkest, France.

Edited by stillbornagain
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Trump refuses to rule out using nuclear weapons against ISIS and says 'we need unpredictability' in fight against terror group


He had to address that because he gave such an ar$e of an answer the last time it was asked.

Post publisher Fred Ryan asked Trump if he would consider using a tactical nuclear strike against the forces of the Islamic State, were he president. Trump responded that he didn't want to "start the process of nuclear," then reminding the editors that he was "a counter-puncher."

"Remember, one thing that everybody has said, I’m a counter-puncher," Trump said. "Rubio hit me. Bush hit me. When I said low energy, he’s a low-energy individual, he hit me first. He spent, by the way -- he spent 18 million dollars’ worth of negative ads on me. That’s putting..."

Ryan jumped in. "This is about ISIS," he reminded Trump. "You would not use a tactical nuclear weapon against ISIS?"

"I’ll tell you one thing," Trump replied. "This is a very good looking group of people here. Could I just go around so I know who the hell I’m talking to?"


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