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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Elizabeth Warren, in the past couple of days, has come forth with some tweets which shred Trump's self-burnished image of him being a gold-plated success story.

What she writes is true, but I kinda wish she would'a held back for a few months, as Hillary and Bernie are doing. Trump is such a big target, with so many vulnerabilities, ...and that's why reasonable people should hope he becomes the candidate.

Cruz has multiple drawbacks also, but if the Rep. candidate, would be harder to defeat than Trump. Whereas Trump's self-crafted gold-colored balloon can be punctured, Cruz's holier-than-thou preacher attitude might gain some traction (among American right-wingers) against HRC. Trump has as many supporters as he's going to get. He won't get more, but he may lose some, particularly if he keeps saying dumbass things like; women should be punished for seeking/having abortions. Even conservative women know that's mean, as a woman (considering an abortion) is already deeply troubled by having to make such a decision. Adding jail time and/or heavy fines would be mean-spirited. Trump flip-flopped on that (when he was told by his handlers what a stupid thing he said), but the cat was out of the bag. It was clear to all but the most hardened Trump-lovers that A. Trump didn't know much about the issue, and B. he's got a heart of stone.

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^^Haha, nuclear war in Europe. Even FDR, if the bomb had been ready early enough, (logistical reasons aside), only possibly considered nuking Nazi Germany. The earliest discussions in Los Alamos in 1943:

The point of use of the first bomb was discussed and the general view appeared to be that its best point of use would be on a Japanese fleet concentration in the Harbor of Truk. General Styer suggested Tokio but it was pointed out that the bomb should be used where, if it failed to go off, it would land in water of sufficient depth to prevent easy salvage. The Japanese were selected as they would not be so apt to secure knowledge from it as would the Germans.1


I feel really, really sad for the members on this forum who strongly threw their support behind Trump. They have lost more face over the issue of supporting Trump than any other issue ever raised. They can be redeemed, however, by simply disavowing him at this point. thumbsup.gif

Edited by keemapoot
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^^Haha, nuclear war in Europe. Even FDR, if the bomb had been ready early enough, (logistical reasons aside), only possibly considered nuking Nazi Germany. The earliest discussions in Los Alamos in 1943:

The point of use of the first bomb was discussed and the general view appeared to be that its best point of use would be on a Japanese fleet concentration in the Harbor of Truk. General Styer suggested Tokio but it was pointed out that the bomb should be used where, if it failed to go off, it would land in water of sufficient depth to prevent easy salvage. The Japanese were selected as they would not be so apt to secure knowledge from it as would the Germans.1


I feel really, really sad for the members on this forum who strongly threw their support behind Trump. They have lost more face over the issue of supporting Trump than any other issue ever raised. They can be redeemed, however, by simply disavowing him at this point. thumbsup.gif

Hey, I voted for Ross Perot once upon a time. The reasons made sense to me at the time and I still womder what that might have been like. We don't lose face, we evolve. We learn what works and what doesn't, but the things that mattered to us that had us supporting one view over another often stay with us.

I get the frustration of the Trump supporter. Our immigration policy IS a mess and its waay over politicized. Our interventionism overseas is bankrupting the treasury and its hard to see how America's interests are served by it. And if not, whose interests are being served? Our infrastructure is crumbling ans decent jobs for all but the most highly educated are practically non-existent. Every piece of landmark legislation seems to end hurting the majority of Americans and benefits a few. So, I get the frustration, even if I don't agree with the solution.

I think a lot of these voters are natural Sanders voters frankly, if they can put aside a lot of the left/right dogma that gets hurled about. I hope to see many of them switch party affiliation prior to upcoming primaries.

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Odds at Vegas are moving (drifting) in the Republican nomination contest and concerning whether there will be an "open convention" meaning no candidate goes into it with the required 1237 delegate votes.

Oddsmakers are now giving 2-5 odds Republicans will have to endure a "contested convention" in balloting for the nomination. So oddsmakers see an open convention of one apocalyptic ballot or more than one slowly moving ballot counts. The 2-5 odds on an open convention convert to the probability percentage of 71.4%.

Trump still has a strong lead to be nominated but the green has begun to move away from him. House Speaker Paul Ryan has suddenly appeared on the board in odds for the R party nomination, albeit remotely and distantly.

Trump has slipped in the odds from two weeks ago but remains favored (at this point in the process). Two weeks ago Trump's favorable odds were 1-5 to secure the nomination, or an 80% probability. Yesterday and today, oddsmakers give Trump 1-2 odds, or the probability percentage of 66.7%. Tomorrow should be even more interesting.

The other Republicans' odds to secure nomination:

Cruz has odds of 7-2 or the probability percentage of 22.2%

Kasich has odds of 7-1 or the probability of 12.5%

Paul Ryan in his first time odds since he said last year he's not a candidate are 20-1 or the probability today of 4.8%. When Ryan said a year ago he wasn't running his best odds for the nomination had been 5-1, or the probability of 16.7%.

Odds at Vegas on winner of the nomination of the Democratic party:

HRC has odds of 1-14 or the probability percentage of 93.4%.

Bernie Sanders has odds of 7-1 or the probability of 12.5%

To Be Elected Potus November 8th

HR Clinton has odds of 2-5 or the probability of 71.4% to win.

Donald Trump has odds of 7-2 or the probability of 22.2%

Bernie Sanders has odds of 10-1 or the probability of 9.1%

Ted Cruz has odds of 20-1 or the probability of 4.8%

(Paul Ryan whose name has recently been raised by others currently has Potus odds of 66-1.)

Winning Party Potus in November, no names

Democratic Party has odds of 4-11 which is the probability percentage of 73.3%

Republican Party has odds of 2-1 which is the probability percentage of 33.3%

Independent has odds of 60-1.

Also, for the first time, a woman is the Vegas odds-on favorite to win an election as Potus.

Edited by Publicus
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arjunadawn, "the left thrives on division"?

Excuse me, but which party is melting down with namecalling and tweets about the other's wives and which party seems to have their s*it together?

Which party just increased the bipartisanship by leading a Congress that's sole purpose was to thwart anything that came their way? The most feeble Congress in the history of the U.S.? Not even consider it just "no"?

I stopped reading your post when you first stated this. "The left thrives on division" hogwash mate, shouldn't be boozing and posting at the same time.

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I think it's pretty clear there will be an unpleasant, but not unexpected surprise awaiting Trump at the National Convention in July. Who emerges, whether it's Paul Ryan, or Ted Cruz will at least salvage the last remaining respect the world has for the Republican party, but it truly will be a party in tatters that may not only deliver the Presidency to the Dems but also the Senate and one or two Supreme Court Justices. The leading candidate is framing the GOP by association in a solidly horrible, ill-informed and stone-age light now. Unacceptable. This outcome of a defacto one-party country is also horrible for America and the world.

As far as this threat of violence by Trump supporters at such an occurrence at the Convention, I expect that Reince Priebus (Chairman of the RNC) had a pretty frank talk with Trump earlier today in their announced sit-down in Washington. Not sure what he told Donald, but maybe he promised him an orangutan petting zoo or something if he would just tell his hick supporters to back off.

Or maybe he just told him to watch his back....

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So much silly speculation in this thread. There are ONLY two possibilities for the Republican nomination, Trump or Cruz. The elites cannot put any of their boys in. It's simple. The Republicans are not going to change Rule 40 from the 2012 convention that requires any candidate whose name is put in to nomination to have won the majority of delegates in eight states. All Trump and Curz need to do is instruct their delegates to keep the rule. And why should they change it? Nobody else BUT Trump and Cruz will have won eight states. Why would Trump and Cruz agree to change a rule that allowed another candidate in on the process. Trump or Cruz it will be. Really, some of you people who write VOLUMES in this thread haven't got a clue.

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On a much more serious note.

A very good read.

Republic of Fear
Donald Trump has already transformed American culture. Even if he loses the election, Trumpism is here to stay.

Fear is the very essence of Trumpism.
But Trump hasn’t simply pandered to such fears, as Republican candidates have since Richard Nixon first cooked up the “Southern strategy.” He is a demagogue who’s turning white people’s anxieties into anger for political advantage. Trump isn’t simply reflecting fear; he’s conjuring it—both among his followers and among those he demonizes.


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I never thought I'd live to see the day when a sitting president says this (Obama said yesterday) about any leading candidate for the world's most powerful position, and leader of the free world:

[Trump] doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally."

You would never hear such a thing about any other candidate by Obama or any other person of substance in the GOP or elsewhere. Normally, such idiots never get this far. There may be kooks on the fringes of both left and right wings, but totally incompetent, unprepared twerps? Never. A sad day for America.

The implications of Trump being the leading candidate mean the Republican party, damaged though it was after George W., and Tea Party hijacking, is now sustaining fatal damage daily. I can't imagine the angst in the halls of the RNC.

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I never thought I'd live to see the day when a sitting president says this (Obama said yesterday) about any leading candidate for the world's most powerful position, and leader of the free world:

[Trump] doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally."

You would never hear such a thing about any other candidate by Obama or any other person of substance in the GOP or elsewhere. Normally, such idiots never get this far. There may be kooks on the fringes of both left and right wings, but totally incompetent, unprepared twerps? Never. A sad day for America.

The implications of Trump being the leading candidate mean the Republican party, damaged though it was after George W., and Tea Party hijacking, is now sustaining fatal damage daily. I can't imagine the angst in the halls of the RNC.

Oh, but Trump's a fast learner. Look how fast he reversed himself when, minutes earlier he said a woman should be punished for having an abortion. After showing, at a debate, that he didn't know what the Nuclear Triad was, ....he was told what it was, later. So, he can learn on the job. What could go wrong with that?

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Over half US voters are women. Currently, over 70% of American women say they will vote against Trump.

In coming months, expect Trump to say (with his arms spread wide) things like; "I love women. Women should love me. Look at what I've done for women - for my three wives, I've spent billions and billions of dollars. I'm a gift for women. Women love me. What's not to love about me?"

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Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

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Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

ISIS has grown by 4400% under the "leadership" of "president" Barrack Hussein O. Trump will have his work cut out for him when he takes office.
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Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

ISIS has grown by 4400% under the "leadership" of "president" Barrack Hussein O. Trump will have his work cut out for him when he takes office.

Yeah, thanks Obama!

(massive face palm).

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Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

ISIS has grown by 4400% under the "leadership" of "president" Barrack Hussein O. Trump will have his work cut out for him when he takes office.

In India, The society of Hindu Basketball Players (SHBP) was also formed during the past 7 years, and has 17,439 members. So Obama has contributed to the SHPB growing 17,439%.

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Trump's foreign policy. OMG!


The truth remains what he said in mid-March: “I’m speaking with myself, No. 1, because I have a very good brain. … I have a good instinct for this.” The only thing more dangerous than a know-nothing is a know-nothing who thinks he knows a lot, and by that measure, there’s never been a more dangerous front-running presidential candidate than Donald Trump.


The only real question: Is he a charlatan or a psychopath?

This week it's clear the message of what a horror show Trump is has finally sunk in. But it may now be too late to stop his nomination and the alternative Cruz is very disgusting as well. A very bad week for Trump. May there be many more!

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"Donald Trump made yet another contradictory statement on abortion on Friday, saying he supported the current legal status quo on abortion rights."

"The latest statement comes just two days after he reversed himself on whether women who undergo abortions should face “some kind of punishment”.

"The flip comes after Trump stumbled on Wednesday when asked by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews during a town hall about whether women who have abortions should be punished."

"In a statement shortly after the MSNBC comments,

Trump insisted that ... the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman."


The flip-flopping flim-flam man flailing away once again... laugh.png


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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

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^I wonder when people will start calling for him to release his transcripts from the Univ. of Penn. as proof he passed any classes, or even graduated. Hell, I think most of us would want to see proof of his high school diploma at this point. laugh.png

It would be the prudent thing to do considering the fact he threw an epic tantrum over Obama not releasing his transcripts. But can't expect much from a slime ball hypocrite these days.....

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