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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Support of Trump from out there in the twilight zone has all but evaporated as he nosedives. One can be sure the right will continue to put their best twist to his declining candidacy. Trump the boor.

Trump (and Sen Sanders) inadvertently highlight how Hillary Clinton is in the broad moderate political center, more specifically center-left. So yes, I support here for this reason as HRC fundamentally has always been a centrist who, moreover, is the broad front candidate on all of the issues.

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But Trump says he'll buy a large farm in Iowa. He's probably said he'll buy a large expensive property at each state, in each concession/victory speech - to curry favor. That should sway any Republicans who are wavering in their support. They're thinking, "Wow, if Trump buys property in my state, then he must be the best candidate. I'll vote for him!"

Even though the fight on the killing room convention floor will be a loud and raucous near-riot, watch as it concludes. Thousands of Republican faithful, sweaty with torn shirts and comb-overs all a-mess, will appear to come together at its last day. There will be balloons and confetti falling from the rafters, rousing rock and roll songs (written and performed by bands who hate right-wingers), and all in attendance will heap praise on whichever white man is the last one standing. Whether it be Cruz, Trump, Ryan or Ronald McDonald, they'll all lock arms and smile at the cameras, as if they've always been the party of unity. The following day, a few black and Latino janitors will saunter up and down the empty hall, sweeping truckloads of paper and plastic trash into piles.

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Wall St is pretty certain Hillary Clinton will be president
"Recent indications from deep-pocketed institutional investors as well as those who frequent prediction markets say Hillary Clinton will win. And it's not close."

"More than 70 percent of respondents to a recent Citigroup poll of institutional clients viewed the former secretary of state, first lady and New York senator as the likely 45th president."

"Just over 10 percent give Donald Trump the nod, while fellow Republican John Kasich is a few points behind."


Now, couple that with the fact that the Republican Party doesn't even want their own front runner to win. Indeed, doing their best to undermine him. cheesy.gif

Absolutely surreal.


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I met Hunter Thompson as a college student in California. I had a summer class with Pat Caddell who designs media images for candidates and they were pals. He had Hunter come speak, Hunter refused to get on the plane, so Pat had to fly out there and physically get old boy on the plane.

Hunter would be vomiting Chivas Regal on Trump, 100% guaranteed.

Cool art ireason, and as much as I hate Trump and dislike the GOP, I sure hope nobody gets hurt in Cleveland.

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But Trump says he'll buy a large farm in Iowa. He's probably said he'll buy a large expensive property at each state, in each concession/victory speech - to curry favor. That should sway any Republicans who are wavering in their support. They're thinking, "Wow, if Trump buys property in my state, then he must be the best candidate. I'll vote for him!"

Even though the fight on the killing room convention floor will be a loud and raucous near-riot, watch as it concludes. Thousands of Republican faithful, sweaty with torn shirts and comb-overs all a-mess, will appear to come together at its last day. There will be balloons and confetti falling from the rafters, rousing rock and roll songs (written and performed by bands who hate right-wingers), and all in attendance will heap praise on whichever white man is the last one standing. Whether it be Cruz, Trump, Ryan or Ronald McDonald, they'll all lock arms and smile at the cameras, as if they've always been the party of unity. The following day, a few black and Latino janitors will saunter up and down the empty hall, sweeping truckloads of paper and plastic trash into piles.

How does Trumps "i'll buy a farm" differ anyway from Sanders or Hillarys "i'll give you moneeehhhh if you vote for me"?

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Coming: Fear and Loathing in Cleveland

It's gonna be a sight to see... thumbsup.gif

The left has always been quite.... "ehrm"... clever with their propaganda posters

Please ignore that troll post and don't bother clicking on the link.

Of course you will anyway ... rolleyes.gif

It will take you to a google image search for "Nazi Jew propaganda." Sick sick sick. This character Asheron suggests that's leftist. Aside from being totally off topic. Shame on you, Asheron, shame on you.

Not sure why it took me so long, but welcome to my ignore list and suggest others do the same.

Speaking of SUPER TROLLS and totally ON topic: Donald Trump. His entire campaign basically a troll.

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Coming: Fear and Loathing in Cleveland

It's gonna be a sight to see... thumbsup.gif

The left has always been quite.... "ehrm"... clever with their propaganda posters:

Please ignore that troll post and don't bother clicking on the link.

Of course you will anyway ... rolleyes.gif

It will take you to a google image search for "Nazi Jew propaganda." Sick sick sick. This character Asheron suggests that's leftist. Aside from being totally off topic. Shame on you, Asheron, shame on you.

Not sure why it took me so long, but welcome to my ignore list and suggest others do the same.

Speaking of SUPER TROLLS and totally ON topic: Donald Trump. His entire campaign basically a troll.

All the "aww this so funneh" pictures posted on this thread about Trump all remind of the link i posted. It's very much "on-topic" to say that leftist "funneehhh" posters remind very much of the same crap nazis used.

Truth is uncomfortable. I suggest you educate yourself and go read the nazi manifest from 1920's and ask yourself if it doesn't stink of "government control". Government control is just another word for "leftist". While you educate yourself go read what NSDAP stands for.

But go ahead and "ignore" me, you just proved my point.

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Coming: Fear and Loathing in Cleveland

It's gonna be a sight to see... thumbsup.gif

The left has always been quite.... "ehrm"... clever with their propaganda posters:

How does anti Semitic NAZI propaganda get past moderation? Unbelievably bad taste and not relevant to anything here......

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Coming: Fear and Loathing in Cleveland

It's gonna be a sight to see... thumbsup.gif

The left has always been quite.... "ehrm"... clever with their propaganda posters:

How does anti Semitic NAZI propaganda get past moderation? Unbelievably bad taste and not relevant to anything here......

Of course it's relevant as it's the same style of drawings of Trump and his supporters, only difference is target group.

And to all the shortbus students on this forum: no i do not like nazism one bit just because i posted the link. Reason why i have say this is because of the cognitive dissonance for some on this forum.

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You appear to confuse satire with anti-semitism

Sorry, game over

I'm out of this thread until sanity restored

Same poster who mainly post the so called "satire" (according to you) also rant on and on and on about "white uneducated, poor, banjoplaying, bible thumpers (missed lots of the "nice words") that soon are unimportant".

Like i said, difference is just the group it's pointed at.

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It seems no one can or wants to try to defend Donald Trump. A futile undertaking indeed.

The thread and topic are whether the Trump can be stopped at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in mid-July.

It appears Trump is looking up at a very high wall of up to 1237 delegates. While Trump has the lead in delegates, the Institutional Republican Party is doing everything it can to make the wall thicker, stronger, more formidable. If Trump gets past the wall then Troy gets sacked.


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Ben Carson: Donald Trump worried about his Twitter 'problem'

"Donald Trump believes his aggressive use of social media, most notably his prolific Twitter presence, is a "problem" for the campaign, according to Ben Carson."

"Conservative host Joyce Kaufman, a Trump supporter, suggested to Carson on Thursday that the bombastic GOP front-runner should shut down the account."
"We talk about it and a number of people talked about it, including his family," Carson said . (I guess they had an intervention. laugh.png)
"And he knows that it's a problem. So, you know, the first part of solving the problem is recognizing that it exists." cheesy.gifclap2.gif
Too late Donnie. Those hate filled posts will come back to haunt you very soon... biggrin.png


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Obama says Trump, Cruz doing Democrats a 'favor'

"President Barack Obama on Friday told donors that Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were doing Democrats a "favor",

by exposing extreme views within their party on issues such as immigration and national security." thumbsup.gif

"I actually think that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have done us a favor," Obama said, referring to policy positions that would restrict Muslims and Mexicans from entering the country."


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I signed an open letter to Donald Trump, and you should too

"Donald Trump is a monster nurtured by the US political establishment: on the one hand,

the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry stoked by the Republican elite and their media mouthpieces for years.'

"But Trump matters not just from the United States, but for all of us. An online letter is circulating – now signed by over 1.5 million and counting (fast):

The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry,” it says

"Trump’s unapologetic embrace of racism, xenophobia and misogyny vindicates all of those ugly prejudices the world over.

And millions of Americans are horrified about Trump. They deserve our solidarity and support."



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Right, we've all seen the result at Wisconsin. It's all over for Trump.

Now then, Ted Cruz, you're the man. Lead the Republicans. And let's now have a SENSIBLE debate between the Democrats and the Republicans.

I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Ted Cruz, leader of the Republicans? SENSIBLE debate? He's a crazy wingnut and disliked by everyone. He's also very creepy.

Yeah Ted, lead the Republicans...right off a cliff.

Ole Ted is more dangerous than Trump. He's slightly smarter than Trump but he actually believes the invisible people telling what to do. Fortunately, he doesn't have a prayer. (Oh snap! Did you see what I did there? cheesy.gif )

Democrats have nothing to worry about with these two or any of their other idiots for that matter.

The American Mussolini chose the Republican party as his hoped for vehicle to power as it was the natural fit. His cup of tea.

Trump had for decades donated to both Republicans and Democrats. He mingled with each, solicited each and was solicited by each. He learned the political landscape then he decided to go with his natural affinity for the Republican party.

Trump had accurately determined he could not make any progress running in the Democratic party as a Democrat. No chance, not ever. Trump knew he'd need the whole of the Republican party to take on Hillary Clinton in a general election.

Turns out Trump doesn't have that either. Late as it may be, the Institutional Republican Party is organising and has begun to fend off a preziduce' Trump.

Americans have made themselves clear in their rejection of Trump. So it remains the serious challenge of the Republican party to throw off the most extreme of its most extreme members and supporters. Let them go their own way outside of the two-party system they outright reject and are trying to wreck.

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


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Yet Another Trump Debacle

"Buyers of units in Trump SoHo, a 46-story luxury condominium-hotel in Lower Manhattan, asserted that they had been defrauded by inflated claims made by Mr. Trump, his children and others of brisk sales in the struggling project."

"He and his co-defendants settled the case in November 2011, agreeing to refund 90 percent of $3.16 million in deposits, while admitting no wrongdoing."

"Along with the fraud accusations, a separate lawsuit “claimed that Trump SoHo was developed with undisclosed involvement of convicted felons and financing from questionable sources in Russia and Kasakhstan.”

"Mafia ties, overseas investment, fraud, criminal investigation, national-security matters, spectacular financial loss, using his own children to improve publicity, an ugly building, and utter lack of business sense — this particular Trump incident has it all." whistling.gif


More to come. Bank on that. thumbsup.gif

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Donald Trump Thinks American Workers Aren’t Good Enough for the Trump Organization

"The news that Donald Trump turned down 94 percent of American job applicants to his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla.,

in favor of foreign workers brought in under the H-2B visa program should come as a surprise to absolutely no one."

"And, indeed, this turns out not to be the first time that Donald Trump has undermined American workers to expand his profit margin.

That has been his M.O. throughout his career."

"Apparently, the first leg of the project was too important to entrust to American workers.

In a lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court, members of House Wreckers Local 95 alleged that,

to avoid paying union employees their pension and welfare benefits, Trump (and the contractor he used for the job, Kaszycki & Sons)

brought in some 200 undocumented Polish workers to demolish the Bonwit Teller building that then occupied the site of the future Trump Tower."


America will become great again when pond scum like Trump are eradicated.

He and his ilk are the problem. Not the solution.

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Coming: Fear and Loathing in Cleveland

It's gonna be a sight to see... thumbsup.gif

The left has always been quite.... "ehrm"... clever with their propaganda posters:

Your own words betray you. NAZI JEW PROPAGANDA

And you attempt to claim refuge in 'Artistic Equivalency'. No amount of ducking and diving excuses this disgusting gutter tactic. You have no concept of the tradition of artistic satire.

I hear the delete fairies in the distance. I hope your appealing post stands (unlike your other recent ones) for all to see you in your disgrace.

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Ben Carson: Donald Trump worried about his Twitter 'problem'

"Donald Trump believes his aggressive use of social media, most notably his prolific Twitter presence, is a "problem" for the campaign, according to Ben Carson."

"Conservative host Joyce Kaufman, a Trump supporter, suggested to Carson on Thursday that the bombastic GOP front-runner should shut down the account."

"We talk about it and a number of people talked about it, including his family," Carson said . (I guess they had an intervention. laugh.png)
"And he knows that it's a problem. So, you know, the first part of solving the problem is recognizing that it exists." cheesy.gifclap2.gif
Too late Donnie. Those hate filled posts will come back to haunt you very soon... biggrin.png


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Donald Trump acted confused in video deposition when asked about former senior advisor, a convicted felon with Mafia ties

"A newly-revealed video deposition shows real-estate mogul Donald Trump confused when asked under oath about his relationship to a twice-convicted felon with ties to the Mafia."

“If he were sitting in the room right now, I really wouldn't know what he looked like,” Trump testified in the video deposition, which was obtained by ABC News.

"But Trump reportedly named Sater as a senior business adviser in 2010.
The Russian émigré carried a Trump Organization business card with the title “Senior Advisor to Donald Trump” and appeared in numerous photos with Trump."
"Trump and Sater were seen together attending a Denver business conference in 2005 and at a 2007 launch party for the Trump SoHo Hotel and Condominium project, according to ABC News."
Watch the Bloviator walk out of an interview with the BBC when questioned about this. Here:


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Donald Trump and the mob

"Trump's alleged ties to New York and Philadelphia crime families go back decades and have been recounted in a book, newspapers and government records."

"The mob connections of Donald are extraordinarily extensive," New York investigative journalist Wayne Barrett told CNN in an interview.

"Trump bought the property that his Atlantic City casino Trump Plaza would one day occupy -- for twice market price --

from Salvatore Testa, a Philly mobster and son of one-time Philly mob boss Philip "Chicken Man" Testa."

"The casino was built with the help of two construction companies controlled by Philly mobsters Nicademo "Little Nicky" Scarfo and his nephew Phillip "Crazy Phil" Leonetti,

according to, as Marcus notes, a New Jersey state commission's 1986 report on organized crime."


A man is known by the company he keeps...

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Trump swam in mob-infested waters in early years as an NYC developer

"Trump routinely gave large campaign contributions to politicians who held sway over his projects, and he worked with mob-controlled companies and unions to build them."

"Trump gave so generously to political campaigns that he sometimes lost track of the amounts, documents show.

In 1985 alone, he contributed about $150,000 to local candidates, the equivalent of $330,000 today."

Fancy that. Mega-contributions to local politicians. whistling.gif

"No serious presidential candidate has ever had Trump’s depth of documented business relationships with mob-controlled entities."

"The companies included S&A Concrete , which supplied building material to the Trump Plaza on Manhattan’s East Side, court records show.

S&A was owned by Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, boss of the Genovese crime family, and Paul Castellano, boss of the Gambino family."

"Salerno eventually went to prison on federal racketeering, bid-rigging and other charges. His attorney, Roy Cohn, the former chief counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.),

was one of the most politically connected men in Manhattan. He was also Trump’s friend and occasionally his attorney."


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Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

"Trump and other major developers "had to adapt to that situation" or build elsewhere, said James B. Jacobs, a mafia expert who was part of a state task force on organized crime."

"Trump’s alleged mob dealings were not confined to New York. According to reports from the Huffington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer,

Trump made a deal in Atlantic City with Kenneth Shapiro, an associate of mob boss Nicky Scarfo, and mob-connected labor boss Daniel Sullivan."

"Trump seemed aware of this, calling Shapiro "a third-rate, local real estate mafia" and Sullivan "the guy who killed Jimmy Hoffa." laugh.png

"A few years later, Trump’s organized crime connections extended overseas. In 1992, a Senate subcommittee named Danny Leung,

who was then the vice president for foreign marketing at Trump Taj Mahal, as an associate of the Hong Kong-based organized crime group 14K Triad."

"According to gaming regulators, Leung "flew in 16 Italian organized crime figures from Canada who stole more than $1 million from the casino in a credit scam,"

reported the New York Daily News in 1995."

"The incident was never reported because Trump never filed charges."


Presidential material? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The Bloviator's countless nefarious exploits of cavorting with murderous extortionists will be under the harsh spot light soon.

In Grand Fashion. Lovin' it. biggrin.png


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Right, we've all seen the result at Wisconsin. It's all over for Trump.

Now then, Ted Cruz, you're the man. Lead the Republicans. And let's now have a SENSIBLE debate between the Democrats and the Republicans.

I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Ted Cruz, leader of the Republicans? SENSIBLE debate? He's a crazy wingnut and disliked by everyone. He's also very creepy.

Yeah Ted, lead the Republicans...right off a cliff.

Ole Ted is more dangerous than Trump. He's slightly smarter than Trump but he actually believes the invisible people telling what to do. Fortunately, he doesn't have a prayer. (Oh snap! Did you see what I did there? cheesy.gif )

Democrats have nothing to worry about with these two or any of their other idiots for that matter.

The American Mussolini chose the Republican party as his hoped for vehicle to power as it was the natural fit. His cup of tea.

Trump had for decades donated to both Republicans and Democrats. He mingled with each, solicited each and was solicited by each. He learned the political landscape then he decided to go with his natural affinity for the Republican party.

Trump had accurately determined he could not make any progress running in the Democratic party as a Democrat. No chance, not ever. Trump knew he'd need the whole of the Republican party to take on Hillary Clinton in a general election.

Turns out Trump doesn't have that either. Late as it may be, the Institutional Republican Party is organising and has begun to fend off a preziduce' Trump.

Americans have made themselves clear in their rejection of Trump. So it remains the serious challenge of the Republican party to throw off the most extreme of its most extreme members and supporters. Let them go their own way outside of the two-party system they outright reject and are trying to wreck.

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


And well they should view him negatively. How come you left out that portion of the poll where it found that 55% of Americans view Hillary Clinton negatively as well? That's worse than George Bush four years in to a horrible George Bush presidency.

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BOMBSHELL: Donald Trump Did YUGE Favors For Cocaine Trafficker, 3-Time Convicted Felon

"According to recently re-published documents (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/trump-dge-report),

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump had a very close relationship in the 1980s and 90s with a man convicted of three felonies.

In 1990, Trump was questioned in a sworn interview with the Division of Gaming Enforcement, which regulates casinos in Atlantic City.

In the interview, Trump was asked if he had ever written a testimonial vouching for Joseph Weichselbaum, who was facing felony charges for cocaine trafficking and “tax charges.”

"Trump told the regulators that he “could not recall if he had written any letters of reference to the federal judge who sentenced Weichselbaum.”

But according to DGE documents published in 1992, Donald did write a letter to a judge vouching for Weichselbaum." whistling.gif

“The letter of reference indicated that Weichselbaum was ‘conscientious, forthright and diligent’ in his business dealings with Trump Plaza

Hotel and Casino and Trump’s Castle Hotel and Casino and that he was a ‘credit to the community."

"Weichselbaum was originally charged in Ohio, one of the destinations for his drug smuggling.

He applied for, and received a transfer of his case to Newark, New Jersey, a location which was not involved in his case.

"Weichselbaum’s case was transferred again, and Donald wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency. He was released on parole after only 18 months served.

He then moved into Trump Tower, into an apartment reportedly purchased by his girlfriend." laugh.png


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Right, we've all seen the result at Wisconsin. It's all over for Trump.

Now then, Ted Cruz, you're the man. Lead the Republicans. And let's now have a SENSIBLE debate between the Democrats and the Republicans.

I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Ted Cruz, leader of the Republicans? SENSIBLE debate? He's a crazy wingnut and disliked by everyone. He's also very creepy.

Yeah Ted, lead the Republicans...right off a cliff.

Ole Ted is more dangerous than Trump. He's slightly smarter than Trump but he actually believes the invisible people telling what to do. Fortunately, he doesn't have a prayer. (Oh snap! Did you see what I did there? cheesy.gif )

Democrats have nothing to worry about with these two or any of their other idiots for that matter.

The American Mussolini chose the Republican party as his hoped for vehicle to power as it was the natural fit. His cup of tea.

Trump had for decades donated to both Republicans and Democrats. He mingled with each, solicited each and was solicited by each. He learned the political landscape then he decided to go with his natural affinity for the Republican party.

Trump had accurately determined he could not make any progress running in the Democratic party as a Democrat. No chance, not ever. Trump knew he'd need the whole of the Republican party to take on Hillary Clinton in a general election.

Turns out Trump doesn't have that either. Late as it may be, the Institutional Republican Party is organising and has begun to fend off a preziduce' Trump.

Americans have made themselves clear in their rejection of Trump. So it remains the serious challenge of the Republican party to throw off the most extreme of its most extreme members and supporters. Let them go their own way outside of the two-party system they outright reject and are trying to wreck.

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


And well they should view him negatively. How come you left out that portion of the poll where it found that 55% of Americans view Hillary Clinton negatively as well? That's worse than George Bush four years in to a horrible George Bush presidency.

Given the right are obsessed focused against Hillary Clinton I'd thought you mentioned it already along with your long line of posts attacking HRC that take the temporary and convenient ride on the Bernie Bandwagon until your next Hillary hating vehicle comes along.

Some nominal and recently contrived Bernie Democrats are in fact and in reality lifelong rightists. It's easy to know a wolf in any clothing.

You asked, I replied.

Carry on.

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